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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Moon Dancer. The crystal mare looked around to make sure she was safe for now, when she heard him approaching and whispering in the ear. Crystal giggled a bit and shook her head. "No need to be that quiet, really. Just keep a look out. If stuff hears you, it's probably too late anyway. Well my slightly outdated one thousand years old map gives me pointers where to look for exposed rocks and cliffs, so I don't have to dig in the snow. Since crystals like caves, I look for those too. Nearest cliff is that way, about half an hour walk. I checked it already, but others are over one hour away and I don't want to be caught by the night outside." She pointed in the direction of a gentle rise in terrain. The cabin was at the foot of a large mountain valley.
  2. Sure thing, if we decide to go that way, I'll ask you guys. She already has a huge window in her space suite, so adding a TV or something along these lines so she could see what I see better could work, I guess. I'll talk to her. I know you guys are trying to help, but srsly, there's a whole bottle of Johny walker in the kitchen. Now imagine if I switch and let her loose... Hangover guaranteed. If it ain't got 40 Volts, there's no point taking the glass out. What she said. We're in Poland, home of the only nation that can keep up wiith the Russians, after all. But seeing her reaction to tastes in general would sure be interesting. So I did a thing to show how she looks, more or less. As usual with my attempts, it's a traced vector in more or less show style. The tail is a bit messed up though. It should be straight and reaching to her ankles. She had ear studs but ditched them along the line.
  3. @@Moon Dancer., She smiled a bit, but in an understanding and warm way. "Thought so." Cystal made sure the chest is closed and hid the vials in a drawer before she directed her hoofsteps to the warm clothes that she left to dry. "Now since you're new around here, keep your eyes open for any movement, and anything that's a different shade of white. Those wolves may stil be around and Heart knows what else has ponies on the menu. I saw some huge tracks once and have no intention to find out what it was. Give me a minute to dressup, okay?" By the time she donned it all, the changeling must've felt hot under the layers of thick clothing, but she couldn't rush it. Crystal Clear took her shining necklace and the keys, hen peeked outside. Nothing bit her head off, so that was good. Although the heavy doors had some minor scratch marks. "Alright, seems quiet for now. So you want to go someplace or just wander around?"
  4. @@Nightmare Season, The royal nightmares went to the Great Hall for a meal. There were no official guests, just the royals and their families. The huge table looked strange being so empty, but Crystal appreciated that their hiosts scheduled the welcoming feast for tomorrow. She could at least catch up woth everypony, although Snowflake stole the show for her parents, showing up with a pregnant wife and telling he has his own business. The mare let him have his spotlight, she'll find the time to catch up with her folks in due time. She talked with Princess cadence for the most part, and took the opportunity to fill up on crystal empire delicacies. Truth be told, she should keep some kind of diet if she wanted to loose the foal fat, but this stuff was just so good, and she could eat it only once per year! No wonder she looked like she was pregnant again when she got off the table. So much for getting back in shape... The crystal nightmare was tired after the meal and the couple decided to excuse themselves, on behalf of their newborns that needed to take a nap. The older foals wanted to play with Flurry Heart, so they stayed. Crystal Clear was homing in on the big comfy bed back in the suite when Nightmare started teasing her again. She ground her heeth a bit and walked a bit faster, but said nothing. Only when they were in their rooms, behind closed doors, did she give him a cold stare and replied: "You know full well why I wear the dress all the time, so give me a break or file a complaint to your mother! I hate when ponies oogle my huge rear and grope me with their eyes down there, okay? I hate when they stare at me like I'm some..." - She didn't finish because Nightare season gave her an apology kiss, and she gave him a hug with a slight sigh. She soon figured what he was going after. "Not in the door, you silly colt... I'm going to have trouble walking if you too keep suckling me dry..." She led him to the bedroom and only then did she let him have what he wantted. At least she could relax on that comfy bed. The next morning came early, and several times over for the crystal nightmare