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Probably Lee

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Everything posted by Probably Lee

  1. So i have been working on an OC, and so far i have had a few difficulties I was thinking i was going to make him bald, because i couldn't think of any manestyles i would like. But it seemed like he didn't have enough identifying features, so i went and made his head shaped different, like dude letrotsky, so he would have some recognizable features. That didn't end up working enough, so i added some markings, then piercing to try and make it *more*. I kind of like him, but i'm unsure about some things. Here he is before, when i was trying to come up with a color If i back up all the way to this picture, I will have to come up with a different mane style Do you guys think he is good enough? Or should i take a few steps back? And if i should, do you have any suggestions for a manestyle? Thanks EDIT* Here he is with me trying to give him a shaved head. It kind of looks like i am just prepping to put the mane on though... He is starting to look like a monk, lol
  2. Oh, how i loved Invader Zim. It is probably right by FiM in my favorites, if not a little over. However watching shows that have already been cancelled don't really bug me. I have issues with keeping up to date on shows, i often force myself to binge watch them. I only really like 1 season animes for example, any more and it requires too much of my time. I totally thought AoT was a 1 season anime, because it feels like it started so long ago, but i was PO'd when i realized at the end of the season that more were coming out, and i would feel the need to stay updated.
  3. I was looking at the post that had pictures of members on it, because i was curious. when i scroll past and see someone i know, it kinda makes things real, and makes me want to go to a con even more :3

  4. Ugh, 300 something notifications XD

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. SkullcandyPegasus


      not quite enough! i'll reply to add another =P

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      @ooBrony Hey! :3

      @Skull D:

  5. So wait, your using all of these? How are you going to go about doing that? Anyways, good luck! I might contribute if i don't get sidetracked.
  6. If anyone is interested in trying d&d with a couple of goofballs, send my skype, dittofunny, a friend request c:

  7. House rules are usually my backup if i don't know something I actually don't use that many.
  8. I have not really played that much d&d. I have played 3 sessions as a player, and only 2 as a DM. However, i have listened to a lot of podcasts, and watched some D&d so i got the gist of it. 5e doesn't seem that different to play, and from what i understand, its also a lot less complicated. I just helped convert our new players 4e character to 5e, and my friend does not even have the resources to make a character by himself, so i need to read him everything from the player guide What edition did you play? Also its going to be about a week or so before we can start, so we can wait for your headset if you are wanting to play
  9. Hey, me and my friend have been wanting to play d&d 5e, with me as the DM. I would rather only have 3 players, but i can work for more if needed. Ill be using the website roll20 to play, so all you really need is a laptop and a mic. If you do not know how to make a character i can help you make one over vchat. You do not have to have any prior knowledge of d&d, we will just walk you through it if your new. To organize stuff, we will just be making a skype group, so if you want to join, send me a FR to my skype, dittofunny, and tell me you want to play. Please though, if you want to join, make sure that you are available almost every session. We will figure out what time and day every week once we get all of our people. Thanks! EDIT: We have 1 more player now. That makes 1 DM and 2 players.
  10. Yay, love the banner :D

  11. Just finished Daredevil :o

  12. If your a fan of Mystery Dungeon you can just look at this and know its a bad game. I did not want to give it a chance, i was kinda angry. One of my first video games was Explorers of Darkness actually, i remember being 6, in a bumpy car, trying to hold my finger straight on the aura thing. I only recently realized how nostalgic it made me, when i heard a song from platinum that was also on darkness. I friggin' love that game. Imma pull it out actually, i was never able to defeat the final boss I actually played a bit of it on a simulator, and i didn't mind it, I thought it was kinda fun. I wonder if its target demographic was females. I have heard a lot of people say that XD
  13. Jusst got back from a Bluesey, Jazz concert.

  14. Face painted some kiddos today. It was fun, only a few people thought i was a pedophile! :D

    1. APegLegPirate


      Did you do their faces "savagely"?

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Very ;)

      I almost got it in their mouths a few times.

    3. APegLegPirate
  15. Going to go face paint at some weird fair thingy.

  16. He took a risk by doing that. He knew that he could get fired for that. I don't think the boss was wrong for firing him. I also don't think he was wrong for giving the game, especially since he knew he might get fired. I didn't think about this.
  17. "You lookin' at my shotty? Don't look at my shotty!" *When using a shotgun, from borderlands 2* Or screaming incomprehensible insanity. Its harder than it looks to quickly think of something a homicidal maniac would say. Fun though :3 I SCREAM INTO THE WATER, AS IT TURNS INTO MUD, INTO BLOOD, AS IT RUNS DOWN MY FACE I TURN AND DROP DUCKY, OH DUCKY DUCKY DUCKY I LOVE BUBBLES RINSE AWAY THE GRIT, OR RINSE IN THE GRIT SCRAPINGAGAISNT MY SKIN AS IT TURNS TO STONE AS I SMASH YOU WITH STONE BITS OF BONE FLY AWAY AND I CRUNCH THEM AND SUCK THE MARROW AWAY FROM MY SMASHED CHICKEN LEG AND I CUT MY CHEEK YES THE BLISS. I approve of this tactic ^
  18. Cool style, its really awesome
  19. I have a kitty sleeping on me :3

  20. Thank god, I"m not the only person who notice how often people *hug* on here X3 I'm pretty open to contact irl, and with most people it wouldn't be awkward. Meanwhile i still feel awkward on here when i type *hug* cx
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