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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Nightmare Season, The family separated in good spirits when it was time for some more royal duties. Crystal Clear noted with satisfaction at the selection of goods presented by the clans. Now that the crystal ponies have seen them and their wares, she was certain she would make a blast with much more than their silks. The mare took an active, and evn lead position in the talks. Once the crystal ponies made a list of things they were interested in, the crystal royals, backed by a few business advisors, started negotiating prices. Crystal Cear knew that much depended on how the buyers viewed the goods and their marketing, so she played the novelty, scarcity and luxury cards all the time to lift the price. Textiles were by far the most sought after, starting with silk that was already making a blast in highest circles of society, through carpets, rugs, cushions, pillows, blankets, anything really that had a distinct nightmare pony decor and was made from local textiles, unavailable up North. The clans will be pleased with the prices, since they will sell everyday items as luxurious novelties. The tradesponies tried to buy seeds of their fruits and vegetables, but Crystal Clear banned seed trade outright - she knew very well that next year they wouldn't sell any foodstuffs now that they were grown domestically. Burning Sands would not like being cut off from theur profits like that. Cadence smiled at her protecting her nation's interests like a real monarch would. The crystal ship couldn't hold large quantities of exotic timber or large items, like wagons, but the interest was there. They decided to trade a few suits of armour from Raging Fires for a hefty price, as collectors items. The clan wasn't sold on the idea of fine nightmare steel gathering dust, but the bags of money soothed their feelings. It was evening already when the talks were over and the trade contracts signed, and the attendants were invited to a party held outside the camp. Braziers, glow-crystals and fire manes provided light on the grounds and food laden tables. Nightmares and crystal ponies were talking and playing together. The royals decided not to crash it again with their dancing, and opted for a more stationary celebration. They talked and mingled, even playedsome games. Crystal Clear took the opportunity to tak with the princess about some things that she wanted to know when Shining Armor was talking Nightmare Season's ear off with his guard stuff and many perils and great rewards of being a father. Seems like he finally found a pony that would manage to bear it all without falling asleep. Once the crystal nightmare knew all she wanted from the crystal princess, and the mares shook hooves on a little agreement, she decided it was time to save her husband from the prince of rambling. She came and announced she feels sleepy and wants them to go. He seemed greateful for the save but didn't wantto go just yet. She convinced him by mentioning his reward. However, they didn't go to their tent, but to the spot they occupied last night. This time they took off the clothes before getting down to business. Crystal made sure he felt rewarded for bridging the gap between daughter and sister, and let him try some new things and places he asked for several times earlier. She also told him what she got off Cadence about her taps - the more pours out, the more they produce, just as she expected. Seems Nightmare took a reasomable approach to the matter and said they should keep her running on minimum just to have a backup when one of them gets badly injured. The nightmares really let it go on that beach, and had to rest before heading back home. This time they weren't cought, thankfully, and went to their room to clean up and let mommy nightmare had a meal too.
  2. @@Nightmare Season, The mare didn't know for how long she was crying, only that she felt like she'd never stop. Why it happenned to her? Does anypony even care how it feels being a part of two worlds, and having to choose only one? She felt a hoof on her shoulder. A smaller one than her husband's. Crystal Clear wiped her eyes in the pillow - it was soaking wet - and lifter her head to see who came. "You look like a mess." - Mom always knew hot to cheer her up... The crystal mare continued, slowly and carefully choosing her words. "I, uhh, had a... talk, with your husband." The crystal mare sniffed loudly and looked at her intently with red eyes. Laurel Wreath seemed to be uncomfortable and started making circles in the nightmare's coat. "So he told me a lot of things. How you met, everything you did together, how you both brought each other from the brink and eventually fell in... love. And how your... changes... are effect of saving your life during delivery and backfires when mixed with nightmare magic. Not some attempt to become a nightmare pony on your part." Mom took a deep breath and looked her daughter straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry. For being so narrow minded about you and your choices. For being so unsupposrtive for your marriage and even going so far to not accepting your new form. I just..." Now Laurel Wreath was losing her voice, and Crystal Clear simply grabbed her into a tight hug. They both cried, but not from sadness. The tears had almost purifying effect on her hearts - they finally reconnected, and it felt so good. The mares went from tears to laugh and crystallised, still holding each other close. Finally, they let go of each other and Laurel Wreath stood on the bed next to her daughter. "You really are beautiful like that, daughter." The crystal nightmare smiled and nodded. "Thanks mom. So, we're good?" Laurel booped her. "And what does your mother sense tell you? Come on, I want to see my grandfoals." The mares left the bedroom and looked around the tent for the little ones, but couldn't find them. Nightare and Fire Ruby were also out. Sparks said they went for a walk and they decided to look for them. The ponies were already setting up the tables and cushions for the trade meeting in an hour or so. Crystal saw them on a beach, making sand sculptures. The mares trotted to their husbands, still shining, and have them a hug. Crystal whispered into Nightmare's ear: "Thanks for talking sense into my mom love, Do remind me that you need to be extra rewarded in the evening?" She gave him a long kiss and nearly pulled down onto the sand, but he held his balance. The family had a great time on the beach until it was time to start the meeting. The Crystal royals and their advisers would have a proper look at all the nightmare ponies had to offer, and decide what they's like to trade for their crystals. Thankfully, the crystal nightmare already made a deal under the table for raw crystals, so she could keep her workshop running.
