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Status Updates posted by RarityFan01

  1. I can't handle reality. It sucks, and it's too hard to accept it like almost everyone else does.

  2. Well, I'm the most hated person on the forums.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RarityFan01


      Ok usually means you agree.

    3. SynBassilicious Pony

      SynBassilicious Pony

      Doesn't mean *I* hate you.

    4. RarityFan01


      I wish I was normal. Now I am either hated or ignored. For most people, it's fine. Most people couldn't care less. Then again, most people don't care if others are happy, and tthat's a good thing. I care if people are happy. I suck at that, though. No one knows that I'm good because they only see me as an aggressive person who hates everything because he doesn't think anyone cares. Actually, not the last part. Most people think I'm a brat. I belong in a mental ward...

  3. If you don't like Rarity, I don't like you. I can't like anyone who thinks Rarity deserves to be kidnapped and enslaved. (A lot of people who don't like Rarity said that for A Dog and Pony Show)

    1. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      Ok...? Who cares if someone doesn't like the pony that you are fond of? Everyone has different tastes.

    2. RarityFan01


      Wanting someone to be enslaved is just wrong. If I ever see someone who doesn't like Rarity and still doesn't see her as the villain in A Dog and Pony Show, despite being kidnapped, then my opinions will change. So far, all of them are that way.

  4. That's it. I hate everyone. There is no one decent. I thought there was, but I was wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      Hey now, are you calling me indecent?

    3. SynBassilicious Pony
    4. RarityFan01


      Sorry. :'( I hate myself. I had a bad day, and everyone was mean to me.

  5. I hate animals so much. I clearly don't care about them or love them because I'm not a vegan. I shouldn't even be a brony. I clearly hate ponies, too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RarityFan01


      A lot of people people that if you eat meat, you can't love animals. I have a rescue dog, and I love him. I would volunteer at an animal shelter if I could, but my psychosis would cause too many problems.

    3. catnet


      I'd advise you don't listen to those people :/ Eating meat isn't a luxury, it's downright necessary to survive for many people, and many more to stay healthy. If someone can go without meat, then good for them, but it gives them no right to attack those who can't. You can love animals and still eat meat; really, the only people that should be questioned are those that take pleasure in killing them. :l Your love for your dog and other animals is very real- don't let veg...

    4. catnet


      ...don't let vegetarians and the like tell you otherwise. :)

  6. I hate being a jack of all trades and a master of none. Sure, I can do a lot of things, but it doesn't matter because I'm not amazing at anything. I go through life being unnoticed because I'm not amazing at anything. I'm just good at a lot of stuff.

  7. My fabric scissors went dull :( I also need a new sewing machine, but my mom things hand sewing is fine. It is fine... if you're trying to repair torn seams or making clothes with terrible stitching because hand sewing entire clothes cramp my hands!

  8. I'm sad. :( I was blowing up a balloon, and it popped. I will miss my balloon :(

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      We will forever mourn the loss of that balloon. Or until we forget about it. Whichever comes first.

    2. RarityFan01


      Or buy more balloons. When my Pinkie Pie bank is full, which will take forever, I'm going to throw a party for me because my type of parties aren't "cool" and my family don't like sweets.

  9. I told my girlfriend the history of plaid. A few years ago, I wouldn't care what plaid was and only thought it was clothes country people wore.

  10. If you're an introvert, please stay out of the living room!especially if you have a strong sense of smell and will complain about everything I try to make!

  11. Fun Fact About Rarity: Either she is a rare case, or her cutie mark was wrongfully interpreted for all these years.

    1. You Heard Nothing
    2. RarityFan01


      Magic to display impressive light shows, put broken wood back together, or make topiary art, doesn't seem typical, and they have nothing to do with dress making or gem finding.

