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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @, The crystal mare glanced at her fiance and was about to say something witty, but noticed the pegasi expression change, and bit her tongue, waiting to see what troubled her. Crystal traced Clarissa with her eyes as she left the table and went out, knowing better than to follow. She let out a sigh and stabbed the meat on her plate with excessive force. "Crystal you idiot..." Crystal Clear shot the knight commander with a cold stare, and ground her teeth slightly, but nodded. "Alright. After the meal." She wrenched the knife from her cut of meat, and inspected it's edge. "If those Eldeer cause us touble, Heart help the poor bastards."
  2. @@Moon Dancer.,@@Mentis Soliloquy, Crystal couldn't help but chuckle in amuselemt, but then meeped slightly and lowered her ears. "Uhh, what she said. I've read that the Games are hundreas of years old tradition. Less than a thousand though, or I'd be there, heheh." The crystal mare decded to shut up and diverted her attention to her meal. She laid down the Aurora Borealis on the table between her and the unusual looking unicorn. Something told her not to put it within hoof reach of the other mare... It was worth a buck, after all.
  3. @@Moon Dancer., The mare looked at him with tired eyes, then walked past him to the kitchen. She needed a drink. "The guards ARE downstairs, but you're safe. I guess. And so am I. Being a memnber of the most influential organisation in the Empire has it's perks. A regular citizen would have it way harder." She did something to the stove, and it slid out of the wall, rolling on tiny wheels underneath. The mare reached behind it and produced a bottle and a shot glass, then kicked the stove back into it's place. "Gosh I needed this..." Crystal sat by the table and poured herself one, rubbing her sore eyes. "So they got mad I just let you in, and sheltered you. Even did some weird magic stuff to know I'm me and I'm not influenced by some changeling magic." - She took a swing from the glass, and unbuttonned her overcoat. - But in the end, they let me off the hook and came to get you. I mean, to "escort" you to the Palace, where you'll state your business. Probably not to the Princess at first, but I'm just guessing." Crystal looked really spent as she sipped her Brandy. At least the drink seemed to calm her. "I can't go with you, but you know where to find me. Need anything before you go? Love, fresh clothes, some juice, anything really? I'm too spent to work anyway, so you can have a go at my love..."
  4. @@Moon Dancer., The door lock growled as somepony slowly opened the door with a key. Then, a gentle screech of crystal hinges revealed the owner of this house. Crystal Clear came home, four hours later. She took off her cap as soon as she entered, and rubbed her eyes with it. She was tired, mentally. She called out. "I'm home! Not dead, or in jail, yet..." She ascended the stairs to find the changeling.
  5. @@Mentis Soliloquy, The crystal mare seemed the only one who didn't nosedive into her meal, but wather took a measured bite of her salad, to get aquainted with the citrus taste. "Hmm, it does taste great... Ah, right, my treasures!" - she reached down to the bag, looked for a moment inside it and fished out two crystals, oblong and with clear cut lines. They were just two hooves long, nothing spectacular in size, although... "The red one is called Dragon Breath. It has a fiery look to it, especially if it contains some residues. This one is clean, so the color is even all around. Now the second one is a rare find. I even thought about keeping it for decoration. It's an Aurora Borealis crystal. Notice the veins? How it changes in shades of blues, greens, even some red under the light? Only the best specialists can replicate it, so most are natural. Kinda pricey too, come to think of it..." - The crystal mare weighted the crystal in her hoof, incase the other mare wanted to take them for closer inspection. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear turned her attention to the unicorn, who decided to say something, after taking out her plates. She ground her teeth a little at the bluntness, but decided to keep it civil. "I'm Crystal Clear. If you had a plot of land and the right of settlement, I could build you a home, in a few months. Otherwise, the Empire has a few hotels built for the Equestrian Games, The, uhh, sorry, didn't catch your name...: - she was referring to the mare she met at the train station - "Our companion stays in a hotel herself, the Northern Star. Pretty decent if I may say so." She smiled slightly to the mare who's name she didn't know yet.