  3. @, The mare pointed at the bunk bed. "Hint hint. There's no way I could survive for the whole season with only the stuff I have in here, so a brave, or supid, stallion agreed to ferry supplies and take my reports every three weeks or so, depending on how long the trip to and from goes. The top bunk is meant so he can crash in a warm place for a day before heading back. He should arrive in two weeks or so, so that leaves you a week to get a snack in the Empire before stuff happens. A close one but we don't really have much choice on the matter do we?" She noticed they finished, and started scooping the plates for clean up. "Oh, and while you were out there, taking a walk, have you seen any more caves? Maybe some exposed crystals? I'm looking for spots to mine them, you see. That's why I'm here."
  4. @, The mare shrugged, but kept a small smile. "I guess it's best not to try to walk there on your own. Normally, with perfect weather, we made it in less than a week. But the weather almonst never holds up for more than a day, as you can see outside." One side of the house was dark because the wind covered the windows with a cover of fresh snow. They could see snow falling sideways from the ones that were still letting the light in. "Without proper gear and very warm clothes, you'd freeze on the first night. I could try and match something from my spares for you, so you won't have to stay inside the whole time, but it won't do for a longer walk. Besides, I don't have wings, so my clothes lack wing holes." She took a sip of her tea as if housing a changeling was the most normal thing ever, then looked at him with a small smile. "Unless you have a death wish and want to try your luck, or give me a good enough reason to kick you out, I wouldn't mind some company. It's boring here. Although we still need to keep in mind your four week deadline." She took another bite of the salad. It was so packed with vegetables it would do as a main course alright.
  5. @, The mare cocked her head a bit and smiled back. "Now you're the one who's been under a rock, huh? The Crystal Empire already had a peaceful changeling encounter - Thorax. It took a city wide panic and intervention from Spike the Brave and Glorious to sort it out, but, yeah, he was accepted and could walk the streets without any disguises. Just be open with it and when you get there, approach the nearest guard and say you'd like to stay in the city. They'll probably take you to the Princess anyway, but I'm optimistic."
  6. @, The mare shakes her head as she chewes her fries. "Not really, Crystal Princess Cadance is also the Princess of Love, an Alicorn. Prince Shining Armor is a unicorn. And the crystal ponies themselves come in the usual three flavours, just like down south. We just look a tad different and our coats shine when we're really happy." She took another bite of salad. One thing of this whole mission is that the food tastes okay and could be prepped by a foal. "So, over the centuries, our society shaped that the crystal earth ponies, being the most numerous, take all kinds of jobs really, have businesses, farm, that kind of thing. Crystal pegasi and unicorns were always scarce, so the former gacame the warrior caste of sorts, being the only ones admitted to the Guard. Unicorns formed the Crystal Court, and they took administrative tasks and helped with their magic. It all worked very well until the King took over. Now there are very, very few of crystal guards and courtiers..." Crystal Clear seemed to get tangled in her thoughts as she looked away and remained silent. She snapped out of it with a small sigh. "Sorry, memories... I don't like recalling that particular time, you see. Anyway, is the food okay? I admit, I'm an awful cook."
  7. @@Nightmare Season, The mare scrunched her nose at the sudden questions. He was supposed to levitate her out of the tent at top speed, not prolong it! She nibbled his ear and brought his head lower so she could tell him exactly what she had in mind, with graphic detail. That made him move at last. They went on the beach and the crystal nightmare was keeping a lookout on any sentries or amateurs of late night walks. Once she decided they were far enough not to disturb anypony, she knocked her husband off his hooves and pounced on him. Now she will have her fun, whether he likes it or not. Well, he liked it a lot. She crystallized like she always did, and once they couldn't muster any more from them, the couple laid in the sand, hugging and staring at the night sky, enjoying their presence. They were too beat to head back home just yet. His comment made her giggle. "Like you have noooo idea." She kissed him back. This time Nightmare took the lead for round two, and she sure liked what he had in mind. Finally, they were both spent and satisfied, and since the night was at its end they came back to camp. Both ponies looked like they lost an argument with a sandstorm, with all the sand in their coats and messed up clothes. Crystal's mane came loose and nearly dragged on the ground. Not to mention other stains on her cherry coat. The crystal nightmare grinned like mad and still shined as they approached the tent. "We really need to do this more often. The sneaking out part. It's way better when I can be as loud as I want." Unfortunately, their plan to come back unnoticed failed since, when they entered their tent, Princess Cadence was already awake and playing with Flurry Heart in the Main Hall. The mare giggled as nightmares tried to sneak. They blushed and just went to their room normally. Nightmare tried to blame her for getting caught like that. She just gave him a passionate kiss to remind him why they went out in the first place. When morning came, it was the first night when Crystal Clear didn't sleep for a moment. Since she had a dream meal, albeit from an unusual source, it seemed she didn't need to sleep. Funny how, apparently, she slept mostly out of habit as a crystal pony rather than real need. The couple cleaned themselves up thoroughly and put on fresh clothes, then went out of their room like nothing ever