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Silver Echo

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Status Updates posted by Silver Echo

  1. Princess Salestia.

    1. TheLegoBrony
    2. Smarts


      The cheapest princess in all the land.

  2. Welcome to MLPFacebook.com. Here, you can randomly add whomever and post status updates of every action taken (even the bathroom). We hope you enjoy your stay!

  3. Wondering why I'm randomly being added as a friend. Hm.

  4. Is looking for better mlp sites to join.

    1. Skullbuster


      you wont find none, this site is the best around

    2. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      ED is good although it's not forum-based (To my knowledge) and there are a few that are similar. I don't see how this is the best so I'll keep looking.

  5. Mah widdle poneh, mah widdle poneh.

  6. Already miss the con.

  7. What's another good pony site besides here?

    1. TheLegoBrony


      errr I do know one but I cant remember the name

    2. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      Nevermind. Just want to say, this sites not the greatest. Opinions, I know. Later.

    3. ProjectRKA


      World of Equestria.

  8. I hate when people talk to you only to cure boredom then they're like "Bye!"

    1. Smarts
    2. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      What a site. Quite friendly here it seems. I appreciate the rude welcome.

  9. I bought some new pony stuff today from the Con. More tomorrow hopefully.

  10. I believe some are truly meant to be alone - says my life experience.

  11. No one talks to me lol. X[

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      Thing is, there isn't anyone quite like me to relate with. I'll spare my rambling however.

    3. Discordian


      Someone doesn't have to be like you to be able to converse with them.

    4. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      It's a little difficult to find confidence from a life-long recluse such as myself. Usually pairs or even one friend means having more friends. Shame none clicks with me I suppose.

  12. Whelp, been at the Con for 12 hours and still bored. #Thelonelylife

  13. At BronyCon alone. :(((

  14. I'm in Baltimore, MD. Yay BronyCon!

  15. So is anyone going to BronyCon soon?

    1. TheLegoBrony


      im going to ponycon uk


    2. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      To anyone going, goodluck.

  16. I haven't met a hardcore brony like myself on here yet. Maybe 60% aren't?

  17. I wonder if the world will be lonelier in the future.

  18. Trying to think of other sites that are fun and engaging. *can't think of any, it's the internet! Whoa!*

  19. Weee BronyCon here I come!

  20. ChrysaLuna best shipper shippy.

  21. Awww why no new episode? :'(

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