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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Moon Dancer., The mare facehoved. "Seriously?! You starved tourself simply beacuse you forgot to mention it to me? Crystal Heart hold me, for I want to kick your holed, black, stone hard flank right now." She took a few deep breaths and looked around the cabin. "Alright, let's try it out, not like we get hurt if it won't work, right?" Crystal went to grab her tea and brought it to the table. Then checked how many samples she still have - five. It'll have to do... She finally went to the gramophone and fished out a record. "Okay, so my plan is to really get in the zone over my work. Now I'll just be cataloging samples, not actually making stuff, so don't expect me to crystallise or something. Bit in right environment and with right mindset, maybe I'll get into it sufficiently well so you could feel just how much I love this job. And I do mean, love. it literally kept me alive for... some time. So I'm nearly ready, you want to give it a try or not?"
  2. @@Moon Dancer., The mare scratched her head in concentration. "Bucking love energy... Seriously, there's like no way you could get any off me? I have loving parents, I'm basically happily married to my work, I love music... not even a drop? There's gotta be something to keep you alive in here." She looked at him in thought, she really wanted to help him out in this mess.
  3. @@Moon Dancer., The mare nodded and rest her chin on a hoof. "Hmm, I see your point. Even I get bored here from time to time, and I'm used to living on my own..." She sighed and returned to her work as she talked. "Now I know walking out makes you love hungry sooner, but I for once wouldn't mind company on my trips. I mean, I wouldn't fell in if I were alone back there, I reckon it was because we were too heavy together and we cut off a snow cap, but still, even if I did fall in on my own, I'd be somewhere in a cave, wandering aimlessly and hoping to find a way out. So, all in all, it was good you came along. With all the dangers there are, I'll need to tell the Guild to reconsider their plan to send one pony out there. especially as awesome as me, it would be a huge waste if I died there. For my brandy supplier at least hehe." She laughed dryly at the last remark, a ring of sour truth in it. "So, yeah, unless you really want to try that sleeping plan, I wouldn't mind company outside."
  4. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear sat by the table and fished out another crystal from her bag - green this time. She started going through the same procedure as with previous ones, and her expression quickly brightened. She even smiled to herslef by the time the kettle started whistling as a sign the water was boiling. She scooped it off the stove and gently walked to the kitchen area, where she already prepared two cups. Once their tea was gaining strength, she want back to her work. Before turning her attention back to the crystal however, she glanced at the changeling. "You're being awfully quiet, anything you want to talk about?"
  5. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear got herself busy with makingtea, and took accasional glances at the changeling. He seemed to be pondering over something, and didn't relly talk back, even by his standards. She'd gladly turn up themusic to liven up the cabin, but wasn't sure if her company was okay with it. She paced the small space, thinking on what she could do. Aside from finishing the sample analysis, of course. She had a few more to check in her addlebags and everyhing was still on the table. So she fishd out the vials from a drawer and got busy with her samples as they waited for the water to boil.
  6. @@Moon Dancer. The mare stretched on the floor as the warmth made her feel good. "Well, if you say so." She opened hee eyes and noticed he was looking at her, and she wasn't exactly looking very decent while sprawled on the floor. She blushed awkwardly and got up, avoiding his gaze. "Sorry for that, just me living alone and all... Hope I didn't bother you with that." Crystal went to the kitchen and decided to make tea. "Want some? Should help you warm up faster."
  7. @@Nightmare Season, Morning came and along with it, packing up. The family had a train to catch at ten AM and needed to rise early in order to get everything in order. Crystal Clear helped as much as she could but turned out she was better off taking care of her foals as the nannies and Nightmare took care of the luggage. They barely made it on time, since the clans were, of course, already packed up and in the train when they arrived. Since the plan was to come back to the Epire before heading off, nopony said goodbyes. The mare keenly noticed that this train was not the familliar, and luxurious, Crystal Express, but rather a normal train from Equestria proper, just rented for the occasion. So even though they sat in First Class, it was nowhere as comfy as in the crystal train. Although the foals seemed to find it agreeable enough, and lack of Princess Cadence to talk to meant that their mother gave them all of her attention. The crystal nightmare sighed as the familliar crystal landscape of her home gave way to the lush greens of Equestria proper. She never liked leaving the Empire when she took jobs outside of it. When Nightmare joked out of nowhere, seeing the outline of Canterlot in the distance, Crystal shook her head and looked up at her horn, which was getting bright red - a clear telltale sign of a fire blast spell. "Uh huh, I'll need to have a few words about that with some ponies." She powered down the spell, which was meant as a flamboyant threat. Nightmare didn't have to say anything for her to know he was unamused by her plan. The trained pulled up to a stop in the middle of nowhere. Well, at the base of the mountain and near Saddle Lake, but other than that, there was nothing interesting around. Seems that was the spot for the camp. Crystal went outside to show her family the local flora and to stretch her legs. It was around 3 PM or so. They were on Canterlot Station at four. The crystal nightmare was a bit annoyed as she looked out the window and saw all those reporters with their blasted cameras. She knew Nightmare hated crowds and she hated nosey types, so they were just as thrilled at the prospect of leaving the train car. Although Nightmare had it worse, and his wife was his usual supporting self, so she teased him for that a bit. When the doors opened and the horns blew, they both took a deep breath and walked outside, only to be temporarily blinded by the clamera flashes. Crystal shook her head and pulled the foals closer - they weren't thrilled either. The couple slowly proceeded along the red carpet towards their host and her ex-protege/newest Princess of Equestria. Crystal knew what was coming the moment she saw a floating quill - the tales of Princess Twilight's obsession with learining things were widely spread in the Empire s soon as it came back. Fortunately Princess Celestia had enough common sense to hurry them up into a