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Posts posted by J.R.

  1. Ice shrugged, pointing a hoof at Ticktock. "Hey, hey, hey. I'm just saying...dude more or less has a point with what he's saying." He said,firmly not really all that impressed by their attitude either. "So why don't we just mellow out a bit, and get down to business, eh?"

  2. "..That's not a good--anyway..." Ice looked around at the new scenery. The talk of weakness didn't really get to him, but there was something surely odd about this place. That or maybe he was overthinking it. Regardless, first impressions were always the lasting ones. "I wonder what a changeling would be doing around a place like this."

  3. Ice tapped his hoof on the table. This new job seemed much less...exciting than the last. But hey, anything was better than sitting around all day. Though, what Ticktock asked did make him raise an eyebrow. Why an escort all the sudden? "Yeah, who and why exactly?"

  4. "As a matter of fact I did," Ice responded to Tyra before looking over to see the unicorn. "Hold up--we better get over there," he said before making his way over to the table where the others were already seated. Patiently, he waited to be filled in on why they were brought back.

  5. Tyra blinked and tilted her head. "What pony?" She leaned over the counter to get a look.


    A wide grin crossed her face as she recognised the stallion, and she raced across the bar to glomp the unsuspecting blue pony.


    "ICE BLIZZARD!" She squee'd. "It has been too long, my friend!"


    Ice of course, didn't expect Tyra to be barreling across the bar. Even though there was literally no one else there, it was still a surprise. "Ah! Hey!" He yelped, finding himself tackled to the floor. "It's uh, great to see you too. Heh..." He sat up to hug her, "So you're here too huh?"

  6. Ice made his way up to the tavern counter, and looked at the keeper. "Eh? Oh, just some cider for me," he said casually, not trying to attract attention. This place was strange to say the least, and Ice knew it. Something about it just seemed to be…off. Or maybe he was overthinking it…

  7. @@Blitz Boom,

    Vera blinked. Now there was two of them. Great. Now her cover was blown and she had to deal with whoever these ponies were. Fun. But regardless, she couldn't focus on them. There were more important things to handle at that moment. ​"Uh, excuse me? I'm trying to figure out what's going on as well, so if you could..."

  8. After a while, Ice made his way into the tavern as well. It was crowded, and hard to maneuver around the constant flourish of servers and ponies trying to find a place to sit. Soon, he did find an empty seat up at the bar's counter, and promptly took it. Because of the crowd, though, he couldn't really see anyone.

  9. @@Blitz Boom,

    Who even was this pony? Eh, didn't really matter to her. All she was focused on was doing her job. No response came from her. Not even a tiny scoff. Instead, she merely went ahead, and focused on the job at hand, and that was investigating what was going on. So she walked on, and didn't pay him any mind.

  10. @@Denim&Venom,

    He blinked, and blushed again. Then it hit him--it was September. His nerves had gotten to him really badly and he was messing up. "Oh, right....uh...anyway..." A few beads of sweat ran down his face. But he didn't waste anymore time, and quickly put his laptop away. "I gotta go. See ya later." With that, he ran off towards the dorms.

  11. @@Denim&Venom,

    "Makes sense. That'd be messed up for someone to claim a song as their own when it's not. Especially when there's people working their asses off trying to make a living from it. And don't think I didn't hear you say that," he smirked, "I know what people are willing to pay for too."

  12. @@Denim&Venom,

    He laughed. "Heh. Well when playing them live it's usually for other events such as dancing competitions or something that requires music without the need for actual singers. Or simple background stuff for people to listen to as they pass by. Or just stuff to get jiggly with, ya know?"

  13. @@Blitz Boom,

    The gray mare wearing a black vest and having a sword sheathed at her side looked at this other mare. Was she really expecting to get information out of her that easily? "Sorry, but I work alone. Something definitely went wrong here, and I intend to find out. Alone."

  14. Well... I haven't given it much thought since I haven't really been on here.


    Lower the attitudes on the characters, I believe. It wasn't really a good time with me playing as Raze, if you remember, apologizing to them so they could stop, explaining the entire situation to both of them and apologizing just so they could deny it in his face. At that point I just wanted to move on from that whole schtick; I was disappointed and embarrassed I let that scenario escalate that way and I wanted to start Raze's relations with Jack and Double on a clean slate. Which didn't happen. I should've said something earlier.

    I understand, but that was merely me and Unicorncob playing our characters in the circumstances they were in according to how their characterization goes. What you have is a good start, but I would like to ask you to please not let what happens in the RP dictate how you play your characters or how you go about certain situations. That wasn't fun for us, and RPs are meant to be fun.


    You get what I'm saying?

    • Brohoof 2
  15. They have this... aura of cockiness around them that... doesn't sit right with me... and them being kids makes it even worse somehow... seems like they have no respect for anyone. I get this urge to make my OCs mess with them. Like they need to be taught a lesson...


    it's just cocky characters in general that think they're better than everybody have never been my thing. 


    It's just my opinion. It's probably wrong, and I'm sorry if it is, but it's my opinion nonetheless.


    I'll stop messing with them if it disturbs you.

    I would appreciate it if you did. This entire time I was confused as to why you were targeting them in particular. Honestly, if you witnessed more of their interactions you would understand their personalities. I for one though, don't understand why threatening them would help that, but focusing your stress and trying to go after one character in particular with your emotions instead of just playing for RP is generally not cool.


    I understand that you may not like a character, but just because I don't like Flurry Heart doesn't mean I'd threaten her like that and try to do anything like that to her.


    Jack hasn't been disrespectful to anyone so far. Just look at him and Double, they respect each other just fine.


    The point I want to make is that if there's a problem with something, then don't be afraid to speak up. No one's trying to be mean here. It's an RP not military boot camp. It's for everyone to have fun. And if you're not having fun that means there's something wrong with what's going on, and as the DM, and being directly involved with what has happened, I intend to help.


    Unicorncob gave good points--if someone was after you you wouldn't be so friendly either.


    I simply want you to take this under consideration, because there have been too many instances so far where others have done things in this RP that caused them to be removed, and I like to avoid that as much as possible.


    So to reiterate, if there's something wrong then don't be afraid to bring it up in the OOC. As the DM, I would be a failure if I didn't create an environment where everyone could simply have fun with each other. And if that's not happening, then there's something either wrong with me or the RP.


    Is everything clear?

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