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Lil Pip

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Blog Entries posted by Lil Pip

  1. Lil Pip
    The subversions are evident for those who researched it.
    But, how does one beat a subversion?
    Today I want to wonder out-loud, about counter-subversions.
    The problem is it takes so long to implement, it might as well only be done if the subversion you want to stop will win, as an effort against it. Like how the marxist subversion is kinda doing it, once more powerless spread it across years.
    Recent posts n concepts have been making me think more on this topic, like how anger is an emotion that causes the most response, so is more effective for media advertising etc.
    Anyways, lets say we try to subvert a subversion. How would that even play out? Is that the alt-right trolling, their attempts at it? Like when people supposedly from 4chan got others to say shit like milk is racist for being white. It makes them stupid and powerless.
    Then again, how the anger works, is even those against it sorta fuel it, like debating a ludicrous idea still gives it a platform to convince people.
    So that method might actually be feeding into it more, like pushing at the base of a fridge on wheels it can fall backwards onto you. Like hot n cold air forming a tornado.

    So how does one really control a subversion?
  2. Lil Pip
    This is for creativity.
    Write down all games, cartoons, comics/manga/art, movies, etc that you know well enough to imagine.
    Now just, imagine a scenario, don't be picky, just improvise and roll with it.
    Now repeat for each thing in your list.
    Go back, and look up each thing to see how well you got the details for their body language, art style, appearance, personality, etc.
    Now this is for processing power.
    Imagine having a miniature floating walking person with your invisible telekinesis of your mind. Now imagine anything else verbing also miniature, with it in your mind, rotate them around a third thing verbing. Its best if each verb uses a different part of the brain, like one is reading outloud, another walking, another knitting, another juggling, or even a cat playing with a ball of yarn etc.
    The goal is to try and imagine as much at once as possible, to exercise your working memory. If you are trying to handle too much at once, take one away periodically. If you can remember them all, try noting them each as regularly as possible for more detail per second or such. The more complex the movements and the more detailed and specific the movements the slower or more difficult this will be. I mean you could always make it like peripheral vision and combine everything vaguely then make it easier, but thats not the point, the point is to try and do better. Then just keep adding more, don't expect vastly rapid improvement, but do expect it to get easier over time.
    Now here is the catch, over time your habits form faster and faster as the neurons connections get closer n closer, til its habit and its muscle memory essentially. So, at that point, it might not exercise your working memory as much anymore, like, you skim over the details.
    So you gotta change the activities of each floating thing semi-regularly, or rotate it in other directions.
    Um, and those are small, you don't have to do small things, you could do giant things, as long as they are about the same size and all in your vision, so if you want imagine you are in the sky perhaps, otherwise the background of your daydream environment might be less noticeable then you might form a bad habit of not noticing your surroundings or something (idk) but thats another way to mix it up, you can do it each day in a different art style, or different location you hover over, different planet, lighting, etc.
    Then if you can do this stuff easily while on a treadmill perhaps, or while also planning for the day ahead, then you are getting the hang of it and can make it more challenging. But while on a treadmill helps to exercise your multitasking even more, you could also chew gum at the same time you are on a treadmill for instance. Or chewing gum, treadmilling, while playing with something in your hands like a pen or such.
    Now this next exercise is math, but not math.
    So you imagine anything, a strawberry perhaps while floating over egyptian pyramids. Imagine it double, two strawberries, quadruple, 8. Seeing it in detail between each math to make sure you are processing it correctly instead of assuming. Just doubling alone is a good enough start for that, tripling each time might be a hassle much faster.
    2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024. Each day try to imagine one further. 2048. 4096.
    Do not stack them cuz then it gets more ridiculous to guess how much you have, so imagine baskets of specific quantities of each perhaps, to make it easier. So you have a basket with 8, then just double the basket, its kinda cheating but not, but double checking more than a handful of the item is going to be ridiculous so you need a different pattern recognition going to simplify it. Or you could have them float like a cube, with exactly 27 (3x3x3) strawberries if you do tripling, then triple counting is much easier.

    Lemme know what you think or if you have your own ideas or if you wanna try it.
  3. Lil Pip
    I can't believe in heaven. There are math errors (and a dozen other reasons, and even more so, is they make sense where the bible does not. I can try disproving these things and fail, and I refuse to cherry pick and confirmation bias etc).
    But I can't get over what happens when I will die.
    I want transhumanism and that medicine they found which may reverse and slow aging.
    Then I want reinforcement to not die so easily from accidents like altered genes or such from an altered virus to make it so my body produces the strongest fibers in existence and properly, like spider-silk proteins, especially for the materials in my brain to prevent brain injury.
    But also I feel like I lack purpose. I'm a nobody, no nothing except some immediate family and random interests I pursue always on the computer.
    I am not a brave person.
    Half of this is prolly the unhealthy food I had last night, and also just life reminding me of my inevitable deterioration and demise lol.
    What even matters in life? Just my own interests? Making the world better? Both?
    Then I wonder how much I influence the world with my rants, and youtube comments, and tumblr r34 reblogs and blurting random facts here n there, and being a creeper at times and scaring people, or having a shitty OC so no one EVER wants to fucking draw it lolll.
    I like my OC tho, I like turning the dial to 11 (tvtrope/google it), I grew up with dbz mortal kombat final fantasy megaman digimon etc etc. Besides, its not a mary sue or gary stue. Its just OP as fuck lol.
    But, others operate on a ohhh cute pony sorta range of strength scale, which is like a magnitude 4 and my magnitude is like, 11 kek. But I mean, my magnitude is not 100, so people should relax lol.
    But my character got toned down since then anyways. Its silly, and no one likes that kinda silly. That was more when I was into Hellsing Ultimate, Naruto, and One Piece.
    But cool thing is combining the powers of Alex Mercer, and Alucard, that stuff is cool, it exercises my creativity in ways others can't appreciate. Because of how differently I grew up perhaps, or because I am not afraid of turning it up to 11, and combining and copying stealing inventing abilities.
    Abilities are like music, you can't have enough, some are objectively lamer than others, but if its your thing you still want it.
    But can you blame me, Megaman plus [Prototype] alone help give the idea of ability gaining, and I love it, I am greedy for abilities. Envious for abilities. I don't even watch full metal alchemist lol.
    But its like this.
    Flying. Being a pegasus is special.
    Magic, being a unicorn is neat.
    And then when you factor into it all the psychology changes, its kinda objectively superior for sentience.
    So of course I would choose Alicorn vampony crystal changeling draconequees (kekkles).
    And then branch out also, to everything I think is cool or worthwhile.
    My shitty OC is a shapeshifter, I wanted them to be colorful, but I got shit for it, but the people handing the shit out couldn't take shit themselves. Makes me think they are just selfish. People also called my OC a mary sue, well thats not true, my OC sure does whatever the fuck it wants, but it never gets its way and is prolly borderline paranoid. Like me.