carriage that would take them into the Castle. The doors to their temporary suite closed as the portiers brough all their luggage and the nannies started unpacking it, starting with foal essentials. Nopony knew the layout of the place so they just dumped things around. Nightmare flawlessly found the master bedroom and Crystal followed him to feed the triplets while having an eye on the twins so they would geve the nannies a break. She laid on her back next to Nightmare and carefully helped Midnight Star get where she wanted. She let out a long sigh at the pleasant sensation of being slowly emptied. "If you do, I'll kick your sorry flank until you come back around. No dying ya hear me? But I get what you mean, I feel like I haven't slept for a month and solved crossword puzzles the entire time. How does she even manage to keep cooking up all those questions?" She reached out to Nightmare to hive him a hug." I'll talk to her, okay? I highly doubt she'll cease her assault on us, but I'll try to convince her to slow down a bit. Some of her questions were... too personal for comfort if you ask me. I haven't had the courage to just tell her off back then though. Funny since I'm bigger and co-rule a nation, when she has a fancy castle and a library... I guess the tales were true, she's damn scary when she's digging for knowledge." Midnighr seemed to be done so she let go of the stallion andpicked the filly to burp her. She fought back and crawled to daddy to do the honors. "Heh, daddy's girl eh? But she's got some of my attitude alright. Guess it's time for the little bros!" Crystal exclaimed as she got up to pick the identical twins and they cheered in unison. Tey also did a better job at emptying the milk jugs, even if they were messy as usual. Mommy nightmare frowned. "Geez, if I wasn't there when they came out, I'd say they got switched. To think my foals would be such sloppy eaters..." She patted their little heads as they ate, then leaned back on the bed. "Don't you think Caterlot decor is... weird? Like, whoever did it has an unhealthy obsession with astronomy At leat the bed isn't shaped like a star." She smirked at hr own joke, trying to cheer up her husband. Sparks came in to check on them and then came back to umpacking, this time with her little assistant. "Crystal shook her head at the sight of Crystal Flames following her out. "If she only knew what's coming..." The family was allowed to rest and set up till evening - how generous of the hosts. Crystal Clear half expected to see Princess Twilight pacing with a quill and paper by their doors when she peeked out, but, fortunately, the crazy mare went to bother somepony else. As already mentioned, the decor was peculiar, with circular rooms and celestial objects pasted everywhere, but the suite was big and rather comfy. Bigger than in the Crystal Palace, but she still preferred the familliar crystal under her hooves if given the choice. The family lounged in the day room, paying games by the music and having a good time before the huge banquet that was inevitably getting closer with each our. The royals expected to be assaulted by nobles, rich and famous and it's not like they could do much about it. This time Crystal was also uneasy, knowing that the purple crazy alicorn will most probably show up. She didn't want to mess it up by yelling at the nosey princess. She chose an exquitire, gold silken dress for the occasion and crystal jewelry she made herself. They had gifts for the Royal Sisters, and organised something in a pinch for Princess Twilight too. Since their kin were camped a fair distance away, and the nannies had to stay in the suite, they had to pony up and take the gifts themselves. Thankfully most things were rather light... The royal nightmares were esorted by an elderly stallion serf into the Great Hall, and announced as the guests of honour. Crystal spotted the purple Princess wriggling in her seat This will be a long night. The place was full of important looking ponies, and, contrary to the Nightmare or Crystal tradition, it seemed they were arranged by smaller, round tables all across the Hall. Only the royal table was square and had precisely arranged seats, as protocol demanded. Nightmare sat on Celestia's right, then Crystal. Twilight was on the Sun Princess's left, thankfully. The crystal nightmare had nopony on her right, which had it's advantages. She saw Spike The Brave and Glorous too, but decided not to play that charade now that she wasn't exactly a crystal pony. Queen Nightmare needs to have some respect to her crown, right? The party started and the mare was instantly in a better mood hearing proper classical music played live. Princess Celestia was being an excellent host and they talked on neutral subject for most of the time, occasionally venturing into areas of one of the kingdoms. Princess Twilight tried to continue asking questions every now and there but she was much less of a niousance in proper company. Both parties omitted they elephant in the room, that is, Nightmare's imprisonment. Crystal was irled by that but decided it was probably not a topic for a party. After an hour or so, first ponies started dancing, either out of their own love for the activity, or because alcohol gave them courage. Crystal just turned her glass upside down as soon as she sat, and had none of it. She saw some "brave" stallions eyeing her, and maybe even considering whether to ask her fo a dance, but she must've looked too intmidating for any actual takers, which was perfectly fine by her. Although when Princess Celestia decided to stretch her legs with some stallion named Fancypants, they were left at the mercy of the purple alicorn. After third round of questions from the mare, who, ofcourse, magically teleported her utensils to the room, Crystal had enough. She looked at the alicorn, took a deep breath, and said in a leveled tone - "Princess Twilight, I admire your... willingness to learn about our culture, but, really, I do not see the need to outright interrogate us, and on a party in our honour no less. We already promised to set off some time to answer your inquiries, and if that will prove insufficient, we do have mail contact with the Empire. I hope my mail phoenix won't get mad again if she starts flying circles delivering letters." The purple mare was dense, but apparently took the cue and zapped her notes away with an awkward smile. Crystal returned a small smile herself, more out of politeness really. They started smalltalking on more neutral subjects, even if the alicown tried to ask something personal every now and then. She was keenly interested in Crystal's pregnancies and all the spells she had on her, of course. And how she became a part nightmare pony. The couple decided that some things were better left unanswered and held their ground until Princess Celestia returned, having owned the dance floor. She seemed way more laid back than it would seem. And ate more sweets than Crystal in her ninth month. The party carried on into the night and Crystal had to excuse herself two times to feed the foals and check on the nannies.