happened. The mare went to wake up and feed the foals, and she noted that, despite getting emptied out completely just ten hours ago, or so, she had enough to feed them both and there was still some left. Maybe she produced more and more every time the demand increased? She would have to ask Cadence. Maybe she'd have some more spells to offer? Speaking of whom, the Princess of Love gave them a sassy wink at the breakfast. Seems she decided to keep their secret after all. When everypony had their fill by the table, it was time to plan the day. Crystal wanted to hang out with her parents some more, and let them enjoy the company of their grandfoals. So, they scheduled a walk around town for the crystal nightmare and her family. They would go back and play with the little ones when it was time to host a meeting between the traders. Cadence decided that Sparks and Sunburst will pool their resources and the foals will be together during the day. Maybe Sparks will learn some new helpful spells too. Shining Armor wanted to buy a set of nightmare armor and weapons, despite the disapproving glare of his wife, and Nightmare Season offered to show him to a good armor smith. Cadence decided to check in on her delegates. The ponies decided to meet at the same place in three hours, so they could rest before the trade negotiations. Crystal Clear kissed her foals’ bye-bye for a bit and took her family for a stroll. She wanted to have an honest talk with them, cut the cord on the boulder that was looming above their heads, for better or worse... The Queen headed for a park-like section of the camp, where ponies and nightmares liked to spend their free time. They took seats on a publicly available carpet with cushions and a low table. She seemed to tower above them, and she didn't like that, so she laid down. They had a long, and difficult conversation. Crystal Clear felt like she was cutting her heart with a spoon the whole time, but it had to be done. There was no way to keep up the appearances any longer, their lives would eventually go in separate ways and everypony present knew that. Laurel Wreath finally had her say over her disappointment over how her daughter abandoned her family and friends, how she became... something else. How she looked at the mare and didn't see her daughter anymore. Fire Ruby tried to reason that they'll see each other every year, and they were writing to each other, so it wasn't that bad. But even he had to admit that, eventually, they will drift apart and become blood related strangers. To her surprise, Snowflake finally found a brain in his head and instead of asking for money, he started acting like a stallion and brought up the issue of them aging and dying, but her, not really. And how to tackle the issue that he would be there on his own, taking care of the aging parents. Crystal offered them a place in her clan if they wanted, but Laurel Wreath refused - she didn't want to leave her house, her friends and clients. So, Crystal offered funds for their care but she refused, again. Seems they were getting nowhere with that topic. When the time came, they headed back. Crystal Clear felt awful, being outright rejected by her mother like that. She reckoned that talking with her father in private may be useful. Laurel Wreath went to her room and Fire Ruby with Snowflake decided to go and see the foals, as they agreed earlier. The stallion really wanted to be a proper granddad. Crystal showed them to the little ones, then went to her room and cried her eyes out into a pillow.
  8. @, Crystal Clear got busy again wit the food and talked over her shoulder. "They're okay in my book. Both come from Equuestria down South so technically they're outsiders, but we accept them as our rightful rulers all the same. We came back in pretty bad shape and they were huge help in bringing the city back from it's knees. And defeated the King, hopefully for good this time. For the past year they chose a path of honoring and preserving our traditions, and even sheltering us somewhat from the aggressive business from South. We just can't compete with mass produced goods, they're way cheaper. And all those tech things... Anyway, I'm happy with them in charge. Hmm, seems I'm done in here." The mare brought two large salad bowls, one by one, then hay fries and tea. She took a seat by the table and started eating, ocasionally eyeing the changeling.
  9. @ Crystal sighed. She hated going back to those memories. "Alright... so the thing is, it disappeared for a thousand years. The whole civilisation - buildings, ponies everything. One moment there was a beautiful city, the next - just grass. And it reappeared last year, and I with it. So, yeah, I'm officially over one thousand years old." Now the second question. "As for who... controls it, well, we have Crystal Princess Cadance and her husband Prince Shining Armor. We used to have a King. But he was evil and was defeated, twice in fact. He caused the disappearance in the first place." The mare finished with her salad and turned to face her guest. "I lived in the most advanced society around and now I get shady Equestrian salesponies at my doorstep every week, trying to sell me their junk telling these are wonders of modern technology! When I saw a train for the first time I thought it was broken down and burning." She sighed and waved a hoof dismissively. "Ehh, sorry about that. It's not your fault of course. I got carried away... Want something to eat?"
  10. @ The crystal mare was washing the pre-cut salad when Aquarius woke up and started talking all of a sudden. She was basically daydreaming so it startled her. "Oof, my heart... You want to give me a heart attack? I'm used to being alone at home, just so you know." She shot him a glance and resumed her work. "I'm a crystal pony so that means I haven't followed the news for a thousand years. I could've missed the Changeling Hives, you know. Being told that the whole world moved on and you're a living fossil foes that to a pony." She was clearly unamused, judging from the excessive force she applied to her task and a scrunched snout.
