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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by toby123cool

  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

    And a Happy Hearthswarming! 

  2. Merry Birthiversary! 

    And a Happy Hearthswarming! 

  3. nomnomnomnomnomnomnom ...Mmm, turkish delight. nomnomnomnomnomnomnom

  4. nomnomnomnomnomnomnom ...Mmm, turkish delight. nomnomnomnomnomnomnom

  5. nomnomnomnomnomnomnom ...Mmm, turkish delight. nomnomnomnomnomnomnom

    1. toby123cool


      blehblehblehbleh *throw up* i dont like turkish delight... i am eating creme eggs.. nononomomomomomonomnomonmonmonom

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. The premiere was one of the best yet! I certainly enjoyed it. ^_^

  7. Both episodes just ended.

  8. Good morning guys! I'm going to be watching some Equestria TV later on. I'm so excited!

    1. toby123cool


      top o de morning to ya' SEASON 5 HYPE WOO

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. lets do the mexican wave sorta thingy

  10. lets do the mexican wave sorta thingy

  11. lets do the mexican wave sorta thingy

    1. toby123cool


      yeah so i love them because of that =) i like being happy, because it makes me feel happy inside =) =)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. lets do the mexican wave sorta thingy

  13. Woohoo! Getting a Signature! This is gonna be awesome! On the other hand... IM NEARLY I CUPCAKE! NEARLY 40 POSTS :DDD SMILY FACES EVERYPONY!

  14. Goodnight everypony, for I shall sleep (or at least try, I suffer insomnia). I might not be on for about a day, for I do not want to spoil Season 5 premier for myself (I have to watch it on the internet)

    1. toby123cool


      So do i, it sucks, right? I dont have the HUB. In the UK. Goodnight!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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