  8. @@Mentis Soliloquy, @@Once In A Blue Moon, The crystal mare waited in the Main Engineering, along with the Captain, for the Helmsman to arrive. She occasionally glanced at her console and pushed some buttons, and when it was time to close off the decks, she gave an anoouncement over the Engineering channel, then sealed off the deck. Since Misty was still on the upper levels, she had to open the way for her, starting with the turbolft and then a few carefully picked emergency seals that were closed off to restrict access to certain extra sensitive areas. Once the pegasus arrived, the Captain asked them to talk someplace private, so they chose the Chief Engineers office. Crystal Clear sure was glad that she kept the place tidy at all times... She took her comfy and oversized seat and leaned back, glancing at the wall of screens to her left. Nothing alarming so far. Crystal Clear returned her gaze to the ponies opposite of her desk and smiled a bit. Her fake eye was reflecting the green dots from the screens, which made it more noticeable than usual. "So, I'm curious what was so important that you came down here, and not the other way around... Usually I'm the one who's being told to double time on the bridge."
  9. Trying not to fall asleep at work...

  10. @@Moon Dancer., The mare nodded a bit too eagerly as she slid the goggles back on. They headed back to the cabin in silence, and it only worsened Crystal's carousel of thoughts. Somehow an image of launging on the floor before the stove with him taking care of her tense back kept coming with a vengence. It was actually getting dark when they stepped inside. Thankfully the trip back was smooth and they weren't chased by anything. The mare was reluctant to take off her mask, fearing she's still blushing somewhat, but finally did so as one of the final pieces of her winter getup. She pinned the clothes to dry and swiped the floor from melting snow they brought on their hoofboots. Crystal decided to warm up by the fire, after she added some more coal. She layed right in front of it, and relaxed with her eyes closed. "Hmm, that's more like it... Anyway, thanks for the save. Heart knows if that cave even have other entrances." She didn't invite him to warm up alongside her, for obvious reason - he may interpret it in some weird way.
  11. @@Moon Dancer., The mare sighe a bit as she felt the changeling return the rubs. Although it felt more like a massage than a warming up rubbing like she did. In just a short time her eyes glazed as she daydreamed over the trip to the Spa she had a few months ago. She left a hefty bag of bits there, but it sure felt like Heaven... "I uhh... think that's enough. Are you better?" - She shook off from the daydream as she reckoned they were at if for quite a bit, and she didn't want to come off as some weirdo. Thankfully the mask and naturally red coat masked her awkward blush. She got up and motioned in the drection of the cabin. "It'll get dark soon, better start walking back." - She sure hoped Aquarius didn't notice how she started to relax under his hooves, like during a good massage.
