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Everything posted by Bill_theBrohny

  1. @, "white is it well lets just say i'm not a sodiler any more while walking to his tent"most pepole don't even care about equstria wars due to reasons i severed in two and the changeling border skrmish"he said proudly but not to the point of braging "lets get your freind here to my tent hopely what i thick may happen is a bat pony thing"
  2. @, "we used to do it the froce but i'm no medic" red said "but i'll try but it will take time"he tried to look like everything was going to be okay but lets just say unlike other creatures if salt gets direct contact with pony brains you halucante big time but normaly ponys don't get it this bad but ponys don't normaly do what she did"take her over to my tent and anyone else willing to help"red fang said and lead them over to his tent thicking while walking over to his tent why most ponys don't kown this fact the anwser is simple because most ponys don't go jumpin in salt water do to it hurts there eyes plus he only kowns this little fact do to presoal expeice so it could be a batpony thing
  3. @@Omar, YES,creepy ghost thing,so yea i'm fine with this.(toatally not gona make red thick this is all normal nope)
  4. @, @@Jellal Fernandes,@@ForthEorl, (ooc i'll just make what i found in the wood a mango tree and me thicking someone watching an old soldiers parniona for me not whating to be gary stewish) As he found the rare tree he gathered as many mangos as he could when he went back to camp to see hell broke lose he droped the mangos in his tent and joined the ponys trying despretely trying to clam Sparkle Sword helping a pony called white restrain her(at least he thicks his name is white)barely holding back the mare
  5. @, is it okay if i have a deer scouting out the camp and attack him/her because i could always replace the deer with a wolf(i'd prefer deer).
  6. i'll look back through the pages and if i find anything that i thick ok's it i'll do it
  7. "Well that was werid i'll fit right in"he said to no one in particualr as he went back to his tent to decorate he saw somthing watch them him went out in the forest telling a group of random ponys if he was not back by sundown he was dead they nodded and he left stalking the stalker he readyed his fang to find somthing he never expected to see outhere
  8. can i still aply if so Name:steel blood Age: 37 Pony Race: batpony RoleJOB: Military commander Apperance: wearing standerd issue night gurad amour and a genrals cap Personality: bipolar(angel bunny level) due to falling off a cliff in training. BIO as a commander of the night gurad he has a good freindship with luna and ok one with celestiatasked with proving of this strange new type of war(luna sent him because she only had a hunch she was correct)being a army commander his power is one of "i catch you i kill you"so most nobles hate him also he is tasked with finding any other evil and disposing of it
  9. ok just to tell everyone i made red fang bipolar for 2 reason 1.so i could villan turn(prb not)2.so i did not go ooc on accident
  10. @@Little Red, @Forthearl "thacks"as he sat down he noticed they were not freaking out "normaly ponys get creeped out by me being a batpony and all"he liked how polite this pony was and said "sorry for intruding if i was i noticed the other unicorn has a miltary outfit did he serve"
  11. @@ForthEorl, @@Little Red, @, "hi names red fang" he said to a group of ponys near a campfire he picked this group because of the unicorn wearing a miltary uniform and the type they issued in the deer wars he fought in them and if he saw a deer it better run also they had a fire and he puked out his mushroom stew so he could cook other food useing there fire
  12. would you read a next gen fic or no say yes or no in the comments
  13. he was told they would give him a tent he refused and put up his own the explorers left and he decided to have a meal so he made a fire and set up shop(an old tent with a merc 4 hire sigh on it)and cooked up some grub mushroom stew(he found them near his camp site)was on the menu and ate it up with that he went to sleep waiting for someone to intorduce them selfs
  14. dangit well i guess that i'll just intourduce myself to the rest of the camp normaly
  15. can we still apply if yes Name red fang Age 39 Race bat pony Cutie mark two daggers and a skull in the middle Power/abilities miltary elite training and expert use of a large arsenal of new "toys" Description or pic a avenge bat pony with a pair of shades and rebreather(on his mouth at all times)and a scar near his heart Backstory a merc he left the army for he was discharged for lashing out at a noble he came back for two reasons for the cause to kill and because his cousin was killed by the enemy other than that he was a averge sodlier pony expect for how he got his scar he bit the bullet for luna(why he was a miltary elite) Other (anything else I may need to know))he is basicly rambo expect he is jerk and celstia hired him because she needed extra ponypower Any backstory stuff that you wish the other players not know yet can be pmed to me
  16. yea sorry i was asumeing the rd exlpores would be hostile we got in a whove fight sorry for not asking but any oc groups could interogate red fang yea if anyone whats to interogate red fang i'm fine with it just start rping as the interagater unless someonelse is interogateing me aready
  17. sorry i learned that after i posted so i made it a group of random explorers from the camp
  18. after talking it out the explorers took him to there camp (after a fight)and interiogated him they said they would bring in others to question him and he sould wait here metaly saying every curse word in his vocubly he agreed and waited for this other pony
  19. (ooc i have decided to make it a random group of explorers from the camp instead of users) noticeing some ponys he was quick to act running trowards the ponys he then started to glide yelling "HHHHIIIIIII"was not his best plan as it seemed to startle one of them accidentily crashing into one of them he got up to see ponys clearly not amused by this pulling out a apple he said "apple"
  20. when i made this oc (red fang)i was makeing a bounty hunter now hes a lost bat pony trying to find a way to the camp so basicly im now the comic relife of this rp ps can some one find me in the rp its geting odd rping like this
  21. sighing was all he could do at any way he turned all he found where forest,lake,and rivers wondering where he could find the camp he saw during his crash he saw saw some cows and a goat but no ponys he found lots of tracks mostly new but some old he decided to follow the newest pony tracks(the other tracks he found where odd and did not have time to find out what they where)
  22. now noting the "camp"he was waiting at was empty it looked old like how could he not have noticed old and now that he was thicking it did look nothing like the one he saw in the ship twitching at the idea he had been waiting for nothing rage bubbled up in side him after his tantrum he looted the place he got a rotten apple a skull and a half full botte of cider(not safe for dricking)and left it there and continued walking hoping to find ponys somewhere
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