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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Moon Dancer., She shook her head as she took a seat on the blanket, smiling. "Forgetful are we? I told you that I need to stay put for at least another month. Depends on the weather conditions. You however, can hitch a ride with my supplier, who's due in two weeks. Or stay with me if you prefer, now that we have a semi reliable way to keep you alive." She took a comb and started working on her mane when she glanced at him and added. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind if you stayed."
  2. @@Moon Dancer. The mare reached around with the comb to her back, finally deciding she did what she could, given the environment. "Well, if you decide to stay in the city until I come home, I can't see why not. Although we'd need another bed. I have only one..." Crystal paused and thought about something, and gesticulated as if moving something. Finally she announced. "Well, it may look weird but I guess I could fit a bed in my place. But, as I said earlier, it's locked shut till I come back. Gotta think of a place for you till it's open..." Crystal decided she had enough brushing and gave herself a look over. Kinda awkward without a large mirror. "So how do I look? See any missed spots? Gotta do the mane and tail next."
  3. @@Moon Dancer., She laughed at that remark. "Oh come on! I'm goona blush at that flattery! But, since we're at it, You're my favourite changeling too. When I get back home and you'll still be around, do step in the "Sapphire Rose", okay? It's my workshop, and I live upstairs." The mare stood up to brush the areas she couldn't reach while seated. As expected, she had some problems with heaching her upper back.
  4. @@Moon Dancer., The mare sighed and frowned a bit. "Guess you're right... Ponies seem so quick to write you guys off because of what happenned. But I'm sure that, once the word that there are more changeling Hives, and that they're not the same as the one that took on Canterlot, things may look up for your kin. When not afraid, ponies tend to be rather helpful. Case in point." - she tapped her chest and puffed her fresh combed tuft of fur there. "So chin up, it may take a while but I'm sure your kind will find a place in the wider scheme of things that make Equestria work." She looked at him and offered her best smile for reassurance.
  5. @@Mentis Soliloquy, The crystal mare nodded enthusiastically. "Great! I'll just get my bags and be right back." She was really happy it went so smooth. The mare grabed her crystal laden saddlebags and lugged them next to her new seat, then hopped on it with a sheepish smile. "Fresh batch of crystals, straight from the cave hehe. I cut costs picking up naturals. Wanna see some? No worries, they're clean." Crystal Clear noticed the unicorn mare, the one she had... mixed impressions about, approach and ask for a seat. She didn't want to be rude, so she nodded after the mare she met at the station. Moment later, their orders started coming in. She glanced at her order, and everything looked perfectly fine. She nodded at the waitress with a smile. "Thanks! Guess I'll drop by more often, that salad really does look great..." Taking a glance at the ravenous unicorn, she frowned a tad, but returned her attention to the other mare. "Oh, I guess I didn't pack my manners when I was leaving home. My name is Crystal Clear."
  6. @@Moon Dancer., The mare noticed the tiny gap between them, taking a side glance at it. She returned the smile. "Sometimes all it takes it to stop and talk, rather than jump to assumptions and continue galloping in the distance. Many ponies will probably pin the Canterlot fiasco on any changeling they see, without asking questions. But I guess there's some measure of hope, with what happenned the the Hive of Queen Chrysalis." Crystal Clear looked at her fur and said to herself. "Damn, almost forgot." She got up and went to the "bathroom" area. "Now I know we may be in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn't mean I have to look like natural disaster, right?" - she said over her shoulder as she looked for something. "Ah, there it is!" The mare came back and sat further apart from the changeling, and started brushing her coat with a comb. She also had her golden lace to tie her ponytail and dock. "You know, it's best to do it while the fur is still damp, so it stays the way you comb it. Same with manes and tails. Easier to style later on." She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Something wrong?"
  7. @@Naiya The Brony, Well, I guess that's why all those guides stress the importance of not basing tulpas off fictional characters or real people. Even though my Cryssi is just loosely based off an OC, she was really pissed off by that. Nowadays she's rather ambivalent to her namesake. I've noticed her try and bend the toon her way in one RP for fun even.
  8. So I caught a cold after visiting my parents. Well that's one way to get homesick, I guess.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Now that is a definitely a different way to use the term. :P Sucks about the sickness though.

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Yep, quite a twist, huh? I guess a native speaker wouldn't think of using it that way, yeah, but it did sound funny to me.

