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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Nintenboy195

  1. Usually, when I'm craving something sweet, I just eat a spoonful of honey. Is that weird? I feel like that's weird.....

  2. now don't get mad me anything like have you seen show called scaradey squrriel i want to show it you and what you think of it

    1. Nintenboy195


      As of right now, no. But I want to go to bronycon.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  3. now don't get mad me anything like have you seen show called scaradey squrriel i want to show it you and what you think of it

    1. Nintenboy195


      I dont remember much. I only saw like a few minutes while i was channel surfing then that was it.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  4. now don't get mad me anything like have you seen show called scaradey squrriel i want to show it you and what you think of it

  5. now don't get mad me anything like have you seen show called scaradey squrriel i want to show it you and what you think of it

  6. now don't get mad me anything like have you seen show called scaradey squrriel i want to show it you and what you think of it

  7. now don't get mad me anything like have you seen show called scaradey squrriel i want to show it you and what you think of it

  8. hey everypony i got youtube account should i start making videos

  9. hey everypony i got youtube account should i start making videos

  10. hey everypony i got youtube account should i start making videos

  11. Good morning. How are you all? :)

  12. alright i'm calling it night goodnight everypony

  13. Have a good night! Sweet dreams...

  14. goodnight everypony

  15. Good night. ^O^ *yawn* Zzzz

  16. You should change your username to Neightendo195

  17. You should change your username to Neightendo195

  18. You should change your username to Neightendo195

  19. goodnight, everyone.

  20. ^O^ *yawn* Good night. Zzzzzzzz

  21. Guess I'll call it an early night, got a lot to do at work... Yay me!

  22. I always know when the weather or climate changes...Because I always get sick whenever it happens...-_-;

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