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One-Punch Man

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Status Updates posted by One-Punch Man

  1. Everytime Rainbow Dash says "I'm so proud of you, little buddy." in the "We'll Mark Our Mark" song, I melt. It is so sweet.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSmI27G-eJA I love the pony version of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".
  3. I'm surprised MLP hasn't fallen into the whole "Fantastic Voyage" trope thing yet. I would like to see what they do with it, despite my dislike for that trope.

  4. Confession time: I have never seen Ghostbusters before.

  5. Drawn Together is one of the grossest shows I have ever seen...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 1111


      its like a bad death clock at least drawn to gether was funnyer

    3. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      I've seen Mr.Pickles, it is pretty bad. but I still think Drawn Together is worse, due to it's unfunny cringe comedy, and It running for far too long. Watch season 3 of Drawn Together, and Mr.Pickles side by side; there isn't much of a difference in the "comedy"( I use that term loosely) in the shows..besides Drawn Together getting an awful movie afterword. I feel Drawn Together is worse because it is wasted potential. I really wanted to like it, but it is too raunchy for...

    4. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      my taste, is all.

  6. Why do you make me weep pastel ponies, why?!

  7. Did the CMC get their cutiemarks?...man, that makes me so sad. Like watching your kids growing up.

  8. when life gives you lemons, run. Lemons are a threat from the head CEO at life industries, and they now know where you live.

  9. I'm a dude, hes a dude, shes a dude, were all dudes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      Woah, you are blowin' my mind!!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Whoa dude, that is sooooo deep. Like, dude.

    4. CheeryFox
  10. This week has been really aggravating to navigate through.

  11. I really hope that Goosebumps movie is good.

  12. I want a MLP episode that is strictly about Twilight's fear of quesadillas.

    1. Sunwalker
    2. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      We must have one!! xD Maybe showing all the ponies fears, and Twilight's is a giant quesadilla. xD

    3. Sunwalker


      Hahaha xD


      That's a really cool idea :D

  13. Night,peeps! c:

    1. TheRockARooster


      Goodnight, sleep well.

    2. Wingnut


      Don't let the bedbugs bite. :P

  14. What an awful day. .-. I hope tomorrow will be better.

    1. CheeryFox
    2. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      Thank you! ^u^ That is what I needed. c:

    3. CheeryFox
  15. I hate how people in my college treat it like it is high school. Ignorance runs rampant, and these people are the main cause of it.

    1. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      I remember thinking like that, then i got to university and ended up drinking myself silly most days and writing my dissertation in 3 nights without sleeping... the ways of fucking about may take you yet, my friend.

  16. Night, everyone!

    1. TheRockARooster


      Goodnight Sugar Colt, sleep well.

  17. Darn it...Rick and Morty had me so close to tears tonight.

  18. Cookie dough heals any wounds that time can not.

    1. Apexiled
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Chocolate Chip cookie dough, the savior of mankind.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      It really does :)

  19. Another day of nothing to do? MLP Forums to the rescue!

  20. Night, everyone!

    1. TheRockARooster


      Goodnight Sugar Coat, sleep well.

      You're awesome.

  21. Anyone wanna exchange friend codes for the 3DS? Mine is 2981-6294-0634!

  22. If you could listen to a character's thoughts in a movie, I wonder if you'd just hear the actor thinking regular thoughts. "I might get a doughnut after this scene." or something.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      Oh gosh! xDD She is dangling there, when the thought hits her..

      "Where is the mattress the director promised to leave out in case I actually fell?"

    3. Silver Stream.
    4. Lady Diana

      Lady Diana

      That would be cool.

  23. Today has certainly been...long-ish.

    1. Wingnut


      Too long? :/

    2. One-Punch Man

      One-Punch Man

      Mhm. :c Eating pizza was the best part of my day.

    3. Wingnut


      Well, your day involved pizza so it wasn't all bad even if it was long. :)

  24. MLP Forums Birthday profile picture is a go! :P

  25. Annddd my head hurts. Night everyone! c:

    1. TheRockARooster


      Goodnight Sugar Coast, I hope you feel better soon.

    2. TheRockARooster


      Sorry I meant Sugar Coat.

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