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Probably Lee

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Everything posted by Probably Lee

  1. This music video reminds me of Heart Shaped Box

  2. My taste in music has rapidly expanded

    1. Monsoon


      Mine is decent

  3. I swear, me and brony lingo is like being halfway through a language, understanding it when people say it, but never being able to apply it XD

  4. I had a dream where a friend of mine was getting dissed and i got beat down. Which is weird, because in my teenage guy imagination, i would have normally pulled out ninja moves or something.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I wasn't like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i was more like "God damnit, im getting beat up :/"


    2. Nuke87654


      Probably a vision or something

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I'm of the belief that dreams are scenarios to help prepare you with things. They are pretty much useless anymore with us being super elaborate, but i can see that one helping. I'm pretty darn overconfident sometimes and i can see myself getting in a situation like that. :3


      I just thought it was hilarious that i didn't magically learn how to fight awesomely, like how i know it would go over in my imagination XD


  5. I swear, every time i replace something, something else breaks D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      :T. Well, I hope you will be able to find a way to stop the breaking :)

    3. Probably Lee
    4. Probably Lee
  6. You asked for terrible jokes, what do muslims do during foreplay They pet the goat's chin.
  7. Rock, Jazz, Funk, And Punk, excluding most of the newer punk bands which are very pop.
  8. I was scrolling through stuff... and i started to develop and opinion... on... um... shipping o^o

    1. Ryzu


      Who's your OTP

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Flutter and Big Mac DX

    3. Ryzu


      Big Mac and Pipsqueak :]

  9. I love them all, and twilight is my second favorite, but i think that removing twilight would do the least harm.
  10. I know :3 My grandfather has had monkey brain before
  11. I used to be scared of the metro goldwyn mayer lion when in old cartoons like tom and jerry.
  12. That would be called homoromantic asexual. Aaand my lazy ass scrolls up and see someone already posted it :|
  14. No, no interest in guys sexually whatsoever. Wouldn't gross me out though, I would experiment.
  15. Im guessing that 5 is average, so attractiveness 6 or 7/10 Intelligence is 7 or 8/10 niceness is 5/10
  16. Or how about the glue that the fillies use in arts and crafts When you think about it them having milk or red meat, thats kinda like us eating and milking monkeys
  17. A friend of mine just thought i was coming out of the closet to her. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I texted her "Man, it would be awesome to be bi!" she was like, "... Is this your way of coming out of the closet? You have my full support." Which is silly because she should know that i would really be like " YEAH IM GAY BITCHES" >:D

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      First i was like XD then i was like D:<

    4. Monsoon
  18. Well duh, everyone on this forum is awesome. Actually though, i have done that before.
  19. Man, i wish i was bisexual, that would be awesome. Buuuut the kinsey scale says im predominantly heterosexual, and only incidentally homosexual. Whatever that means. Darn. :okiedokielokie:
  20. I am definitley heteromantic, but i am completely confused to whether or not im asexual or heterosexual. So YAY for sexual confusion!!! I c wut u did thar Me too occasionally.
  21. Having a fantastic day.

    1. Steelstallion


      I try to have those as much as possible. :) And due to my efforts, most of them go pretty well ^_^

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I have no idea why i am even. My day should have been ruined a long time ago, or right when i woke up >U<

  22. On a scale of 1/10, how open would you say bronies are to the younger members. :grin2:
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