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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Moon Dancer. "Thanks. When I'm finished with my meal I'll show you where the tub and that pot is." She ate as he took care of the tea. When she was finished, Crystal Clear slowly rose to her hooves and carried the plate to the sink. She pointed him to the tub and the large pot to warm up the water in. They carried the crystal tub closer to the stove to make it easier for him.
  2. @@Nightmare Season She listened to him with a frown. "I just hope you know what you're doing." The mare stood up and went to her foals. When the doors knocked, Crystal Clear was genuinely surprised. So much that Nightmare Season easily beat her to the door. Her expression must've been priceless when she saw a couple traders in her door. The royals took them in and had a second, far more successful round of negotiations. The best part was that she managed to buy some steam powered or otherwise industrial machines. They would be delivered to Manehattan port in three months for pickup, along with specialists to install them and training for operators. They were invited for a night walk by the Princess of the Night. Crystal couldn't shake the feeling that she was flirting with her husband, so she walked between them and acted as a minder... Next day was about to be a tough one. The royal nightmares walked towards the palace library with poor spirits and just wanted to be done with it. Princess Twilight and her assistant Spike were waiting. And so were like, twenty quills and enough paper to write several times. Crystal sighed at that sight and slightly bowed to the princess. "Your highness. I should inform you upfront that my foals need me every few hours. So we will need to make some breaks. So, where you'd like to start?" She took a seat and nodded at her husband reassuringly.
  3. @@Moon Dancer. The mare chewed her salad and pondered Iver something as she looked at the changeling. She nodded when she swallowed. "If you were a pony, I'd think you're hitting on me. Just an impression I had, you know. Still, I appreciate your willingness to help." Crystal Clear held a small smile as she finished her salad. The kettle started whistling and she instinctively tried to get up, but stayed put with a wince. "Ow... care to take care of that?"
  4. @@Nightmare Season, The Queen nightmare was obviousy engulfed in her thoughs when they sat down in that quiet nook of the Palace Gardens. She looked at her husband when he asked her to sit back tomorrow presentation. "Class? What are you going to walk in with your nose straight in the air like those Equestrian buffons? And ponies wondered why I hated going South...." She wasn't sure whether it was good or bad that she'd make a "great nightmare from birth" though, but accepted the kiss and leaned closer to him for a litle snuggle. Thankfully they enjoyed peace in this little nook until it was time to go back for dinner. Crystal Clear decided that maybe it wasn't that they were uncomfortable guests, but maybe the Royal Sisters just had that busy a timetable to be unable to accomodate them for breakfast. At least both were present at a private dinner, which sure was something. They were seated on one of the large balconies overlooking the land below. She could see the nightmare camp, a small dot by the Saddle Lake. Now the food was great, even if "typically Canterlot". The converstaions... not as much. the Princesses talked mostly with Nightmare, bringing him up to speed over what happened around for the thousand years he was away. Crystal just stared into her plate and stabbed it with extreme prejudice, since she hated being reminded of what happened. Even more so since the Royal Sisters acted like he was a guest back then, not a prisoner for a year. And Princess Luna was suspiciously fond of him too. The mare shot a cold glance at her husband to remind him they were already married several times back then. Thankfully the Royal Sisters had a busy timetable and couldn't chat forever, so when the meal was over, they eturnedto their room. Crystal Clear didn't even mention the meal later on and decided to play with the little ones til evening. Later she got busy with some papers util bedtime. The royal nightmares and their trade delegation enteredthe Great Hall to see the Canterlot trade presentation. No wonder it was closed yesterday - they would put a train there if it would fit. Crystal Clear knew she needed a lot of the stuff that was on display - magitech power tools, industrial machines, steam engines... the "wonders of modern technology", as she was often assaulted with the term back in the Empire. Interestingly enough, while she had her eyes on the tech, the nightmare delegation was all over shinies and luxury goods. Maybe because they had no idea the machines would ease their lives ten times over. Or maybe because they had servants doing the hard work and never thought of easing their burden. Bu the mare knew that the kingdom's workshops would triple their output with just half of what was on display. Since Nightmare Season asked to lad the talks, she wandered over t a pony next to a portable steam engine to ask for price, service, and know-how transfer. Of course, the unicorn sang an astronomical sum for the engine, and declared nly his staff may repair it in-pony, so either they are given transport and "proper working conditions" to repair it at the client's place, or the machine needs to be ferried back to canterlot for repairs. The Queen bod him farewell for now, trying her best to appear regal and pleasantly calm. She just wandered the hall and listeneed to conversations later on. Nightmare adressd he delegation and Crystal walked back to his side, intrigued on what he had in mind. She was in shock, to be fair. All those things they needed, they were within hoof's reach. And now he wanted to cancel the talks? She just obediently followed him out and all the way to their room. Once she closed the door, the mare took a deep breath, trying no to get too angry. She started sowly, while walking to a tabke with some lemonade. "Okay... so explain me, my grand business strategist, what the hay did you just do, hmm?" She took a sip of the drink and sat on a couch, then smoothed her lovely azure dress so she wasn't showing this and that. "Have I not told you that we need to get a hold on some modern tech in here? Just one meager steam engine in the lumber mill will increase the daily output by half! You know we lack hooves to fill all the gaps in the city! Even if the clans can't see the value in those devices, they will once their production costs lower and their income skyrockets. So I ask you calmly. What. Did. You. Do."
