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Apple Blitz

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About Apple Blitz

  • Birthday 1994-05-18

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  1. She is pretty squishy without Rylai's and I do get that on her since it is a must no matter how you build her APwise anyways. I mostly play her in bots to get used to her and get comfortable enough with her to take her into normals. xD
  2. I've played her quite a few times though mostly in bots. She is fun to play and whether she is strong or weak all depends on how you as a player build her. Me, I build her as a burst mage though my friend builds her as an AP Tank which means my friend builds her with Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Abyssal Scepter, Liandry's Torment, etc. She can be played Jungle which she's still strong in but she's more suited for mid in my opinion.
  3. Yes I know it's just I wasn't expecting myself to go legendary. Probably helps that I maxed my heal which is my W first and then my Q. Still I kept most of my team alive as much as I could. Bard kept all of us alive with his shrines and Blitz always landed his pull. Also Blitz Pull, Voli Fling and then a Nami Bubble and Stun they're dead no matter what. xD
  4. http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2137675865/219563804That moment when you accidentally carry as a support. I was playing ARAM as Nami with two of my other friends. Every time my heal would bounce off and hit the enemy or I'd stun them then use my ult I would wind up getting a kill somehow. I would quickly get away from the enemy cause I knew they'd try and target me. I was basically the reason my team didn't die too many times. Plus the Bard and Blitz was a nice bonus and added to the CC.
  5. If you want to add me I play on the NA server and my summoner name is Dantalia. I mostly play ARAM or Bots but I will play Normals since they've added in the new TeamBuilder. I mostly go AP Ezreal Midlane and I can go anywhere but top lane since it's not my strongest lane. If I have to go top I'll pick Ekko automatically.
  6. For me I can go anywhere but Top. My strongest midlaner is currently AP Ezreal though if Ez gets taken I can and will pick my second strongest which is Lux and if she's taken I will pick my third strongest which is either Annie or Twisted Fate. For support I play Morgana. My top 3 Junglers are Elise, Ekko and Kindred. When I play ADC I pick from my top 3 as well which is Jinx, Varus, and Ashe.
  7. Even worse when you're snared or slowed or even stunned under an enemy turret then when it wears off you can't get out because both your team's and the enemy team's minions are in the way which causes you to die and whether by turret or by the champion your facing. I have this problem in both mid and botlane! It doesn't matter if I play ADC (which I rarely do) or Support (my main role for botlane)! I still get trapped under the turret and while I save my ADC in the process it's a pain because if my ADC is low health and I am trying my best to make sure they get out alive, I can't exactly do that when I'm either dead or CC'd under the turret whether by minion block or the enemy champions causing me to die regardless and my ADC to be left vulnerable and possibly die even though I did my best to save them.
  8. You like AppleBlitz? OUO They're my favourite ship! :D

  9. Same here Morg Support is just amazing. That's my main pick but it depends on the enemy team comp. I alternate between Morg and Sona.
  10. Ziggs is his name and I personally like him but I'm an Annie main. Gotta love that little pyromaniac
  11. I play League of Legends on the NA Server and even in regular bot matches I have to deal with the strangest randoms. I'm level 30 and in a ranked team. When the team I'm in does a ranked match I always pick Leona because we mostly do 3v3 and are in need of a tank. I pick her because I play AP champions but I also have to balance out AP with Tank items and with her it's easier for me to do. Now if I'm just doing a regular team builder then I either pick AP Ezreal Midlane or Lux for my midlaner if my friend has taken Ezreal. If I'm going support I always pick Morgana because I almost always go botlane with my friend who picks Ezreal. I tend to build AP+CDR+Mana Regen with my AP champions. As for the rare moments I play ADC, I either pick or Ashe, Jinx, Ekko, AD Ezreal, Varus, Vayne, Tristana, or Caitlyn. Now if I play APC, I either go with Ahri, Annie, AP Ezreal, Katarina, Lux, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Veigar, or Zyra. For top lane, I either pick Leona, Irelia, or Yasuo. My only Jungler for now is Elise. I can play support but for that role I either play Janna, Karma, Lux, Lulu, Morgana, Sona, or Soraka. I also have an uncanny ability to pull off AD Sona and yes it's not common but it works at times. The above also applies for both PVP and Bots. If you want to play with me my summoner name is Dantalia. While I am excited for the new season I'm also a bit nervous about it. I do want to start playing ranked more to get into the higher ranks so that when there's a new skin for getting to Gold comes out I can get it. However, I know how toxic it can get in ranked which is why I don't play Ranked much if at all. Anyways, what are your thoughts on the recent champions and skins that have come out so far as well as the new skins that will be coming out? Sorry if this is a lot or too much. I got a little carried away.
  12. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: I found this site from one of my friends. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I became a fan because two of my friends. I love playing videogames, listening to music, watching TV, reading, singing, and dancing. I also enjoy watching Anime and roleplaying. I have two favorite ponies and they are Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash. Most of my friends say I'm like these two as well. Reason they say I'm like Apple Jack is because of my accent. The reason they say I'm like Rainbow Dash is because of my attitude. I also read fanfiction of anime characters. I'm also hyper and a bit random at times. I don't really know what else to put so I'll just leave it here for now.
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