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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal was a bit anxious over Nightmare's reaction, bur apparently, he saw merit in Hearts-Dream's idea. He took out a small bottle and said it was the first one with the finished product. Crystal took it in her magic grip and gave a look over. "Strange how it change colors all the time... Thanks." She carefully listened to his terms and sneggled under his wing as he kissed her. "Deal." Nightmare pointed out that she was getting extra snuggly as of late with him, ans Crystal replied, snuggling even more into him. "You can either blame my pregnancy, or accept a compliment that you look awesome with those huge, fluffy wings. You know full well how often I dream about flying, so no wonder I'm even more of a cuddle bug. I always had it in me, to be honest." The couple glowed in each other's presence for some time, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together. Hearts-Dream broke their bubble of calm when she showed up along with Sparks ad the foals. Crystal looked over her shoulder, concerned. "Everything fine?" She looked curiously as the alicorn mare as she explained how her nation used to power the Heart. The royal nightmares made room for the presentation and Crystal Clear was surprised she didn't find the pressure plate herself. When the royal family did as instructed by their mother, they felt it. The Queen Nightmare was amazed how familliar, yet different it felt from crystallisin foals up North. The Heart took notice of them and filled them with a serene feeling. The foals must've felt it too since they crystallised. She carefully observed as bright lines of energy went from the cradle to the pedestal, and how the Heart was filled with it, spinning faster and faster until it shot a wave of positive, restorative energy all around the City. A cursory look over a balcony revealed that ponies didn't crystallise. "Huh, did something went wrong? Ponies aren't shining." Hearts-Dream shook her head and said it was all fine, the first time was with a crystal, hence the effect. The expecting mothercould've sworn she felt the Heart issue thanks to her. It finally spoke, and it made her even happier. The Palace was about to be closed fr the night when the chief of Crystal's sewer restoration team ran in as fast as he could. The Queen took him in her study, where he told her that the sewers miraculously repaired themselves. The mare was surprised, but after a talk with the pony, she scratched the blockades off her Sewer plan with great satisfaction. The Crystal Heart was restoring it's home. She shared the news with Nightmare Season, who was waiting with pump in hoof to do the honors. The stallion figured that they could ask their clan to bond with the Heart, since it was their city. Crystal agreed and they decided to host a clan summit next evening in the Arena. Next morning, Crystal told Sparks about her plan to give birth in the City, and that she will need a midwife and a healer at hoof. The unicorn said she'll send word around and present her the best candidates. The crystal nightmare went to host her stonemasonry lessons, this time taking the small healing vial with her. She made sure to carry it around every time she left home - somepony's life can depend on it one day. The students were learning too slow for her liking, and the mare was getting frustrated with minimal progress. The tools she ordered at the forge were okay, but her crystal ones were just much better. Or maybe it as because they were like extension of her hooves after all those years. Either way, she will need to bring tutors and specialists from areas her subjects weren't familliar with, but stonamasonry was her pet project and she refused to give up, even if she felt like igniting every time a student chipped his slab wrong and wasted it. She came back home to clean up and eat, and decided to spend time with family until the clan summit. When it was time, the royal couple left the palace and went to the Arena. Crystal was anxious over what she had to say and was kind of hiding under Nightmare's wing on the way. She came rom under it when she felt sand under her hooves - they went into the Arena to adress the assembled clan. Nightmare Season greeted the ponies and nightmares present and announced thy had something important to discuss. He then passed the chair to his wife. Crystal looked at the expectant faces all around, and started with a deep breath. "Nightmares, ponies, clanmates! Today, I have some important new to offer, and would like to hear your imput. Yesterday, the way to feed the Crystal Heart with power was found. I know you are not familliar with it, so I will tell you how the one I was born under, works. The Heart, and I believe that this one too, protects the City and it's inhabitants. not from tripping over uneven pavement type of protection, or frm falling ill, but from outside influence. My home city is protected from eternal Winter, and this one is being saved from being swalowed by the Forest. Have you noticed how the roots and bushes evaporated when it was restored? Even great trees seemed to finally accept this was not the place for them to grow, and fell under the axes with ease. Last evening, we bonded our foals to it, like crystal ponies up North do with theirs. Our good Mother explaied to us, that this Heart is strengthened by the bond of families, who's love and commitment brought forth the next generation." She changed pace and her choice of words. "Now it all sounds pretty, but I bet you are asking yourselves - what this fancy shiny heart thing has to do with you? What can it bring into your life? So hear that - bonding our foals fixed the sewers. Just like that, poof, magic. Since there's still a lot to do around, and there's just so many foals I can have at once..." - She ran a hoof over her belly and heard some snickers from the audience. "Me and my husband would like to ask our Clan, whether we, as a Clan, shall bond with the Heart. It doesn't hurt, or take anything from you. You won't glow like me or my family, but the Heart, filled with the power of the bonds we share, will keep us safe from the Forest, and restore our City to it's former glory. Now I want to hear from you - I can answer your questions, should you have any, and I expect wthat we, as a clan, decide whether to bond with the Heart. The Royal famliy did and will continue to do so, but it has to be your decision, not an order." Crystal Clear listened to questions and replied as bast as she could. Several ponies had their say over the matter. Some voices expresed concern over adopting a strage, un-nightmare ritual, but it seemed the Clan wasleaning towards Crystal's side. It was dark already whrn they finally settled with a dicision - The Shining Flames will bond with the Heart. Crystal Clear was beyond any scale of happines.