mother. The foals were restless in the new place and refused to sleep for longer than two hours at once. Crystal decided to just got up around Six A.M., being fed up with being waken up so many times. She read the recent newspapers to check in what was going on around the city. and went through a thorought grooming routine, after being denied of comforts for the whole voyage. Nightmare Season also got up before the scheduled eight. The day was packed to the brim with activties - breakfast at nine, overseeing the trade negotiations from ten to tro P.M. - the royal couples were supposed to agree or disagree on every deal that was struck there, so it would be a busy time - then dinner at three and another round of negotiations till six. Whoever made this schedule didn't know that newborn foals need to be fed often and regualarily. crystal will have to excuse herself a few times. And just when they will prop themselves with their noses on the table, there will be a hige banquet in their honour at eight. The mare wanted to call in a sick day is only she could. Next few days would see them having meetings with crystal pony big fish over future trade and expanding the selection of goods. As she brushed her teeth and magically fixed her mane, Crystal Clear thought of the nightmare mare that was so excited to go with them. Did she find that colt? Did he stay faithful? Would they really get married? Where would they stay? Sometimes she just wished she lived a simple, happy life with Nightmare in her old little house, away from royal duties and bloodchilling dangers... The sound of the twins giving a concert broke her from the daydream and the mother went in to check what was going on. The breakfast was just as "casual" as last dinner, but her parents weren't present. Snowflake was also Heart knows where. Probably he was taken in with his wife by their parents, and was planning the crystal wedding. Crystal Clear smiled at the mmory of the crystalling crystals she made herself and brought here for the special occasion.
  5. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear contnued her work, byt kept an eye on the changeling who started walking around the confined space. When she was done wt this sample,she got up to check the fire and decidded to shove in some coal. "You alright there? I guess it's easy to start crawling up the walls here when there's nothing to do..." She opened the crystal stove and placed a shovel of coal in. "The day's not done yet, we can go outside if you need to stretch your legs, you know."
  6. @@Moon Dancer., The mare shook her head gently. "Not really, just attended the Guild meetings with her, but older masters did the talking. And listened to her public speeches too. She seems kind and understanding though, so it's a good sing as far as I'm concerned." She let go of him and went back to her sample testing. There were a couple more to catalogue still waiting in the saddlebags.
  7. Nah, it's okay, we just had a hard case of "say what?!" on this one. Neither of us really thought about posession or switching yet, and like I already said, she's like a spoiled cat - she takes what she wants and if faced with any objections, she's like "Crimea river". Well I need to have SOME fun in life, right? Seriously, where do I call to fix that host? I hope he's still on warranty..."
  8. It's an uncharted territory, so it's only natural for someone who tends to say "Heroes get fancy graves" to be a bit afraid of it... I'll have to talk it over with Crystal whether she even wants to try in the first place, and whether she thinks it'll help her grow. Truth be told I haven't thought about posession and switching at all, focusing on imposition as the end goal as far as forcing is concerned.
  9. Well I guess that's one of the very few advantages of being me - the metabolism. I can get through a day with just a few Mentos or eat a large pizza by myself, and still be okay. (both scenarios tested, and not just once) I'm not sure about putting her in front though. I mean, now that I live alone, I have pretty good conditions for that, but I don't know how she'll handle it. Or how willingly retreat on the back. Maybe later, when she's stronger and I open my mind to her. Maybe I'm just afraid of losing control, but I don't feel like trying switching just yet.
  10. Sweet Celestia's sugary butt, that thing is huuge! Not really my style, a box of doughnouts will do fine, but still. Just, wow. At least we're both into sweets, so the only victim is our proverbial piggy bank. I won't get fat in a million years of sweets diet anyway. Guess I better figure out how to give her free access to sensory output, so it won't tire her out. Hand over the keys, NAO! And rewire my thought process to include her in it, so I can feel her silently judging me all the time.
