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Captain Salty Scribbles

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Posts posted by Captain Salty Scribbles

  1. 1 hour ago, LetterTwister said:

    It's sad watching something you love deteriorate.

    There's this game I've loved for 6 years now. Management did an incredible job of making it, and a lot of the community is incredibly generous to new and old players alike. It's only from this game that I got confident sharing my writing with other people, which was something I was terrified of doing before. I genuinely don't think I'd be so happy to talk to people on here about my stories without that game helping me break out of my shell first. It even helped me be more confident with talking to people! :yay: I've met super sweet people on there and made great memories.
    That's why I'm a little anxious about the direction the game is going in. :sunny: A portion of the community is... less than ideal, and management is fumbling, too.
    Long rant spoilered below. :coco:

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    A good portion of the community is very entitled and flips on a dime, and management listens to them because they're so loud and hostile instead of acknowledging the portion of the community that comments on these situations after cooling down.

    I don't think management is perfect whatsoever; they've made some decisions with the game (many that they later reversed) that felt more like they dared each other to throw a dart at a board and implement whatever it landed on, but there are so many situations the community could've handled better.

    At the same time, management feels incredibly wishy-washy. They stick to their guns on some things, but with a lot of other things, it genuinely feels like it's only a matter of a portion of the playerbase screaming at them until they get spooked into changing whatever that crowd doesn't like.

    I've seen in real time how they reward the people who scream the loudest.

    For one example, they suddenly changed the appearance of two cosmetic items several months into their existence. They asserted that the community was given a warning that it'd change... several months prior, in a small thread that had since been buried by everyone else posting about whatever. I was also on a hiatus when that warning was posted, so I never saw it. I didn't think to look, and with how many things in this game are released with "errors" that don't get fixed until months or literal years later, I admit that one is probably on me.

    I had one of the two items and I'm disappointed to this day over how it was changed, but at the same time, what can you do? They wanted to change it so they did, and I'm just one person. I saw not a single thread about reverting the change for the item I had, so I figured nothing would be done.

    On the other hand, the people who had the other more popular item were furious (not that I blame them for being upset). There were nonstop threads in multiple portions of the site calling attention to it, and so many people were angry for so long that management eventually reverted the item back to its original appearance and promised to do better with alerting the community of future changes in advance.

    My item was never changed back to how it originally looked. Maybe 2 people max brought up that it was changed at all.

    This could be a lesson about being less passive, but it's a struggle. I don't want to add to the management's stress. :worry:

    I don't think either side was wrong to be upset here and I fully support changing both items back to how they looked originally. One side was practically nonexistent due to that item being less popular, though, so it was left alone.

    I can't blame management for assuming silence = acceptance. I'm just complaining here, really. Just like the people I'm complaining about. :ButtercupLaugh:

    The game doesn't allow discussion of its policies on the site itself, and with how hostile the playerbase can get, I get that decision. Thing is, from what I've seen, the community elsewhere is split between "management is awful on purpose and the game is dying" and "management is perfect all the time, everyone who's upset is just complaining for the sake of it".

    Just like the community on the site itself.


    I'm not even angry, just disappointed.

    I hate doomposting. I don't think the site is going to collapse or anything. This has just been on my mind for a while. :worry:

    I do not recognize the game, but feel the same about Sea of Thieves. =/

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  2. It's nice to meet you here @Lorthalis ^•^

    Welcome aboard to our train, you are just in time!

    I was a pony sleeper agent many years as well and came back to the mission a month ago. It was weird story tho...

    Have a nice day. I hope to meet you around ^~^

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