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Rogue Ruffian

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Status Replies posted by Rogue Ruffian

  1. Hey dear, thanks for adding me as a friend! n_n

  2. Two facts of life. 1. The weak will always outnumber the strong. 2. The weak will always hate the strong.

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Well, I'm not a fan of purging, as crushing those whom you can simply because you can is the greatest proof of weakness. The vast majority of conflict is caused by weaklings trying to prove they're not weak.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Two facts of life. 1. The weak will always outnumber the strong. 2. The weak will always hate the strong.

  4. Whatever you do in life, at the very least, don't be boring.

  5. Why are glasses so flippin' cute? Oh well, they are.

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      I wear them, too - I'm not the cutest, but on other's they work great.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I think I have a mental problem. Someone help me! :(

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      I can honestly say I don't know when indecision becomes a legitimate mental problem.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. I think I have a mental problem. Someone help me! :(

  8. Silly question - I know I have enough posts, but where is the Debates forum?

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Yep, found it. Everfree Forest - struck with mental, that's me.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Silly question - I know I have enough posts, but where is the Debates forum?

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Uh....I must be blind or dumb. I can't find it anywhere.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just made a huge pan of no bake cookies, vacuumed, and cleaned the kitchen. GRRRR!!! MANLY!!!

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      *Also sheds manly tears - tears made of solid steel in the shapes of AR-15s and pints of Guinness*

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just made a huge pan of no bake cookies, vacuumed, and cleaned the kitchen. GRRRR!!! MANLY!!!

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Yes - but I think England is a little far for me to throw them. Oh, wait...... MAAAAAAAAAAN!!! But being manly means I can't share. I could throw them, but I can't.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. I didn't notice you were a new member! Welcome to the forums!

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Thank you very much!

  13. catching up with mlp instead of sleeping when i have work early tomorrow

  14. I know I'm overly sensetive and easily butt hurt, but I want to know what's so funny about insulting others? I would say I have a good sense of humor, but it's still terrible because I don't find putting someone down to be funny.

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Absolutely 100% nothing.

  15. I'm bored - ask me anything!

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      I think that, more often than not, the dialectic construct of the letter 12 (one is either the letter 12 or is not the letter 12 - no grey area) indicates that Y, as an indicative color concept, verifies its own legitimacy.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Many people have asked me why I enjoy My Little Pony. I then ask why they enjoy Game of Thrones, to which they say the story, the characters, the themes. My response: "Take all that, remove the sexual violence, mysogyny, and general hatred of anything alive, and you have My Little Pony".

  17. Thanks for adding me as a friend :D /)

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Guten.....whatever time of day it is over there!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. Thanks for adding me as a friend :D /)

    1. Rogue Ruffian

      Rogue Ruffian

      Absolutely! Greetings from the only United State anyone in the world can find - Michigan!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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