  2. @ The mare paused her work. She smiled at the memory of the Heart and said with a tune in her voice. "The Crystal Heart, Aquarius, is the most important thing in the life of every crystal pony. It was found in the Crystal Mountains by the ponies who fled from the North, followed by unbearable cold. It's magic forms a barrier that protects the city from eternal winter outside of it. Buy maybe more importantly, each and every crystal pony is indeed to it, and it feels what we do. You can tell how happy we are as a race by just looking how fast it spins in the Plaza. It brings us all together and, yes, it us fuelled by our love and happiness in order to continue protecting our little safe haven. I've been away for just over two weeks and already miss it..."
  3. @@Nightmare Season The Queen Nightmare decided to take care of spice business as soon as possible. After breakfast, she sent for her brother to see her in the play room - she was spending time with her kids. "Ah, you're finally here, have a seat. I've a proposition for you." - the mare pointed at a sitting cushion nearby with a smile. Snowflake took a seat without bothering to show his respects to the rules of a nation. For him, she was just his sister, apparently. Crystal ignored it since they were in private. "So what's the matter sis?" - he found himself in the sights of Crystal Flame. She was making her daughter a pretty msnestyle with her magic. "My husband found something I'd like to profit from, but I'm no farmer. Your fiancé however..." - that got him interested - "I'll be frank with you. He found plants in the forest that can be dried and ground into powders that will do nicely as spices. And since it's quite possible that nopony else sells them, we want to profit off it. And that's where you come in - I need a pony to run a farm. I know you're more interested in large scale trade and stuff, but we can offer you land and seeds for your very own business. Also a contract to buy all you can grow. I want exclusive rights to those spices, but as you expand, I won't object if you have other plants. What do you think?" Snowflake looked at her as if she just turned green. "My... very own business? With a royal contract too? Damn sis, I thought you're a mean bitch to me and all of a sudden-" - She put a hoof in the air - "don't get too intimate okay, my foals don't need to expand their vocabulary in that direction." Snowflake nodded a bit too hastily. "O-ok. I need to talk this over with Kiwi Talar, but I bet she'll want to take this offer. My sweet girl wasted to have a farm like the one outside the city, just bigger and better! Exclusive farming rights will sure be right up her alley. Gotta go tell her!" He was getting up as the mare shook her head. "I'm not done so don't make me chase you on the corridor. Your wedding, what about it?" The stallion made an awkward smile but kept standing. "Riiight... I wanted to wed her back home, when you go give birth, but she's so impatient! Kiwi wants to have a wedding by the local tradition and we're in a rut. Neither wants to back down really." He looked a bit sad. Mommy nightmare got up on her hooves and went to give him a hug. "I know my marriage is not very standard, but why you couldn't have two weddings? Crystal and Nightmare? I had both and still live." Snowflake returned the hug. "Thanks sis, maybe that'll work for us too. I need to find my fiancé," He excused himself and Crystal was again with just her foals. Not that she minded one bit of course. News about Kiwi Takar's pregnancy made her laugh. Her brother was now in it deep. The preparations for the Nightmare wedding were in full swing as they agreed to have two. And to cover up they had fun before they married. Crystal Clear asked Burning Sands to find a good spot for her brother's new farm while Nightmare sent troops to look over the water supply. Working plumbing would be great, but then, they would need to speed up on the sewers too. Without skilled stonemasons and with her advanced pregnancy, it will be hard to fix those tunnels where the stones broke. But the Queen Nightmare took a different approach. She had plans if the city drawn by herself, and another map with discovered tunnels. Since the Crystal Empire also had sewers and water pipes, she knew what to expect and ordered to clean up just those areas that will be in use when they turn on the fountains and running water in the Palace. By her rough estimate, it would take about a month if nothing goes wrong. The rest of the system will be restored in leaps. A few days after the talk with Snowflake, Nightmare Season went to see his wife in her usual evening spot by the Heart. She greeted him with a smile as she sat in front of the relic. "I guess you came to tell me to stop asking an inanimate object what to do, huh?" He filled her in on the pipe work schedule. "Hmm, that's good. Sewers should be ready in minimal capacity in a month too, so we'll have the fountains running at least. And the palace will get water too. Should make it easier to live in the city." She glanced at the Crystal Heart, spinning lazily, and bit her lower lip. "I... think I made a decision. We'll roll with your plan to stay here and crystallise the foals in our city. Then we'll go with the trade mission up North and crystallise them there. " Nightmare seemed happy about it and Crystal knew she made the right call. After their loving thanks were more or less done, she spoke again. "Seems like you'll have competition for my white gold. Mother said she succeeded in making a healing potion for nightmares." Her husband nodded that she told him too. "Oh, right. So I wanted to ask you how do you feel about it. Unless I really ramp up my production, the coin will be enough just to pay for two servants or so. Still, better than nothing and I'll help save lives, but I thought I'd ask you for your opinion. I know you like to have a drink every now and then and it used to be only for you and the foals..." She looked at him expectantly.