  11. @@Nightmare Season, Despite some reservations, the mare decided that their sea voyage was was a good one. The foals didn't pick the ship apart, and she was still sane, so that's good. Sure, the newborns were demanding of her time but nothing a loving mother can't handle. The nannies helped her get some rest during the day to catch up after erratic nights of feeding herself, her husband, and their foals. Although the sudden increase in milk consumption caused by three little ones had an expected, even if not really desireable effect - her taps got bigger. The mare got a bit worried that with time, they might get too big for comfort. Thankfully Nightmare was supportive as usual. He was also very happy that his little daughter was a true daddy's girl, and wanted to be with him all the time, maybe except meals - she soon discovered that mommy can't be substituted for that. Crystal Clear was very happy to see the sea lantern and shores of her second home. Like the last time, she was at the front of the ship, anxiously waiting to have solid crystal under her hooves. She missed it dearly in a land of sand, and now stone. After all, you can take the crystal pony out of the Empire, but not the other way around. She did her best not to laugh at the obvious attempt of Prince Shining Armor to show off his guards. Obviously, he clinged to Nightmare Season to show him everything. Athough the crystal nightmare saw the consternation at his sudden alicorn status, and the sher number of foals they had now. The Crystal Princess was so nice to delegate a few mares from her entourage to help the mother nightmare with her own kids, but Sparks politely send them off. The unicorn, along with the earth pony nanny from the Forest Empire exiles - Lucky Clover - were doing just fine. The royal mothers exchanged pleasantries and took off straight away to baby talk. Princess Cadence was a bit weirded out with triplets, and the mares decided to meet up just to talk about the unusual experience. Flurry Heart was a cute young filly by now, and wanted to play with the older kids of the royal nightmares. Crystal decided to grab some know-how on alicorn foals while she's there, just in case. With her love being one, there was no telling whether her offspring won't have any. in their midst. Princess Celestia and Hearts-Dream excused themselves and few back to the Empire, so the royals decided to follow suit - the wagons were packed and took them to the train, and then back to the city proper. Crystal and Cadence talked for the whole time - the usual mother subjects, but also about the secind Heart and the city she found and restored. The crystal nightmare got a bit sad at the memory of just how much it cost them both to bring back the Heart... All in all, things were more or less as like the last time - when the train arrived at the station, Wandering Sands took over the job of making sure everything arrived in one piece and relegated the royal belongings to the Palace, while the nightmare traders packed another caravan of wagons to the tent site. The royal family was to get the same room as before. The first thing they did once the doors closed was to feed the cranky foals - they were due for a mieal half an hour ago. By the time the set up in the new place, it was dinner time. A servant came in to ask the guests to attend and caught a sight of the mother nightmare dancing in the living room to the music of her gramophone, without the dress. Crystal got awfully embarassed and nearly hid behind a couch, but replied they'll be ther in a few minutes. Nightmare had a laugh from the scene, and Crystal ignited in mock anger for him calling her fat. He saved himself with saying he doesn't mind her extra padding, but she wanted to fet back in shape regardless. They went for a meal - Crystal needed to eat more than usual to keep the factory running.
  12. @@Moon Dancer., Well, he may not be the best hugging experience in the mare's memory, but at least it got him to wind down some. Crystal Clear nodded as he kept the hug. "Uh huh, think so. She's a smart mare.You'll see, things will turn out okay, I believe it." She held him for a bit longer, till she felt like he's getting back to normal, and gently let go.
  13. @, She took out along sigh at her insensitiveremark. Good job Crystal, you insensitive jerk, you did it again. "Ehh... sorry for that. I guess I should be more cautious with my comments." She didn't dare take the crown, for it could upset him even more, so she did what felt right - she got up and gave him a hug. "Once again, I'm sorry. Take your time, I can see it's hard for you."