  9. Think about it that way - how would you feel if your parents suddenly showed you a picture of a person you're a copy of? I know it's not a perfect example but, basically, that's what happens to a tulpa. Suddenly they realise that they are not unique, that they are based off something. All kind of thoughts and feelings can result from that... Disliking the base is probably the most natural and comes first.
  10. @@Nightmare Season, The mare seemed troubled by the news of a rift in her own home. When the bickering stallions left, she let out a deep sigh. "I guess you have a point. But I couldn't deny the jungle ponies of their ancestral home... I sure hope they will see that we value them equally." She stayed by the table and pondered some more when Nightmare went to call for a gathering in the Palace Square. Once everypony was present, roughly two hours later, the royals walked out the front door of the palace to adress their subjects from this elevated position. Crystal noticed that the crowd was gathered in two halves - nightmares and jungle ponies, each separate. She listened to Nightmare Season's speech and observed the reactions. For the most part, it went okay. Ponies cheered and all that, but she could still see two groups, not one. She nodded at her Sultan. "Indeed I do." She stepped in front and sleared her throat. "My dear subjects, I too was once an outsider to a culture I didn't understand, and, honestly? At first, I saw what I wanted to see - all the flaws I could think of, real or imagined. But in time, I learned to see past the initial appearance and seek the heart of the matter. Some of you may have reservations towards nightmare custom of having many wives. I won't lie, I had and still do, to a degree. But hear that - a nightmare needs to feed on dreams to stay alive. But if they feed from just one pony all the time, they hurt them, Badly. So nightmares decided to take many wives, to give the ponies who give them sustenance something in return. The long life in good conditions. It wasn't meant as some depravity, but a means to survive. Of course now we know of the dream roots that secure the pony's mind from falling apart, and that's how me and my husband can live without any other ponies in our family." She paused for a moment, gathering their thoughts. "So what I want to propose is this: tomorow morning, I'd like to welcome delegates from both cultures for a meeting, where we shall discuss the details of what I have to offer. I propose that, in order to live as one, we need to understand each other. For that end, I wish for both of our cultures to set up fairs and presentations of their ancestry, their culture, habits, lifestyle, craft. We will see what we have in common, but also where we are different. And make no mistake - our differences can make us stronger, if we choose to accept them in good faith. My dear subjects, return to your homes, think of what makes us all the childen of the Jungle Heart. You know it's power, let it be the symbol of our union." Crystal Clear observed as the crowd cheered. Some things cannot be solved with a pretty speech. They saw the light of reason, but only honest work will allow it to shine onto her kingdom and allow the ponies to live together in peace. She waved to her subjects and turned back to the palace as the cword started to thin out. "Anything you'd like to add?" - Crystal booped Nightmare and had that sly smirk on her snout.
  11. @@Moon Dancer., The mare noticed the changeling dispense the bathwater to the sink. "Huh, I was about to propose we punp it out through the front door but, that should work too I guess. The sink is connected to an empty cave underneath, you see. No crystals there. So unless the pipe freeze, we should be in the clear." She looked around a bit, then went for a blanket and laid it by the stove, then sat on it and looked behind at her companion with a small smile. "There's enough room for two if you want to sit by the fire. I need to dry off completely." Crystal closed her eyes and her smile widened at the pleasant warmth. "Mmm, sometimes simple things are enough... You know, on the first day I kinda regretted I found you. For a number of reasons really. But you know what? Maybe it was for the best. You seem like a cool lovebug, even if a bit rough around the edges."
  12. @@Moon Dancer. "Thanks." The mare smiled at his helpfulness and waited till she had the towel in her hooves. She started drying herself with one hoof, starting from the mane. She noticed he finished his ministrations and looked from under a mess of azure hair. "You do now huh? Shame it didn't last long though. It wasn't Spa tier, but, if I take the pain out of the equation, yeah, it was something to remember." She smiled at him as she started stepping out of the tub. She sure made some splashed on the floor, but it was made of crystal so all she had to do was wipe it out. Crystal Clear patter herself dry as she talked, paying to attention to the mess on her head for now. "So it seems we have the little emergency solved, even if it cost me a day of good weather. No way I'm going out today to catch a cold, or worse. Guess we're grounded for today." She was finishing with the towel.
  13. @@Moon Dancer., The mare let him appreciate her mane, and once he was back to massaging, she asked. "Could you levitate a towel to me? Kind of forgot to bring it within hoof reach. Right there." she pointed at the direction where her "bathroom" was. "Figured I could start drying myself up since I'm standing anyway."
