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Status Updates posted by White

  1. Pretentiousness and ignorance is a irritating and stupefying mix

  2. From when did being reasonable started meaning being reasonably one sided.

    1. White


      The birth of humankind, perhaps.

  3. Gosh, this forum is so damn depressing. By depressing I mean actually, everyone seems really depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. White


      Well, isn't life just nice.

    3. White


      Have a nice day, sir.

    4. Monsoon


      Okay I will

  4. WatchMojo is so stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. White


      @Vulcan Well, at least in Cracked.com they do it with dick jokes.

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I tolerate Cracked.com due to said dick jokes.

    4. Megas


      Oh god, their commentators are some of the most bland and souless commentators I've ever heard

  5. The Francophobia is strong with the Internet.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. White


      Yeah that does make the game much sadder.

    3. White


      Well, even without the comic, lego dimensions makes the theory impossible. ( I'm assuming lego dimensions is canon, please be canon, this must be canon.

    4. Vulcan


      *watches Video*

      This EXISTS?!!?! Lego Dimensions ...where have you been all my life o-o

  6. Breathing out

  7. Breathing in

  8. Breathing out

  9. Breathing in

  10. Breathing out

  11. Breathing in.

  12. Breathing out.

  13. Breathing in.

  14. Breathing out.

  15. Breathing in.

  16. Breathing out

  17. Breathing in.

  18. Breathing out.

  19. Breathing in.

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