  5. @@Moon Dancer., The mare glanced at her plate. "Well, for a preservable food, sure, but I'd be happy for a fresh mix for a change. Or something else to drink. Like I said, week in freezing temperatures kinda limits the food options..." She ate in silence for a bit, then decided to get up. "Okay, no laughing at the cripple now. Ow buck, owowowow!" She slowly rose on her hooves and went to each window to check something, then approached the stove and extended a good hoof to see if it's warming up fast as it should. The kettle still didn't boil, so she got back to the table and "ow-owed" herself back into a sitting position. "Now try and go out like that... It would be a death wish or something."
  6. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear gave him a sly smile. "If only you were so eager to watch the fire when I was sleeping like dead... Alright, I guess it's the best way to try and get my side back in shape. Once the stove heats up and we eat, of course. Gotta heat up the water the same way I make tea, but there's a big pot for that so it shouldn't take forever." She nibbled at her salad and added. "Either way, thanks for the offer to help. I appreciate it."
  7. @@Moon Dancer. The mare took her plate and reached the table without incident. Although she wasn't very happy about sitting down by it. She looked like she was lowering herself into very cold water, a hilarious display. Crystal Clear sighed once she was property seated. "Seems like I won't come out unless I do something about it. You don't happen to know a way to cure bruises, do you? Those herbs should help a bit when plastered to the bruise and bandaged tight to it, and so would a hot bath... or a good massage. Shame the nearest spa, or a doctor for that matter, is a week away." She thought about her options as she started eating.
  8. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear smiled at him. "Glad to hear that. I basically washed the salad already, so it would be nice if you put in on the plates. I'll heat up the water. Still tea? I don't have anything else really, but you said you guys used to drink just water back home, so that's why I ask." She stood up, wincing from her sore rump. Crystal floors were not meant to fall onto. "Stupid bruises..." The mare filled the kettle and walked to the stove, but noticed the fire died out. She cussed and left it on the barely warm stove and limped back for matches. "You know, it's kinda your fault, come to think of it. Good think I nab aged to add coal before crashing, or we would wake up from the cold." Crystal fumbled with the matches but managed to ignite the fire again. She needed hot water to help get rid of those bruises. "Alright, drinks will have to wait, but I'm starving. Let's go to the table and eat at least. "
  9. @@Moon Dancer. The crystal mare nodded and pulled at her ruffled ponytail reflexively. "Oh, that makes sense... Wouldn't be the first night like that, if I were honest. Thankfully I have some herbs for bruises, so I should be better soon. Care for some breakfast? I could use a hoof o help around too, my side is all sore."
  10. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal was washing a salad and doing the best she could not to upset her bruised muscles. She heard him wake up and looked back, wincing. "Ow! Um, good to see you're awake. Say, did I sleepwalk last night? Feels like I wanted to go out through a wall..." She nursed her sore flank and frowned.