  14. @@Nightmare Season, They talked in the nursery as Crystal gave her newborns their first feeding. Of course, now that they knew how they looked, it was time to assign names. She liked Midnight Star for the filly - very nightmare pony sounding. For the colts, she thought of Aquamarine and Aventurine, two blue gemstones, although she wasn't sure really. Maybe once she's not so tired she'll come up with something better. The foals were even more eager to help themselves to their first meal then her firsborns, and the mare felt as they emptied her out in the first go. A nice feeling for sure, but, she had a feeling that her body will react to increased demand with increased supply. She already wore long dresses... The mother decided to be moved to her bedchamber late afternoon, once she was feeling better. Still, she asked for a cloud for transport, not entirely sure of her back legs. The following week saw her back on her hooves, but still recoering from her pregnancy - there was still some noticeable foal fat to burn, for example. Crystal decided she was okay, even if her sleep schedule was out of the window, waking up at night every three hours for feeking and check-ups. Her husband and a hired nanny were huge help in the day though, allowing her to catch some rest. When the trade ship arrived, the crystal nightmare didn't really ant to go - spending a month and then some in a wooden box wasn't high on her list of fun things, but, royal dutues called, o the family boarded the vessel after a fortune telling from Hearts-Dream that it's safe. Last thing she wanted to do was to endanger her family on a long trip. Snowflake and his wife also took a ride to have a small wedding ceremony in the crystal tradition. Crystal Clear noiced the mare was showing early symptims already. especially the nausea. Poor girl. Least she won't have to carry more than one at the time. The ship set sail along the river's current, and then up North to the Crystal Empire dock.
  15. @, The cherry mare was about to resume her work when she noticed Aquarius fished out something new from the bag. She asked with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "A crown? Well that's unexpected alright... I'll take an uneducated guess and say it's for the Queen when you find the right candidate? Or did I miss completely?"
  16. @, Crystal Clear cocked her head a bit as she glanced at her companion. "Well... it is my job, so I have to earn my bits somehow, but sometimes making things out of a pile of crystals, working hard to make it look perfct, is a reward in itself. And then you gotta let your inanimate offspring to a customer for a bag of coins. Sometimes I don't really want to sell what I make but, yeah, gotta earn my living." She shook her head and took a serious tone. "Put it back in the bag. I have enough bits to go by and I highly doubt that this particular crystal wouldn't get destroyed by some overzealous alchemist, or a wizard, who tried to uncover it's secrets. Money isn't everything, you gotta have some respect for the crystals too, you know."
  17. @@Naiya The Brony, In my case keeping focus is so draining because it's lke keeping twenty very excited pups on a leash. Each pulls their way, effectively derailing my train of thought. Like I said, scatterbrain. And there's that one nasty bugger who barks "Roleplay! Roleplay!" I swear the next time he digs himself in a hole of RP induced blues, I'll be standing with a rope and tease him with it, saying "You chose this, not us!" - Spec Ops: The Line reference detected. I... hope you're joking with that crossdressing part. Seriously, just.... nope. Psst, she doesn't really like the way humans look, regardless of gender. She's just interested in "adjusting" what she window shopped for her look. Although she's kinda dissappointed by the fact she can't have those heels, and has to resolve to flat hoofboots. ...And that's why I drink... One question though - I asked her several times and she said she can see and hear what i do, even though I haven't "opened my mind" to her yet. That;s how she window shops and the like.I haven't even thought about co-fronting or letting her anywhere near the controls - Cause he knows what would happen! - yeah... So is it normal for a young Tulpa to have access to what you see?
  18. @, Crystal Clear gave him a cold sideways glance as he leaned closer, and peered at the crystal sample and the way it reflected the light of her glow-crystal. She tensed her jaws a bit at the question, but answered, matter of fact - "Yes, this one is from deeper in. The cave seems rather large and vwry rich in crystals. Even if they're poor quality..." She used the forked tool to make a sound and for once, it made a clear note. That made her smile a bit. "Although this one isn't complete junk like the previous ones, so at least there's something worth hauling back home in that hole. It's a Mountain Stream, same as the first one, but without as many nasty impurities and veins. Second grade material but still useful. Shame they were all rather small, the formula isn't exactly cheap."
  19. @, Crystal Clear bit her tongue as she was about to say something, and concentrated on the crystal sample in front of her. This Mountain Stream was from deeper inside the cave, and looked much more promising. Maybe they'll have some useful crystals after all, not just cheap filler material. She seemed to ignore her guest.
