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Probably Lee

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Everything posted by Probably Lee

  1. Yay, awesome banner! :D

  2. This is a tough one. Most of my flaws just make me laugh really. I don't really care what people think of me, but thats not really a flaw, as sometimes it helps me socially, and sometimes it backfires on me. Because i can be a little aggressive when arguing, i tend to talk in a demeaning tone when debating. I never mean it though. usually ;p. The demeaning tone can tend to shut people down, which sometimes works in my favor, though it shouldn't, and that's a bad thing. I'm pretty sloppy, though i prefer to call it homey, yet i organize on video games for some reason x3 I know there are many more, those being large flaws, but i can't think of any in particular. Back to the arguing, if i'm wrong after debating, i'm pretty good with being like, "Oh, okay, nevermind im wrong. sorry!" Which pisses people off a lot somehow X3 You would think it would be redeeming.
  3. slept 10 hours, i have been up 10 hours, already tired :|

  4. Been binging Daredevil lol c;

  5. My god i have a fear of 2 or 3 select insects, you'll see me standing over a dead moth, panting with a flyswatter like you would see a guy after he kills a zombie. I hate moths so much XD

  6. I was woken up with a suprise "Hey, guess what, we randomly decided we are going to go get a kitten tomorrow!" Im strangely unexcited and rather neutral about it :|

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Aw that sucks, sorry you do. Is it very serious? I think for a few years cats gave me a runny nose

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      my eyes go ichy and its harder to breath and my nose itchu too

    4. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      That sucks. I hope it does go away! *Hug*


  7. *Ad turns on* "Hey, fallout. WAIT FALLOUT?!? *Looks down and sees "Fallout 4 Trailer"* OMYGODYAS!!!!!!!11!!1!!!"

  8. When you get in a good mood, but have no way to express it. Kinda sucks when you have nothing to do with it.

  9. I had a dream where a thief broke in and stole all of our silverware :|

    1. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      I had a dream I fought a ghost inside an active volcano

    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I had a dream that gypsy stole my tv

    3. Probably Lee
  10. Can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the handsome collection :3

  11. A close friend of mine recently learned that she has trypophobia, a fear of holes in an irregular pattern, such as strawberries, beehives, or anthills. It got me thinking if i have any fears, as i thought i didn't. For some reason i never attributed my jitteriness around insects as a fear, but it really is a borderline phobia. Some of the worst are moths, they are like the ugly cousins of butterflies, except they also flap in your face and headbutt your lamp. I am way better with insects that don't fly, and i even like bees. While ill be slurring swears every which way if a moth is fluttering around me while in a group of friends, if that moth is switched out with a bee, ill just be chillin as i watch all of my friends flee out of the room. What about your guys' fears or phobias?
  12. I need a new podcast to listen to :| I have been listening to Drunks and Dragons, Stuff you Should Know, JustKiddingNews and Bronyville. I also used to listen to the Dead Workers Party's stuff. Any suggestions?

  13. My parents are worried about my sleeping habits.

    1. Admiral Regulus

      Admiral Regulus

      My sleep inhabitants are worried about my parents.

    2. EmiliaBoneca


      My are sleep worried habits pareERROR

  14. I think he is a good guy. I don't really find him that funny anymore, but i used to watch him a lot. I might start liking his humor again, who knows. EDIT: A lot of people are saying that he used to be funny, but I wonder if they didn't just outgrow his humor.
  15. Probably Lee

    gaming Skyrim

    While i think the more logical option is the imperials, I can sympathize with the stormcloaks, and i can get myself into a mindset for my character to join.
  16. School ends tomorrow :D

  17. Bill Nye is pretty in your face, but i also tend to agree with what he says. I used to do debate stuff, but i quit for the sole reason that i get in-your-face and aggressive, and the tone i talk to people in can get rather degrading, though i do not mean it. Mr. Rogers is exactly the opposite in that sense when you think about it. Kind of strange that they are so close for a lot of people, including me. Bill actually is a scientist. Or maybe he is a retired one, i can't remember. He can be pretty aggressive though. I cracked up at that picture XD I love science way more than people, so i would rather be a dickhead all my life and know a lot XD Good point. Did he think it was good or bad? I keep switching back and forth dangit XD On a side note, i have noticed that scientists can tend to get easily frustrated.
  18. So im doing a speech on bronies at school ;3

  19. Who would you rather disappoint? You kind of can disappoint Bill, there is a educational kid game where you have to save the world. The pressure is on, you don't just fail earth, you fail Bill Nye
  20. Finally finished walking dead. have had the last two episodes to watch since they came out.

    1. Dewdlz


      I need to watch that show.

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