    Ever since I was little, I kept changing which OC I wanted. Back then it was pre-internet, parent said I could invent an 'Alias' like that tv show that I didn't see more than one episode of.
    Iinvented multiple characters, powerful because I watch MK and DBZ etc of course they had to be powerful, why wouldn't they be?
    And I played with action figures for hours and hours growing up. I could imagine stuff like, oh this guy has purple glasses, those become a purple beam! *dbz influence* And these guys can karate chop, throw, stb, decapitate.
    And I wanted the action figures to show their damage. So I put one on a manual treadmill (non electronic) and put it in the rotating thing and ran on it to give him a black scar sorta deal.
    Later we took pliers so we could take certain toy's heads off and swap them around for more variety and creativity.
    And I saw the Tree of Might when I was little, rented it from the library. So needless to say I imagined incorporating that sorta calamity and power struggles into it.
    Like that guy only took one bite of the fruit, like a total noob, what if he instead, ATE ALL the fruit, and better yet, like carnage or venom absorbed itself into the tree for even more energy?
    That guy was an antagonist, a spiderman action figure with black instead of blue and taller than the majority of my action figures.
    I had this other C.O.R.P.S. Space dude, with the paint chipping from his helmet, and I imagine, he died in space, then came back to life, so he is an alien zombie thing, and eventually after literal hours of toy play he absorbs the absorbing sorta deal and the tree stuff etc. I imagine this guy had powers like a straight lazer beam he could direct cuz of the black dot on his helmet/space cap. Also when he flies dbz style through the air, the black lines on his glove things, cause a sparkly lazer thing that happens to his left n right that can slice through most opponents.
    Then some other character, was a badass kinda like snake if snake only got into super deadly fist fights and I gave him abilities that were ridiculous too.
    Always plot twists, people turning into robots, enemies being recycled and numerous.
    Some guys dying left n right brutally (MK remember? lol)
    But what made my daydreams more violent and younger, was the bible.
    I was allowed to start reading it when I was 6. When I did I read about knives and killing. So I folded a piece of paper and painted it red at the tip and pretended it was a knife and running around pretending to be chara basically lol.
    Mom said that was demented (how ironic her being christian and the bible giving me influence to do this)
    Then I got salty, because, tantrum stage of childhood development. So I invented a salty character.
    This character was too ridiculous, and I would periodically develop him more. He was an anti-hero who was first a villain, then a protagonist. Now anti-hero.
    He is the strongest character but he has to take his time for his schemes. He eats heavy metals to gain mass quicker, and can produce atomic bombs biologically and survive. He even invented an almost steam-punk robotic version of himself that has dozens of hidden weapons and explodes atomically when it dies, and he produced it biologically through his abilities.
    Then we got this guy with a mental case who can basically move as fast as quick-silver or the flash, but is wearing a helmet that stimulates his brain constantly so he acts crazy and eccentric. He is super weak but resilient and makes clones of himself, and this was before naruto.
    I also had a character sorta battle like GrimJow vs Ichigo between two characters of mine, before bleach existed. One guy wanting to beat the stuffing out of the other, but I had them more evenly matched. And more plot oriented.
    But GTA influences, the salty oc who is the strongest, prolly had some hulk influence too, would just go and punch civilians and brutally murder them for venting.
    I was getting bullied in my childhood, but when I changed schools and moved out it mostly stopped, and it took me a little bit to realize I was being the jerk.
    I was that tall kid back in class always quiet but would interject now n then based on what i thought was true.
    I was a christian fundamentalist, I thought if our soul is on the line why not take it more seriously?
    That thought alone brought me closer to atheism, because I started to ask questions, and then the answers would confuse me, I would ask more, get unsatisfactory answers.
    In college, a very left leaning one, it quickly explained to me why god wasn't real, between philosophy class and world history (which covered the church).
    Between that and my schizo brother giving me evasive psychology up in my room all the time, plus insomnia because I was introduced to the net late, and was SUPER gullible due to envy and wishful thinking. I literally lost my mind.
    Eventually I move out of that toxic internet community I was at(schizo 'spiritual' people and conspiracy theorists trolls and people who attend vampire parties and drink actual blood), and gaiaonline gave me an outlet for testing if my ideas were correct or not, they were not. Eventually I learn to recognize fallacies (leaps of logic) and biases all that stuff.
    I research more and more thoroughly, double checking to see if any religion is actually real or not. I noticed a basic pattern.
    Nomadicism existed with non-humanized deities. They had tall tales more than dogma.
    Then, sacrificial religions existed, due to early farming surpluses, they sacrifice people animals and food. Even pre-christianity culture did, and theres proof in the bible god suddenly saying you dont have to sacrifice your kid when he asks.
    Then, due to farming and territories etc, nomads who didn't adjust became raiders.
    Then, religion fought back and loved battle, think ancient celtics, just loved warfare.
    Then modern religion, think rome.
    Then subversion culture due to christian martyrs bringing a strain to rome causing rebelling slaves n such.
    Rome falls.
    This is why people should take the immigration stuff more seriously, and the marxist subversion.
    Anyways, there is one exception tot his religious pattern.
    If you don't develop a surplus, because you live in a region with like, too much desert or something. Then it changes the economic structure and how much people really wanna start conflicts, because why cross a desert for desert lands and commit battle to that it'd be suicide right.
    So some religions were different here n there, or entirely different.
    But none had what I was looking for.
    Because technically, if a god was real, its chosen people would have super technology super fast. That never happened. People claim divine inspiration for the piano invention and such., Thats just an epiphany they had from working so hard on related topics their brain came up with something far better than their previous tools of the trade. Its just an epiphany about efficiency, the brain was just pretty much imagining man oh man if life were easier/superior this is what it'd be like lol.
    If divine inspiration was real, why stop at one person a decade or so, why not just give it to everyone all the time who had resources? The number one cause of crime is boredom, if a god replaced boredom people wouldn't have a significant portion of the violence that exists today. But that barely a logical argument.
    And because of how I was bullied, when I got bullied in gaiaonline's debate section (trolling) I developed a method I had used when I was younger when I was getting bullied. Nearly pre-emptive responses.
    So I was like, ok, I am just going to KNOW all their counter-arguments so I can stop them before they start, to filter out any dissenters who might wanna yank my chain, or people who wanna not read the entire thread then post, when ia lready countered their argument before. This kills three birds with one stone.
    Eventually I get banned for impersonating cupcakes hd pinkamena when I found the edgy part of the fandom lol. I didn't spend a dime, but I spent two years playing their pixel item markets and got over a thousand items.
    I felt a huge sense of loss.
    I left my second account, it was a waste of time.
    I look for mutiple sites to retake debating.
    First site, called debate, was full of elitists, trolls, crazy people, rude people. Couldn't argue with em, not one. It was cancer. The strongest level of PG cancer I have ever felt.
    Then I make my way here. Why do I get kicked from the debate forum here, because I was being too consistently anti-christian, beating a dead horse if you will.