  11. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear woke up and stretched, then winced in pain. Rubbing up her eyes open, she saw it was morning. "What the..." - Something was off, especially that pain in her side. Just like when she passed out when drunk. The mare slid off the bed and checked the chest - sealed and secured. She patted her right shoulder and her hip on the same side - it hurt like it was bruised. She scratched her head in confusion. "What the hay happened?" A sudden rumble in her belly brought her attention to the kitchen. Time to get a bite to eat...
  12. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear waited for a bit, then continued her work till the last sample was done. She packed up her tools, notes and catalogued samples and hid them in the chest, making sure she wasn't watched as she did so. Trade rules, she didn't invent them. Next was the gramophone that needed to be silenced, mugs taken to the sink and coal added to the stove. The mare quickly brushed her teeth and was walking to bed when her time was up. Crystal shut down mid step and landed on the floor, already fully asleep. So much for the comfy bed...
  13. @@Moon Dancer. The mare shook her head. "Nah, I wasn't even thinking of writing it today. We still have 2 weeks for that. But I guess I'll have to hit the sheets soon, or else. I'll just finish here and catch 'dem z's." She leaned back, waiting for the chips to fuse together. She could feel the comfy bed calling her.
  14. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal was done with that sample, just one more and she's free. "Well I never met him but, judging from you said... Let's just say that you may have better chances with the Princess and leave it at that. Now I could write you some letter of recommendation, I guess. I may be the youngest Master in the guild as of today, but I'm still a Master nonetheless. Should make things a tad easier in the Palace." The mare knew she was exhausted and won't stay awake forever, so she did her best to wrap up her work.
  15. @@Moon Dancer. "Oww, pretty steep. So that's feeding twice a week if you're in a town disguised as a pony. Tough luck... Really, I'm starting to feel bad for you changeling, so many obstacles and limitations only to make ends meet." She froze for a moment and her eyes started to close, but Crystal managed to shook herself awake. "Not good..."
  16. @@Moon Dancer. The mare held a hoof to her mouth in an attempt to surpress a yawn. "Uh huh, can be done. Just before bedtime. Do remind me when you need another fix okay?" She finished with another sample and took a swing if her tea that was getting cold. Then resumed her work - just 2 samples left. "Sooo I was wondering about your disguises. Just how draining they are for you? I mean, let's assume you held the disguise all the time, how much it would shorten your life expectancy like, assuming you wouldn't get any more in the meantime?"
  17. @@Moon Dancer. She still wasn't sold on the hard shell feel he had when she touched him, but at least the changeling settled down and seemed to crawled back from his den if dark thoughts. Crystal let go too and rubbed an eye. "Darn, I'm going to fall asleep soon am I? Better rush that job I have left." She went back to her work and tried to finish it faster. The gramophone was still working so the music helped her stay awake. The mare talked when she wasn't writing. "So now that we have a way to feed you, how often do you need a fix and perhaps more importantly, how often is safe for me? Just remember what I told you about honesty, okay? I'll try and help you but I need to know what I'm going into. Oh and I guess you can go out with me to look for mining sites if you want, since you're no longer on a tight love reserve, right?"
  18. @@Mentis Soliloquy Crystal nodded with a smile. "Told you that this us the only place where, if you keep walking in circles, you'll get where you need to." She glanced at her saddlebags by the other table. "I dropped in here for a snack before coming back home, yeah. My shop is too fresh to attract any potential apprentices, so I work alone. Although, if you bounced off the closed door, I put a notebook there so that any customer could write they want my services and I go to them to collect the order. I figured out I won't loose that much business when I'm not there." The mare became a but self conscious over her rambling. "Aaaanyways, would it be okay if I bothered you for a bit? Sane visitors are becoming just as rare as Aurora Borealis crystals these days..."
  19. Crystal Clear was looking out the window with a small smile as she waited for her order, occasionally glancing at the mare she met earlier today. The nice waitress was busy with another custimer, a unicorn mare - more tourists... - but apparently the customer wasn't very nice. All the more proof for Equestrian unicorn snobism, she thought. @@Mentis Soliloquy, Finally, the mare had enough and just slid off her seat and took her steps to the mare she met today - either attack head on or sip your damn tea in the corner, she decided. "Hey, seems you found your way around huh? How did you like the hotel reception? I'm asking for professional reasons, of course." Crystal sure hoped she won't be taken as a trespasser for the mare's private time.