  4. @ Crystal Clear giggled as she heard the question, and paused her work for a moment. "We're not made if crystal for sure. But we can look like that when we are very happy. So if I was suddenly overjoyed, I would look like a top grade crystal - slightly opaque and reflecting light. Now the second reason is that we make pretty much everything out of various types of crystal. As you can see by thus cabin, only textiles and my gramophone aren't made of it. The whole city is made entirely of crystal too. Third, there is the Crystal Heart - the centerpiece of our identity and key to our survival in the Frozen North." The mare took a moment to take the sound test of the second crystal. "So as you can see, crystals are crucially important to us, and thus we became known as Crystal Ponies."
  5. @ Crystal glanced at her companion as he inched closer to her. "I brought samples from the cave I found you." She took a needle like chisel from her kit and etched a number and a symbol on the sample crystals side, them gave it to him. "Those are naturally grown crystals. We usually use material from crystal farms, with precisely known properties, so I need to test whether the ones I find are any good. This is a Mountain Stream. Just very poor quality. See, it should be opaque when it's all veiny. It has impurities which hinder it's look and usability, buy at least it should be good for filler material. You saw how fast the chips fused together? So it can be used for the inside of a wall for example, to save the good crystal on the visible parts." The mare fished out another, this time red. "Dragon Fire, one of my favourites. Looks good too. Let's see what it's worth." She installed the crystal in the tiny pedestal and repeated the procedure.
  6. @ Crystal Clear tore her eyes away from the miracle in front of her and gently shook her head as she looked as Aquarius. "I don't know them personally, but I doubt they would be willing to become your Queen if that's what you ask. Maybe buy you a plot of land and help move, provide security, that kind of thing. You would be better off looking in the common folk. Fame means a pint is good at something, or just known for something. Ditching that fame on top of the already mentioned sacrifices is a lot to ask. I know it may not sound like good advice but a mare with right heart and no royal skills may be better for the job, simply because she will be with you with her whole heart, instead of hopping back to her old life or missing it dearly." She picked the tiny chisel and tried to pry the two chips apart. "Hmm, so it's not total junk." Crystal took a magnifying glass and looked it over, then tried to break the seam apart. Finally wrote something in her notebook when she broke the pieces apart.
  7. @ The mare smiled as she took a hoof hammer and s tiny chisel. "Just giving some hints from the perspective of an outsider, and a female at that. By the way, feel free to ask about anything you might want to know about mares as potential queen candidates. Might save you some trouble later on." She chipped away a thin slice with one precise strike, then took another sample. Crystal put one on a clean cloth and took a three small vials. She put a drop on it from each, in some specified measures, then blended the slightly sizzling liquid with a spatula, then put the second chip on top of it. "And now we wait..."
  8. @ "I guess that would be a huge risk, move to a new place. Besides, every hoof of land in Equestria has an owner. Maybe aside from unusable parts like here." She took a small fork like tool. "Quiet now." She struck gently against the tested crystal and it made a false note. Crystal Clear frowned and set the tool back to it's spot. "Not good... Anyway, back to your topic. See, there's a teensy little problem with letting the Queen see her family. If I think correctly, she will look more or less like a changeling? Her iaeents and friends may not be very accepting if her new role, or new look. And many mares care about being seen as attractive. So sometimes it's better to cut the ties and be sad once rather than pierce your heart with every get together."
  9. @ She started measuring the crystal 's diameters and wrote them down. "Sounds like you alright. So unless a Queen would sit on her plot in the Hive, a halfling Queen would be a burden to keep, am I thinking correct? Tough life you have, all those limitations... Now us there anything you could offer the theoretical mare for giving up everything? Aside from power and a legion of offspring?"
  10. @ The crystal mare wrote something in the notebook, then took the first crystal - it was ice blue and looked like it was mudded inside. She set it in a small claw like pedestal that was on the tray. "I assume halflings are less powerful than full changelings?" The mare took a glow-crystal and placed it do she would look at it through the one she was examining. Apparently unsatisfied, she wrote in the notebook.
