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Status Updates posted by White

  1. Breathing out.

  2. I just want to offend someone right now, like, offend them so hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White


      Lol, I sound like a sociopath, I guess I'm pretty pissed off. :P

  3. Hey !

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lightwing


      I don't tend to accept friend requests unless I have been talking to that person for a bit. It's nothing personal, it's just me being a bit organized, and I even have it said on my profile.

    3. White


      Lol. You must either be the slowest typer ever, or you just have 20 seconds of free moment each 20 minute. :P

    4. White


      Still, I thought it would be nice if you could have told me that. I sent you a friend request mainly because I was very bored, so it really doesn't matter if you just declined it.

  4. Discrimination against racists, racial supremacist and neo-nazis should stop.

    1. Out of this place

      Out of this place

      Political opinions shouldn't matter as much in many places as they do nowadays.


    2. White


      That was a joke.

    3. Out of this place
  5. Anyone feeling bored...

    1. White


      This forum is pretty boring when you stay here for too long...Why I'm even here ? really makes you question everything.

  6. What Kind Of a Noise Annoys An Oyster ?

    1. TheMaskMaker


      Any noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

  7. Why ban the troll ? They are the most entertaining thing ever.

    1. Buck Testa

      Buck Testa

      Meh, I give it 3/10, to much copy/pasted material

    2. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      Because the troll's innate toxicity will draw more of it's kind, and then the forums will be teeming with toxic waste.

    3. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      Besides, as Buck said, it's not even a good troll.

  8. Zootopia was fantastic !

    1. Vulcan


      Indeed o_o


    2. White


      There was a scene that really surprised me, didn't expected a jumpscare.

      The incoming furry fan art will be unstoppable, though. I just hope it doesn't get overhyped.


    3. Vulcan


      I consider the incoming furry art a good thing o_o


      It will be glorious o_o


  9. Japanese culture is one of the most beautiful, colourful and profound cultures in the world.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA4t-uiccCA

  10. I'm so fucking pissed off. >:(

  11. I just started to watch an anime series ( Maria the Virgin Witch ): It's surprisingly good and even more surprisingly historically accurate ( as historically accurate as an cartoon gets, of course. ) This is the first anime show I watched, and it's definitely a good start.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White


      I have heard of the fate series and seen some clips from it, apparently is like deadliest warrior with magic...it does sound pretty interesting. :P

    3. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Ye, it's pretty good. Just look up the intro and bask in what is the best animation done to date in an anime

    4. chili


      Erased is a really good one. Depending on how much blood and harsh realities you can take though. It's a great anime.

  12. Everyone is talking about Fallout 4. Makes me wish to have a higher computer system.

  13. Why do everyone want to engage themselves in a romantic relationship so badly? I don't understand.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White


      In that case, I don't think I will ever understand.

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I never used to understand, but I do now.


      Be happy that you don't.

    4. Vulcan


      From what I understand of it, It's a human desire to feel loved and needed.


  14. Who is Flash Sentry ?

    1. Evilshy


      Dude Twilight was crushing on in a few scenes in EQG, I believe. Also a palace guard in the canon.

    2. White
  15. Hey I thought I was the only one who played skullgirls !

    1. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      Nope. Although I must warn you- I am a Peacock scumlord who always takes a Big Band assist. :P

  16. Should I play Assassin creed ? I heard that it's plot line is clunky

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White


      Thanks for the advice.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      If you like Assassiny/Stealthy games, I think you will love them. I haven't played one since ACII though, but I want to start Black Flag eventually.

    4. undiscorded


      great game me think iam playing black flag at now its great you are a assian/pirate in the game :) you should try it out

  17. Isn't it funny that I can't remember most of my "friends" in this forum.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. White


      Yes actually, I just finished Les Fleurs du mal, I liked it.

    3. Vulcan


      French Poetry, Sounds quite interesting ^ ^


      Favorite passage?

    4. White


      O I can't remember any passage really. ^^ How have you been ?

  18. Hi there. Funny I don't remember adding you as a friend.

    1. Gentleman


      Neither do i...

  19. How to become a Pink Fluffy Unicorn ?

  20. A fly's larva.

    1. White


      I just made a terrible joke.

  21. I'm reading your voice in a British gentlemanly voice...kind of. Well I gonna have to sleep, It was fun talking to you. I'm hardly active in this forum, though...so see you later ?

    1. Vulcan


      Not too far from the truth actually...though gentlemanly is a bit much X3

      see you later Mr. White, it was a fun chat ^~^

  22. How do you call a person who draw for a living ? Drawer ? ( I'm serious, no bad puns intended )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White


      Phlebotomist is a funny word.... I think painter sounds about right.

    3. PiratePony


      Phlebotomist is someone who draws blood. Meant to be a pun of my own.

    4. White


      YES. And it is a pretty funny word.

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