  20. @, Crystal stopped mid step and pouted. "Okay... I'll turn it off..." She went back and raised the needle with a sigh. She then packed the record and turned back to him. "Better now?" She walked back to the table and took a glance at the fused chips, then tried to pry them off, giving the changeling a stare. "It's a rose. And it tells like, half the story that was be back when I was six. The blue flower is made of crystal, because I got it for trying Crystal Mending - the trade I work in today. The branch and leaves are pytire because I love the stuff and my fitst crystal product was the stand for my lucky cube. It has thorns because, as I'm repeatedly told, I'm my harshest critic when it comes to the job. Can't rest my chisels until whatever leaves my workshop is perfect. And just to wrap it up, the rose looks prettier with leaves. So now you know." The mare wrote more notes and chiselled out a number in the sample crystal, then fished out another.
  21. @, The mare nodded slowly and resmed her work. It was time to take off chips of the crystal and fuse them. She expertly chipped off paper thin shards and proceeded to fuse them. She remained silent, nodding slightly to the music that was still playing. Either she was very concentrated or thought about something. Crystal Clear lounged back in her sitting bushion as the crystal reacted with itself. She took a few glances at Aquarius, still silent. now it was pretty obvious she pondered over something. With a slightly annoyed sigh, she got up and changed the record to something different. The cabin was suddenly rattled with very unrelaxing, symphonic music. Strings and brass accompanied by organ, slightly dark maybe, but having a powerful vibe. She smirked at the changeling. "I play this when I need to get my flank in gear and do stuff. Helps me work faster and get through late night chipping."She ran a hoof over the gramophone box. "Funny how I often say I'm in love with music." Crystal Clear walked back to her spot, nodding her head and having a spring in her step, to check the last phase of tests with this sample.
  22. Alright, since stuff calmed down on my end, I tried to get back to forcing and actually think of Crystal through the day. Now the main problem appears to be the very way I think, surprisingly enough... Basically, I use the mind voice, or think in words at all only when I'm reading/writing, or daydreaming a conversation. Most of the time there's music playing and I process information in a sort of unvocalised undercurrent. So 1. I need to conciously decide to start mind-talking to her, and stick to it, and 2. her own words, unless I pull the plug on the music, tends to get drowned in it. Though she sometimes confirms that she picked some song to play in Mind Media Player. @@Naiya The Brony, Thanks, I think she likes it too, even if it's "that @$*&! OC" as she calls the toon. As for the arguments, we have a holy war going on over roleplaying and her namesake. She has valid points that it makes me post ponies at work, causes me to daydream about RP events and when bad stuff happens, worry about the RP like it involved real people. I just like doing it, waaay more than playing any video game or watching TV, or any free time activity that I can think of. She can be an A-grade "mean bitch" about it, but it's because she cares. She'd be a great friend IRL. Now I find that her replies, when vocal, are more like text appearing for me to read. So there's no voice projecting it unless I read it mind-aloud. I showed her the voice I picked for her, and when I take the effort to build up the detailed visualisation and parrot some, this voice is present. Unfortunately, it's very draining to keep her like that, and since she's sentient, but weak, any form of individuality is repressed over the sheer amount of force I need to put out. This can be circumvented by imagining her just a little, so she has a form to move around. Still, not something I can keep up 24/7, and she loses the voice. Oh and almost forgot - when I am in shops and malls where women clothes are on display, I feel her trying to translate human clothes to her form. Sadly, even though she fell in love with a particular saphire dress, we're unable to ponify it in a way that works. Same with boots - she loves heeled boots - not the open toe fancy stilettos, but closed ankle length types. She likes some trends in human women's fashion, but has no plans to change her look, even temporarily, to human or any level of anthro. She just prefers the way she is now. @@Widdershins, Crystal Clear has a lot of songs she likes - I feel she's dancing to it (can't "see" it since I have no idea how a pony would dance...) or snuggles on her couch with huge headphones, nodding her head to the beat (sometimes using Bass Line as a pillow or stuff. Mostly "stuff"). Anything with good guitar and bass will do in a pinch, but she loves that twangy Fender Stratocaster sound. I think one of her favourites would be "Dream On" be Aerosmith (despite copious amounts of keyboard - she doesn't like them). She also likes Breaking Benjamin (ex. "What Lies Beneath", "Diary of Jane"), for the powerful vibe their sound has. If the music has the "give me a teaspoon and I'll dig a new English Channel in a single afternoon" feel to it, she'll probably dig it. The list goes on really, she has very simillar taste to mine.