    I just wanted the world to be more logical. My thought process was this,
    1. Make a statement
    2. preemptively counter their arguments
    3. provide evidence for claims
    4. illogic is bad
    I got banned for saying stuff like 'no christian is intellectually honest'. Which I said because, there are facts, and just ignoring them *froths at the mouth and seizes*
    So yeah.
    But the truth is, I wish heaven were real. Scratch the rest of the bible.
    Later I read the Art of War by Sun Tzu. It explains some of the dishonesty of the bible imo. For example, it advocates lying to your troops sometimes for strategic reasons. It advocates harsh discipline, so there are no dissenters. It explains alot of biblical 'injustice'. It was strategy. Just like it was a strategy for 'peace' which helped bring rome down.
    In any case, now I am dwelling on, when I die I want to be dreaming something pleasant.
    I just cant handle much stress, I lost my marbles before, stress easily gets to me at times. Its psychology, and biology.
    And youtube has a stupid notification system, and I made too many comments, now I cant find half of what i really want to reply to. Wake up to 30 notifications most of which are not even replying to me.
    No outlet for intellectual thought. But at least I am getting into cartoons and fiction again, my imagination has been improving.
    But, the edgy material plus poor diet yesterday is making me a little existential today. Well that, and I am not the healthiest person, not obese tho, but I have some skin problems. And I feel like no matter what I do its not going to make a difference.
    And pursuing just my interests, what good is that?
    Anyways I have a philosophy that anything can be understood. But some things are prolly not worth understanding. Not advocating for ignorance, just saying, time efficiency and psychological health wise lol.
    Like hotdiggedydemon had an interview with someone where he was quoting a slightly altered dialogue from a serial killer's interview. I think it was charles manson but IDR.
    Eventually I get around to researching serial killers. They tend to be spiritual individuals more often than not.
    Now I feel like sad Alphys.
    The internet has shown me some depraved things. Others have seen more depraved tho for sure.
    People say to shoot for the stars to land on the moon. I made platinum in Starcraft 2 as zerg. I am an OK spy in TF2 (not against a team of 1k hours individuals tho, they spycheck so hard) In Overwatch I was good with DVA before she got buffed, but prolly against noobers. Devil Daggers I have 310 seconds for a record on if I recall.
    But I am not motivated to do anything. Was working out well recently, but another health problem, why bother. I should starve myself til I am lean. I am barely not overweight tho. Too much fat ratio tho. I have pretty decent legs, if it were not for all those damn ingrown hairs. Raised mostly by a single mom, she had a boyfriend for a bit of it, I obviously wasn't taught right, or have super bad skin genes.
    Others have it worse, at least I am 6 foot 5. At least I have disability income. At least I have free time.
    Doesn't change the fact I am not happy right now. I blame diet, because I had antioxidants one day, none the next day plus a bunch of salty fatty carbs, of course its diet, thats pure oxidation after I had alot of antioxidants, my body is trying to cope with the reduced oxygen flow to my brain from oxidizing veins.
    Imma go take some anti-oxidants.
  4. Lil Pip
    Been watching cartoons and playing dev-pro experimentally, and doing cardio exercises every other day give or take. My imaginaiton improved alot (when I work out I have a headset on listening to tunes)
    Now that I tacked on some reading my dreams are increasing as well. Had a FO4 dream, a dream I was on a beautiful island that a mafia was in control of and I tried assassinating them and stealing stuff and fleeing. When I was fleeing I grabbed literal giant bags of cereal/chips to drag behind me so when they shoot at me it obstructs exactly where I am so I can leave more safely.
    With the FO4 dream I had it also had a weird mmo and level up mechanic and I was inactive for a while so it compiled all my levels into one skill to choose and I upgraded damage, and unloaded a clip onto someone and they didn't even get phased, so I was like WUT *double checks stats* and I was pretty much forced to join their group since I couldn't harm them anyways.
    Reminds me of essentials in FO4 n such. Can't do anything about that.
    Anyways the cartoon I was watching was Star Vs the Forces of Evil. But I always did watch some cartoons so maybe its less that, and more using the devpro yugioh thing exercising my creativity with that. It did inspire my daydreams because some of the card art does have actions being implied to make it more engaging perhaps instead of just a monster with a background. Like, they have still frames of someone drawing a card, or pressure winds like moving through the air so fast theres huge wind shear, or this guy that looks like he easily moves 3x as fast as sonic and looks sorta metal.
    So at the gym on the cardio machines my brainw as thinking how do I innovate, then ended up daydreaming crazy stuff to the music I was listening to. I don't always do that tho, the gym has tvs.
    Either way dreaming more is nice.
  5. Lil Pip
    Source: Believing in Celestia
    But I just realized, like, even that has a hierarchy. Should I have a problem with that? Idk. I know christianity always harped on parent figures, thats because thats how we view authority when we get older.
    And Celestia I recall a youtuber or someone saying she is more like a mother than anything else.
    But maybe thats why I don't believe in god, because I learned my parent is too fallible? But thats not really the point, the point is, even Celestia is an authority figure, so when I say mlp as a religion would be superior than modern ancient religions, what about her being a fallible authority, just 'human', like everyone else?
    Well, thats why I don't believe in faith, because it is the same as admiration

    It requires the idea that the leader is unquestionably correct. Their moral high ground, is the only moral high ground. It is authority, it implies they have authority over you.
    So, how would I go about an equestrian religion anyways?
    Prolly more along the lines of Luna I suppose, slightly anarchistic. But I know anarchy is greatly flawed, like what would you do without education and police? Obviously dystopia caused from monopoly, what else could it lead to, that and a wild west? Who wants a wild west? That'd be terrible if we are being honest.
    So, hm, how would I approach an equestrian religion?
    Subversion is comedic, just imagine the stereotypical black cloaks, all chanting a ritual, that'd be hilarious, because we know its fictional and won't do anything. It'd be like, facing fears in a way, laughing at death, idk. I think that'd be nice. Better than a passive sorta, Oh yes celestia anything you want me to do celestia, which even celestia has shown very early on she is kinda bored of. Which shows the disparity between Celestia and modern parenting as unparallel authority swaps.
    Which means Celestia might be cool anyways, but idk, she doesn't reveal her character too frequently.
    And oops, I posted this to my dream journal. idc, too much other stuff competing for my attention, Imma just leave it there.
  6. Lil Pip
    Your guy's thoughts on this? Not just the Jake editing, your thoughts on the whole event that transpired.
    I mean the obvious is kind of obvious, the show has nothing better to do than try and make fun of people to make their audience get an ego boost. Then those on the show thought it was a good idea. 
    And then the psychologist guy, literally had nothing to say. And the show is so fake, because he doesn't get into any details, and they never promise anything other than saying if its weird or not. Appeal to authority much?
    Like, what makes that a good show idea anyways? His whole marketing ploy is egotism and superiority complexes.
    Can any good come from it happening? Like, other than all the smart people watching, if any would be watching it in the first place, might know its obviously low tier. Not talking about Jake yet tho,
    But about Jake, he was pretty funny for this editing. Might rewatch it again.