  11. @ The mare nodded and looked as the changeling flew on the top bunk. She shrugged at his words. "Just a normal thing in the mountains. If you're unwilling to help somepony in need, how could you ask for help yourself when you need it? I'll keep watch on the fire as you take a nap." Crystal Clear sipped her tea some more, thinking. She occasionally glanced through the tiny window or at her sleeping guest. He obviously didn't tell her something, since nopony I'm their right mind just happens to be nearly dying from cold in the Crystal Mountains, but maybe it was none of her business. Eventually, the tea ran out and she picked both cups to clean them up. Once they were clean again, the mare walked to her huge chest, that bore her Cutie Mark and looked positively indestructible. Crystal gives that kind of feel and for good reason. She positioned herself to block the view on how she opened it, and fished out a rolled map, a journal and some writing supplies. Crystal Clear took it all to the table, took a seat on the cushion and began writing. She marked the place she found the cave entrance - a first update to that map I'm a thousand years. Then she wrote in the journal what she found there. And who. Just in case the Guild finds her frozen body one day. The mare finished her administrative tasks and closed the chest. Her guest seemed to be still sleeping. She decided to prepare the ingredients for dinner, quietly as possible. Fortunately, her burning hatred to all things cooking was taken into account and she was issued with foolproof meals that would keep her going in the freezing temperatures...
  12. @@Nightmare Season, The mare was resting on the bed, enjoying the feeling of being empty for the first time. Seeing all that milk in the bowl, it was no wonder she felt uncomfortable. Seems she'd really need to let Nightmare "help" her with managing her taps. She took the pump and tried it one last time, but nothing came out. All in all, it was fun. She took off the cups as Nightmare looked at the bowl, still half full. "Yeah, try so suck that all out the regular way... It would take ages." The scrystal nightmare snorted and giggled as her husband took the bowl and started drinking, but then noticed he levitated it towards her. "Oh come on, surely you don't want me to... Hey, hooves off! I have rights and..." She didn't finish since he tilted the bowl and she just had to drink, or she'll get all wet in it. To the mare's surprise, it tasted... good, actually. She held the bowl in her hoobes and finished on her own. The dream energy inside it, it made all the difference. "Okay, now I get it why you and our son are so into it. I still think it's weird but... feel free to get a cup or ten whenever you want. I need to keep it flowing anyway, so might as well not waste it." Sparks came in to announce the feast was nearly ready, but Crystal noticed how her eyes darted between several locations as she gave the royal couple a funny look. They got busted, again. Nightmare wiped something off her cheek and she knew she was caught red, or rather, white hooved. The unicorn just rolled her eyes and excused herself as the royal couple started giggling, although Crystal felt embarassed. They got themselves back in order, and the mare even jumped a few times as she marvelled how light all of a sudden she felt. Then they went to attend the feast. Crystal was satisfied that her family sat by her table, but she was a bit surprised that the Crystal Royals family had their own table. The large table was abuzz with chatter as the clanponies mingled with courtiers and traders. Crystal decided to give more attention to her family, and told them about different foods and table customs as they ate. All in all, she had a good time. Even showed off her fire mane at one time when they talked about her new form, and levitated her cup to show she had a functional horn. She could afford it since she had a dream energy meal just recently. Of course Laurel Wreath was the least thrilled. Thankfully the royal guest table was close enough to keep a converation too, but the princess seemed to feel a bit cut off from the party. As the ponies slowed down their eating, it was a time for various performances, like ritualised duels, taming of wild beast and other flashy acts. Snowflake asked where's the alcohol and got a murder glare from both parents and his sister. All in all, it was a very good evening as the feast naturally evolved into a more standing party when the ponies by the large table started mixing and matching to talk with eachother and strike deals. Crystal decided to liven up the atmosphere by the royal tables and took her husband for a dance, and Cadence did the same with her stallion. Hearts-Dream decided to have a chat with the crystal nightmare's family now that she wasn't listening. The mare suspected she had another of her cunning plans, but decided to just roll with it - most of the time her messing around turned okay. It occured to her only after they stopped but as the pair danced, the party seemed to quiet down as ponies stopped what they were doing and watched the royals dance - the couples had vastly different styles, one Equestrian, other Nightmare. Both cultures took notice at similarities and differences at the spontanious display. When the couples finished their dance and bowed, there was a ear deafening uproar of stomps and applause. Crystal grinned and went to Cadance to have a little bragging contest on who was the beter dancer. They aggreed to disagree and meet again on the dance floor next year. The party continued well into the night, but eventually lost tempo and winded down on it's own. Eventually it was over and the guests said goodnight to their hosts. Crystal sat by her husband in the great hall, leaning on him and nuzzling his neck. "That was one good party I tell you, but it still needs something to end it with a bang..." She gave Nightmare a look and bit her lower lip. "Would you be interested in watching the stars on the beach? Away from our tent?" Of course she meant anything but staring at the sky.