  20. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear nodded at the returning princess. "Flawless display, Your Highness. The whole ball room was looking at you back there." The Sun Princes smiled warmly and returned the nod, then asked whether nightmare ponies dance. Crystal looked back at her husband who would prorably hop into her daydream if she had one going. "Yah, sure. We even have yearly dance-offs withthe Crystal Princess. So far no winners." She giggled. Even Princess Twilight joined the chorus asking them to show how nightmares dance. Crystal suspected thatthere was a quill laying under the table, but took her a bit starefrighted husband for a dance. The music was slow, so they matched it in rhytm. The ball room seemed to quiet down as they began, theatrical whispers of curioaity and judgment were heard echoing from the walls. She didn't give a damn, she just danced and enjoyed the moment. When the song finished, the mare was expecting applause, but heard only hushed conversations and looks of displeasure. She shrugged and they went back to their seats. Princess Celestia at lest said it was something new and interesting, and explained that the social circles in Canterlot are horibly snobbish. With the party scratched off the list, the royal couple returned to their chambers to enjoy the last moments of their firstborns day, then turned to bed themselves. They needed some proper rest before the onslaught of tomorrow. irst thing inthe orning that surprised the Queen nightmare was the breakfast. Or rather, where it was served. It was around seven when poor Sparks answered the door and let in serfs with trays of food, and an apology from the Royal Sisters thatthey may not accomodate their guest for a meal together. The unicorn went to the royals to pass on the news and tell them breakfast was getting cold in the day room. Without as much as touching the brush, Crystal went there with a messy mane and sleep on her eyes. Lucky Clover haven't seen her like that yet and wasn't sure whether to laugh or tend to her dishivelled look. Crystal waved a hoof at it, they were nearly family anyway. At least the breakfast was good. The agenda for today was just the trade meeting at noon, surprisingly. Either their hosts were very busy or wanted to avoid hem at all costs. They both agred to do their best not to fall into a certain purple princess. Maybe take a family walk at the palace gardens, or hit the town ad see if they'd like to buy something. Crystal was semi decent at reverse engineering, back from the days when she tas a tradespony, so buying some useful devices to copy them back home wasn't a bad idea. Not like somepony would sue them for it, right? "Aquiring" tech was one of the bigger points on her list of things to do in Canterlot anyway, so hitting a bookstore with technical manuals would also land on their personal agenda. She just hoped they won't be watched the moment they go out of their room... They had family time till elleven thirty, when the Nightmare delegation arrived at the palace with their wares for presentation. They were asked to put their goods on display in some other big hall, but it's name went over the crystal nightmare's head. The same elderly serf was taking care of them, must be somepony from higher up the Palace hierarchy. Kibitz was his name? Strange, but whatever. The Nightmare delegation was ready withtheir display and the Canterlot traders poured in at high noon. Palace staff was writing down what they were interested in, so the Princess could evaluate whether the trade treaty was a good one for them. Unfortunately their host for the occasion was Princess Questionnaire in her royal purple self. Thankfully this time she was making notes on their wares and talking with the traders. Crystal thought that her part was to keep them company and help navigate the social waters, but whatever. They could talk with businessponies alright. Although then snobby unicon nobles were much worse. Like they thought themselves better on the very merit of them being Canterlot ellite. Nightmare had to give her a calming wing hug a couple of times when he saw the telltale reddish glow on her horn, and she did her best to divide the talk load and pull away at least some of the idle chatters who were more interested in him being an alicorn than anything else. When the presentation was over, the nightmare delegation sat down and talked over their impressions. The Clans had the same plan as with the Empire - sell common items as luxury trinkets and make fat stacks. Unfortunately, Canterlot was a tough market and the pony traders demended much lower prices, saying that nightmare culture is unknown in Equestria and nopony will buy their stuff for even nearly as much as the nightmares wanted just because they look pretty. Crystal new it was, at least in part, true, but also knew that the businessponies wanted to lower the prices to cash in more themselves. This was a tough market indeed. Even their spices were called "niche", and the overall feel was that the locals viewed tham as barbaric tribes with polished bones on a string to sell. They sure didn't expect that... Crystal was woried over their ability to earn money when equestria had much more to offer. Seems that this agreeent will line the pockets of only one side, and tomorrow the nightmares will see a counter presentation. Everypony felt a bit down now that their baloon of expectations was popped so mercilassly. The royal couple decided to take the family to the Palace Garden. Thankfully it was open, but that aslo meaned there were regular citizens there too... Well, regular rich citizens mostly, as Crystal started to notice that the local snobism had no limit. Still, they found a secluded spot in a hedge maze where they could take a break and enjoy the perfect weather.