  14. @@Nightmare Season, The mare looked up at her husband who seemed to agree with hersentiment. it lifted her spirits somewhat. "Yeah, I'd like that. Sooner we leave the better, I am so done with this place." The serfs finished stacking her new books and left. Crystal raised an eyebrown and asked. "Wha kind of spell again? I just hope it's nothing concernimg me, I'm so done with "improvements"..." He didn't tell, and she knew better than keep asking. He won't tell anyway. Of course there had to be a farewell banquet in their honour. Even though it was rushed, the Royal Sisters seemed to attract guests like flies, and a host of holier-than-thou nobles and businessponies, mostly unicorns, showed up like clockwork. It seemed Crystal had a new tormentor - The Princess of the Night has trying very hard to convince her that she didn't want to steal her husband, but rather have a good friend. Her choice of words was, as usual, rather peculiar but the crystal mare knew what it means to be kicked into another age, so she let it slide. Eventually, the mares made peace, although the Queen Nightmare asked the Princess not to flirt with her husband when they're having a friendly conversation. Princess Twilight had some kind of "Friendship Problem", whatever that was, so she didn't attend. The crystal nightmare decided it was for the best, or else she might have a health problem. Next day was spent on the road back North, to her home city. crystal Clear was glad to come back there, but, honestly? She just wanted to go to her Jungle Kingdom. Strange how the balance of her heart was shifting in it's favour, though she still loved the Empire dearly. They were a bit road worn and decided to just lock themselves in the Palace apartment that was assigned to them. Crystal woke up the next morning, hoping they will drop at her parents place, say bye, and be on their merry way back home. However, the day started all wrong the moment she opened her eyes - Nightmare wasn't in bed. She went out of the bedroom, all sleepy and mane a mess, with her taps on display, to look for him around the apartment. Finally Sparks gave her a pointer that he went out in the middle of the night to the Crystal Heart. To "test something". Crystal Clear thanked the mare and quickly put herself in order, then went down to the Plaza. She looked for him in and around the place, but nopony saw him. The guards were a fresh shift so they didn't see him coming in the night either. The mare walked to the Heart, her mind racing. She stared at it when suddenly, she stomped her hoof and iignited in anger. Luna, that treacherous... whorse! The guards barely had time to regain their wits after she went ablaze whn a thunderclasp and a bright flash of unicorn magic erupted next to the Heart. Now they were spooked alright.Crystal instinctively charged her fir bolt and pointed at the bright light. One perk of being a crystal pony is that it's hard to get blinded, growing up with all those reflective surfaces all around the city. "You..." She slowly came towards the stallion, her horn still glowing. "Where the buck did you go, in the middle of the night?! Did you get tired with me, huh? Or you love us equally? Get up and look at me damnit!" Her horn powered down as she just sat in front of him and sniffed. "Why you always keep me in the dark about everything?" The mare listened and glared at him as he explained. It made... sense. He looked spent, but from magic use, not from humping all night long. She decidd to believe him and went to sit next to him, slowly realising the implications of such a spell. "So... no more month long voyages in a cramped ship? Or waiting a whole year to see my parents? Or buy crystals? Or more books? I want more books, buck Princess Twilight and her rules. Sorry I yelled at you like that!" She have him a tight hug. The guards sighed collectively. Crystal decided that, before they go, she needed to visit her parents and tell them of the new spell. Snowflake was also informed that they're taking a shortcut. Kiwi was already having serious nausea and Crystal sympahised with her, but Nightmare said that he can't take anypony else.The crystal Nightmare, at one point, found herself staring at her old home from a distance. She saw Evie in the window of the office of her Accountancy business. She looked good. Crystal wondered if she's still single, but hadn't had the courage to drop by. She turned back towards the palace, a bag of crystal berries slung around her barrel. It ws meant as a little gift to break the ice. Later that day she asked Princess cadence for a word and explained their new magic trick, asked if she's okay with it. The Princess didn't have objections as long as they didn't do it unannounced - in case there was a ceremony going on. So they would announce themselves via Radiance every time. A reasonable request really. Finally, it was time to leave. Everypony had some tiny luggage, mainly toys of the little ones. Crystal took her toys as well, to a collective facehoof of both nannies. They expected her to get knocked up at her first heat, which would come in two months or so. The family - biological and extended, since Sparks, Lucky and Sands seemed like family member to her - all assembled in a tight fug and let Nightmare season wrap them in his wings. The crystal royals and her parents were present to wave them goodbye. Crystal shouted: "Remeber I love... you?" One moment she was in the empire, and another she finished her sentence in the Jungle Kingdom, stared at by nightmare guards at the ready. She was a bit confused but the cry of her twin colts brought her tothe present. Mommy nightmare took them in a hug and gently rocked to calm them as Nightmare seadon explaied her why the guards were present. Well that sounded reasonable. The family walked down the steps into the Palace, and Crystal Clearknwe in her heart she was home. She took a glance at the Heart of the Jungle on her way out, saw their Cutie Marks in it's core. "I'll make you proud yet, wait and see." She want down the stairs. The citizens were informed of their rulers presence on the following morning, since Nightmare Season needed a rest after pulling out that magic trick and Crystal also heeded to take care of her foals, explain to them what happenned and that they're home now for real. The following morning was interrupted as soon as it sparted, really. The royal family was having breakfast and saviouring the peace and quiet before the flurry of duties, when a nightmare stallion and a stallion from the Jungle Ponies barged in with out as much as knocking. They were throwing insults at each other the whole time and were clearly hostile to one another. crystal got rubbed the wrong way by the language in front of her foals. She ignited and tossed a fore bolt in front of both bickering stallions for good measure. "Enough! Cut the language or I;ll cut your tongues, got it!?" - She pointed at the spooked foals. - "Now you better have a very good reason to be here, or I'll aim the next ones higher. You!" - She pointed a hoof at the jungle stallion, and he stepped forward, bowing on shaky legs. He explaied that his ponies are being badly treated by the nightmares, that they seduce their mares and form harems for some abtract promise of long life, that they do not respect the jungle ponies culture or the fact that it is, in fact, their ancestral capital. The nightmare stallion's story resonated around the fact that the jungle ponies felt entitled to everything and wanted the best spots for them,pushing the nightmares to the worse districts and alienating them. Disallowing them to marry their mares, even when they wanted to. Disrespected the nightmare culture in general. Crystal and her husnabd listened to both parties and send them off, promising to solve the problem. Seems the kingdom turned in on each other in their absence as jungle ponies and nightmares took separate dstricts and divided their areas of influence inside it. Only the Palace was not assigned to any party. Seems like they found themselves in the middle of a cold war.
  15. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal smiled at him stroking her mane. "Pretty neat huh? I always wanted to have long hair but it kept being a niousance when I worked. Tying it all up in some messy bun every time I grab a chisel is not exactly what I dream of. But I guess you like it nonetheless..." She was genuinely amused by the fact that he went for her mane. The mare leaned towards him, water still dripping from her azure hair. "I was referring to my bruised flank, by the way. You could make some coin by offering relaxing massages with that magic, but I need some serious work there." - Crystal gave him a surprise boop with a wet hoof and made that sly grin of hers.
  16. @@Moon Dancer., She nodded, giggling. "Aren't we all? My mom would give me an earful for letting a stranger, well, basically grope my rump. And yet that's exactly what's going on right now. By the way - magic is good for finishing strokes, but I'm afraid you'll need to get up close and personal to finish what you started." Based on her sly smile and the way she combed bck her mane, it was pretty obvious that she dared him to do it.
  17. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear nodded and was rather surprised when she saw, and more importantly, felt, his magic where normally she wouldn't allow a stallion to get comfortable in. She observed him as he worked her bruised hip, and raised an eyebrow after a moment, even though she was still frowning from pain. "Are you... blushing or something? Heh, and who said not to be Oow! ...embarassed, huh?" She playfully splashed a few drops of water in his direction, since she wouldn't reach him for a boop.
  18. @@Moon Dancer., The mare braced so she won't trip over in the tub as the changeling started working his magic on her side. Sure, it hurt at first, but maybe soaking it longer made the difference, since it started to feel good soon enough. Not that she would stop him though, free massage, right? Her expression followed her sensations, from a slightly painful frown towards a pleasant smile. Crystal looked at him with some regret when he finished and asked if she feels better. "Well, yeah. I do. You sure helped me gat back on track with this one." She looked at most prominent feature that didn't like abruptly meeting with the crystal floor, and thought about somethin, biting her lower lip and occasionally glancing at her companion. Eventually, she made up her mind. "Okay, so I'll be okay if you say no, since, you know, awkward and all that, but... I guess my hip could use some attention too, if you don't mind that is." - Now she was visibly embarassed with a hint of a blush showing on her already red coat.