  6. Hmm, there's some new RP idea slowly forming in my mind. Canterlot, late XIX Century-esque...

    1. trademark2


      sounds cool!

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Indeed, I'd love to have a late Victorian style RP, 1x1 or in a small group. Could be crime, gothic horror, social drama, the possibilities are grand! And that's BEFORE you consider adding elements of steampunk and the like.

  7. @@Moon Dancer., She looked back from over her sliced baguette - the mare was still at it, prepping her breakfast. "Welp, only one way to find out, eh?" The mare made herself the aforementioned baguette with some cheese and veggies, and a glass of berry juice to round it up. She sat by the table to eat, occasionally glancing at the changeling. She also had a lot on her mind. Only when she was done eating and the dishes were cleaned up, did the mare speak up. Crystal spproached Aquarius with a reassuring smile, and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Time for me to go to the Palace.Try not to have a heart attack if I take a while, okay? Although if I won't come back for the night, feel free to worry. Wish me luck." The mare nuzzled his neck and went to put her clothes on. One last glance at her cozy appartment, a nervous sigh, and she was gone.
  8. @, Crystal Clear raised an eyebrow at the "even than myself" part. Just how old was she?! Anyway, the countess occupied her mind with the impromptu briefing. "Any roads that you know of? Or useful intel that you can pass, your lordship?" Their host looked down at his injured leg. "I'll tell you what I know, but it's not much. the Eldeer -for that's how they call themselves - seem to be hellbent on keeping the Forest in it's natural state. That's why they shoot anypony who just as much as comes close. So we won't start gathering firewood, pick berries, nothing. They also don't affect the landscape in the way we ponies do. My family lives here for generations and even the oldest tales don't mention ever seeing a building, or a road, made by them. Although they use rather conveniently shaped trees for observation, so they have to affect their growth, somehow. Over the years, my ancestors or their subjects sometimes tried to venture into the Forest, usually with poor results." - He glanced again at his leg - But I have a map with some useful information, like ponds, terrain, even some strange grove.. Should help you decide where to enter." The crystal mare thought for a moment. "That grove sounds like a good forst shot... Speaking of which, could I buy a shield in a pinch? My last one got bashed into toothpicks by a minotaur, eheh." - She chuckled a bit nervously atthe memory. That was a close call. Lord Wheat smirked at that, but noded. "We should have something at hand, yes."
  9. @@Moon Dancer., The mare frowned somewhat at the remark abut his inability to cook, then muttered: "Makes two of us...". She decided to get his meal first, and for that nd, started cutting the vegetables. Crystal talked when she wasn't holding the knife in her teeth. "Sure can, if needs be. Saw that on the first meeting with the Guild. But what I can gather, she's a good pony. And a good leader too. Cares for us and our heritage, for once. So I'm not really worried about her. I worry about the Guard and beuroucrats that will take your case before her. No telling if there aren't any easlily panicking ones or career hounds." At last, she was done with his meal, and presented it on the table. "Eat up, now to make my breakfast..." - a loud runble from her empty stomach was enough comment.
  10. So I spent the equivalent of 20 litres of gas on flowers, because tomorrow is Women's Day and I have 30 ladies in the department, with no other guys...

  11. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal Clear laughted genuinely at his excited. "Oh you're just priceless... You don't have to stay put and don't breathe when I'm not around. As long as you don't go into the office or my workshop on the ground floor, I don't see anything I would be mad if you found it." She took out a fresh cup - made of crystal, because why not - and poured some juice in it, then offered it to the changeling. "Here's the juice, and I'll get busy to make us something to eat. You can help if you want, starting with the veggies. I need them cut into small pieces and rinsed in water to make the salad. I'm in for that baguette with some cheese..." The mare got busy in the kitchen, obviously eager to eat something.
