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Status Updates posted by RarityFan01

  1. I wonder what element of harmony I would be? Element of grumpiness? Element of confusion? Element of making up elements of harmony that are the opposite of harmony?

  2. Most people photoshop themselves to look more beautiful. I do it to look like an alien.

  3. I am pretty sure I'm bipolar. The only reason I don't know for sure is because my town isn't very good with mental health.

  4. This is my life... when I'm nice, no one cares. When I'm angry, everyone turns on me. It's official. The world hates me.

  5. This is my life... when I'm nice, no one cares. When I'm angry, everyone turns on me. It's official. The world hates me.

  6. I am really starting to hate Australians...

  7. I'm going to name my daughter Andrea Diane. I am not sure which last name to use, though. (My girlfriend and I are both very Pinkie Pie)

  8. I write an MLP episode about how it's OK to make mistakes, and I hate making mistakes. I suck at practicing what I preach.

  9. In the town from the Season premier, no pony is better than the worse. I have a hard time believing that even the worst pony there is a great singer.

  10. I did it! I finished the first draft of my Christmas fan fiction! (It takes place in the Equestria Girls universe, so it's not Hearth's Warming.) Now I just have to edit it and hopefully get it published on time. I'm also working on a Rarilight fan fiction which won't be published until High Schools start doing finals. So I have plenty of time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Well, it can't be helped. Nonetheless, I hope you receive positive feedback. :)

    3. RarityFan01


      So do I. I got positive reviews feedback on a fan fiction that was supposed to suck, so I know I suck at sucking. :P

    4. RarityFan01


      I forgot to delete the reviews part...

  11. Is it weird that I will defend ponies I don't like? Twilight for example. I don't like Twilight, but I will still defend her.

  12. As a writer, I have control over everything! Mwahahahaha!

  13. I have audio spatial synesthesia. I am still terrible with music.

  14. Sometimes I wish that Pinkie would shatter the fourth wall so the barrier between our world and Equestria is gone.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      That would be really awesome! And a little scary.

    2. RarityFan01


      If you don't fit into their idology, you will be attacked by a rainbow.

  15. I'm creating a Mane Six team in Pokemon X. Sorry, Spike, I can only have six Pokemon.

  16. I'm so glad Sweetie Belle is Rarity's sister. I drew her so small that I couldn't draw her cutie mark, so I made her wear a dress.

    1. Sweetie-Belle
    2. RarityFan01


      It is. I am not telling you what you're getting for Hearth's Warming.

  17. No microphone: Amazing voice. Microphone: Voice cracks, can't make out words, singing is terrible. Why can't I sing in front of a microphone?

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Performance anxiety, perhaps?

    2. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Or maybe a poor quality microphone.

    3. RarityFan01


      IT's not the quality of the microphone that's the problem. I can hear myself mess up even when I use a microphone. I know I have the fear of public speaking, but I don't know if that will have anything to do with it.

  18. There aren't many fan made songs about Rarity.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      There's a fair few, but not as many as for some other ponies.

  19. I'm eating chorizo and cheese tortilla pizza. It's actually good.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Sounds... interesting.

  20. It's Princess Luna's birthday. she's getting old.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Yet she looks as young as ever. :)

  21. I hate how a lot of bronies think of Fluttershy as an evil pony who is actually pretending to be kind. As if kindness doesn't exist and there is always a hidden motive?

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      A lot of bronies think that?

    2. RarityFan01


      That's how she's portrayed in the fandom.

  22. If I ever give you something, don't question it. I usually give things because I feel like it. I have no motivation.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      That's the best reason to give things; because you want to.

    2. RarityFan01


      People think I want something. I don't blame them. A lot of puerile give so they get something in return.

  23. yes, I want a green alligator.

  24. I'm sorry for the way I behaved yesterday. I'm thin skinned, so I deserve to be bullied. I shouldn't have been mad because I can't handle it. I need to grow up and stop being a wimp. I need help.

    1. SynBassilicious Pony

      SynBassilicious Pony

      No one deserves to be bullied.

    2. RarityFan01


      I keep hearing that, but it's hard to believe knowing my past.

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