  12. @@Nightmare Season, As exoected, the foals were hosting a controlled disaster in the suite when the parents came. Sure, the older ones were playing with Sparks, and Midnight Star was keeping her cool despite hunger, but the twin colts were giving their nanny a hard time. Crystal had to take off the gown and step in immediately to feed them, and then take care of her foals - all of them. Only once they got settled down and were satisfied with their parents performnce did the royal couple have some temporary respite. They lounged in the day room on one of the couches as the little ones played or napped. Crystal glanced at her husband who was rambling about her "enhancements", and gave him a nudge. "Hey, blame Mother for that, it was either putting a ton of magic in me, with unknown consequences, or risking that I'll die at birth. Just so you know I prefer the former." She rolled her eyes at another comment. "yeah yeah, I know you miss the times when you could do anything with me, but now I can do this!" - she pushed him down on the couch and layed on top of him. "I for once am okay with being more assertive." She gave him a kiss and felt as his hooves wander to pre determined locations in her lower body. She slapped them away and booped his nose. "Na-ah, I know what you're up to sweetie. You're not getting any right now, try as you might. This is a family time, you can have your fun later." The mare sighed at the mention of the observatory, then looked at him playfully and ran a hoof down his chest. "if you behave until evening, I just might show you the stars up there, not just acoustics. Now get up, before sopemony sees us like that." They got up, bac to a decent sitting position and crystal leaned on her husband a bit. They both thought about soething when she broke the silence. "So I was thinking, aybe we should annex the agreeent and allow the traders to visit our realms at their own discretion? We could sell more then, timber for example. One ship per year is just the tip of the coin mountain we can make through the year." She listened to his reply. "well, yeah things will get cheaper a tad but we'll sell more, and have wider selection of goods too. More clans will profit, and they will be more willing to follow our lead if we bring prosperity and trade. Or so I think." Crystal looke at the wall clock and shook her head. "Better get busy in the bathroom, it'll be time to go before I even notice. I hope my party dress is ready..." She jumped off the couch and gave the stallion a nice rear view now that she didn't have the dress on at "home". The party was pretty great, and Crystal broke all diet rules, again. Seems like losing the foal fat will take a bit longer. At least they held their ground in the yearly dance-off, which, again, ended up in a draw. as the party slowly died out, Shining Armor wanted to show off his troops in the stadium. Both royal mares sighed and rolled their eyes, but decided to attend. Crystal had a sly smirk on her snout as the crystal guards lost miserably to their nightmare colleagues. Poor Prince Armour was shocked and ashamed. Crystal and Nightmae got back rather late and the mare rushed to feed the foals - their firstborn have since went to bed, so Sparks nad a moment of respite. She was resting in the day room with a glass of something nice, but not alcoholic.Lucky Clover had her break soon after the parents came in, and joined the other nanny. crystal Clear knew she had one thing to do before she went to bed, so, once the triplets were asleep, they sneaked out of the apartment, telling the nannies of course that they're going out, and walked al the way up to the Observatory. Thankfully it was open and empty. Nightmare closed the doors as Crystal looked for a good spot. Turns out they picked several. it wasn't out of the question that they were heard in the entire palace, but the mare didn't give a damn. She wnted to make her husband feel loved like he sure derserved it. They came back late at night. Next morning would see them wrap up their business in the Empire and head to Canterlot. Bsed on what she was told, Crystal Clear expected a train from Equestria that would take them there, along with their traders and entourage. The crystal goods will be loaded on the ship and guarded. She wasn't sure where the camp will be placed though - either the Royal Sisters had some place within the city walls, or it would have to be pitched at the foot of the mountain, near Saddle Lake. Time will tell.
  13. @@Moon Dancer., The mare nodded. "Sure, least I cand do to keep you from freezing solid after that stunt..." She panned the cave face through her goggles and pointed at a nook nearby. "There, c'mon. Keep moving like you're on fire on something, moving a lot will make you warm up faster. Or should at least..." She escorted the changeling to the nook and shielded him from the breeze, then lifted her goggles since she wasn't looking at the snow at the moment. "Alright, this may be awkward but to warm you up, it's best to combine rubbing and plain old hugs. Don't get any funny ideas okay? I want you alive, not hooves wandering where they shouldn't okay? Here it goes then..." Crystal Clear gave him a hug and pulled close, then started rubbing his back to warm him up through friction and whatnot. Her expression was hidden by the snow mask, but her eyes had a professional look to them.
  14. @@Moon Dancer., The mare tensed a bit as he grabbed her by the midsection and lifted into the ground. She looked down the whole time, but it was hard to tell if she enjoyed it, not with the snow mask and goggles on. Crystal Clear breathed out in relef as she felt solid groud under her again. "Oof... that was a close one... Oh, right, um, here." She took off the impromptu bag off her neck and gave it to the changeling, then helped him get dressed as fast as possible. "Let me help, I don't want you to freeze right after saving my rump from down there. Thanks, by the way." She gave him a look over to make sure there wasn't any black chittin poking from under the white clothing, then stood to shield him a bit from the gentle breeze. "We can huddle by the cliff face for a bit to warm you up if you need to. Then we can go back home or try our luck some more around here. We found one cave already, heheh." - She finished with a nervous laugh.
  15. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear gave him a curious look as he disrobed to get his wings free. "Are you... sure about it? Alright then..." Ahe scooped the loose clothes and packed them into the jacket she gave him, then tied the sleeves around her neck. "Guess that'll work, how do I grab you?" She did as instructed and sure hoped they won't fall down again.
  16. @@C. Thunder Dash, Yeah, Crystal was at first very upset that her namesake was a fictional character making appearances in roleplays, since she was having problems with separating herself from the OC and her many adventures. But as she got stronger, she learned to tolerate the toon's existence, even if she keeps yelling at me for slacking at work and getting emotionally invested in the roleplays. In fact, there's one RP where the toon got married and has kinds, and it caused her to think what would it be like. @@Foxy Socks, I'm no expert in the field but, based on what I had with Crystal, much depends on the OC and it's use. If you just made an OC and have no plans to use her aside from personal artwork, it should be fine. Writing stories or RP-ing might give the young tulpa a headache when she tries to tell herself apart from the OC. But using the name and look as a "starting kit" should be fine, if you can keep the tulpa informed about it and observe for any signs of them having an identity crisis. Now I have a bit of a question for you guys. See, I friggin' LOVE the Burgundy and Azure mix, and thought of changing my coat to the former, but I want something fancier than a Matt Smith with a Ponytail the OC has, or the kinda Emo over the eye do I have now. Soooo I've been thinking of painting my mane Azure and getting a new 'do, but I can't decide! I'd like something long and fancy and we're looking all over Google and derpi at OC's and whatnot for insiration. Any ideas?