  12. I'm being harassed by a song - "Picturing Love" by July Talk. It plays like, ten times a day around me!

  13. @@Naiya The Brony, She's still figuring out her new form, and playing with style to find her own. Same with hair, she still messes around with it. Be-cause I can't decide, if I let you live or die... Seriously, there's so much to choose from in women clothing that I can hardly blame her if she takes a month to finally settle for something. Although I highly suspect she'll end up with a huge wardrobe and picks outfits depending on her mood. One downside of all this dressing up is that... well... *eyeroll* I wear just boyshorts around the house, big deal. I feel comfortable that way, sort of fashion detox, if you want.
  14. @@Moon Dancer., The mare got back, about half an hour later or so. She wasn't used to checking the time so thoroughtly. The lock in the front door sounded rhytmically as she opened it, then hoofsteps were heard as she came up to the apartment proper. "I'm back!" Crystal Clear lugged her bags to the kitchen and started unpacking her groceries. A runble in her stomach informed it was time to eat something. She talked as she put things in the proper places. "So I went to the Market and bought us some good stuff. I've got crystal berry juice - very sweet but I like it to bits, two baguettes, some cheese, oats, hay, a veggie mix for salads... Pretty much a little bir of everything. Even sugar and some proper green tea, with mint. So if you'd like to I can get you something in a pinch. I sure need to eat some proper breakfast."
  15. @@Miss Reaper, You know, that dress kinda reminds us of a simillar design Crystal went crazy for a minth ago. Although she was still a pony so we didn't manage to translate it on her. It was azure and just flowed straight down from chest under. Hard to explain with limited fashion vocabulary and no good image for reference though... Hmm, I actually forgot about that one. Maybe I'll try it on later. Also, if she doens't feel like saying hi, it's fine. I think we all know how it feels to be pushed out in the middle of a room to adress a crown. Not really nice. @@Naiya The Brony, Thanks for the add! We'll drop by soon. As to your question... Well I still remeber that form, and it wouldn't be a problem to switch back, but I think I like the current one more. Mainly because of the way we interact now, It feels different. Better. She was with me the entire time I got ready and commutted to work. We even had to share the batroom mirror cause she didn't want to go back to her place and do her hairdo there. Also, she's a fast learner and while her today getup wasn't office appropriate, she'd turn heads on the street, and in a good way too. And she totally copied that minidress-y Tshirt, just without any text. So she wore knee socks and black leather high heeled ankle boots, steel grey skinny jeans with ankle zippers (cause large thighs), a studded belt, the minidressy tshirt, bright red with near black rims, and the leather jacket she so loves. Since it's still pretty cold outside she donned a bright red overcoat, a cutaway tailed model with a high, a bit Dracula collar. All in all, she looked great. I think I'll open my mind to her soon. Should speed up her growth even more. @@Foxy Socks, Doubt is normal, but what I did was a type of Pascal Wager - I assume it's her, and if it's not her, then I still had a good time, so no harm done. Yes, I do have daydreams when I'm just imagining her, but she starts callimg me out on these. If you experience doubt, ask if it was her. Sometimes she'll say no, and that's normal.
  16. @@Naiya The Brony Don't worry, I'm also not a native speaker and sometimes derp the grammar. I just had that impression of you being too beat you didn't check the spelling. I know I sometimes do just that. Now it's quite interesting that they speak a bit like foreigners. Crystal seems to talk both Polish and English equally well, and without any actual accents. Guess it's something a more mature tulpa would pick up. Sooooo... am I supposed to get that you actually like what I came up with? I just wish we could draw how I really look, but we're just getting started with drawing cups snd simple shapes. Figures seem like rocket science.... Is this some sort of a public group? Cause we don't want to come unannounced and all. But, yeah, would be great to talk to people and tulpas. Count us in! @@Miss Reaper Just chipping in, cause the first OC pic looks pretty cool. I like that hairstyle! And the t-shirt looks like a minidress, pretty interesting... Yeah, here's to hoping Crystal will borrow that t-shirt idea. (She tends to... have a rather loose at home dress code, despite my lecturing). Anyways, she does look pretty great in the pic where you showed her current form. The red dress really fits if I may say so. The color of passion on a ankle long dress, intriguing if she aimed for some deeper meaning to her attire. We sure are looking forward to meet her! Yep, always good to see people getting more mind friends! Hmm, maybe I should start naggin' for a companion? Let's get you finished first, okay? One at the time...