  7. Lil Pip
    Source: OC Maker
    Just thought I would share, think someone wanted to know before. I didn't get to the plot or social interaction phase with them or shipping etc personality or such yet, but it was when I was trying to come up with different OCs these ones I really enjoyed imagining myself as.
  8. Lil Pip
    This is based on what I know so take it with a grain of salt, and what I notice in other's behaviors, but it is by no means a complete overview.
    1. Memorization.
    2. Association
    3. Comprehension
    Memorization, uninspiring, sorta lame unless you are personally vested into the topic, which you can trick yourself into doing by asking yourself
    'What do I want to know?'
    Then being motivated is easy peasy.
    Associative learning is the most magical, and its the easiest to be incorrect about and the most superstitious, what you know is more up for grabs. Its like, a dog hearing a whistle, then knowing food should be in their food dish now, because its how they were trained. This is a step past memorization though because it is more intrinsically rewarding and its different from memorization tho is rather similar. Its like how students can recall information in classrooms easier than outdoors, that is association. Or its how people see a bad omen and get paranoid and throw blessed salt on their home's entrances. Which actually can be triggered from electromagnetic fields and stuff, so people might just feel a biological need to get away, then they are confused why and the first half reasonable thing they think of- its demons!- is what they focus on and try to solve the problem for. It is related to phobias of all sorts, and usually is dictated by the reptilian brain in 3 brain theory (logic>emotion>instinct or vice versa, instinct is the closest to the brain stem the hind-brain, which is usually in the visceral [primitive or instinctual or such] enjoyment category or fight or flight response sorta part of the brain. Some biological situations can induce similar feelings.) and its also basically like muscle memory. Muscle memory is like, you have washed dishes so many times you can do it while distracted by a tv in front of you while chewing gum etc, its just so easy from repetition thats muscle memory. Why I say muscle memory is similar is because strong associative things, like PTSD which can trigger people, is based on associated stimuli and is usually related to fight or flight, it is not always though but its usually easier for the Id of psychology (Id Ego and Superego) to do such a thing. But I very well could just be assuming based on tangential or second-hand information.
    Comprehension is the best of course, because it is like a step beyond associative or memorization. Its theoretical and practical, not presumptuous like associative can be. Theoretical speculation can lead to incorrect associative learning tho, so there is a proper method to deducing which usually involves skepticism of the stances with a process of elimination as one way of fact checking. This can be wrong though if one ignores the consequences to their actions. Consequence is what tells us about if we are doing something wrong or not, also it requires caution to properly find out instead of prematurely concluding.
    All three types are flawed.
    Memorization you don't usually have the time to question if the context is true, then you can make some false conclusions.
    Associative is good for some experiments or incidental experiments, like you ate some food that made you sick, what was the recent new food you tried that might be doing it? Granted that is comprehensive and associative in that example not just associative. The other flaw with associative being culture shock for one realistic example. It turns out how people behave may be culturally different, and this can cause the brain to have a minor meltdown sort of deal, hence culture shock, your brain recognizes alot of its information is not valid, and might even be preparing to rewire your brain to learn more at the expense of temporary ease of functioning while it tries to recognize subconsciously exactly how much you might need to relearn.
    Then the flaw with comprehensive is its nearly impossible to recognize all factors in a problem at once. Individuals have limits, teamwork is rather good. Our working memory can only store so much data, so if you do not combine some memorization and associative, you won't be as prepared. You need to be thoroughly learned. This also benefits from having an interest in the material being learned, and helps with hands on practice.
    Memorization: You don't need to actually understand the material to get a passing grade or look smart. And it helps to be thorough.
    Associative: Helps if you already are doing something right and you need repetition, you can just do the same thing again and again and not mess it up, muscle memory basically. It is also used for memory tricks like memory palaces. What you do is imagine stuff that really weird, but disctinctly unique to the thing you want to remember, and primarily related to what you are trying to recall. So say you want to remember to do dishes in the morning, you can imagine a standard rooster cockadoodledoo, and the rooster is in the kitchen sink, trapped in a maze of dishes and you need to help get it out or something bad will happen (sorta sounds like a weird dream scenario right lol) or if you prefer the optimistic outlook you can recall it like, its a super buff rooster, and the rooster wants you to wash the dishes, and flex with it. And thats fun(if you played Undertale or like weird stuff at least lol), so you will try to remember to do that for tomorrow morning lol. And because its so weird, and specific you will probably remember it anyways. Or if you wanna do it more normally just remember the morning atmosphere and how washing dishes is, and then associate that with yourself waking up from your waking up perspective, and associate it with the dishes you will use for breakfast the next day or such, or your shoes are similarly shaped to bowls, so you try and make it associated with a bowl so when you see it you remember, ah, dishes.
    Comprehensive: Well, if you understand something you understand something, just know what you don't know to prevent assumptions, or at least come up with a decently deductive method, or you might end up doing confirmation bias and always assuming you know better because of your experience and knowledge. Then next thing you know scientists say pluto isn't a planet, and you don't agree with them, but everyone else does. Then its like a everyone is wrong but me sorta deal, when really you are wrong, and at least admit you might be wrong and go see why they stopped calling it a planet.
    Also its just more practical. Like, how do I make a wheelchair out of just wood? You don't just associate, tho that can help fill in the blanks, it won't help you plan it out entirely in detail, thats what the comprehensive knowledge is there for. You know things need plans, and you can watch tutorials or such to understand it before working on it. But even then, if you do the right things in the right order you can still make a wooden wheelchair without comprehending how to use wood to make something in a future project, in which case its memorization not comprehensive.
    Let me know how easy this topic was, and if you knew it already or not, so I can get some measure of how reasonable/realistic I am being, with respect to the audience.
  9. Lil Pip
    *not to be confused with the Lil Pip from FO:E
    Hello and welcome to logic with Lil. Because almost alliteration is better than none lol.
    Today we will see examples of improper logic, because the best way to learn logic is to avoid mistakes.
    :-o But why is the best way to improve at logic is to learn to avoid making mistakes?
    Thats a good question. That is because if you use faulty reasoning it will always be wrong, but if you don't use faulty reasoning what you say will at least be true if everything you think is true is true.
    But what if what you think is true is not true?
    That is why you also need to be aware that anything you know might be wrong. Which is why faith is a bad concept.
    But why do you say faith is bad? It does good things too!
    Just because it does some good things doesn't mean it doesn't cause mistakes.
    So why should we be worried about making mistakes anyways?
    Because mistakes can cause neglect which would cause harm.
    If we make a mistake can't we just fix it after?
    Not if you do not know its a mistake. Which is another reason why faith is bad, its almost an unquestionable authority that your decision was right, you have faith your faith is right for example.

    How do we do logic aside from mistake avoidance, and how can we recognize mistakes?
    Good questions. Lets start with how we can recognize mistakes. You have to ask questions to try and understand issues more, and asking questions can expose flaws in an argument or line of reasoning. Lets start with one like the 'wage gap'.