  17. A raven. Yeah, nobody would expect that, huh? I just like those birds. They're so intelligent, on par with human teenagers (now compare the brain mass...), ridiculously playful, and despite the bad rep, they're just great animals. Not as pets though, since you can't have a raven - it has you. There's also the tiny factor that Raven is my primary Spirit Animal and the like.
  18. @@Moon Dancer., She nodded as they took off. "Riiight, the love energy. I keep forgetting about it, you know." The mare looked around and under her hooves as she walked. "I don't suppose you could get any from me listening to music I really like? You know, as if I love those tunes? I can't come up with any better option really." Crystal stopped dead and put a hoof in front of him to do the same. She looked down at the depression in messed up snow. "Hmmm... something's in there..." She looked around for an object to throw, but there was nothing laying around, so she made a snowball and tossed it with force in the middle of the snowy depression. "Well, at least I tried." - It did nothing. The mare sighed and tiptoed around it. She didn't know why, maybe because they were so close to each other, but the snow suddenly shifted under her hooves and she lost her balance with a shriek. Crystal found herself falling into the suddenly open pit in the snow, and as far as she could tell Aquaruis was right behind her. She landed on a pile of snow with a thump, and looked around, bit dazed. "The buck was that... You okay, lovebug? I think I'm in one piece..." She slowly got up on her hooves and moved in weird angles to see if she was injured. Seems she wasn't. The mare fished her shining necklace and looked around - a cave, full of crystals. Shame their way out was on the second storey straight up. She cussed under her breath and went to the changeling to see if he was okay. "Guess we'll have to find another way out. You any good with finding way in caves?" She was upset, but still collected and acted rationally.
  19. @@Nightmare Season, The crystal nightmare looked at him as he took a spot next to her. She smirked for a moment at his comment. "Yeah, funny how quickly I got used to huge beds, even when I was smaller. Waking up sideways was sure interesting..." The mare sighed at his loving ministrations. She wasn't really in the mood for bed fun, but at least he made her feel better about herself. She played unconvinced for a bit, so he would keep up the good work on her. "Eh, I know they will. It's just... You saw how Crimson needed to be reminded who they were? I don't want my parents to become strangers to my own foals." She gently pulled his wing tighter around her and rolled to face him, then snuggled to his chest like she so loved doing. "I'm just afraid I'll come back home one day and they'll be gone, you know. A-and I won't..." Crystal sniffed loudly and started to tear up into his chest. "S-sorry, it's just... If they get sick, there's nopony in here to take care of them, and they're too stubborn to see it. I-I know they're not old yet, but..." She settled down some in his embrace, and they spent some time in silence. Finally she spoke up - "I'll get some shuteye, want to go on me first? I ate a root already." He nodded and she made herself comfortable on her favourite pillow of black fur, listening to his hearbeat. Crystal had a nightrmare that night, about coming back on her yearly trip to see some strangers living in her parents house, like they never existed to the world but her. Thankfully she had a Daymare to help her out. Morning came early with loud banging to their suite doors. Crystal Clear woke up with a start, ruffling Nightmare's feathers as he had his wings around her. She heard annoyed voice of Sparks answering the door and her shriek as she got knocked back by the rapidly openineg doors, then a stampede of hooves towards their bedroom. Sounded like one pone, so she charged up the fore bolt spell and aimed at the door. She released it and changed it's course at the last moment, missing narrowly as she saw who it was. There was nor a charred spot on the crystal doors... "Snowflake! I could've burned your stupid snout crispy! What the hay is going on?!" The foals stirred up by the commotion. He caught his breath, and she could see he didn't even brush his mane yet today, must've ran out as soon as he got up. "K-Kiwi! Can't find her! We fell asleep together and I woke up alone, I looked for her but... Can't find her!" Crystal facehooved hard and groaned. "Bucking great. Wait in the day room, and get a brush or something, you look awful. Say sorry to Sparks too. I'll be there in a few minutes..." Crystal looked back at her husband. "Any ideas where a wedding scared mare from distant South may go around here? Bars are closed yet, and I guess we can rule out borthels..." She hopped off the bed and started her morning routine, just much faster than usual, thinking where to look. Nghtmare Season calmed the foals and also got ready to go. Mother Nightmare decided to speed feed them by laying on her back and letting er husband bring them over as she brushed her coat and magically fixed her mane. It was the fastest morning yet, since she became a mother at least. The royalc ouple went out of their chamber and saw the stallion pacing around the day room, frantic. Sparks was giving him a death glare as she served breakfast to the firstborns.Lucky Clover bowed slightly as she passed them to check on the triplets. Crystal took Snowflake by the ear in her magic grip and led outside, then out into the Plaza. "Spill up, what happenned last evening?!" She wasn't going soft on him. "N- oww! Nothing! We went to sleep as usual! Let me go, I can go on my own you know?" The mare released her grip and he nursed his ear as he walked. "She was so happy for tomorrow, I didn't see anything suspicious." They entered the Plaza and decided to spread out - Nightmare Season would check the tent camp, and the siblings would wander the streets. After two hours of worry, the alicorn returned with the bride and took her home, then found the others one by one and said he