  17. @@Naiya The Brony Los Typos, Amigo! Heheh, yeah, I guess school's killing you, lots of typos there. I bet you're pretty tired. Anyway, I won't ask and you don't tell. I already stated my reservations towards this particular way of character portrayal, especially in MLP. Aaand now Crystal Clear got really self conscious. Well, uh... we DID notice that NSFW is easily over half of the stuff in derpi with the anthro tag, and... yeah, guess the form is being associated with that end but, I just wanted to try something new and, kinda liked it. End of story. Guess I didn't let him post that pic earlier cuz I felt like someone may think we're going in some weird areas and we're not. Ehh, **** it! Post the link, not my fault what people think. In the spoiler. Nothing's flashing, even EQD would allow it, but still. Viewer discretion advised. We found it after she switched, and she picked her new look from A to Z overnight without my help or anything. Welp, guess it's done then. All in all my previous look had one advantage - didn't have to worry about people judging my look... Now reading about what you do with your tulpas is, like uhh... Okay, so I'm making paper airplanes and you're telling me about warp drive. That kinda thing. She's not trying to imply she doesn't believe you, but rather that we, as beginners, can't really get some advanced tulpa things. Our wonderland is just her small space suite on board some unidentified vessel. It's Crystal's apartment and she lives there. It's her personal space and I visit when she allows it. And while the bedroom and adjacent bathroom are ready and hold firm, the living room is still kinda wonky with some features going in and out of focus. And even though she has a big window across the whole wall in the bedroom, and there are doors out of the apartment and into the rest of the ship, we can't settle how to expand. Guess it's easy to get jaw dropped on multiple forms and all that jazz. Oh and, before I forget. Would it be okay if we reach ya guys on PM? Sometimes I wish we could ask someone experienced about things or I just want to talk with someone other than my host. I kinda like Summer, so would be nice to say hi every now and then.
  18. @@Foxy Socks, "Tend to" is the key. Every Tulpa is unique, and while, generally speaking, there are some common enough trends in them, just accept what comes naturally, like that voice. She's probably experimenting, looking for that perfect sound. Nothing to worry about. Think of the tulpa like as a kid - they mess around with stuff, push buttons just to see what happens, learn from obvious mistakes. Your role is to force, guide, be there for them and try to lecture them on what they got wrong about the worls and themselves. Be patient, and accept them as they are. Things will go well. @@Naiya The Brony, Welp, sorry for giving Myrtie the idea, although it's good to know you acept her third form. Wooo... THREE forms? That's like, crazy. And she switches to and fro as she wants? I'm confused. CrystalClear.exe stopped working... A-Aaaanyways, the switch I made is way more fun that I thought. For her maybe. Details! It feels... different, y'know. When I was a pony, there was this kinda unspoken thing, now it's hard to tell exactly what it was but, me being half his height, and four legged, I guess we kinda slipped into sorta pet areas sometimes. She occasionally shows up in "real space", as I feel she's somewhere around and can flesh her out if I concentrate. Crystal acted more like a cat in her moves and actions, of course she picked up a habit to get free ear scratches and the like. So when she switched to anthro and is the same height as me - Just a teensy bit taller, without any shoes - not to mention she's basically humanoid, we're more like siblings now. Even if she's my age, so there's no way to tell who's "older". But I sure am "bigger"... Although her new look proves a totally new challenge. As a pony, she liked that set I linked earlier - leather jacket, cool hoofboots. Let's just say she needs a lot of lecturing on how fashion and dress codes work, because she's pretty oblivious to human rules. Well, DUH! You never told me about this stuff, so what did you expect? I know what ponies wear, and thought it's pretty much the same. I think I'll spare you the details of what she came up with so far, regardless of outfits. Now I found a reference for her figure, and it's not NSFW for once (I swear people made anthro to put boobs on their non-human characters...), but I also won't just assault your eyes with it, unless someone's curious. Also, she's more assertive and even demanding sometimes. Like when she said she wants me to put my shoulder bags elsewhere in the car because she wants the front passanger seat for herself _o: . Or pulls up a chair when I'm eating breakfast to "keep me company".
