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Probably Lee

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Everything posted by Probably Lee

  1. I just watched rainbow rocks. Way better than the first one.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Monsoon


      Ohh that's why :3

    3. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      My favorite was snips and snails band :3

    4. Monsoon


      That was funny

  2. So i want to know your D&d character. Doesn't matter what edition, or if its homebrew (Class: Earth Pony ). I don't care what format you have, or if you do or do not list your stats. Do whatever! I'm a pretty big noob at the game, i have only played twice with my little group of equally nooby friends, but here is mine - Name : Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook (You can call me Zook thought(Gnomes have lots of names, but he can only remember one. So he just repeats it )) Race : Rock Gnome Class : Druid Alignment : He is Chaotic Good, and Insane Backstory : When Zook was around 200, He was a young adventurer, puzzler and scholar. But when he was searching through the tombs of... um... somewhere, he found a stone of youth, causing his aging to slow down, and stop right before when he would have died, at 450 years old. He is now 7,000 years old, and batshit crazy. He is rather gullible sometimes, and does whatever he can to help people, whether they are good or bad (Not that he could tell). He sometimes suddenly breaks into sanity, but he just acts cool about it. For the last few thousand years he has been something of a... a town pet i guess? Everyone in Neverwinter(I guess) knows him, and most of them let him into their house to eat and sleep. Background: Urchin Appearance: (I suck too bad at drawing(And grammar apparently)) He looks ancient, but has a springy lively stature that is probably preserved by the stone. He has a shortish squarey(REAL WORD) beard shaped like \ - /, wears like a little leather pilots cap without the glasses, and wears whatever he finds, especially if they have pockets. He also carries around tools a lot. He has dexterity of 14, and an intelligence and wisdom of 16. His strength and constitution are 11, but his charisma is 6 I kinda intended him to be the puzzle-master, able to move around easily and... well... solve puzzles! I thought it would just be hilarious to have the party search the place, and little crazy me just to walk in, look over, and hit a hidden button.(Pinkiepie Style ) I made him a druid because that class is very flexible and there are animals i could turn into (such as a cat, or a frog) that would improve my sneak/dexterity and my perception. I'm running with a party that is a Racist Charlatan Neutral Rogue Elf, Good Outlander Ranger Half-Elf, and a Lawful Neutral Soldier Fighter Blue Dragonborn. When you think about it our elf should not get along with any of us, Her being racist to our Half-Elf, stealing things around our awful Dragonborn, And she is probably going to scam my character sometime.
  3. Maybe make the green pale or washed out, or the hair darker. I think it looks fine as it is though
  4. I was going to say staying inside and gaming, but then i saw outdoors. I guess having friends over and snacking and chatting at night.
  5. I have hazel @Countless Noodle Heh... Heh... Completely unrelated to eyes but i am way too amused by the fact that your group is birds, and your page is covered with Xatus XD I sat there and watched that whole thing.
  6. Is anyone going to be at The Running of The Leaves in Denver, or at Midwest Bronycon in Kansas City?

  7. That card looks awesome! But +9 combat check? is this going to be similar to d&d?
  8. You gotta keep em seperated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Like a spreading disease

    3. Happy Spark is King

      Happy Spark is King

      The kids are strappin on the way to the classroom

    4. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      getting weapons with the greatest of ease

  9. Bak to skool... Bak to skool...

  10. My little sister just drew me the mane 6 :)

  11. *Gets back up and bites Dark's neck*

  12. Nirvana is the first thing that comes to my mind. Or the big punk ones like blink-182, Offspring and Green Day... Course i was raised on that stuff so

    1. V1NYL_DA5H


      blue! blue! blue! blue! blue! blue! blue! Blue Dye the Magic Guy

    2. Monsoon


      UHHHHH okay *walks back out

  14. First of all, Go to sisterhooves social with Scootaloo... Not bad... Start a band with Yoshi... Okay... Wait... OH MY GOD YES GO TO A RAVE WITH... SQUIRTLE
  15. I'm thirteen, but i and some others swear that i was supposed to be born in the 90's. The music, the shows, the games(Pokemon bruh), the music, thats about all i do. Course i guess i was raised on that stuff sooo... Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?
  16. Soap. Ooh or that time my "Friends" had me drink a buffalo wing, ice cream, Dr. Pepper, Marinara, Popcorn and probably other hotel foods shake. I quit first sip, and took my purple nurple with honor. :okiedokielokie: What they didn't know is that i have nipples of STEEL I find it hilarious that you, being a brony, would eat horse, why many others would be like - "NO ". I would totally eat it though
  17. Wait, there is a mlp trading card game? Is it good?

    1. V1NYL_DA5H


      I don't know how to play it but it's fun to collect them, I have 5

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      I'm thinking about trying it, but i already spend too much money on the pokemon one XD

  18. I still have to catch up on so many things XD

  19. Something has been up with my shins and my knees, but i keep forgetting to get it checked out. Now its track time, and i feels like im spraining my legs when i run

  20. What is your favorite pony design. Mine has to be Twi. I love her hair.
  21. I am watching the assassins creed movie.

  22. I have been trying a stealthy mage on skyrim. he has turned into more of a sneaky swordsman who spams muffle.

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