  11. @ Crystal Clear waited till he made room, then opened her saddlebags and pulled out a few crystals. Then she went to the large chest. "It is sad, but I thought it's important for you to know the other side's viewpoint too. The ones that jump in without any doubts... just scratch them off at the first stage. They'll be no good and probably go bonkers soon after coronation, so to speak." She looked over her shoulder. "I need to open this thing, but Guild rules dictate that only members van know how to open these chests. So I need to ask you to look the other way and wait till I say I'm done, okay?" She waited till her guest was turned the other way, and unlocked the chest. She took some items and closed it again. "Done, you can look now." She was coming back to the table with a tray of tools, and two hefty notebooks. Everything aside from pages was made of colorful crystal. The mare laid her tools on the table and opened one notebook. "So how are you going to make a queen if there are no new births in the Hive?"
  12. @ Crystal nodded. "Keep in mind that, basically, you'll ask a mare to abandon her life, her family and friends. Pretty much everything she knows a d loves for a throne in a far away place. And she will become somepony different too. Don't expect a legion of serious candidates." The mare hopped off her bed and stretched her back. Then proceeded to check the view from every window, looking out carefully. Seemingly satisfied with the result she went to her abandoned saddlebags and pulled them by the table. "Could you make room on the table? I need to catalogue my findings."
  13. @ The mare nodded, slowly. "Uh huh, so I guessed right, more or less. Well I don't think the Crystal Princess would be that accommodating to make a casting for the changeling queen, but I guess she wouldn't oppose if a mare among her subjects was asked to be your queen. Still, I bet finding a suitable candidate would be a huge pain in the flank for you guys. Some ponies will just jump in for the title and renown, and even lie and cheat to get it. Such are the times, I guess... Or it was aksays like that but I just fail to accept it." She leaned to the changeling. "If U were you, I wouldn't mention the eggs part until she seems like a good candidate and already says she's interested."
  14. @ Crystal Clear was expecting something volatile in reply, so she visibly relaxed from how suddenly tense she became. Head coked a bit, she fought an urge to ask, finally failing. "So a Queen is not born a changeling, but rather... becomes one? Do I think correctly?" Cutiosity was always one of her strongest traits.
  15. @ The mare missed a beat and cussed under her breath, then looked back at him. "No girls? That's just... uhh... weird?" She hastily brought a hoof up. "Don't file me in on the intricacies of how you guys multiply okay? I like sleep and don't need new nightmares, I have enough." Somewhat frozen in the defensive pose, she sighed and facehoofed. "Crystal you insensitive jerk..." The mare ran a hoof down her face and looked apologetically at the changeling. "I'm sorry, sometimes I talk faster than I think."
  16. @ The mare was nodding to the tempo of the song that was playing. Apparently she liked it a lot. "Liquid love? Now that's something unheard of. I once tried synthetic juice. Threw it all into trash after one sip." She made a disgusted face, kinda funny actually. "The stuff was just sooooo awful like you wouldn't believe! I doubt love would taste good from a bottle." Crystal Clear was still nodding to the music, and slightly tapping a hindleg I'm the air. She looked at the changing inquisitively. "Have you ever been in love? In a pony, changeling, whatever. I'm curious if changeling can feed off each other if they fall for each other, or you guys don't feel it?"
  17. @@Nightmare Season, The mare let her husband do his magic on her underside. She could have sworn she felt the foals react to his touch, even tough it was rather early to feel their movements. She closed her eyes and let the pleasaont feeling flow ashe replied to her torrent of ideas. "Nightmare artwork on the stone items is a good idea, should pick interest from outsiders and let the stonemasons earn some coin. I have just ten students, all normal ponies, so they'll need to earn their living off the trade eventually." She sighed. "I totally forgot about Snowflake once he made himself scarce. Guess I'm a bad sister... I'll talk to the lovebirds and offer the farm rights. I hope they can hold off the wedding till we come North, dad would be heartbroken if he wasn't on his son's wedding." Nightmare finished thinking and told her the city name as it was used to be called. Crystal Clear rubbed her neck and repled. "Forest empire has it's appeal, yeah, but maybe "Heart of the Forest"? Kinda long but fitting, I guess." The crystal nightmare gave him an odd look. "Repay? I know full well that I can never repay what you did for me. Not in a million years. All I can do is strive to be the best wife you could evr have, and both Hearts so help me! But it would be nice if we had a little break from diapers, y'know. Five is a good number for the first batch." Crystal manoubred her head aroud his nuzzles to whisper to his ear. "But we're totally doing the next ones in th treasury." She gave him a wink and saw the telltale signs of him easing her on her back in known purpose. The expecting mother smiled and did as he wanted, even if she couldn't see him working at her taps through the big belly. He looked so cute when he was busy there. Crystal bit her lip and relaxed as her husband relieved her of the pressure. She was making more and more as her pregancy progressed. Sice it was already late evening when thet came out of the study, the royal couple decided to check on her foals - Sparks tucked Crimson