  13. @, The mare noticed he was concerned by her news, and her smile faded as she listened to him. "That's... pretty bad, to be honest. Then we have a deadline to get you out of here. I won't vouch for your safety if you turn feral on me." She sat on the crystal floor and took her cup in her forelegs, staring at the smoking tea. "Your best bet is to hold on till my supplies come in, and get a ride to the Empire. I'm stuck here for the next three months, mapping the area. Maybe longer if the weather holds. I guess you could get your fill in the city, although there would be some problems with the guards and the like, unless they decide you're okay." She looked out of the window - it started snowing gently. So much for going outside for today. "Are you hungry? I mean, for the regular food. I don't really know how you guys work."
  14. @, The mare nodded slowly. "I see... The Crystal Empire is a day away, but I don't have any warm clothes to give you, and my supplier will be here in two weeks or so. So I can't really help you with reaching it, even if I walk with you all the way, you'll freeze. I guess that's not something you'd want..." She thought about their options as she hopped off the bed and walked to the table to sip her own tea. "I guess I could let you stay here for a while. The upper bed can be yours, I have enough food and water is just outside waiting to be melted. The love part may be tough though. I'm single and even if I wasn't, I guess you wouldn't get any now that I know you're, well, you." She took another sip, eyeing the changeling curiously.
  15. @, The mare sat on the crystal floor by the stove to listen. Partially for extra warmth, and partially to be close to scoop the kettle once the water boils. "I've only ever heard about the first one, although, before I packed up here, there was news that that hive was taken over by Thorax, the changeling that lived in the Empire for some time. So I guess that makes it a Thorax Hive, right?" She scratched her ear - the cap made her itchy. "Uh huh, that's our call." The kettle started whistling and the mare picked it up, then poured the hot water to the cups. She looked back at the changeling. "I don't have any sugar, I'm afraid. Only the bare minimum so I won't go bonkers on my own." She took the cups one by one and brought them on the table, then sat on the bed. "Just for the record, I don't buy your story about just taking a walk around here, but it's none of my business. Just keep in mind it's as warm as it gets in here, we have summer after all." She cocked he head slightly and looked at him with a gentle smile. "So, what are your plans, now that you're not freezing to death? Maybe I could give you a pointer to a place you want to reach?"
  16. @, Crystal was busy with pinning the clothes to a few cables strewn by the stove, so they would dry. "Good to hear you're more or less okay. I doubt you'd manage through the night in that cave, to be honest... If it's no secret, sure, why not. Honestly there's not much to do in here anyway, so a bit of company is a nice change. Although I'm more interested how you found yourself in the middle of the Crystal Mountains without as much as a scarf, unless that's a secret, of course." She reached for two cups and put some tea leaves in as she waited for the kettle to boil. The air started to get humid from the soaked clothes drying up.
  17. @, The mare's ears perked up. "...Five hives? Eh, no matter, just stay close to me okay? The weather is good, all things considered, but we need to make it quick through the open, lest you freeze in here." She patted her chin in thought and shook her head. She didn't have anything that would help. Crystal Clear took a last glance atthe changeling, still unsure if she was doing the right thing, then took a step outside. "Alright now, let's go. You won't get any warmer by staying in that cave, so might as well make a dash for it already. Stay down wind from me for some cover." The pair left the cave and Crysta escorted the changeling towards her cabin. it wasn't the smoothest walk, since he fell into he deep snow a few times, but he managed to stay alive til they reached the save haven. Crystal saw the small glowing lantern on the roof first, then the steep roof and low walls of her cabin. It had several, but tiny windows to help with keeping the heat inside. A small curved chimney puffed thin bills of smoke. At least the fire was still burning. "just a moment now, hold on." - She fished out the key and opened the small house, then let the changeling in first. The inside was modest, but comfy. Crystal all over, a bunk bed for two, small bathroom nook with thin walls for privacy, a coal stove for cooking and heating. A big cushion for sitting and a small table to eat on. Water came from a cistern tucked above the apartment, along with a supply of coal, food, and basic medicines. A hefty crystal chest, bearing a rose mark and locked shut rested by the beds. "Home sweet home, or rather a temporary base. Lay down by the stove and get warmed up, I'll make you something hot to drink. You like tea?" - The mare took off her sabblebags, cap and face mask. The goggles were dangling on her neck. He had the first good look at her without the accesories. Crystal poured some water from the tap and set a crystal kettle on the stove. Then proceeded to take off the rest of her garments. "Uff, we made it then. How are you holding up? Slightly better?"
  18. @@Pripyat Pony, Crystal Clear barely took a glance at the menu when she heard hoofsteps - no, hoofbounces, towards her table. She lowered the menu and looked up at the mare that greeted her so cheerfully. Seems her enthusiasm was highly contagious. The mare returned the smile, a bit broader than usual. "Hi! Actually, a bit of both. I'm dead set for a cup of some proper leafy green tea, but I could use some advice on the meals. I'm up for some early dinner, you see, but there's just too much to choose from hehe! Can you give me some recommendations?" She heard the bell as the doors opened, but didn't look who came inside. She was busy with the crystal unicorn waiter. Come to think of it, it was rare to see them outside the court.