    Alot of feminists like to cite this http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0763170.html ' in 2013, women earned 78.3% as much as men aged 16 and over'. But they neglect that there might be other factors in play. This is usually try for most issues, so is a good way to approach a topic. You can ask what other factors might be the cause of this statistic or what might be left out. It might be women and men are different demographics so get jobs differently. Like how asians earn more than whites in America, its because more of them tend to be doctors, not necessarily because of work place discrimination. Which the link also sort of fuels why its wrong, but that just shows how some facts have multiple interpretations of which only one tends to be more true 'The Equal Pay Act was signed in 1963, making it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who hold the same job and do the same work.' If it were the case women would be winning lawsuits, and getting hired more than men. Which gives another reason why its flawed, it might not even indicate a disadvantage to women depending on how you look at it if it were true. But that doesn't really matter because of this http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/harvard-prof.-takes-down-gender-wage-gap-myth/article/2580405 ' the gap is due mostly to choices men and women make in their careers and not discrimination.'
    You just want me to stop being a feminist!
    No, I am pointing out something that is true. It has already been shown that women prefer different jobs for whatever reason. Some would argue that is evidence that culture itself is the enemy then become even more radical. But thats not really the point anyways it was just an example of faulty reasoning. Until you know a problem inside and out, how can you truly know you know? Especially if you don't try researching or asking questions, and with sensationalist media assuming what you hear is true is a big mistake and you can spread it around because it gets you upset.
    But how to really note what might be true is asking yourself, 'why do I think I know this?' and seeing if it really proves to be true or not from trying to debunk it.
    Why try debunking it to see what is true?
    You gotta do that because it ties back into eliminating mistakes. If you are correct it doesn't mean much if you can't prove it to yourself or others. You would always suspect you might be wrong, and if you are wrong it can harm others. How much it harms others depends on the specific case itself, but its best to prevent mistakes than to fix them after, because this way you or others don't need to deal with unexpected damages. Also its easy to find arguments to prove something is true, because of confirmation bias and cherry picking. Its not always easy or possible to avoid doing those, but it helps where you can prevent problems.
    How does one debunk things? Also don't forget my other question.
    Usually its as easy as googling it. But sometimes in a conversation you don't have the time to google it or the search requires too many terms and it becomes difficult to find anything. On top of that the debunk articles might even be wrong and you might need to try debunking the debunking articles and it might get messy. So like how you can ask yourself why do I think I know it, you can ask others the same question. If you notice there is a jump in logic, or there can be another factor that is not being considered or such you can piece apart why it isn't well pieced together.
    Now for your other question, how do we logic aside from mistake avoidance?
    Well we always have to be careful because we might be wrong. But its also possible that science is too slow to acknowledge truths you can discern before it is officially true. As long as your evidence aligns with evidence, and you do not ignore any counter-arguments/evidence but try to understand how it fits into the puzzle then you can better understand the truth of something.
    For example, studies show that stress and sugar can cause oxidation of the veins. Stress can reduce cognitive performance, as can an excessive amount of sugar intake. They are similar biologically. Then you research schizophrenia and it suggests that they have a higher susceptibility to brain oxidation (oxidation of the veins in the brain). You research antioxidants and other things which prevent or counter vein oxidation. You learn oxidation is acidic ph balance, you learn blueberries have alot of antioxidants, you learn heart disease is caused by cardiovascular problems, you learn the body leeches calcium from the bones to reduce the blood acidity. You find out poor sleep increases oxidation to the brain, you find out people who don't exercise get more brain deterioration.
    So now you can assume if you have a sudden mood problem, and you are eating unhealthy, not sleeping well, etc it can actually cause social problems, because of how a poor functioning brain increases irritability. You can problem solve and it all seems so much more interconnected. But, you still need to be careful because you can over-estimate the impact of something. Like saying that calcium and blueberries can help treat schizophrenia. While it is true, what if they already were eating healthy and everything? Their case of schizophrenia is severe and genetic or related to a brain injury or another different factor. You can still be wrong, despite having a good understanding, and sometimes a good understanding doesn't lend to practical application because you do not know how much calcium, how much blueberries. You now need to research more to know, to avoid making mistakes, and trying to debunk your own conclusions leads to further avenues of knowledge, and you will still be better prepared than someone who is faith oriented usually.
    Faith is researchable too. Studies tend to say morale, and confidence can lead to reduced competition anxiety. Whenever you can have the fear of failure it can help to be more confident, and that is where science suggests good luck charms can work. So some practices can help with some scenarios, which is why you need to better understand an issue inside and out, or you might assume they are wrong when they are not, which can decrease their moral if they believe you, then lead to more social stresses etc. But assuming they are right is also faulty, which is why research is needed for debunking, and for bunking. You have to be careful.
    But there is also a problem with researching too much I already briefly mentioned when I said how you don't know how it is in practical application. You need experience not just knowledge or you will feel like second-guessing yourself because you do not know how to quantify something. Which is why relaxing can be good, and why spiritual practices can be good.
    But at the expense of logic mistakes will be made, its hard to always weigh what is better. But when you understand everything better you can still make more correct seemingly non-logical actions as well. Like, prayer helps relieve stress from the one who prays, even if I don't believe in any modern gods (because I researched it with the aim to debunk, and succeeded greatly) then I can still pray for the practice itself. And I have some studies to suggest that knowing its not true and still doing it can yield some benefits still, it depends on mindset though. Also, just because prayer relaxes doesn't mean we place it into the pure good category either. A study shows when you tell others they are being prayed for before heart bypass surgery, the risk of complications increases. The only hypothesis on why that I can think of are because either it indicates their condition is more serious which decreases morale and health, or because the immune system stops because it thinks god is handling it for you.
    Also understanding motivation is important because then you can see why a person might be making mistakes, when you understand fallacies, defense mechanisms, biases, and the three brains (logic, emotion, instinct). Also called the reptilian brain, is based on fight or flight generally. Why I say this, is because I notice subconscious motivations as well.
    For example https://mlpforums.com/topic/161263-race-baiting-an-escape-hatch/post 1 here is confirmation bias leading into something that might be a persecution complex. They found one link, didn't research it more, and came to a potentially harmful conclusion. They would try solving the problem the wrong way if people just believe it at face value, and the subconscious motivation here is he is black, he feels more obligated to believe it perhaps, or something similar. So people need to be careful about what appeals to their nature, like this story really
    Because people sometimes get into this zone of, I am a girl so how can I not be a feminist? Its just obvious I should be one, because it'd be self-contradicting if I did not. Then it appeals more to their nature, its empowering. The moral high ground is a dangerous thing, and can lead to aggression similar to how Fluttershy was in that one episode with Iron Will. It is also why narcissism, racism, superiority complexes, 'my religion is the only true religion' mentality, etc, its all the same. Which is why we see sexism from feminists against men at times, and blm has been anti-white at times. Its intrinsically a sort of racist mentality, to define people through categorizations, like trying to get a token female president in just because she is female and we need one of those to be progressive. Technically, whoever is best at their job should get in, not just a woman. I think its because it appealed to women's nature too much, kinda like Oprah Winfrey's show which is kind of anti-male and anti-white before the term sjw has been around. Its just all a superiority complex, and it feels good, its like the moral high ground.