  23. @, The mare rest her chin on a hoof. "I've no idea how you soaked love from strangers to a random filly, but I'm not a changeling, so maybe I just don't get it. Now I;m curious for one thing - does the pony you feed off even knows it? Or suffers any symptoms? Basically I'm asking if it's safe for the, um, victim." She bit her lower lip, sice apparently she had some idea forming in her head.
  24. @@Nightmare Season, The clan was slowly leaving the arens, and the Queen was the brightest object in the City from her crystalline glow. She was expecting the ponies would be harder to convince, but, apparently, they trusted their royals. She felt the kiss and returned it eagerly. "Nah, I'm nowhere as good as the Princesses back North. I just know how to ramble out loud. Still, thanks." Crystal giggled at the comment following the belly rub. "I have a feeling that I'll give birth to a whole nation anyway, with they way we act, but, yeah, it's nice to know they accepted the Heart. It will protect them and strengthen their bonds in return. C'mon, let's get some well deserved rest. And by rest, I mean anything but." She gave him a wink and lead back home. Crystal Clear was present by the Heart, along with her husband, when the clan arrived to bond themselves, and their foals, to it. She carefully observed as it shone brghter after each family, and spun faster too. She noticed that some blasts were weaker, and some stronger. Only a few were as powerful as the one caused by her own family. Maybe it was dictated by the strength of the bond? The royal nightmares look around their domain when the last family left. Fountains were flowing with water, broken stones were back in one piece, even most of the surfaces seemed scrubbed clean. If not for her foals inside of her, the mare would jump from happiness. They sent scouts to check what was fixed and what still needed attention. Since Nightmare Season wrote to the Princesses up North abut the delay in their yearly visit, Crystal Clear could just happily wait for her delivery. She just wanted to wrap her hooves around her newborn babies already. The rushed wedding of Snowflake and Kiwi Talar was a grand one, as befitting of the newly wed couple's family connections. Crystal thought that the clan leader would try to exploit the new family ties, but he didn't show any signs of it during the ceremony or after it. Still, she kept an eye on Burning Sands, so she won't be accused for favouring them. Snowflake and his wife were presented with a house near the gate and enough farm land to run a large farm, big enough for spices and then some. Since there were no taxes, it wouldn't burden them with costs of upkeep and the savings made by the colt proved enough to hire help to start growing the plants. Crystal promised them some crystal items after she gives birth - it was problematic to work with her huge foal laden belly. The last month was, as expected, the worst. The crystal nightmare gew so big she barely fit in doors, and needed a break every hundread steps or so. Her early attempts to stay fit helped, but stil, the sheer weight and lack of excercise later on proved a killer mix. Soon she found herself unable to descend the steps of her palace and was confined inside. It made her restless, of course, with how she hated laying around. Her midwife checked on her daily to make sure everything was going fine on this last leg. The poor mare was weirded out by the sheer size of a mother carrying three at once. It was morning and the midwife was giving the expecting mother a check-up before another mare was due to give her a back massage, when Crystal heard a horn from the gate. They weren't expecting visitors, so she wanted to see who's coming and didn't wait till the midwife finishes. She saw the new arrivals from her balcony and instantly recalled the ponies she saw in the mist of the Knowing One's vision. The mare decided to meet them and didn't pay attention to any protests. She cast a small cound under her and had Sparks and Wandering Sands help her down the stairs. Nightmare Season, who came to see who just arrived and led the group to the main Plaza, was surprised and concerned t see her. Crystal Clear gave him a smile as she came down on street level. "You know me, can't sit on my plot when there's stuff going on." She nuzzled his neck when he gave her the wing hug, then looked over the newcomers. They may have lost their City, but didn't share it's fate. The ponies were in good