succeeded. She had a sort of Bachelorette party there. The royal couple went back to their suite to prepare properly fir the ceremony that was due on noon. As they came back, ponies started to assemble the traditional decor for wedings on the Plaza. Both will be held at the same time, since the Crystal Princess couldn't find more time in her timetable at such short notice. There would be a wedding feast in the Nightmare camp afterwards. The royal nightmares donned their best attire, knowing full well that this was a day to remeber for the loving couples. The mare had to bend the feeding schedule a bit, but the foals were all too eager to get their fill earlier. They won't be so cheerful when they get the next one later though... Sparks and Lucky Clover stayed to keep them occupied while the parents went for a wedding. Crystal took a seat in the first row and smiled to her husband. "Cheer up, we've done this before, right? Well, from over there but, whatever." She pointed at the pedestal where the couples would take their vows and grinned. "I still remember our ceremonies. All four. I'd daresay I liked the dream one the most. It had that... intimate air to it. Just the two of us." They sat patiently as the weddings took place. The Crystal royals were also present, since Princess Cadence took their vows and Prince Shining Armor provided the "music" - sobbing as usual. The nightmares foud it hilarious. When both couples were announced mare and colt, Snowflake and Kiwi came up to them to thank, for everything really. The stallion shined like crazy, and so did his parents. They took the happy couple to their home so they could cool down for a bit. The feast was due for evening and of course both royal families were invited. For now, Crytsal and Nightmare retreated to take care of their litle ones, and discuss some of their royal duties.
  20. @@Nightmare Season, The family wandered around the cavern for some time. Could be two hours even. Finding the one they first met in proved harder than she thought, but finally, they made it. The couple stood in the middle of the cavern, taking in the light show provided by Nightmare's mane, and remebering that day. They explained to the older foals that they first met right here, and it was a special place for them. Most probably went over their heads among all the shiny crystals, but whatever. It was nice to come back, look back at those previous years and how it all started right here. Crystal Clear felt happy and crystallised down there. Nightmare did so too. They had a break to feed the foals in a remote part of the system, then headed back. She didn't even glance at the ticket stallion on the way back, but had a pang of nostalgia seeing her statue. Funny how that Crystal Clear seemed like some other mare, or another lifetime, for the Queen Nightmare of today. They headed back - there was much to do yet, for a "free" day. Crystal grabbed the case with specially prepared crystals and the family went to look for her brother, first in her parents place. She dropped by in their store to ask them for the crystalling and ask where Snowflake was. Turns out he and his fiance went to buy the gown, and Crystal knew just the place to get one. She bought hers there, after all... Her brother was a bit reluctant to go, but Kiwi told him she'll be fine, so he did. They went to get their parents to compleete the family, and headed to the Crystal Heart. They met the nightmare mare and her crystal fiance on the way- they had a walk to see the city. Crystal thought they looked cute - the stallion was smaller than his mare, and it seemed she ran this show. They were due to have a weddingtomorrow and asked both royal couples to attend. The Queen couldn't just say no to that. The Crystalling was a media event, with reporters swarming the Plaza like fies, but they at least kept it shut and let the family complete the ceremony in decednt conditions. crystallings were always public events, so it was to be expected that they'll have an audience. When the Heart accepted it's new kin, Crystal Clear approached it in silent communion, like she used to do for so many years. She had a lot to tell, so it took longer than usual. Snowflake hurried back to his fiance and the to-be wed mixed couple continued their sightseeing. The Plaza went back to normal. The nightmare family were asked to their parent's place to properly introduce the new family memebers and just catch up after a long year. Grandparents were charmed with the twin colts, and Midnight Star proved to be fearless and went traight to the grandparents as soon as dad told her who they are and that they're okay. The older ones got a bit jealous so the parents had to give them some extra attention for balance.They didn't go for dinner to the Palace, but stayed in the comfy apartment and talked, talked, and talked till it was time to tuck the little ones to bed. They touched many topics, from general catching up, Nightmare's wings and how he got them, the Forest Heart and their new kingdom, Snowflake growing a brain and getting married, how he will stay down South and the old folks will be all alone up North... crystal asked them to start a shop in her city, so they would be together, but they decided it was not time yet. Maybe, when they get old and start being lonely without their children, then they can move. For now, they had their place in the world. They bid farewell when it was dark already, and crystal Clear cried whe they hugged each other on the way out. She didn't want to see her parents once a year... The royal family crashed in their suite and didn't bother with getting anything to eat - the older fials ate supper at the grandparents, and so did they. It was rather apparent that Crystal Clear was thining about er parent's future that evening - she didn't shine and had a thoughtful expression the whole time. The mare just went to bed as soon as reasonably possible - tomorrow won't be any better, with two weddings and no doubt some more royal duties. There was no way cadence would let them leave without that dance-off the mares promised each other last year...