  19. @@Nightmare Season, The ponies talked about business and trade, and Crystal tried to gather interest for all kinds of goods they had, while glancing at her family every now and then. Poor ponies were so out of their element by the table with big trade fish, holier than thou courtiers and Royals. Dad was as usual his cheerful and optimistic self, and since they owned a general goods store, he tried to contribute to the conversation as kind of a "voice of the comon folk" - chipping in what the less well-off ponies would be interested in. The crystal nightmare was making mental notes on his observation, since she wanted to give them some items to sell in their shop. Mom was interested in various foods that were served, but the mare couldn't help but think she was unhappy with being here in some distant land with ponies she has no ties with to see her daughter who barely resembles herself. Crystal felt like she disappointed her. And Snowflake... well let's just say the Queen would happily show him some nightmare spells - especially the fire bolt. Crystal Clear noticed Nightmare Season leaning towards her and she lend an ear. She shook her head a bit and whispered back. "It's more complicated. I'll explain later okay?" The mare gave him a nuzzle and they continued the conversation. The dinner came to an end, and the royal nightmares decided to show their guests around. They took a stroll around the city, avoiding places that weren't fit for showing to guests, like the tents of Poisoned Oasis and Shooting Stars - anywhere there may be slaves really. Fire Ruby noticed the stand with talismans and mentioned they would do nicely for jewelry, but his daughter showed him the wares and explained whatthey mean and that they're not just shiny trinkets. Laurel Wreath had her eyes on household appliances, foods that could survive the trip back, common things really. She knew her clients would buy something small and moderately priced out of curiosity, but not a cushion for hundread bits. Eventually they reached the grounds of Evening Matches, that looked more like an Arena now that the clans were all gathered. Nightmare prepared a demonstration of his soldiers fighting prowess. Crystal knew it would be good the moment she saw Raging Fires insignia on their armours. The show was indeed good, and Prince Shining Armor wanted to try a sparring with one of the nightmare soldiers. Crystal barely kept a straight face when she realised Nightmare asked Midnight to be his opponent. This will be priceless. The ponies took a seat and watched as the mare dances in circles around the Crystal Prince like she was training with a dummy. Eventually Cadence told them to stop - she knew her husband's pride wouldn't allow him to give in the fight unles he got seriosuly injured, and there was no way he could win. Crystal leaned to Nightmare as the prince took off his armour, beaten and humiliated in combat. "He was a Captain of the Royal Guard back in Canterlot, a career soldier all his life, and a commander too. Now you know why I didn't have much faith in the guards back North... Thankfully the Crystal Princess called him back, he would probably keep trying till she broke his leg or something. Stallions and their pride." Cadance took her husband to their room for clean up and rest. It was late afternoon, just a few hours to the great feast with all the clans. The table wouldn't fit in the tent tonight. Crystal's family also decided to take a break in their rooms, they weren't used to the heat and got tired quickly. So the nightmare royals also went to their room, and took over the foals from Sparks. Crystal CLear knew what was on her husband's mind as soonas they closed the flap behind her bedroom. "Not a chance, love, I don't want our guests to hear my singing voice and you know I can't be quiet. Guess we're out of luck unless we sneak out someplace. No, not now." She had a hard time under the assault of his nuzzles. "C'mon, let it go for once. Let's have some fun with our kids alright?" He nodded reluctantly and they played with the little ones. At some point, the stallion stumbled on a strange box that wasn't there last time. He opened it and took out some strange device from it. Crystal saw it and covered her snout with a hoof. The foals didn't notice anything and kept playing. "A gift from mom to help me once the foals switch to solids and dreams. I ruess it could be used to secure food for Crystal Flames until he figures out dream eating too. I haven't tried it yet but should be more comfortable than hooves to ease the pressure. It gets uncomfortable if nopony... you know. Helps themselves to the white gold." Nightmare being Nightmare, he decided to try it out. Good they had a large empty bowl at hoof for washing their faces - once he convinced his wife to try, she didn't want to stop until she was empty. The couple was surprised how much she held insde her, and the foals didn't need extra invitations to take their serving from a different source. Still, they had no clue what to do with the rest.
  20. @, The mare carefully observes the changeling, but decides he most probably has enough smarts to know that she's like, his only chance to survive. Crystal Clear threaded her pickaxe through the loop by her saddlebags and secured it in place. "Name's Crystal Clear. I guess it's hard to tell with all those clothes on, but I'm a crystal pony. So unless you've been avoiding the news tor a year now... I'm from the Crystal Empire. Currently on, ahem, "paid vacations". And sine I went out around nine AM, it should be somewhere round ten thirty or so, give or take. My place is an hour walk from here." She led him out, her glow-crystal providing light. The mare occasionally glanced aside at especially big or less common rystals she saw. This cave was a good hit. They were near the entrancewhen she spoke again. "The snow is very thick around here, I had to use snow roots not to fall chest deep into it. You think you could fly above it? I sure won't be able to carry you without falling into the snow myself!" She snorted at the funny image in her mind. "Anyways, take this - should keep at least some of the wind out." She gave him her hooded cloak - it was made of thick wool, so extra warmth and snow white cover in one. The changeling would be visible from miles without it, and she didn't want to risk meeting local fauna. Crystal Clear gave her companion an appraising look. "A bit too small for you, but it'll have to do for now, I guess. Wherever you're ready."