health, and even wore jewelry. Their accent was a bit hard to understand but they spoke Equestrian alright. She looked at her husband, and back at the new arrivals. "How could I possibly deny them the right to return to their homes? Of course they can come!" Nightmare helped his wife get back to the palace, despite some protest from her, and they met with the new ponies in the Throne Room to discuss the details. Apparently there was a fair number of them, but entire districts were still empty, so space was not an issue. The nation needed aome help with lugging their belongings, but otherwise were fine on their own. Those were no ragtag survivors, but rather a small, but proud, nation in exile. The mare hoped that mixing sultures won't result in problems later on... The newcomers eagerly bonded themselves to the Heart that was lost to them for generations. With the new bout of power, the Crystal Heart restored the city entirely, and even replenished the stone in their quarry, to the amazement of everypony. Now there were no neighsayers to it's power and usability. One morning the midwife checked on her and said it was time - the foals were shifting inside her to leave. Crystal Clear was taken to the delivery room and told to wait there. The birth started near noon. Crystal didn't want to be seen by her love a mess, and insisted he waited outside, but he convinced her to stay. She wasn't particularily happy about it, but she had more pressing concerns on her mind right then. The birth took ten hours, and she was spent beyond words when it was over. The mare laid limp as the midwifes and healers took care of her and the newborns. She surely wished those were her only triplets anytime soon. But she was happy, and her crystalline glow confirmed it. Nightmare Season laid the newborns beside her and Crystal took them in weak hooves for the first time. Hearts-Dream kicked out the staff as soon as she was sure the infants were okay. The mother was still resting when Sparks came with the older ones. Everypony knew the family legend of how Crystal smacked Snowflake so hard his head apun the first time she saw him, so there was some trepidation over the reaction of the firstborns. Crystal Flames acted friendly and tried to play with the newborns, while Crimson Aurora was more reserved. She booped the nightmare filly in the nose. Crystal chuckled at the sight and comment. "Mommy's girl, that one. Though it's good she didn't start whacking the new siblings like I did. Maybe we won't have a civil war in the house between them... Gotta make sure the older ones don't get jealous for the extra attention the new ones need..." She rest her head on the pillow and let out a long sigh of relief. "Good thing nightmare ponies don't need much sleep, cause with those three, I won't get much anyway." The mare was in the delivery room for a few more hours, since it was well stocked in everything she may need, and, perhaps more importantly, she was too tired and wrecked down there to go anywhere. Nightmare had to help her with everything that day, and especially taking care of the newborns. All she could do was lay on her back and move around the front legs really. When it was time to feed, they had a bit of a problem to decide which one gets the second turn. So they took the nightmare filly first and the twins second, because mares first. The next few days will see the mother nightmare slowly recovering, until she was back on her hooves with everything working as intended.
  25. @, Crystal looked from over the magnifying glass. "The Crystal Heart itself feeds on our love and happiness, and uses this energy to keep us safe. It may hold tremendous amounts of love inside for all I know, but it won't produce it on it's own. So it's not a good was to keep a Hive fed. Besides, just one ws found, with no hint over who, or what, created it. I'm afraid it's a dead end. Hate to break it to you, but finding a Queen and some more peaceful way to obtain natural love sound like the best course of action." She put dowh the magnifying glass and wrote in her notebook, then went back on topic. "Okay, so tell me one thng - do you guys feed only on romantic love? Between special someponies? Cause there are lots of kinds of love, like, parental love, for example. Maybe there is something you can offer the ponies to get in love over, and you could feed off said love? Sounds better than impersonalting ponies.to me..."
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