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Status Updates posted by RarityFan01

  1. Season 5 won't have a Raripie episode :( they need an episode together.

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. RarityFan01


      *Hugs back* Rarity solo episodes are great, but Rarity needs episodes with other characters besides Applejack and Spike!

  2. I'm stupid. :( I thought when someone complained about how much stuff they had to do, it was nice to help them. No! They will complain more!

    1. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      It's not you; it's them. And with such people it's best to leave them be. Complainers can really drain away your energy, haha.

    2. RarityFan01


      My mom complains a lot and believes she can because she's older. I hate her. She thinks everything is so obvious and thinks I'm an idiot for not getting everything. In an autistic retard. I don't know when to tell someone something or not. I'm always wrong because no matter what, my mom finds me annoying.

    3. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Well, you can't change you mom; she is who she is. But you can change how you react to her behavior. Sometimes you need to know when to take things with a pillar of salt and to choose your battles. Try not to let her complaining rub you the wrong way; just because she complains doesn't mean you should be made unhappy by it. Be like a duck and let the water roll off your back. ^^

  3. I'm self centered and vain :'(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. RarityFan01


      Yeah. I've even been called a narcissist, but I'm more histrionic.

    4. RarityFan01
  4. My brain went all Rarity!

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. RarityFan01


      I thought your brain was always full Rarity. You have pictures of Rarity all around your house, your walls are covered with her cutie mark, your dishes have pictures of her on them, your bed is Rarity. Etc.

  5. Drawing with a pen nib that needs to be replaced is terrible! It makes that scraping noise! I don't have any more pen nibs, but I needed to draw! I'm going to wait until I get more to color the drawing in. It's Lyra's head.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RarityFan01
    3. RarityFan01


      The nibs were supposed to last a year. I got my first set on Christmas of last year. (along with the drawing tablet) but now I'm on my third set. The sets come in fives.

    4. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      You do draw a lot! :o Well, good for you! I don't write nearly as much as I should. :/

  6. A brand new guy added me as his very first friend. I feel loved <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. RarityFan01


      *hugs you both* I will go on a quest to hug everyone and to stop people from believing hugs are evil!

    4. CheeryFox
  7. Making a cartoon is hard! I only have Rick's design, and he looks more like a fan art design than concept art. I suck at concept art, and I don't know anyone willing to create some for a pitch when there's a chance they won't get any money.

  8. I'm lonely. :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RarityFan01


      I did. They want parent's information and stuff. I hope It's not too late. It probably is, though. Besides, applying for classes is hard. I don't understand half the words.

    3. CheeryFox


      You might be able to get the college's FAO / counselor(s) to help you out in some way.


      Your parents need to understand - you need their signatories and info; otherwise they are hurting you and a brighter future.

    4. RarityFan01


      I could probably still have a good future without going to college. Though that's very unlikely. Lots of people like my show idea and what I made so far, but if no one accepts my pitch, then it won't work.

  9. Headcanon Time! Unicorns are pescetarians, and their horns where originally used for fishing before they received magic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RarityFan01


      Pretty much. People think narwhales are whales + unicorns. But unicorns are narwhales + ponies

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit


      *brain explodes*

    4. RarityFan01


      *cleans up the mess*

  10. I'm fabulous, and no one can stop me!

  11. Opinion: I think bronies who are anti furry are strange. They watch a show with anthropomorphic ponies.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      I don't know of anything I really hate. I can think of several things I don't like, and many things I don't understand, but nothing I really hate. :/

    3. RarityFan01


      I'm a very hateful person, but I don't want to take away the rights of others or judge others who like what I hate.

    4. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      So you hate things, not people. Better than the other way round, that's for sure. :)

  12. Why do people who make ideas of Generation 5 make it follow generation 4? It makes no sense.

  13. Sometimes I wish I could see the amount of colors a mantis shrimp can see

  14. Hasbro should stop caring about bronies.

    1. APegLegPirate


      lol, why would they stop caring about the only thing keeping them in business?

    2. RarityFan01


      Because Bronies complain when Hasbro does things for them.

    3. APegLegPirate


      Whatever they do people will complain. There's more than just 1 brony. Each person has their own expectations. It is literally impossible to please everyone.

  15. Is it just me, or is Bon Bon from Pony Tales more Rarity than Melody?

  16. This is yet another day without any way to draw! Whatever shall I do?

  17. 15 year old me came up with a new word for bike. Orto. (write it in cursive)

  18. Ugh! I aboar pig jokes!

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Well, don't squeal about it. xP

    2. RarityFan01


      You think you're sow funny...

  19. The perfect time to have a creative burst is when I'm not able to draw at the moment... I have so many ideas now. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RarityFan01


      Exactly! Even though I don't get on roofs full of blood. :P

    3. You Heard Nothing
    4. RarityFan01
  20. When someone creates an OC, they shouldn't base the species purely on aesthetics unless the OC has no character.

  21. Being a furry is hard. At least with ponies, I know what species I am, what I love, and how to incorporate it and still resemble me. I don't even know what animal my fursona should be, though. :(

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I went through three different species. I'd recommend an animal you have had some kind of real-life connection with.

    2. RarityFan01


      The personality of a Degu fits me, but I don't have any real life connection with any animal except dogs, and that's because I have two pet dogs.

    3. RarityFan01


      I just realized I love most rodents. So far, the only rodent I don't care for are rats.

  22. A woman who talks a lot is an introvert. A man who spends all his time home watching TV or in the bedroom is an extrovert. A girl with lots of friends is an introvert. A boy with very few friends is an extrovert. That's my crazy family.

    1. APegLegPirate
    2. RarityFan01


      My dad is actually pretty social at work, my mom prefers to stay in her bedroom, my sister has lots of friends but spends most of her time in her room, and I have very few friends but love to socailize. I described it in a way that made no sense :P

  23. I'm working on my first crossover fanfiction, and I realized that I really need to study fashion.

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