Aurora to sleep and Crystal Fire was following her around like a cute dream predator he was.The parents took him over as their most trusted employee took a moment to go through her evening routine unmolested. Crystal and nightmare did their best to tire the little devil before bed, and the mare thought about some way to show the nanny how much she appreciates her hard work. Shame they haven't had any luxorious resorts or spas in here, she would probably appreciate a quality break, even if she'd need to be basically ordered to take one. Before theexpecting mother came up with an idea, the number one nanny came back to take her favourite leech to bed - they slept together to avoid injuries when Crystal Flames got out. It was Sparks idea. The royal couple bid her godnight and walked towards their rooms. A few servants were cleaning or doing other chores, but other than that, only guards were awake. Crystal opened the doors to their provate chambers with her magic - she made a special lock in them, that could be opened only with unicorn magic - a simple, but sturdy bolt inaccessible with hooves. In a land wothout unicorns, it was the best way to keep unwanted guests out. She carefully locked the doors behind them, and the royal couple sat for a pre-bed snack. Crystal took a fruit in her magic - she was trying to use it as much has possible to gain proficiency - You know, if Mother haven't told us so early, I'd thought that Sparks is weird. She treats our son better than if he was her own. I just hope he'll marry her as soon as he maturres, poor girl will be single for so long..." She thought about it as they ate, and absentmindedly checked how much she still has in her taps. Crystal looked down and chuckled. "Okay, I guess I'll have a turn too tonight. I'll burst before morning... But where I left that infernal device? I think it's in the drawer by the bed. I'll get it, don't worry." she got up on her hooves, swaying a bit from the weight of he foals. The mare went to the bedroom and opened the drawer - it was empty. She frowned and looked around. "I could've sworn... huh?" Crystal noticed something on the flooor and picked it up. A feather. She facehooved and asked aloud. "Mooom?! Get out, I know you're here..." The alicorn went out of the walk-in closet they had tof their clothes with a sheepish grin. "Have you, by any chance, seen my... "emergency pressure relief system"?" Crystal asked with a raised eyebrow. Of course Hearts-Dreas had it. "Uh-huh, and pray tell, why you took it and hid in my closet?" She said she had some idea and she coulde use some of her white gold, but knew the expecting mother wouldn't give her any. "Oh really? Well it's your lucky day then. I need that thing and you can take what I pump out, just stop sneaking on us, okay?" They shook hooves on that deal and Nightmare walked in to check what's going on. crystal giggled as she got herself comfortable on the bed and Hearts-Dream plugged the cups. "Just our mom being our mom. I gues she wanted to help herself to your buffet without asking, am I right? I just hope you'll come up with something useful, not another way to make mares more fertile. Either way, you'll have to give me a cut as your supplier!" Crystal let the mare take it all into some magic container. "Oof, so good being empty again... ICould you walk our mom out, love? I need a good bath after the Quarry." Therest ofthe evening went normal, with their usual routines and feeding. Next day, Crystal had to see her brother and start teaching her students in the direction of making mill stones - at least they were rather easy.
  18. @@Nightmare Season, It was evening already, and the sun was slowly setting over the clear patch of land amongst the mighty forest. Crystal Clear was standing on the roof of the Palace, righ in front of the lazily spinning Crystal Heart. Her Heart. Her second Heart. She started coming to it, seeking guidance like she used to back home. Or back North. Sometimes it was so cinfusing... The mare had two homes, and now she had two Hearts. Running a hoof over her large foal bearing belly, she tried to decide which one to choose. She was here every evening for a week now, and got no answers. Either she recalled wrong, or the other Heart was more talkative. Maybe it was from the lack of power? But there was only one crystal pony family around, and their crystallings will be like drops into the ocean of needs. She'd have to ask Hearts-Dream how they kept it up and running. Crystal Clear heard familliar hoofsteps. She saw Nightmare Season in the Heart's reflection, along with their intertwined Cutie Marks in it's core. She smiled as he gentle wing hug - she loved the soft and fuzzy sensation they gave her. The belly rub made her purr and she nuzzled his neck. "Nothing like the daddy's touch, eh?" She listened to him, snuggling to his side. She nodded silently at his idea, having it on the table as one of the viable options. Nightmare wanted to show her something, and Crystal sloghtly bowed her head to the Heart on her way out. As if excusing herself mid-conversation. Nightmre Season led his wife to one of the still unused rooms within the Palace. She peeked in curiously. The mare smirked at his words a she inspected the interior. "Now that we cleaned it up, we'll need to do it on bags of gold, not a pile. But yeah, it would be fun alright." The expecting mother was pleased with what she saw. Just bring in the midwives and they will be ready. "Um, I think we'll need a royal midwife and a doctor too. Maybe one of the nightmare healers. So far I was doing good but having somepony to check on me and my foals as they grow would be good, to avoid any complications. especially since I give you more than one every time." She looked back at him and walked over to give him a hug. "Great job love, seems you really want your two bits to tip the scales huh?" She gave him a friendly boop. Seems Nightmare wasn't done yet, since he led her to his study. As soon as he opened the door she could smell something tasty, but for the love of borh Hearts, she couldn't put a hoof on what was it. The mention of the thousand years made her frown a bit -she still fel guilty for that - but the mare listened and looked over his collection of powders. Her husband let her smell andd taste his findings, and the crystal nightmare was pleasantly surprised with each and every one. She sneezed after the last one and made a silly grin. "Okay, that one was not meant to be... *achoo!