    That is why people need to be careful, it extends to every problem in the world right now, improper logic does.
    Take care.
  10. Lil Pip
    Some studies show even in sedentary lifestyles (at the computer alot) it can increase health if one gets electrical muscle stimulation going. I know no doctor would let someone have like 5-9 on at once, but I want to have like 5 to 9 on at once lol. Unless this idk, maybe?
    So I am trying to use my brain to stimulate my muscles in a similar fashion, problem is it takes too much effort and I can't game at the same time while doing it yet.
    What do you guys think about this?
    And technically it could work, because it stimulates the nerves to effect the muscle, but I read if it makes your muscles twitch to spasm its at too high of a force, and overuse can lead to slight skin burns and they say not to leave it on overnight. Probably so you do not roll over, and it disconnects and shortcircuits or zaps the muscles wrong or accidentally gets somewhere it shouldn't etc, turn on extra high etc.
    Plus it'd be a hassle to manage 5 at once, I would need a custom jacket or something to neatly hold them all without accidentally changing the settings.
  11. Lil Pip
    I tried to google if this theory existed, albeit briefly. Its not.
    Basically an extension theory to the chara is the narrator theory

    a lil bit of this mixed with a little bit of
    this however this vid is annoying a bit because of adhd, and high volume bleeping and stuff 
    But a strong evidence for chara being the narrator is when the ghosts show evidence of awareness of narration as if it were speech. Napstablook heres him saying he has no sense of humor, and mad dummy says their buddy left their dummy because you noted 'doesn't seem much for conversation'.
    But Papyrus doesn't have an asterisk in the text. Which means he might actually be speaking in english, and thats why you have a bad case of 'silent protagonist'

    Because you do not speak ze monster language probably, which is why when at the end of true pacifist Papyrus offers to be the ambassador when you turn it down when Asgore asks you, well, unless Papyrus knows he can convince people like with Undyne challenging her to get you to be friends. But they didn't ask anyone else, not one.
    And the only other person though with flavored text is Sans, but his has an asterisk, which means perhaps he has an accent or such. They did just 'show up' one day and 'asserted themselves' the game says, I think it was a shop-keeper, the one at snowdin.
    Any ideas or thoughts? This isn't undoubtedly proven, but it'd explain the asterisks in use all the time during fight dialogue and such.
    It also explains why all of that vanishes when you face Ultimate Flowey, because there is Constant dodging, no back n forth sorta stand-still stand-off sorta fighting. Which is also why Sans dodges in a realistic manner, not just standing there bracing for impact like a stooge. Sans also implies the monsters just kinda stay still and get hit. Its not that he is strong, its that the other monsters are sort of off.
    Thats why there is a snow-kiwi-bird that you can get on your head when you slide through some forest after a puzzle before snowdin. Kiwis went extinct, sorta like monsters, because they had no natural predators, then predators got introduced to them and they couldn't defend themselves. Asriel says in the true ending also that there are alot of flowey's out there. How Flowey described himself was a 'relentless killer'. This means like actual combat, not periodic attacks with alot of hesitation going on, real martial artists don't hesitate, because for example in SC2 all the pro streamers say stuff like under committing, hesitation overcommitting now and then.
    Like, if you commit to an attack you gotta do it asap or a moment later and they could have the better upgrade or units or posture. If you hesitate it gives the opponent an advantage equal to how long you hesitate. If you invest into a plan it gets carried out, or its an opportunity cost loss.
    And its like the difference between an mma fighter and a regular person. MMA fighters take advantage of your lack of activity in the moment of conflict, your hesitation and fear to commit to a decision. They just would approach and attack repeatedly til they win, and often times do overkill, still hitting people in a fight who are getting knocked out til the referee calls the match, just in case they get back up and cause them to lose when they least expect it.
  12. Lil Pip
    All religion is basically subconscious self-worship through egotism(in this perspective I am sharing), however, I remembered a detail about early magical practice with a new angle I haven't thought of before for consequence for the rest of the development of humanity's psyche.
    Ancient magic was all association. They didn't know it, but they were tricking themselves into thinking they could do magic. Like if you pretend to use psychic powers to influence a sports game on television or such. It adds the idea of some level of control. Sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't. But, when it does it creates the illusion of power. Then you can believe you can do anything in a way, similar to how humans thought themselves above nature once they could farm.
    So, this probably was a natural development, but one cannot try to achieve the impossible unless they already believe they have some power over another thing, even if they do not understand it it gives them the ability to exercise practice over a thing, if it is interactable.
    Which means, this illusion of control could have helped people brave understanding the world. It might be a precursor to curiosity, power fantasies.
    Which in turn is like entertainment. If one 'controls' everything in their perspective they have no new heights, so seek what is new, hence curiosity, exploration. They say this is what made humans different from the other hominids and gave us a population advantage.
    Just something I felt like sharing. Feel free to discuss.
  13. Lil Pip
    I am not sure if I have made a fallacy(logical mistake) or not. Hm.
    The potential fallacy was that religions having the probability to do evil in small amounts and consistently, means its bad. I realize SJWs do a similar logic when arguing that all men are potential rapists thus all men are bad and owe women. This is the second time I noticed the fallacy but last time was too busy or tired to remember to catch myself.
    But then I remember the research I did and can't help but think I am right. When SJWs do this sorta fallacy their opinions can sometimes contradict research.
    Hm, I guess it is heavy handed and I could try finding more specific reasons.
    In which case, I should clarify. Like how Islam would not be doing suicide bombings if their religion did not say death in battle with the enemy would cause them to go to heaven and get 72 virgins. Because they wouldn't be suicidal, they would try other forms of attack. And their whole Isis violence is entirely related to that line(and others from their holy book).
    So how do we even solve this?
    Also you know how people hate on homosexuals more who are christian, as compared to hating on shellfish? Is it because they simply do not understand homosexuals, but they understand shellfish is tasty? How can they pick and choose? How can anyone pick and choose? Idk I just find it dishonest, but more on topic, would they still hate homosexuals (the ones that do) if their bible did not say so?
    I would need to find an article on how much agnostics or atheists are homophobic or such. Hm https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/2fqlgz/nonreligious_homophobia/
    So it might be a culture problem. But I need to see a community comparison to be sure that religion isn't doing more of it. Either way seems like the appeal to tradition fallacy might be the cause for homophobia (this is why I emphasize logic, poor logic is ignorance which can harm).
    Studies so far are saying the homophobic are more likely to be gay.
    Here it is http://pitweb.pitzer.edu/academics/wp-content/uploads/sites/38/2014/12/FAC-Zuckerman-Sociology-Compass.pdfatheists are less homophobic.
    So I guess I did not make a mistake.