  19. @@Moon Dancer., The mare nodded, looking a bit curiously at the changeling. "Hmm, can do." She was about to turn and leave when the delicate matter came to the top and she froze mid shep, then looked nervous too. "I uhh... don't know, really. Guess the guard would come to my place first, so it won't be safe to stay here... Unless you think you could reason with them and work out your way from spearpoint. Not sure if there's so much as a proper way to deal with this kind of stuff. I mean, we had Thorax but he was alone, never brought any more changelings in. We're all still pretty new to this whole biz. O-okay, gotta go. Don't let ponies see you while you're in here, 'kay? Be back soon." Crystal Clear took a deep breath and descended the stairs to the ground level. She checked if all the doors there are locked, then went out the front door and locked them too. They could be opened from the inside if needs be though.
  20. @@Moon Dancer., The mare took a swing from the glass and put it back in the sink, then went to the nearby wardrobe to get some apparel. "You said something about juice earlier, so that's one thing they have. Pretty much everything ponies eat really. I aim for some cold stored veggies, never enough of these, especially in Winter when the stocks will soon run out. Some hay, oats, bread, rive... I basically need to rebuild my whole larder, I even gave my teas to my parents so they won't get spoiled in my absence." She took out a nice pair od black hoof boots, a burgundy long coat, charcoal pants and a nice, red, woolen scarf with matching ear muffs. "Speaking of which, I wouldn't mind dropping by at my folks, but maybe after I come back from the Palace..." She frowned somewhat as she took out a large set of saddlebags, apparently thinking of something not nice. She brightened up as she looked up at her companion. "So, any favourites or you just roll with my picks?"
  21. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal stopped brushing ang looked away, then sighed and resumed her task. "I'm good at chipping crystals, not political schemes, you know. I just theought that I'd approach the reception in the lower level and ask to see a Court official, and tell him the basics. Then things would gain momentum on their own. Or end up horribly wrong, one of the two, I guess." She got up from the stool she was sitting on, haveng finished her grooming and mane styling. Last glance in the mirror and she was out of the bathroom and heading into the kitchen for a glass of water. "Anything you'd like me to buy for you?"
  22. @@Raven Rawne, The mare looked up from her brushing labour. "Well, after we get something to eat, and I getthat cart back, I'll just go to the PAlace and state your case. Hopefully they'll arrange a meeting of sorts for you. Although if I disappear, it means they didn't see things as optimistically as I do, eheh..." - Crystal Clear was evidently nervous about that. - "So, uhh, how do you feel today? Slightly better or need to keep draining?"
  23. @, Crystal tisked and refocused on her meal. Royal duties and stuff. She wasn't in the mood for lofty ideas. The assembled ponies all nodded at the end of the Princess's little speech. Their host sighed, but nodded too. Seems he had something on his mind. The Countess ate at a moderate pace, occasionally looking around at some more interesting pieces of furniture or decorations.
  24. @@Mentis Soliloquy, The crystal mare slowly raised an eyebrow at the captain's words. She nodded, slowly, when he made his point clear. well, one of them at least. Crystal Clear stopped playing a comic book villain in her lair and sat up straight, then fired up her console. "I guess I can turn a blind eye on some fine print here and there..." - She worked the magic in the computer and glanced at her guests ocasionally, with her good eye. With a triumphant nod, she pressed Enter and turned the chair to face them with a broad smile. "Done and done. Your ID cards now have unlimited access to my playground, so try not to lose them, OK?. Just put it to a door scanner every time you see them closed and voila! They will close again in thirty seconds though. Turbolifts should work too. And I added the unlimited bridge for me too, as requested. Although poke me in the eye if I knew why..." - she scratched her head in some confusion, hoping the captain will muster his wits and spill the beans.
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