  21. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear was halfway through that ample when she cooled down enough to take a glance at what he was doing. She also needed to rup her eyes to keep going - she felt really tired after that stunt. With an eyeroll, she got up from her seat and yawned, then walked over tothe changeling. She tried to sound supportive, for all it's worth. "Okay, so you screwed up, a little. But why are you curled up in a corner like you just broke my life and I would kill you on sight? I'm not mad at you. Rather... dissapointed. That you didn't tell me what I needed to know." She extended a hoof towards him. "Come on, don't be silly, it's not the end of the world. Just be truthful with me and it will be fine, okay? We all make mistakes." He didn't seem to buy it, so she took a step towards him and gave him a hug. With a big yawn, she asked again. "Now you believe me?"
  22. @@Naiya The Brony, Soooo, that's what we came up with: I kept the mane color and basically left the tail as it is. I switched back and forth with that super azure/burgundy mix but, for once it was too hard for my host to nail down and besides, I kinda like that coat color. Switching back to a shade of blue for the mane made me look like the OC with alternate manestyle, and I didn't like it. Good part is that I can now freely wear gold, azure and burgundy in clothes and accessories. Now, even though I mostly don't wear any, I like those hoofboots a lot. Laced up types are cool too, but my host can't pull off any of these on a pic. Same with the jacket. (could use some studs though) So, yeah, that's it I guess. Gotta get back to nagging my host to force me more. He barely hears me no matter if I talk or yell. In other news, she convnced me to check Gibson Firebirds for some reason and now I know why - she now has a Gibson Firebird 2017 Pelham Blue. Because why not. Don't ask how she's playing it, I have no idea. I'm a Fender fan but Firebird and it's twin bass Thunderbird are pretty rad, so I approve this choice.
  23. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear shook her head. "I trusted you, and you haven't told me everything I needed to know. I don't care how minor this thing is, I'll be fine, but next time, I may as well say no to your scheme simply because I won't be sure if you're not holding back something. Food for thought." She resumed her work - there will be no hiting the hay before she'll wrap it up and lock her stuff back in the chest. Even if she felt like doing just that.
  24. @@Moon Dancer., She felt... something. Something strange, like, a drain, as if her strength slowly poued out through some invisible hole. And then it stopped. It broke her concentration and Crystal cussed under her breath, then looke up at the changeling. "Did you do it? I lost my concentration from some strange feeling." She scratched her chin and noticed something. "I feel... tired. Not super tired, but, still. Is that normal? Ypu said the, uhh, "victims" don't experience any side effects..." Crystal Clear looked at the changeling with hooded eyes, the unspoken demand to say the truth now that she trusted him that much.
  25. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear glanced at the changeling as she set the record and lowered the needle. She snorted at the sight. "Totally not distracting, no siree... Stay put and let me get to work. I'll try to feel the love for my job and we'll see if it works or not." The mare sat by the table and took a beep breath, listening to the classical music she set to play. That Long Play always put her in good mood for work. She took the last glance at er companion. "If love drain turns out to be hurting a pony... Just pray I don't feel any pain or whatever, okay? I'm trusting you on this one, don't screw it up." She looked down at the crystal sample and took the glow-crystal to check it's opacity. Thinking of why this job is the best one ever, and how she loves doing it, Crystal Clear got into the zone and lost herself to the work at hoof. She only heard the music she liked, tappinh a hoof to the rhytm. saw only the crystal that needed her undivided attention. The cabin vanished from her conciousness, she was now in a bubble of sorts - just her and the work she loved.
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