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Status Updates posted by White

  1. getting pyscho these days.

  2. Am I the only one who watches comedy without laughing and still enjoys it.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Inactive_Now


      It's not weird at all. And I'm really shy too, and I'm sure a lot of people on here are as well, but no one here cares and they won't judge you.

    3. White


      Yup I have noticed that, you guys are very nice.

    4. Inactive_Now
  3. CMC got their cutie marks! God.

  4. It seems that my cat is gay.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      ahhh well I'm gonna tell ya any way


      I'm building a lego power ponies meagazord

    3. White


      It sound amazing actually. I checked your deviant page it all looks pretty cool.

    4. TheLegoBrony


      well the PP megazord isn't uploaded yet I only just finished the legs

  5. I can't help but feel really disappointed.

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. White


      Lel I know. I posted it as a status update so that I will have more chance to be noticed so that someone will ask me : what happened ? so that I can express my frustration gafafa :x

    3. Frostgage


      What happened? :0

  6. Someone say something mean to me

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      basically I give kindness but I don't accept it

    3. White


      @Azure Flare good lord white isn't even a colour, and it's colour with the U! 2/10

    4. White


      @Azure Flare But that was weirdly funny so better thought 6/10

  7. thanx for the add ! :D

    1. Frostgage


      Sure no problem :3

  8. I left my heart in metropolis.

    1. Monsoon


      Mines in another dimension

  9. Thanx for the add !

    1. ThePiDay


      You're welcome!

  10. How to relax ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. White


      I hate pizza. But good idea !

    3. Monsoon


      Try cookie dough then :3

    4. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      Step 1!

      Get in a relaxed pose, preferably one that's upside down covered in cookies.

      Step 2! Eat cookies!

      Step 3! Enjoy the success of your relaxation!

  11. I miss my tablet.

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      In soviet russia, your tablet misses you

    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      In soviet russia, your tablet misses you

  12. The world is a beautiful place.

    1. Smarts


      Filled with beautiful things.

    2. Nerdy Luigi

      Nerdy Luigi

      ^That was EXACTLY what I was going to type.

  13. White

    Thanx for the add ! :D

    1. Lisa


      You're welcome, you seem like a really cool person C:

  14. Sleeptime ^-^

  15. Can't wait for Halloween.

    1. Smarts


      It's the only holiday I really like.

    2. White
  16. I already want to change my avatar.

  17. Oh dear I think my pc's sound card got burned. What do ?

    1. Jokuc


      Surf on the web to make it colder

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