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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Xenomorphic

  1. I have 21 North Korean Missiles Pointed at your exact location.

    1. Randimaxis


      NORTH Korean? Oh, that's okay then; for a moment, I almost panicked.

  2. Dixie Land Take a Stand Hooray Hooray! For Dixie Land your ban our flag go back to the north you union bastards.

  3. Watch Out Girls We Got A Badflank Over Here

  4. Democracy Is Not a Option-Barrack Obama

  5. Muss sein fabelhaftes!-Rarität verpassen

  6. Are you guys Atheist Or no?

    1. Xenomorphic
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      My religious views switch pretty often, I think. I was atheist when I was 15-18. Now I am agnostic slowly drifting towards deism.

    3. JacelynUSB
  7. ME After My Work Limit Expires and I have not done a Thing

  8. Me On Saturday Night

  9. Me On Saturday Night

  10. I am done with the West Bero Baptist Church I am going to there next rally with a Sign that Says God Hates People Who Hate G2ys

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      They've been like that for as long as I can remember. Bunch of loons.

  11. Funfact: Diane Pinkies Middle Name is the First Name Of My English Teacher

  12. FOund a SHopping Cart In a Old Lot and Took it home.

  13. Robot Bar FIght

  14. Song Of The Rednecks.
  15. Me answering a question in school

  16. If you ever buy a pint for an Irish guy, they're Out of control like a Chinese driver.

  17. Me I n Math Class

  18. ME and My Friends ran down the hallway of my School and Yelled Weeeeeeeeeed-Fit

  19. America Should Annex Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      Might as well take Central and South America too!

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Why not just take Europe while we're at it?

    4. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      nah... not yet..wait until WWIII

  20. My Real name Is Zaal

    1. Drache


      I like it. I am just Li.

  21. R.I.P Emily Beazley

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