  12. Rarity is fabulous.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Megas


      This is objectively true :P

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      RarityFan01, bringing you the latest facts on Rarity since 2015! (Or earlier, but I'm not sure when you joined MLPForums.) *shrugs*

    4. RarityFan01


      I joined on March 14. I am going to take over Oobrony's place as the biggest Rarity fan so that I will get all the Rarity pictures! Mwahahahahahaha!!! Heh... my attention span is not good enough to stay on this site for a long time. I wouldn't be able to post Rarity stuff all day.

  13. I'm trying to learn French. is "Rarity est fabuleux." g

  14. Oobrony isn't here anymore, so I require Rarity pictures to cope.

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I think he just took a break for a while.

    2. RarityFan01


      A while feels like forever! At least I have my Rarity plushies and Rarity figures and Rarity pictures and Rarity shirts and Rarity drawings and Rarity desktop and Rarity phone background Rarity ponyhoof settings to help me. :)

  15. I wonder if Rarity thought Pinkie Pie was pregnant in the most recent episode.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      That's an interesting thought. Makes sense. Oh, what I'd give for a peek inside Rarity's head.

    2. RarityFan01


      When Rarity first sees Pinkie Pie in that episode, she knows that it has something to do with a baby. Then, she tells Pinkie she won't judge, implying that it's something about her. So I think she thought that the secret was that Pinkie was pregnant.

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      True, true. I need to watch it again with that thought in mind.

  16. Two hours later, still no approval nor denial. I know it's a sad fanfiction, but come on!

  17. Being like Pinkie Pie may sound fun, but it really isn't. This isn't Equestria. Most people would hate someone who acts too much like Pinkie Pie.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RarityFan01


      Most people I encounter hate super happy people who are very touchy feely. I want to hug people, but 99.999999999% of people hate hugs. In fact, most people don't like random people talking to them without a reason. They say extroverts are common, but I don't see it. Every single person I encounter (minus a few) are introverts who don't want to talk for a long period of time. It drives me crazy!

    3. Fawkes The Phoenix

      Fawkes The Phoenix

      I don't know if I'd be able to handle all her extraversion but I'd love her randomness and silliness since they're kinda simmilar to mine.

    4. RarityFan01


      Want to see the worst part about being like Pinkie Pie? Imagine Pinkie Pie is a ghost. She sees life go on, but she can't intereact with anypony, and nopony can see her or have any knowledge that she's there. She can't cheer sad ponies up, throw parties, or anything like that. (but for me, most people just ignore me.)

  18. Dyslexia problems 5422: No one online believes you're dyslexic because you're spelling every word correctly thanks to spellcheck.

  19. I wonder if anyone would consider cheating on their significant other for Rainbow Dash despite the fact that Rainbow Dash represents the element of loyalty.

  20. Why do I draw even though I will never be a good artist?

    1. SCS


      I'm sure you already are a good artist but if you keep drawing you will continue to improve. But if you tell yourself you won't make it that just makes everything so much harder for you than it needs to be. Have faith in yourself.

    2. reader8363


      Yeah, for example, I write. not that good right now, but it's getting better. Everything takes practice, and why not do something you love to do

    3. RarityFan01


      But I will never be great. My inability to remember visual information makes it impossible for me to draw from memory. In fact, even if I look away for a second, I will forget. I have no visual memory. I will know it's a pony if you show me a picture of a pony. But when I look away, I will not be able to remember the appearances.


  22. I'm dating Andrea Libman! :D Not exactly. She's probably married. My girlfriend is a mixture of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

  23. I'm dating Andrea Libman! :D Not exactly. She's probably married. My girlfriend is a mixture of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

  24. I can't do something I enjoy because I have company. I am going to hate tomorrow. I hate Sundays...

  25. Three Rarity episodes in a row, and Rarity didn't learn a lesson in any of those. First one: Sassy Saddles learned the lesson. Second one: Rainbow Dash. Third one: Applejack and the city ponies (different lessons)

    1. Lunar Echo
    2. RarityFan01


      Rarity's episodes did have her engaging with all three different types of ponies. (Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies, in that order.) So maybe there was a reason? I wouldn't mind if there wasn't. I do love Rarity.

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