  14. Lil Pip
    Downloaded two free games Price and Trick & Treat.
    Got FO3 so I can put mods on it (from Nexusmods.com and it needs a mod just to run on this windows)
    Wings of Vi looks good aesthetically and I play platformers sometimes. Semi-recently played Castlevania SotN and reminds me of that in some ways.
    Got Cluster Truck. It appeals to my stimulation desire and looks fun but simple, possibly addictive, and because its first person I would like it to influence future dreams. I think it prolly has community mod stuff too, idr.
    Shantae and the Pirates Curse because it seems fun, I would prefer it a little cheaper still, its metroidvania, but memes/fans makes me consider it more.
    Recettear an Item Shop's Tale. Because I have some marketing needs. And I need a cute/relaxing game eventually.
    SkullGirls because the PS3 version lacks survival mode and some aesthetic maps, and because I may get a fight stick to play it for pc.
    Velvet Assassin because Rageaholic and ManyATrueNerd like it and its just 1$ during the sale.
    Furi because they dropped it down from 24.99 to 19.99 then put a 35% or so discount on it, and the game is boss rush bullet hell mixed with 3rd person fighting? I am not doing it justice, the art style is aesthetic And is from that guy who did Afro Samurai. Short challenging game, is thought provoking, secret ending(sort of). Some cool characters.
    Rome Total War because I need a larger battle RTS than SC2, and ManyATrueNerd played it, but then I watched more gameplay and decided it may be fun for some multiplayer also. Though I will prolly wimp-out and avoid multiplayer in it(especially since theres prolly only 5 people playing it who beat everyone even if they are not noobs lol, SC2 is kinda tough enough).

    Some other games I recommend if you think you like the sound of their gameplay are, eh, mostly one finger death punch. Its on sale for less than 2$ right now. Not gonna double check, but I would look through steam games yourself and order it from reviews, and look up some brief gameplay of each that sounds interesting. For those who don't already know of course.
    Feels good <3
  15. Lil Pip
    Consequence. The measure of whether an action is good or not.
    But, what of the scope of the consequence. Eating icecream all day might feel good initially, but what will it feel like in the long run?
    Not only that, how will it effect those around me?
    Consequence is empirical. But if its limited in scope and not thought of beyond the self and into the future, how can you have the best understanding of your actions?
  16. Lil Pip
    Now this title is how I would normally put dream titles, key words only, it increases maximum recall before rereading in the future so if you don't read it and have no clue about it, then it'd impair recall from remembering it as a story instead of the actual dream. (used to have a 500+ dream journal and all I had to do was read the titles)
    Ok, the dream starts off I am with a bunch of peeps from school (irl I am not in school anymore) and I was setting it up so I could float from tied balloons but I couldn't get proper lift because there were too many trees around me, and the peeps thought it was a bad idea anyways so were sorta discouraging it and not giving me enough space. When I land on my feet and I subconsciously recognize I am about to wake up I decide to waltz around to school, and theres this minor niggling of zombies pursuing me or something, and I am short to the ground so I was probably a pony without realizing it at that point but Pinkie runs into me, and accidentally spills some blue soda on herself and looks blue except for her mane, and she was in a hurry for some reason and walking on her two hind pony legs and had a bag with her cutie mark on it and apologized then took off. I didn't think much about it but went into line and I was my usual tall self then. Then REM cycle changes, I see a bunch of what seems to be appleseeds stuck to the wall, and upon closer inspection theres some rotten gum on the wall too and flies and I didn't want all the huge flies to start buzzing about and didn't wanna smell anything rotten but darn I notice my wall is somewhat destroyed too and I look behind it and theres a secret room there for whatever reason, and what looked like a rubbery grandma in a cube-shaped pit in the stainless steel colored opaque floor, and I wondered either thats a dead grandma and I need to call the cops and it explains the flies, or its a costume of a grandma and pinkie had it and barged through my property and didn't apologize for bumping into me but instead poked me to get my attention and apologized about my broken wall. But reflecting on it the flies were not on the grandma, and she did look rubbery except the waist looked fat it could be artificial insulation rather than idk some weird death, or the flies would be on the corpse not inactive in front of it. So the flies were there cuz of rotten gum and appleseeds I guess.
  17. Lil Pip
    When writing a dream journal looking at the key words to remember it to not misrecall the dream is good but I need to write what I do recall first.
    Beautiful reflecting water, extremely aesthetic, from a tropical region, I got the perspective like it was a window leading into the world and submerged partially and the waves were rolling majestically and there were some rocks and coral reef on the lower rocks more consistently submerged by water. I became slightly aware I was lucid dreaming and tried to make it more amazing, then we simply went on land the area's color became indigo due to the lighting change the sun setting, and a few ungraceful colorful sparks flew by, nothing impressive about those. And the colors were so crisp and distinct it was great though, besides the bland lights might as well be as interesting as a yellow/orange light from a lightbulb.
    Also there was some edgy immortal alicorn spirit trope going on but it wasn't an alicorn. I currently do not recall much detail as to when/where this occurred, but the spirit had its own location or realm, domain. And it was the god of that domain, so it was obviously risky to even approach her. And she killed others were who irrationally afraid of her and enjoyed it. But I was rational, and I chose to brave the fear. And in the window next to the beautiful see, and behind the indigo lit hill, was a dimension of four segments. Each one was grotesque in its detail, in order to instill a fear response, colored with blood in odd patterns and sort of like shadow but blood colored. I definitely thank playing the game Contrast for some of this, and I really enjoyed giving that game a try yesterday which I had got on discount a season ago and have not tried til then. Anywho, there were four 'windows' in this window abrupt and standing out, each unified with the same aesthetic. First before transitioning the windows were side by side and just adrenal-causing patterns. But when it transitioned with noticing a window below the blood shadow-sorta visuals stood out. One was a room like the bottom of a pool-shower area floor, but it had blood filling about the bottom 3 inches of it, and a beautiful woman partially in the filth, her foot probably against the wall in the corner, her hair mixing with blood at the other corner, her limbs at weird angles giving the impression she could be partially segmented(chopped up), or not and just in an abnormal posture, you could not tell the difference. I look to the other windows adjacent, this one on the lower left, and I do not currently recall what the other windows had, same aesthetic though, I think one for instance was the same woman but in a bathtub full of blood.
    Then when I entered the domain I of course felt threatened and she was being a little excited, everyone before me did scream in terror and try fleeing before me but I did not. She almost got in my face, a little too close for comfort but I didn't let it bother me. (the symbolism is obvious when you consider I have not been in a romantic relationship, and it still borrows some themes from Contrast).
    I do not know where or when it happened, but the setting changed, and I felt intimacy with her, and at a different time also conversation. It was like if you ever had a casual conversation with nightmaremoon after she just killed other people who feared her for fun. You would feel nervous but know she isn't going to harm you. And I think the intimacy was warm due to the blood on her skin. Irl blood would be sticky slimy and gross, but its a dream, it was more like a warm coating stuck to us. But idr much of it, it was more sensation than visuals perhaps, and maybe between REM cycles. Maybe I simply forgot.
