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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by xenozfan3

  1. Bye guys! Going to camp, see ya in about a week!

  2. All my Skype contacts were removed earlier I discovered :0

  3. Hello one and all, the King Of Depravity has returned with your regularly scheduled chaos, how are we???

  4. Having discussions with my dad always, brightens my day

  5. Yey! I'm over 100 brohooves!

  6. Getting up in the morning is hard

  7. Yey! I'm over 100 brohooves!

  8. You know, i can understand that you didn't liked yesterdays episode, because i didn't either. But don't harass the writers like a child, who got lollipop stolen. They're still humans you know?

  9. You know, i can understand that you didn't liked yesterdays episode, because i didn't either. But don't harass the writers like a child, who got lollipop stolen. They're still humans you know?

  10. Really really sick. I need a miracle cure for this.. My throat is so raw..:C

  11. mood swings=)=(=)=))(=(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)( couple things today I regret =/ night comes closer sunday sabbath =( I'm sorry *hugs everyone* I get so bored these days ._. forums feel slow because i have nothing else to focus on always tired going to see the doctor again in tuesday i try be happy but time goes slow and fast at the same time and i cant see what is going on thought I got thourgh this already but it seems im here again its last august all over again only this time i atleast have...

    1. xenozfan3


      I would gladly rp with you if I was any good at it. :(

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  12. It's official. I don't like despicable me. You just can't sell me this movie. I was so bored by it.

  13. *Looks at face in mirror* "Damn, why don't I have a girlfriend yet?" *Looks down at stomach* "Oh yeah..." #Noteventhatbig

  14. Can't believe I sent Jerry Peet $50 instead of buying a video game.

  15. Can't believe I sent Jerry Peet $50 instead of buying a video game.

  16. Woot! A 2:1 for my first year of Uni! I can finally justify all this alcohol I have.

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