  21. I reckon it's simillar to my case. When you realise you're a carbon copy of a fictional character, it's easy to get mad and start hating the blueprint. I just try not to think of the OC I was based off, even if they're a pretty darn well written for once. And while I still kept most of the appearance and at least some traits, even considering myself a crystal pony and all, Changing this and that gives me that seeling of identity. That I'm me, not some character, you know. Also, the wonderland view on the outside worked. Now I have two TV's to peek out at what my host sees and hears. Talk about "reality TV"... Good thing I also have a couch and infinite supply of chips. Life's pretty good when you don't have to care about those pesky groceries and other stuff from material reality. Speaking of which, I've been thinking of some cooler look, since, like I said, I don't have to bother with styling or anything, it just is the way I want. You know, something you'd need a manedresser every morning just to pull it off. Maybe even change my colors into something new. But either I'm too rooted in that look or I can't come up with anything, since I'm drawing blanks...
  22. Thanks, it's nice to hear someone appreciates the way I look. Looking the same as that toon made it weird when he puppetted it for the roleplays. Kinda hard to tell us apart back then. So I switched to something more "me". Now I guess I could do some more changes in the way I look, but, honestly? I just roll with the way it is because I don't have anything better in my sights. I even left that rump mark since it does nothing to me, and still looks rather pretty. Okay it actually fits me for once. You know, thorny rose and all that. Still, my host could use some art classes to get my look right, rather than just trace the shape off like it was kindergarden... ...Yeah... My poor excuse of canon show style doesn't do her justice. She wanted me to add clothes but that's way too much for my meager skills. She wanted striped blue-black socks, black hoofboots, and a leather jacket, a bit like Sunset Shimmer but with a badass collar.
  23. @@Nightmare Season, The mare laughed friom the bedroom when she heard him complain. Se was comforting the colts who got scared of something. "First thing first - don't use the S word with me, you know I have hooves-on experience in that matter and don't want to go back to that. Second, would it be any better if we had day jobs and had to take care of those little devils all by ourselves? No nannies? I doubt that... So be a big colt and let's just get through today, okay?" The colts settled down and tried to get to the buffet, but it wasn't time yet, so she tried to distract them as Nightmare kept on talking. She smiled at the kiss and gave him a nuzzle in return. "You know, I don't really regret what happenned, even if some parts were... far from ideal... but yeah, I guess I too sometimes wish we went on dates, and had it all done like normal ponies do. I admit, I'd like that. But I'm happy with what I have too." She frowned on his remark of being old. It still bugged her how much he sacrificed for her. The mare decided to comfort him. "Aww, don't be sad, we may never really know simple life any more, but once the foals are a bit bigger - and you won't knock me up in he meantime... - we could have some simple vacation every now and then. Hmm? Just us someplace nice, having fun, going on dates... wouldn't it be cool?" They decided to keep that idea for later. The meetings were a total and utter drag. The traders were sometimes worse than foals, with their arguing over prices and all. The demand outweighted the supply several times over, and while it sure lined the coin purses of the clans, Crystal Clear couldn't shake the idea that they should have some trade treaty with the Empire, so the merchants could travel on their own, and buy what and how much they wanted. It sure would work with timber, which was too heavy to take on their once a year trip. She'll have to talk this over with Nightmare, once her head stopped ringing. Taking breaks to take care ofthe newborns was a real blessing that day. At least they would go home with a lot of money for their spices. Snowflake will get rich in no time on that royal contract. The banquet was... Well, it was grand and all, but after a brain killing day, they didn't enjoy it that much. Princess Cadence saw her competitirs were in poor condition and didn't call them for a dance off that evening. Maybe on the next banguet just before they go to Canterlot. The crystal nightmare noticed that her husband was besieged by important figures that evening - asking for favours, trying to lick his horseshoes, trying to impress him... and of course stealing pictues of a strange looking alicorn. She just took the first camera pony on the side and showed him the fire mane with a few warm words, so he would tuck that device back where he fished it from. Still, she also had a circle of ponies around her for the same reasons as Nightmare did. She was glad when it was all over. The mare smiled as she walked into the bedroom to see her husband so spent. She already took off her gown and fixed her mane and tail into more compact shape for bed time. Crystal lied next to him to comfort him. "I know it's not something you like doing. Remember how I used to hate the warmth and sand, hmm? You'll get used to it, eventually." She snuggled to him as he mused aloud. Crystal booped his nose. "Because if you didn't, I'd be dead and they would drag you back evry time you escaped, until you gave up and took the job? I think that was the case. But yeah, I helped you take the position. Hold on, it's just a couple of days. We'll have fun tomorrow, rememeber? I need to get something done in the Guild house in the morning, but after breakfast we'll go to the cave we met in, show it to our foals. Then we'll go to the Heart and crystallise the newborns - I figured Snowflake could be their crystaller, he grew up a brain this past year. Then we'll go to my parent's place so they can meet their grandfoals, and in the evening, we can have a little date somewhere private, Sounds okay?" She inched closer and whispered to him. "I think you can have a go on me too. If I recall correctly, the observatory had some great