    Then she was an anthro, I tried to approximate her visuals. She was half anthro dinosaur(1/4raptor 3/4 bronchiosaur) and half anthro pony(1/4)/shark(3/4), and where we were the background was like one of those arcade sections where you roll the ball up and land it in one of the holes for points for tickets. Which I then tried. But also she was coming onto me and I enjoyed it.
    Also the dream before this in the same night I was in a subway and found out in this world at this vending machine i can get infinite coins from just repeating previous missions then lost interest because grinding would make the world a cake-walk (influence from trying the game War of the Human Tanks) and the boss itself was a half fishman half werewolf. Which was influence from Castlevania Symphony of the Night. And the world was 3-d and some elements of the missions and stuff remind me of Fallout4 and somewhat Final Fantasy 15 or 12.
    Oh yes. In this earlier dream it built up for the character (prolly an anima in jungian psychology) but also influenced by feminism and cowardice, and Eliza from skullgirls. There were these two guys who to not get killed by her got a gender change to become transgendered, and treated her well all day spoiling her(in dream she was born a girl with a penis, these two males with breasts had obvious silicon implants though), and thinking back on it she was probably amused, but I did not recognize it in the dream. I wasn't allowed to know her perspective, perhaps due to fear or something. Irl I wouldn't want to get spoiled like Eliza, I know its a dangerous mindset. Superiority complexes, and mild sadism. I know it'd feel good though, in some ways. But because it impairs reasoning I probably tried cognitively avoiding it but it certainly was a neat characteristic of her in the game Skullgirls. But she wasn't giving off fear here, perhaps because I have yet to see her edgy insanity. Also I refer to them the same when they may not be because they were very much the subject of the dream, and consistent themes even if not all tropes were consistent.
    Thats all I currently remember, except I think there was a third part, like, just before the ocean scene, I think the people she killed were panicking house guests, indoors and at night in a well kept house.
  18. Lil Pip
  19. Lil Pip
    I realized after using this link yesterday its a psychological defense mechanism. Basically defense mechanisms: a guide on how to not feel bad.
    This is how they resolve dissonant beliefs in some instances, its also why people wish mind bleach were real.
    Also its a logical fallacy because it neglects how each version of religion is differently defined, and no one knows which one is real (except me, its none #Triggered )
    So its also evidence of a misperception issue and unrelatability when a person produces this logical fallacy/mechanism.
    Some examples:
    You criticize christian fundamentalism: Oh those aren't true christians.
    I criticize the old testament: They disown it.
    Jesus practiced peace: I show them quotes on where he wasn't peaceful, they ignore it and say its out of context.
    Defense mechanisms can happen anywhere and they are the same every time really. Denial, ignorance, bliss.
    This is why there are fundamental logical errors with the religious unoriginal http://listverse.com/2009/04/13/10-christ-like-figures-who-pre-date-jesus/
    Plus they do not have divined technology in rapid succession, the god acts contrary to their own stated plans and ideals. The probability is zero, the only way it could be right is through probability, and with potentially infinite variations of deities through probability one divided by infinite is literally effectively zero.
    The only reason to believe is through logical fallacies and upbringing and impaired decision-making. And I am not trying to be rude, this is just the truth. I have yet to hear an argument aside from denial or case-study-like reasoning which is biased and fallible considering how much human psychological errors exist.

  20. Lil Pip
    Basically https://mlpforums.com/topic/145365-why-do-so-many-people-hate-religion/page-9#entry4751513
    For instance also, the Westboro Baptist Church. If Christianity was so wholesome why did that spawn from it?
    Superstitious thinking begets superstitious thinking. Superstition allows irrational fear, and irrational problem solving, which in turn leads to an irrational violence.
    If the world is founded on religious utopia, afterwards it would be destroyed by the superstitious thoughts they harbor. Its as simple as riots occurring form a sports game.
    Thats where the future leads for religion.
    When you analyze whether something is or is not moral to do, you need to look at every step into the future. Not preserve your faith now, but, make better decisions for the future. Pacifists can, and have become killers. Christians went from preaching peace to the romans, to massacring thousands in crusades.
    You say, Jesus spoke peace did he not? If you analyze the bible, that was a complete fucking 180. Jealous god, kill people for as little as worshiping the stars, likes displaying his brute strength: SUDDENLY a moment to challenge the greater forces of Samaria and the Romans, now is the time to display my strength! By, preaching peace so they do not kill me like I would have killed them had we outnumbered them.
    Then we kill them after rising through the lower class, the ones we prey on, just like how they give the most frequently in america, yet also get scammed the most.
    Lack of education promotes religion, and it has for thousands of years, and thats why Christianity survives. Studies I have shared before easily show the correlation.
    But everyone wishes the lie were true. The bible is a flat earth book, and has math errors. I have dissuaded literally everything of it through links and articles and arguments and explanations.
    Honestly, how do you respond? Do you want to ignore it? Deny it because god is 'obvious' thus I am 'obvious'ly incorrect? Do you lie to protect your sudden doubt so you do not get social responsibility for suddenly becoming an atheist? Do you deny science, deny it had math errors or is a flat earth book? Deny the valid arguments I made about them preaching peace?
    Why? I know how good the lie can be. Heaven, eternal peace, god, eternal safety and comfort.
    Except its not, it doesn't, it hasn't, it can't.
    The only half reasonable ones are those who know their religion is wrong but practice it anyways. Be it an atheistic interpretation, I mean sure the bible had wisdom, for some socially manipulative barbarians, they sort of do have some elements in common with the art of war, such as deception and solidarity and discipline (stonings being frequent and all).
    So thats just what they were, war mongers.
    But to be fair, they had reason. You see how muslims are causing the rapes to triple from not even having half the population muslim, that means like, how much more rapes do a muslim do compared to the Swedish? Thats what happens when you let groups mingle, thats why they loved genocide, and discipline. Or, they probably knew, what they did to egypt and rome, would also occur to them if they let an inferior group play martyr and preacher to the uneducated masses.
    Just like why Islam is the fastest growing religion to date. Its because of poverty.
    Now, just like the ouroboros, the symbol of circular logic, your abrahamic religion is eating itself. Eat: symbolism is to kill and replace. In metaphorical fiction, anyways. Muslims and Christians are Abrahamic. So it fits.
    You are what you eat, when you have circular logic.
  21. Lil Pip
    Speed read about 60k words today, and normal read about 18k.
    Dry eyes are possibly going to be a problem so will sleep earlier and hydrate more. Also try having one eye shut and the other lidded, and swapping them periodically.
    This is day 2 of it, day one I had read about 18k in speed reading. Started at 270 and worked my way up to 290. Today it was 285 to 355.
    I try to every 5k words or so up 10 wpm speed using this program http://www.spreeder.com/app.phpand each day lower it by 5 for warm-up reasons.
    Since doing so I have been daydreaming and dreaming more and more detailed.
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