  21. @@Nightmare Star The mare scrunched her snout under the snow mask. She relaxed a bit but didn't lower her pickaxe just yet. "So... you're lost? And alone? It's hardly the best area for leisurely strolls..." She listened to his reply and nodded with a sigh. "Tough luck. Without proper shelter- and fire - you'll freeze in here." The crystal pony thought for a bit, looking at the changeling up and down. "Okay... I guess my parents raised me to be too good but, I guess you can warm up in my cabin nearby. Leaving you here doesn't feel right to me. But try something shady and you're out on the cold, got it?"
  22. @@Nightmare Season Once the royal foals were fed, the mothers and fathers met again in the main hall. Crystal nodded with satisfaction at the outfits presented to their royal guests and went to check on her parents. She purposefully avoided the room Snowflake was given - the mare really had no intention to see him. She stood at the entrance of the guest bedroom where her parents were unpacking their luggage. "Sorry for the chat earlier. We have so much to discuss with the Crystal Princess... Anyway, how was the trip?" The crystal nightmare seemed uneasy. "Well, it sure was... interesting. To say the least. We met some new ponies from upper class, mainly the businessponies. You know the courtiers, always pointing their horns straight up... Um, sorry." Dad apparently though he offended his daughter - she too had a horn now. Mom tried to make their space more Crystal Empire as she unpacked. Crystal Clear walked inside snd sat on a cushion. Gosh she was so big compared to her parents... "I reckon they tried to ask you for a favour? To arrange an audience or something? And no worries dad, I may have changed on the outside, but I'm still the same where it matters." Mom chipped in. "You're not, Crystal. Don't lie to yourself. You've changed a lot since you first met that... stallion of yours." Dad tried to save it. "But for the better! I've never thought that my filly will be a Queen! You've got a loving husband, cute foals, the whole life ahead of you. Surely some things will change, but not all change is bad." He put a hoof on her shoulder for reassurance. Crystal frowned. "Yeah, whole life... I'm basically immortal, now that I'm part nightmare pony. A lot of time to think..." Her parents looked at each other. Mom fished out a box from her luggage and handed it to the crystal nightmare. "A milk pump? I'd never expect something like this from you mom. Thanks, I guess. My own mother wants to make me a milk cow..." Crystal shook her head smirking. "Did the Princess tell you I won't stop lactating after my twins stop feeding off me? Stupid magic. But enough of my private parts, how were you this past year?" Crystal Clear spent some time with her parents. If course, her brother eventually showed up too. He asked for silk for sale to find another business of his. Crystal said she'll give some good stuff her parents and they'll decide whether to help him or not. Eventually Sparks came to ask them for dinner and brought outfits for her family. Crystal told them they can keep them and explained how clothes made the heat more tolerable. She got used to it for the most part anyway. The dinner was a medium sized one - the royals and Crystals family were accompanied by the most important courtiers and business representatives, with a Master of Crystal amongst them. They ate and talked about broad terms of what the nightmares have to offer in terms of trade, and what the ponies from up North were interested. Seems that, apart from silk, the business ponies saw an opportunity in finished goods, like cushions and anything really as long as it had outlandish decor. They were also somewhat interested in timbers they saw, for decoration. Much like Crystal down South, it seems the Crystal ponies were interested in luxury items and anything intriguing enough to be marketed as one.
  23. Just signed the papers and got the keys to my new apartment.http://i.imgur.com/7drHiqr.gif

  24. @@Nightmare Season, The crystal nightmare frowned. "I uh... haven't thought about that this way. I don't want him suckling my milk till he gets a wife, that would be just... eww! But we need to tell Sparks and Wandering Sands when we let him loose." She bit her lower lip and looked at him. "She really said I'd keep producing all the time?" He nodded. "Stupid spells, guess soon you'll have it all for yourself then. You have no idea how uncomfortable it is when I hold it in for too long." He seemed to be far from worried at his soon to be new duty. The next day went pretty usual, with the exception of a meeting with Burning ands and Dark Waters, and tearing down the camp to move to the seaside dock. Crystal Clear seemed to be paying more attention to her son, trying to figure out what to do about his diet. She didn't want him to prey at random, but it seemed it was the only way until he was big enough to reason with him. Thankfully for the mare, they arrived and set up the capital about a week before the ship was due. Her heat came in on the second day in the new location too. Nightmare Season kept the promise not to knock her up, despite her hormone induced urge for just that. At least she didn't have to worry about it with the crystal ponies around... Finally, the day has come. Crystal Clear stood beside her husband under a small canopy on the wooden stand as the crystal ship slowly pulled up to to the dock. The mare was filled with pride - the ship was even better than the train. Such a shame she didn't lay hoof to making it... Dark Water ponies secured the vessel and made room for a folding catwalk that was lowered from the ship. Of course, first were the two honour guards, and then the Crystal Royal family. Sunburst was with Flurry Heart just behind them. Court ponies and traders followed, and she finally saw her family. Although she saw they were looking for her even though she was sanding in plain sight. They didn't recognise her... The mare sighed sadly and lowered her head a bit. The Crystal Royals approached the