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Probably Lee

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Everything posted by Probably Lee

  1. There is a chance i have a very small case of serious autism. Meh, it has its benefits.
  2. So far i am, thanks, i have never seen a more consistantly nice bunch, who have so much variation.
  3. Come and join all nighters and watch dumb stuff on equestria.tv! http://equestria.tv/r/All-Nighters

  4. Thanks! I have already been having fun, so far.
  5. Im going to die tomorrow

  6. I was 7 when i got my first pokemon game, platinum. gen 4 holds a dear space i my heart. And memories of little me dropping my ds when i was about to beat the champion and then raging lives on.
  7. Prepare for awesomeness. And a terrible morning http://equestria.tv/r/All-Nighters
  8. Lets do this people This is gonna be awesome http://equestria.tv/r/All-Nighters
  9. I have no more to say. I hope i do not turn into a vegetable.
  10. At least i watched one of the mo- WAIT COMICS? *Faints*
  11. OH GOD I HAVE LIKE 40 OR 60 EPISODES DON'T I. THANKS I GOTTA GO - *runs to television*
  12. Skype up or something. Later, considering its 2 in the morning and everyone is sleeping, but it would be awesome.
  13. I have to remind myself to not make snide comments, and its weird not seeing haters. Man this community is awesome.
  14. YES, EVERYONE TO THE CHEESECAKE CONVO! *Starts to sing tone-deaf song about cheesecake*
  15. *Hums in awkward silence.* R.I.P Cheesecake Conversation
  16. I think i might have a very minor case of serious autism.

    1. honk friend

      honk friend

      a lot of us do

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Good Point


    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      At least it has its benefits


  17. Okay, excuse my ignorance and overall forum noobiness, what is the general thread? I thought sugarcube corner was
  18. there is a lot of electronic mlp music, which i can dig some of it, but is there any rock ones? Wait what if there was a mlp metal band. That would be weird Not what im looking for though, im looking for, like, garage bands. Mtankya Or hell, mabye i could start one
  19. Thanks Ill get around to changing my icon, and I already know from my pre-brony days to stay away from cupcakes. Its a good thing i did not like cupcakes anyway
  20. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake? i like strawberry
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