* Ughhh... but it has a strong taste that could be used as a spice. None of these things are poisonous, right? I wouldn't like to hear somepony important had a crazy chef who added too much and died because of that..." She lifted the closest jar and thought for a bit, looking at the powder inside of it. "If we learn to grow these plants, rather than look ll over the forest for the plants, this might be our little gold mine, love. Powders in sealed containers can be transported all around the known world without worry, and since we will be the only supplier, they'll quickly become a luxury. That means high prices. Of course, ours will be moderate because of the transport costs, but still. I'll show my class how to make stone mill wheels, and could you show Burning sands the plants and ask them to set up a farm? I guess we could try and bypass them, but they were so loyal to our couse, even with the slave ban. They deserve a cut to keep them on our side." Crystal looked around and took a seat on a nearby cushion. "Ahh, even with all the improvements and my increased size, there's nothing quite like giving my back a rest every now and then... Anyway, I think your plan is great, but we can do more than that, I bet. I've been tinkering with the idea to sell exotic timber - Equestria will suck it like a sponge, in any quantities. Of course we would have to be reasonable with tree cutting, but it's a source of income alright. We have to convince the next Crystal Trade Mission to come over here, by the way. Now I've been thinkingabout selling pelts of local animals, but the market, at least as far as I can tell, is very small for that. We can gain a level of mastery in stonemasonry, and that's why I have classes in the Quarry. Limestone may not be the prettiest stone ever, but small mortars and the like will get some coin flowing. I'd like to fix the sewers and try to get the water delivery working again too. Fountains are great for attracting ponies. And of course I'm on a hot line with the Empire over our Heart and buying know-how from them on various useful things. Getting some modern stuff will not only make it easier to live, but also increase our renown. It'll take a lot of time, but, fortunately, we have all the time in the world to make our kingdom the best." The mare stretched a bt and sighed gently. "it's been a long day today... Anyways, have you discovered how they used to call th City? I was about to ask Mother, along with how they juiced up the Heart with no crystal ponies around. I saw some murals but I can't make much sense of them."
  19. @, Crystal Clear thought for a moment, tapping her chin with a hoof. "Right... Drilling equipment is good, but they have a lot more to offer. If you have the coin. Like tis weird thing, electricit they call it. Duno how exactly it works but it powers lamps and all kinds of devices through cables. Pretty damn useful I guess. Amd I don't know if you guys get sick, but the modern medicine is like, waaaay better than when I was around last time. Some ponies even died after geting a serious cold back then..." She inhale sharply and looked back at him with a gentle smile. "Buuuut I digress. Coexistene sounds good, although I'm not sure how you would find the love to eat without running afoul with the law and stuff. Ponies wouldn't appreciate if, for example, you took a mare for a weekend looking like her fiance. Something to think about, I guess."
  20. @@Nightmare Season, The mare listened to her husband, trying not to think of his lonely centuries. She facehoofed hard when he admitted he lend a hoof to her ponynap. "The things I put up with you..." After breakfast, he led her to a secret room she haven't found yet. It was well hidden with a stone bookshelf. Nightmare opened the doors and showed her his treasures from the long wait. Of course she cried seeing his cache. Some things she loved to see again. Others, no so much. Especially her apprentice works. Seems he bought a lot of her early things. It took a while before Crystal Clear could put herself back together after the memory trip. Nightmare led her out with a wing hug. She liked his wings. Another thing he showed her that day was just as amazing. They took a cart to the Quarry and he led her a bit further away, to a cave. The couple walked just a short distance inside when the walls sparkled with a myrriad of crystals, just like up North. Crystal Clear couldn't see any fammiliar types though - seems these were slightly different. He told er it will be the royal family's own mine, just for her. The mare had to be careful not to trip in the half dark, considering her valuable love burden, but she have Nightmare a big thank-you hug and a few kisses. She will get back there later to collect sample crystals. Two days later, the royal nightmares paid a visit in the giraffe village - Nightmare knew the name of their kind. They had a long discussion with the mare that lived in the dream tree. Her title, as translated to Equestrian, was the Knowing One. She agreed to be an ally of the fledging nightmare kingdom, but wished to remain in their village and keep their traditions and autonomy. Crystal proposed thatthey