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Geoff the Skeleton

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Blog Comments posted by Geoff the Skeleton

  1. Yeah, so you're basically acting how I said you would act.


    I said your thinking was awful because that's what it is, not for ad hominem related reasons.

    I also said I wasn't going to use my time to go into my detail and I'm going to do just that. There's no way I'm going to spend hours talking to you about this useless stuff. If you want to keep believing shitty rhetoric and act intelligent on void reasoning then that's on you and nothing I could ever say will change that. If you don't want to see it differently, that's fine. That choice is up to you. You can find studies, articles, etc saying the exact opposite via the same method you found the articles you listed, so if you really want to see those things then just do that.




    On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 11:47 PM, Lil Pip said:
    Oh, so you believe thats true huh, have any proof?

    Well, yeah? If you only cared enough to do half of it then you didn't really try. I'm not sure what's hard to see about that. half=/=full.


    Not going to read the rest of it because you're too stuck to see it differently, and from what I did skim it was completely irrelevant to what the problem is...

    That's all I really have to say.

    Have a good day/evening/night.

  2. If it's not consistent then you can't say you put effort into it. Let's say I had a school project and I only cared enough to do half of it. You can't say to me that you put effort into it because you didn't even bother finishing it.

    The point is that many, many people who are religious do not do any of those things that you mentioned. Sure, a percentage of religious people do those things but that can also be said for those who are atheist or agnostic. And actually, you are sharing propaganda.. That's partly why I said something. They're clickbaity articles that stretch a truth and make generalizations. They are absolutely not very accurate at all. They're wanting you to believe certain points.  You'll find published articles that will tell you the exact opposite of what you read in these. You have to keep in mind that there are more Christians, Catholics, etc in the world compared to Atheists, Buddhists, etc.

    Hence why I said work on your thinking because you're not seeing these things when you look at articles like that. You're just buying into what they're saying and agreeing with it for some reason. I don't know whether or not it is due to personal issues, but you're biased towards it.

    The most important thing to realize is that it has very little to do with religion and more to do with individual actions. Your life or society's well being isn't going to change because people convert to atheism over being religious. Religion certainly plays a part, but nowhere near the amount the articles or you believe them to be.

  3. It doesn't seem you think it isn't perfect with how you're assuming a lot. My line of thinking isn't perfect either, but at least I can actually acknowledge that and put some effort into seeing things differently.

    Also, you do realize that I'm saying that I don't want to waste time going into detail about everything, right? That would take hours and that's time I really don't have. I took 3-5 minutes to respond with those. You act in a snide manner and you're pretty patronizing. This is why I said your thinking is awful and why I also said that it's up to you to see that in yourself. The only one who can make the change is you.

  4. Err... yeah... Like I said, reality check.

    I don't know you enough to judge whether or not you're trolling, but you certainly have an awful mind. My advice would to be to just start looking at things objectively and not with the unfathomable assumptions and reasoning that you're doing (aka your facts aren't real, you're not comprehending what I'm saying, etc). Up to you whether or not you care enough to do that though man.




    For the record I am actually agnostic.

  5. For essay structure you want to follow something like this https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/sites/default/files/essay_structure_1.png


    Since you're not writing a persuasive essay of sorts then you'd want to replace your "argument" with a theme or something along those lines.


    As for what to write about, it's easiest to write about something that had an impact on your life like Lynndx said.

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