  19. @@Nightmare Season, The Queen nightmare was starin in the distance, blinking occasionally. "That was... intense." Princess Twilight just closed the doors behind her, holding a fat stack of notes in her magic grasp. The mare laid on her back and closed her wyes, then started massaging her temples when she heard her husband's comment. She said dryly. "I find your eagerness to die disturbing, Nightmare Season." She could only agree with his newly acquired fear though. That was the last time she agreed on answering "a few questions" to that mare. Even Spike seeemd beat when she was done, yet Twilight looked like she could pull an all nighter on them. That was... scary. At least Nightmare had some new spell to play with, whatever it might be. Crystal decided she will know in due time. For now, she wanted to feel the comfy bed in their room, so they went back to their safe haven until dinner time. The royal nightmares must've looked like they worked in the mines for a week without sleep, judging from a semi discreet snicker from Princess Celestia when they went to attend a more private dinner. Thankfully not another snobbish banquet. Princess Twilight was, apparently, already busy since she didn't attend. Although Princess Luna found some time to show up, to Crystal's displeasure. She kicked her husband under a table several times to remind him he's married, and no, she won't be okay with him having another wife. Princess Celestia seemed to watch it all with amusement. After the meal, the crystal nightmare nosedived into the nearest couch she laid eyes on in their apartment, then rolled on her back hugging a pillow that was there. "Lucky dear, could you bring my little love parasites for a meal? I feel like I'm going to pass out any minute..." Nightmare joked she could be suckled in her sleep, and she just nodded. "Whatever works, love, as long as you clean up." The little tongues kept her from falling asleep however, since they tickled as usual. Tha mare noticed how she grew down there to accomodate the incresed demand, and sighed in resignation. "I look like a cow." Once the triplets had their fill, she rolled back on her hooves and wandered to the firstborn to say goodnight. Mommy was spent like... well, really spent. So she went for a nap to the bedroom, taking her dress and jewelry before just collapsing in the bed. She had some prety weird dreams till Nightmare came along to feed. He said with a silly grin that she did get suckled in her sleep. Next day the crystal nightmare decided she wants to go home. She announced it loudand clear to her husband, partially because she ddn't like what was going on between him and Princess Luna. And partially because she just plain didn't like Canterlot. Unfortunately, there was one last thing to do on her list - buying books, and lots of them. So, after breakfast with the flirty princess, she asked a serf that was escorting them around the palace whether she could get a guide for a tour into town. She was honest and said she's interested in bookstores. The honesty... wasn't the best policy. "Princess Twilight Sparkle... how nice to see you..." - Crystal's eye twitched as she saw the purple alicorn as her door soon after. They took a carriage, and the triplets, along with their designated nanny, so she won't have to come back to the palace every two hours. Princess Twilight was surprisingly good with foals, but she kept looking at Midnight Star - who was unhappy with the sudden lack of her daddy - like a curious specimen. Lucky stayed in the carriage as the mares wreaked havoc in the bookstores. Crystal told half of her plan, namely that she needs manuals and technical books to speed up the technological progress of her kingdom, Princess Twilight guessed with ease that she wants to use the Equestrian tech as a prop and copy it. The nightmare frowned, but reluctantly agreed, citing her reasons. Seems she wouldn't get any help with that, but at least the Princess was so excited for book hunting she agreed to get her the less advanced titles. Just enough to help, and a lot, but not enough to give her understanding of the Equestrian steam machines and advanced devices. Better this than nothing, so Crystal Clear agreed. Even if she got a lecture on protecting the national interest of Equestrian industry in the process. Crystal Clear was back around three PM, with a stack of books and fried brain. She layed on a couch and played with her long mane as she told how did she do. "Two words - never again. I thought she'd run to Princess Celestia and say I want to rob them or something. These books are publicly availible for Heart's sake! But at least I got most of what I wanted..." She stayed silent for a moment and curled up, then said out of the blue. "I want to go home. To my stone palace atop a flight of uncomfortable stairs." She sniffed as if about to cry for some reason. She said so many times already - crystal ponies get homesick very easily.
