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Probably Lee

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Everything posted by Probably Lee

  1. Apparently im a Lawful Neutral Human Bard/Sorcerer (1st/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 12 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 15 Wisdom- 11 Charisma- 13

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Take this friggin huge test here - http://easydamus.com/character.html



  2. I just woke up. its 9 pm

  3. I was 5 months old in my mother's arms watching the news with her.
  4. every 3-5 status updates involve me needing sleep XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I should try being nocturnal for a week :o

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      It's much harder than it sounds

    4. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I'm sure it will be XD The thing that would bug me the most would be nobody else being awake. Plus, if i'm doing this in summer time, the days will be long. Thankfully i can easily force myself to sleep if i'm in a comfortable situation. I might try this :.

  5. Sure! I have listened to a lot of drunks and dragons, so i have the basics, and i have kind of a story written, but im unsure if i have enough, or the right enemies. I also have not played a session yet c: EDIT : That was a lot of commas :|
  6. Who is that pretty lady? Who was that pretty lady? Something about the ears are weird, but its really nice looking
  7. Me and my group are pretty nooby at d&d 5e. I'm also DMing in a few days, so thats fun. I would totally support a pony tabletop game! Now if only i had friends that would play with me
  8. I just learned that my best friend has tryphobia. She just learned it too :|

    1. catnet


      I'm not very familiar with what tryphobia is about, but I'm sorry to hear it; hopefully it won't cause too many problems for her. :( *hugs*

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Its a fear of holy things with irregular patterns, like strawberries, tire treads, or bee hives. It isn't too bad, but i think it may be one of the larger reasons behind her panic attacks. She is happy she knows what it is though :) Thanks

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      She would also be pleased that senpai noticed her.

  9. I just learned that my best friend has tryphobia. She just learned it too :|

  10. Ugh, i need sleep v.v

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      *gives sleep*



    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Thanks :D

      *Does not go to sleep for next few days*

  11. Im Christian now :|
  12. Cliff Burton from Metallica was one of the best bass players i have ever seen. He died in a bus crash I also really like TIm Commorford's (Rage Against the Machine) playing style.
  13. I organize my music with an artist folder, then put a folder for each album inside. Then if i want to listen to something, i make a playlist, an throw the albums i want in it.
  14. I used to like pewdiepie, but now i just stare with a blank stare as he screams stuff about tits and mamas. I kinda wish he still appealed to me. Onision is a douchebag. I remember watching a video that was talking about how he recorded his gf with serious mental issues having some sort of attack, other than getting her help.
  15. I just watched Lucy :| I found it awful and unfounded. I guess it would have been better if it was presented as 'Hey, watch this chick beat some dudes up!" It was fantasy, not science fiction.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I actually found Transcendence to be better than Lucy. I don't understand why most critics contend it's the other way around. Granted Transcendence isn't top dog either.

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I have not heard of Transcendence, could you tell me what its about?


    4. Wind Chaser
  16. I used to be really anxious, and i consider myself pretty empathetic. I have had an overall low-trauma life, yet when someone has a really rough patch in their life, i feel like i can understand them and feel what they are feeling.
  17. Im going to reread eragon :.

  18. Had a tornado >inside< of a town 30 minutes away from us earlier. Then it hailed here :|

  19. I need to eat so i can take my back pills

  20. I skinned my forefingers on my bass. Didn't notice until the end of the song :| WAKAWAKA

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