should have freedom of entering the city and trading with whoever resides there, as sign of good relations. The giraffes agreed to supply the nightmares with dream roots, at least till they manage to get enough sweet ones from the farm to feed the growing population of root eaters. The gold ones were the matter between the Knowing One and Hearts-Dream. Crystal Clear thought long and hard how to start repaying for the gift of life from her husband. Five days after being saved, she came up with an idea. The Queen Nightmare ordered every slave owner within the city to come to the Palace with their slaves. She bought each and every one, for the gold in the massive treasury. Thakfully most were considered cheap by their owners, and besides, the mountain of valuables would be enough to buy entore Canterlot. Once she was the only slave owner in the whole city, she gathered them all in the Plaza before the palace and officially gave them freedom, then issued an edict banning slavery within the sight of the Heart - meaning in the City and it's neighbouring areas. No enslaved being was allowed to enter her domain, or become a slave inside it. She made sure the prison was up and running, and decided that a code of Laws will be passed to fill the legal void, once enslaving was not an option. Thankfully, there were no signs of opposition to her will, and slightly shocked Nightmare Season and Hearts-Dream looked proud of her sudden initiative. She will need their aid in writing the laws. Freeing the slaves had expected consequences - most wanted to become servants in the palace, few asked for permission to leave to their homes. Two tried to assassinate the royal family but, knowing her lesson, the mare thought about doubleing the guards in the Palace. They were captured and tossed into jail. The royal nightmares needed five days to put the treasury in some semblance of order. But it was worth it - the neatly stacked bags and shelves looked much better, and they had an opportunity to actually measure their wealth. The royal piggy bank was very full indeed, and it pleased the mare. There was much work to be done and they still haven't found a way to generate income. The royal couple settled into their usual routine afterwards. Crystal Clear finally accepted that trying to pay up for the stallion's sacrifice was a futeile attempt, and while it still teared her up sometimes, they both tried to return to normal. Even if the mare let him roll with almost anything he wanted. It took two weeks to restore the road to the Quarry, and to make a path to the mine - it's entrance has been marked and secured against theft, and, thanks to the ample supply of timber, the Quarry recieved new and safe scaffolding. Crystal decided to introduce her subjects to stonemasonry, but, due to her being in her 6th month, the crystal nightmare needed to take a ride to and from the Quarry, and had a personal servant to tend to her needs when she was out of the Palace. Sparks made an excellent job in dividing the new bloods to different tasks, although she didn't want to hire any more nannies. Wandering Sands took a job of her second and oversaw the more menial tasks, like supplies and cleaning. They worked well together, and became friends. The sudden influx of capable servants allowed the royals to concentrate on their duties rather than day to day running of their household, and said duties were piling up... Crystal Clear had her foals, stonemasonry course, she wrote letters to the Crystal Empire so fast poor Radiance went on strike once, and had that Code of Laws to put together. Hearts-Dream was huge help with her experience as a ruler of a nation. In few moments of actually free time, when she wasn't with her husband or the foals, the mare thought about her next moves. She adopted a room next to the crystal workshop as her own study, where she spent a lot of time on aforementioned duties. The mare took a habit of wandering her City in the free time, partially so she won't get plush and weak, and partially to look for inspiration. The income, or lack thereof, bothered her. Stone was not sought after, unless she trained ponies to make smaller items, like pots or tools. But then, ironwood and metal beat stone. Only she could work crystal, and swore not to tell the secret of the trade. Timber was one option, since they had full stockpiles of it. She would have to hire some accountants to help her estimate the costs of obtaining every type and thus set the prices. She thought of Evie but decided against asking her for help. Taxes were the easiest way to get the coin flowing but nightmare ponies weren't used to them. Besides, there weren't enough businesses in good condition to leech off money from them. Maybe later, when the commerce grows... She charted out a square in front of the Palace one day, twenty steps across. She didn't want to tell why, but she said she'll need that space after birth. It was in the very centre of a large Plaza that slowly began to be a market - the city was too large for it's current population so the citizens chose to live close to the Palace. The Queen Nightmare was sometimes found sketching something in secret, looking at that spot. She kept her notes and sketches in her study. Whatever it was, planning it sure made her happy. Since the time to decide where to birth the foals was approaching, the royal couple decided to restore the Old Road to the shifting sands. It would also help increase the traffic to and from the City. If they build proper docks, they could also ask Dark Waters to operate the barges that would ferry cargo on the river, for a fee of course. Crystal Clear was unsure what to do about her birth, and started visiting her new Heart at the evenings. Like she was asking for advice whether it was better to crystallise her foals here or there.