Nightmare Royals and they exchanged polite bows, then burst in laughter. "It's nice to see you Nightmare Season but..." Cadence held a hoof in the air as an unasked question. Crystal Clear rolled her eyes. "It's still me, Princess. Crystal Clear. I'm now part nightmare pony and kiiiind of grew a tad bigger because of all the magic that keeps me together. It wasn't planned. But I'm still me." The Crystal Princess nodded. "Sorry for that, I was just... surprised I guess." Nightmare invited the royal guests into their tent and the royals retreated to the main hall. The courtiers and traders were pointed to a separate set of guest tents, along with all the luggage. Crystal's fmily was also led to the Sultan's tent by a nightmare pony. The crystal nightmare sure hoped her brother wouldn't come, but, here he was. Nightmare Season led the Royal family to the seating area and Crystal Clear waited by the entrance for her family. Dad first took a hint. "Are you...?" She nodded. "I guess so, dad. Mom. Snowflake.... It;s a long story, but basically the clans decided to make me their Queen, and only nightmare ponies can be one so... they made me one. Partially. But I'm still me, just taller. Come on in, let's not stand in the doorway." They joined the rest of the gathered ponies. Nightmare was under assault of questions from Shining Armor, who saw all the guard ponies and their fierce looking gear. Crystal Clear shook her head. "Colts and their toys... How are thing inthe Empire? Is it still Crystal or we're losing the fight for our identity under the mass of Equestrian goods?" Cadance shook her head. "Heart protect us! it;s still Crystal alright. We even managed to keep the crystal fashion in Equestria alive, so the Guild has it's hooves full. Shame you brought so little silk last year, it was a real craziness. Phew, is it always so hot around these parts?" Crystal CLear smiled. "Afraid so. That's why we wear clothes all the time. Helps a lot against direct sunlight if you believe." They chatted for over an hour, and stopped only because the mothers had to take care of their little ones. Fathers took an opportunity to move to Nightmare's study to look at his suit of armour. Crystal's family decided to chack their quarters - most of the topics went over their heads anyway. Crystal Clear decided to catch up on them separately.
  25. @@Nightmare Season, The crystal nightmare smirked a bit as she saw how her husband mimicked her. She scribbled some notes as he talked, nodding occasionally. The scroll piqued her interest, but it only mentioned he river. Hmm, did Dark Waters vote "aye"? They did indeed. She took the scroll for later reading. "I had the same plan for our daughter, but... is it safe for Crystal Flame to enter dreams on his own? I don't know nightmare foals, so that sounds rather weird for me, you know. Besides, who would he feed from? Hopefully not his sister..." She wasn't sold on the idea of letting her foal enter dreams and feed on random, so they'd have to talk about it some more. Crystal Clear checked on Sparks and her kids before following Nightmare for a walk - the nanny was doing great as always. The couple walked through the great camp - the clans were still present - and towards the jungle. Crystal Clear took in every detail she managed to see. The wall of green was her first big project as a Queen and she didn't want to fail... Nightmare mused aloud about the problems with finding roads, and abundance of food. Then he looked into the jungle, and back at her with a grin. Crystal cocked her head, looked behind him where he looked earlier, then at his grin. "What? I can't see anything there. W-wait!" She thumped on the carpet of grass and tried to get him off her. "Oh come on, get a hold on that sand sized brain of yours, you'll ruin my dress! Nightmare Season! Ahh okay, have it your way..." She started kissing back and let her hooves wander. Stupid sexy colt always knew how to turn her on, and she never regretted it. They made a concert for the birds and just layed in the grass afterwards. He used her flank as a pillow and she tought it was funny. "You're buying me a new dress for that. You ruined this one, you wild beast." She pulled at his ear playfully. The sudden question took her by surprise, and he took the opportunity to get a four legged snuggle around her. "I uhh... haven't thought about it. I mean. our twins are still so little. And I am useless when pregnant." She nuzzled her husband. "Maybe one more year? We'll need another nanny too - Sparks won't be able to handle four or five. Don't worry, I'll give you a whole army, just not all at once, okay?" She booped him. "Let's get back, before they'll start looking for us." The crystal nightmare went stright to the bedroom, meeting Sparks on the way. The mares shared a knowing look and the unicorn shook her head. Her employers seemed to always think of one thing... Crystal washed up and changed her dress, then took thescroll Nightmare gave her to read it. She decided to share her thoughts after dinner, then they were turning to bed. She pulled out the scroll and laid on the bed, then motioned him to lay beside her. "Look, the scroll says the Great River is supposed to flow from the forest, but it's already very wide when it leaves it. I reckon, based on what I saw in Equestria, that it's actually very long and maybe even flows across the forest. So I figured that, if we talk Dark Waters into it, they could build barges to swim against the current. Solves both the problem of housing and roads, and we can get on the shore at any time. So Burning Sands can get their seeds, and maybe we'll discover something useful, like, new plants and the like. What do you think?" He seemed to agree for the most part, but offered some more pointers and nightmare pony specific insight. Seems a talk with Dark Waters and Burning Sands was in order before they left. They would have to break camp soon anyway to head to the dock where they were scheduled to meet the Crystal Ponies for trade.
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