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The Shyest One

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Status Updates posted by The Shyest One


    /roars everywhere

    1. The_Gobo


      You're... gonna... COSPLAY!!!!!


  2. Apologies to anypony in my PMs. I don't have a computer so I can't always reply right away properly! :<

    1. The_Gobo


      No problems :P


  3. Stop taking away my slippers!

    1. GrimGrimoire


      Who is stealing your slippers? Don't tell me.. it's Spike isn't it? The scoundrel.

    2. The_Gobo


      /totally didn't take them




  4. Back with an Updated Picture! Hello!

  5. I miss babscon.

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I miss my Tonsils............8D

    2. The Shyest One

      The Shyest One

      I still have mine. OB

    3. The Shyest One

      The Shyest One

      I still have mine. OB

  6. I want angry, thrash music. suggestions?

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      House of straw-bury your dead.........

  7. Been a while, ish. How goes it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AnonBrony


      Don't jinx it, The sick can return at any moment!

    3. The Shyest One

      The Shyest One

      @Anon: It actually could- I got about a third of the company sick when I had to come back. xD

      @Calli: Definitely! I had to deal with a month of it. ><

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Yay............contagions............also Welcome back.........Missed you Miss Shy

  8. Happy Hearts&Hooves Day~ ♡ Will you be my Valentine? x3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Shyest One

      The Shyest One

      I... only have chocolate. .3.

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................Okay. *eats the Chocolate*

    4. AnonBrony


      :D Yes I would love to! And I don't even need a cake bribing. x3
  9. Sickness gets me sooo out of it. =w=

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      No problem my dear, oh and Keep Up the Good Work, or work hard, or Save the World Sailor Mars.

    3. Solid


      Hope you are feeling better Shy ;) and yeah what Professor said save us from gargantua! Are we talking about interstellar here?

    4. Solid


      Nvm evidently not ^.^;

  10. cold pillows are my friend.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Join Me Shyest, & together we rule the status update.

    3. AnonBrony


      No Shy! Don't join him! HE will use you! Join me And I will help you reclaim this satus update!

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      But Shyest I am Your.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Fellow Human Being. (Dun, Dun Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

  11. I'll be in the shop alone today (even if I'm still sick), so please feel free to bother me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I do the same thing too, TSO. I'm the only one who can run my shop.

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Oh and I hope you feel better.

    4. The Shyest One

      The Shyest One

      @Anon: The shop I work at is quite specific in its staff, so I'm the only one who can work today. Part timers don't.

      @Miss: No, it doesn't. Thank you. (:

      @Prof: Doing my best and yeah, its a toughie but I'll try my best. Thanks

  12. Fever. :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. VitalSpark


      Yeah, I had a fever a few nights ago. Paracetamol is the solution. (You call it "acetaminophen" in America.)

    3. Solid


      Get well soon~ ;3

    4. AnonBrony


      Must be cuz of the Con. Hopefully this will make you feel better *super hugs* Hugs always make people feel better c:

  13. About to get my Sailor Mars cosplay on. (:

  14. Ever get that feeling when you can feel that someone doesn't like you?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Solid


      @Anon +1 tis' abomination Solid cannot tolerate! }:3

    3. The Shyest One

      The Shyest One

      @Solid and Anon: You guuuuuys. :33

    4. 碇 シンジン
  15. All of these PW characters!! /squee ♡♡

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Shyest One
    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D


    4. Solid


      Arrgggh, the force of that word is 2powerful4me -covers face-

  16. be back in the late hours, have a good day everyone~

  17. A good morning to everypony here~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonBrony
    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Good Morning ,Good Morning, Good Mornin To you.

    4. Noei



  18. Hug?

    1. Show previous comments  65 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      I am not popular D:

    3. Wingnut


      Sir Hugoholic! It's about time you got here. AnonBrony was hogging all the hugs. :P


      And for the record, I have never reached 100 comments. ;_;

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      I'd not be so sure, Wingnut :3

  19. This'll be some kind of day, again. .-.

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