  21. @@Nightmare Season, The royal couple was catching up on each other and eating early supper in bed that Sparks provided. Crystal was feeling great, so safe in his embrace. The wings were awesome too. He asked whether she'd do anything for him and she nodded. "Anything." He was joking, hopefully, so she have him a slight jab in the ribs at the idea of knocking her up back to back. That brought him back on the ground. She looked up at him and nuzzled his neck. "That I can do for sure. You won't get rid of me no matter what." The mare chuckled. How many weddings we had? Four? I guess so, including the one in the dream... No worries, I will never leave." Sparks brought the little ones and the family was in full strength that evening, The foals were a bit weirded out by daddy's wings, but they soon accepted his new look and eagerly played with him. Crystal was convinced it was so worth to die to see this, although her husband's own sacrifice was hundread times greater. When the kids were tired and Crystal Flames was looking for his favourite nanny to prey on her dreams, Crystal asked the unicorn to take her favourite parasite and Crimson Aurora dozed off in her mother's forelegs. Nightmare asked her to promise something. She looked at him and nodded solemny. "I promise. And I would do the same for you if needs be." They decided to call it a day and take turns in feding off each other's dreams. Both ate a root and Nightmare had a first go, as usual. When morning came, the crystal nightmares were still glowing. Nightmare woke up first, bur Crystal followed minutes later.Crimson, by some miracle, was still asleep, so the couple decided to snuggle till she wakes up. The morning was rather usual, but they both couldn't walk five steps away from each other without coming buck for a nuzzle, and Crystal wanted to learn to preen his wings. Mommy nightmare also needed to ease some pressure on her taps. So obviously they needed twice as much time to get out of their rooms, and Nightmare Season found that his clothes severly lack in wing holes, so he had to ask Wandering Sands to get the seamstress and don what he came in yesterday. The slightly late breakfast was served in the day room, and the whole family was present, along with the servants - they were more like extended family by that time. Hearts-Dream was there too, visibly happy from the success at restoring the Heart, her son's ascension and her daughter in-law's recovery. Crystal was eating for four as usual, but she found the time to ask her. "Mother, we kiiiind of hadn't found the time to check yesterday, but, would you be so kind and help us check what still needs work around the City? I bet we haven't discovered even half of it's secrets yet. Like how these tall ponies managed to slip into the palace and ponynap me under our guards noses... The sewers are too narrow and some tunnels collapsed, so there has to be another way in." Hearts-Dream nodded and said she'll show them around, but it may take some time. Apparently, the memories were still haunting her and she didn't want to see everything at once. Crystal understood and didn't push. "Alright, we could start from the basics, like checking rainwater drainage and public fountains, that kind of thing. So we won't have to rely on th river for water. Some ponies got bitten by some predatory fish while collecting it." She turned to her husband, with a lok of guilt. "Also... since you were around for a time here... maybe you found out where the Old Roads lead? Or any other useful locations to send teams to? I'm sorry but, the mere thought about it makes me tear up." - She wiped her eye with a hoof.
  22. @, Crystal giggled at the last remark. "Yeah... Seems with Equestrian ponies, you can't just have one without the other. If they smell bits in that mountain of yours, they'll come alright. But, truth be told, some of those new inventions are making life much easier, once I copy them into crystal so they won't aggravate my sense of aesthetics."
  23. @, The mare shrugged. "I guess it's not what you could expect of me but.. yeah, that's just life I guess. If your Hive was turned into a theme park for outsiders who would want to change everything, I bet you'd look for a way to cope. I took something that reminds me of the good times.."
  24. @, The mare listened to Aquarius as she washed the dishes. No technology? How strange... Crystal Clear chuckled. "Okay, I guess I shouldn't mention it if I didn't want to tell, right?" She was basically finished there so she put away the last plate and wiped her hooves. She started talking as she took the course to her bed, in order to sit on it. "So... last year I had a customer in my workshop who wanted to hire a Master of Crystal to build a crystal reception in a bank. Awful lot of work, and material. A few shops already refused so it was easy to bump my pay, since I basically had to live there in a hotel for like, a month. Turned out I stayed month and a half, but whatever. That's where I discovered this thing and muic records, among other things. So when I came back home..." She frowned, not sure whether to tell or not. "Basically, I was so homesick that I just kicked the bags in a corner, set up the gramophone... and get drunk. But not just that, I came out only when I ran out of booze and went to buy s'more. Worst hangover in my life, I tell you! My parents caught me and I got an earful. The've been checking up on me since. See if i don't stash up "Sweet Dream" - it's a crystal berry brandy. Good stuff." She sighed. "I could use a glass, to be honest... But my stash is back in my house. Tough luck.." The mare looked up at the changeling. "Pretty crazy huh?
  25. Aaaaaand, done! New self-made avatar. All it took was several failures and decision to trace off a screencap...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      More like my one and only OC. But we share some traits alright. Wouldn't call her an actual ponysona though.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Eh, that works. Always nice to express oneself through a character.

    4. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Well, it allows a person to try something different. For example, I'm a white collar office drone, and she's a highly skilled tradespony. I'm male and she's female. I don't drink and she's edging on mild alcoholism and so on. It's like trying out a different life. BTW here's her page https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crystal-clear-r9369

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