acoustics." - She gave him a wink. They had just about an hour before it was time for the first night feeding, so they decided to stay awake and just be with each other. No royal duties, or fancy meetigs. Just two ponies who love each other spending time together, simple as that. Next morning the mother nightmare went to the Guild Hall downstairs after morning feeding. She was, of course, welcomed like a long lost relative, but the younger Masters that were present gave her a feeling that she's an outsider. Crystal didn't like it but, couldn't blame them really. It was a matter of time before the Guild will recognise her Master title, but not herself as a pony. Time and physical changes can't be cheated. Still she went there to make a big order on first grade crystals, not to feel like the whole Guild is welcoming her with open hooves and teary eyes. The pony who took the orderwas a bit baffled by the sheer amount she wanted, and said they can't sell that much at once - there was simply not enough stockpiled, and the other Masters needed their crystals too. Crystal Clear bought what she could and asked to be put on a list for the rest. Maybe the mines will meet her needs before they'll have to go back... The mare came back to their suite with a slight frown, but decided to do her best to enjoy the rest ofthe day best as she could, starting frim the tri to the place where it all began. It took a few hours to get there on hoof, especially with the foals - twins in the funny saddlebags,carried by Crystal, the filly was riding on daddy's back. The firstborn ran around like wildfire. They took a blanket and some light snacks, in case the 2-year olds got hungry. Crystal had her glow-crystal necklace on her neck, just like old times. They took a stop on the way to feed the littlest ones, and arrived at the cave around noon. Crystal Clear saw the entrance closed off with a crystal wall with reliefs depicting their first meeting. A crystal stallion was sitting in a little guard box by the entrance and there were a few visitors buying tickets. They waited in safe distance until the coast was clear. There was a statue of her, as a crystal pony, by the entrance. The plaque said "Crystal Clear, Master of Crystal, A pony who saw light where others saw only dark." The mare snickered at that line. "Somepony's a poet alright." The stallion looked at them with a funny expression, and the mare rolled her eyes. "Crystal Clear, the gal on the statue, that's me. Don't give me that look, either let the owner in or sell me the tickets, okay?" Nightmare seemed amused as she talked sense in the stallion, who finally decided that she doesn't look like herself, and he won't lwt them in without tickets. Crystal didn't disgrace herself by showing him the cutie mark for proof and just payed. They went inside. The cave was cleaned up and there were glow-crystal lit alleys everywhere. She let out a sigh. "Not quite as I remember it. The darkness gave it more... appeal. C'mon, I hear ponies approaching." They went in, trying to find the cavern they first met in while avoiding tourists.
  24. Car battery depleted overnight in mysterious circumstances... The Machine Spirit is, apparently, displeased.

    1. Cwanky


      My aura tsx had that problem for awhile too. Turned out the hands free phone was draining battery so the media removed it.

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      My Lancia Lybra has nothing plugged in that's not factory built in. And she has a safeguard against leaving the lights on. So I have no idea what's going on, but I'll have it fixed anyway. It's just a niousance that I need to ride a bus rather than my azure limousine...

    3. Widdershins


      Oh, oh, oh! Don' GET me started on my technology curse! About the only thing that hasn't happened to me yet is having some phone or something literally blow up on me! Had nearly everything freeze up on me at some point from comps to cash registers or that little card slidey thingie. Fuh, and here I thought car batteries never died on you. Only ever seen a car battery, like, once outside the car. Bweh, every car has them little weird lights that never shut off.

  25. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal smirked under her snow mask and led the way. "I told you it takes a week to go back home, and without a guide who can lead you to our tour shelters, I reckon you can say goodbye to the world. I can't leave my post. C'mon, there was a small avalanche near that site a couple of days ago, maybe something new showed up. I've been waiting till the snow settles, so I won't risk getting buried under another one. That wouldn't be good..." The pair headed off in the direction of the cliffs she spoke about. The snow was deep but also dense, so they didn't fall into it like last time. They marched slightly up the valley and to it's side, since that's where exposed rocks are most likely to occur. After twenty minutes of white all around, they saw some darker grey up ahead. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be the exposed rock side that the mare talked about. The overhang of snow and ice fell off and the snow below looked like it was tossed upside down - after image of a local avalanche. All those hard, pointed surfaces made it harder to walk, but they managed to reach the cliff. "Okay, so we're here. As you can see, the exposed rock has so crystals in it, or any veins of different colour. It's just an eroded slab of stone. Now what I do is walk along it's edge and look for caves, nooks, anything where the crystals can grow naturally. Watch your step because some entrances may be snowed in. Better not fall in. So I also look for any irregular patterns in the snow, like sudden depressions. But, since the area is wrecked by the avalanche, we might just get lucky and it could've opened a previously hidden hole for exploration - you never know really." She adjusted her cap and decided to tuck the changeling's scarf better. "Hold still, maybe it would be better if you changed into me after all, those clothes are a tad small... Whatever, let's check that side first." Crystal pointed a hoof in the direction towards the end of the valley - it was easier to go up first and then go down.
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