  20. @@Moon Dancer., The mare was all tense the moment Aquarius ran a hoof through her sore muscle, once she presented the foreleg for some more massaging. She was biting her lower lip and frowned in obvious pain as he continued, but didn't try to pull back the leg or nag him to go easier on her. She just rested her head on the back of the tub as her long, loose mane floated on the surface. Even her "hair curtain" side fringe got wet. As the changeling worked, her expression softened and it was evident she started to enjoy it as the pain receded. At some point she opened one eye and looked at her companion with a smile. "I guess you did it, you know. It doesn't hurt. Although I admit, I am half tempted to crash on the floor sometime later just to get some more of that massage." She motioned him to let go of the foreleg and she flexed it in all directions. "Huh, good as new. Guess I'll have to stand up to let you do my side then, if you have the strength in your hooves that is." Crystal Clear submerged completely in the water, then emerged again, this time soaked all the way to the tips of her ears. She sneezed the water out of her nose and rubbed her eyes, then gave him a sheepish smile from under a curtain of wet azure hair. "Sorry, I just couldn't waste good bath water now could I?" The mare combed her unruly hair back with her hooves and stood up, presenting her slightly bruised side with a gentle smile. "Ready when you are."
  21. @@Moon Dancer. The mare was wriggling her hindlegs in the water as the changeling plowed her muscles with a hoof. It hurt alright, but... "*huff* Keep going, I think it works! Ooow stop for a sec, gotta soak it again. Crystal Heart it hurts... But I feel it's working." She dipped her foreleg back in the water and gently moved it to warm it up again. After a minute or so she presented it again for round two.
  22. @@Moon Dancer., Once she felt warmed up and soaked, Crystal Clear let her foreleg above the water so Aquarious could try nad massage it back in shape. That was the easier part, not only because it was harder to stick out a side and hindleg out of th water, but also because her flank took the most of her fall. And masaging there would be awkward. She winced a bit at the touch of her bruises, but clenched her teeth and let him do the good job. Crystal nodded at his words and replied. "If you... ow, say so. Try and use the enge of your hoof along the muscle aAAAgh! That works, but hurts too. Ooompf, stupid bruises." The mare winces and sighs at the pain, but wants him to keep at it, knowing full well that it may very well help her.
  23. @@Moon Dancer., The mare sat tight by the stove and waited till he came back with the pump and it's rubber pipe that sucked in the water from the ground floor. She smiled at him and took it. "Altight, so when the water gets ho, we dump the far end in the pot, and trank this lever to pour it into the tub. Same with filling the pot and ferrying the cold water. I'll get a smaller pot and place it under the tap. All in all, it took a while but theu managed to fill the tub with sufficiently hot water, and put the large pot off the stove. Crystal walked to the tub and shook her head. ot looking forward to pumping it all outside... Or refilling the cistern for that matter. I just hope it'll work." She untied her golden lace from her mane and tail, and let har mane loose. She then carefully stepped into the tub, visibly in pain as she moved the bruised legs. She sighed in relief as she finally rested in the hot water, only her head above it. "Damn, I could have one of these every day... if they weren't so much of a pain to pull off that is. Guess I owe you one." The mare soaked in and relaxed, trying to rub her muscles to ease the bruises.
  24. @@Moon Dancer., The mare saw his fangs sticking out and held a hoof to stop. "Waaait, can you even grab it comfortably with those? I mean, we can also try to bring it ober bu holding it with hooves. Actually it might be even better since it's quite heavy..." She showed himhow to put a forelef inside the pot hold's loop and tried to lift it. Heavy, but should be mamageable to put on the stove. "So on three? One, two, threee!" They barely made it to the stove and were pretty tired when it was in it;s place. The mare thought about alternatives. "*huff* Okay, so, maybe I had a bad idea. Phew that whing was heavy. thankfully I'm used to cold water so I warmed just a bit of it previous times..." She pointed at a small cable dangling from the ceiling. "See that? it's a cable to a small pump I use to refill the cistern. Just dip it in the pot and use a hoof pump up there to take the water up. Unscew the pump on the upper level and bring it here please - we'll use it to transport water to and from the pot. Uou can get there by the ladder on the wall, over there."
  25. @@Moon Dancer. The mare nodded as she brought out the pot. "Basically, yeah. We fill it up, halfway, from the tap here, and put it on the stove. One boiling and one cold and do on. Should be warm enough. Although I'll have to refill the cistern a bit after this stunt. So, shall we?" Crystal Clear took the pot by one handle in her teeth and brought it over to the tap, and poured the water. "Obviously I'll need help with carrying it."
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