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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Nightmare Season The mare giggled when he rolled her on her back. She listened to the stallion calming her that they have enough time. Although the mention about her being scary made her laugh. "Hahaha that was rich! I wasn't THAT desperate wasn't I? Okay, I so was, like, Rawr! Give me a foal, now! " She laughed some more. Next morning the caravan had to move out. Crystal Clear bid farewell to her family and friends, but heard Nightmare's promise to bring her back North before she gave birth. That was actually a pretty interesting idea... They travelled South, and, to Crystal's big surprise, she just kept shining. She was so happy with her husband. Even with the first symptoms of her pregnancy appeared. A week or so after the crystal wedding, she was hit by morning nausea, nearly every day. She had to eat breakfast in the carriage, and a light one too, or it wouldn't remain in her stomach. As a side effect, she had less energy but otherwise was healthy. Funny enough, it seemed that bonding improved her linguistic skills - her reading lessons were going better and Crystal managed to actually read some scrolls, like the one about challenging the wife. It still concerned her, despite the fact that an oracle and her own body confirmed that she was pregnant - she missed her next period. Still, she didn't feel really safe. And so came the time of challenge. One day, without warning, a horn signalled a stop. Crystal Clear heard a loud female voice uttering a challenge. They exchanged looks - the mare was worried. With shaky legs and help of her husband, she came out of the carriage and walked to the front of their column. There she was, the one who would challenge her, just as Hearts-Dream foretold. She took a deep breath to steady her voice. "I am Crystal Clear, Nightmare Season's first and only! Approach, Night Flower, let's not yell at each other for all of the mountains to hear!" The nightmare mare did just that, and looked as if she was ready to tear the poor crystal pony apart where she stood. Crystal motioned Nightmare to lend an ear, when the challenger was still away. "If I get it right, then I won by default, right? I can't risk our foals in a fight, I don't want to... you know... loose them." Her voice was a rather obvious cue that she wasn't just hiding behind her belly, and would fight if needs be, but hoped her current state would be enough of a proof. "Also, what do you think of her? I don't want to share you but... it's your decision too." Crystal Clear fidgeted with her talisman, making sure it was clearly visible that she was expecting.
  2. @@Nightmare Season, The ponies assembled in the tent, and took their seats in a circle. Crystal Clear obviously pushed er cushion to her husband so she could lean on him, both as a sign of their bond, and because it just felt so damn good. Shenoticed that er family was uneasy, much like she used to. Dad was keeping a politesmile, an eternal optiminst, that one. He was the heart of the house, and their shop. Mom was... a tricky one, like she used to say so many times. She sat next to her husband and remained silent at first, as if asessing the situation. Her expression was neutral and unreadable. Snowflake was his usual self - head spinning so fast she hoped he would snap his spine, asessing the wealth around him, and, no doubt, his supposed cut. As if. Hearts-dream tok a seat alone, a small distance from both groups - a one pony club. Nightmare inroduced himself properly, and his mother. Crystal did the same with her parents, but gave Snowflake a stern look to behave when she mentioned him. Obviously, the cue went over his head. Hearts-Dream took an opportunty to explain her relation with Nightmare Season. Crystal's family listened with some fright over how the stallion before them was born. It didn't sit right with them, how a pony can be born rom bad dreams. And yet they knew that the strange blind alicorn wasn't lying. Next, Nightmare season took an opportunity to explain his culture, with occasional snippets from Crystal, who held him close the whole time. Dad played it nice, knowing well that his firstborn is too dense to change her mind. Besides, Crystal looked so happy - it was unusual for a crystal pony to shine for so long without pause. Mom was more skeptical, and asked technical questions, especially about the relations between the husband and his many wives. The prospect of their daugher being on of many, even if the first and most important one, didn't feel right for them. They were also a bit concerned with the sheer distance that will separate them, and the slim chances of visits. The part about immortality sure raised their eyebrows, and Snowflae looked like he had a stroke. Crystal was annoyed how he seemed to be interested solely in Nightmare's wealth, as if asessing how much he can "borrow". Crystal Clear never liked Equetrian gadgets, but when Nightmare Season told her family about the twins, she sure wished to have a camera - their expressions wre just... priceless. Snowflake nearly choked with his own saliva, dad was thrown of-balance, but more with joyful surprise than some aversity or anything these lines. Always look at the bright side of life, he says. Mom didn't move - she looked sternly at the stallion, then at her daughter. She seemed to think for a moment, and asked how they can be sure - they just had their first night, as far as she was concerned. It was Crystal who explained they already had a nightmare pony wdding, and she timed it the way it would count, so it was no "happy accident", but deliberate decision. Laurel Wreath nodded, and politely congratulated her. Crystal knew she will need some time to accept all this. At least she ad dad on her side. They talked for like, three hours. Maybe more, the mare didn't check the time. Finally, the ponies bid each other farewell, officially for the expecting mother's sake. Crystal knew her family will have a lot to think and talk about tonight. Once they wre alone, the mare gave her husband a kiss. "Good job, love. We did better than expected, honestly. Dad is with us, and mom will see the merit of our love, eventually. C'mon, let's spend the evening indoors, hmm? Unless you have some pressing royal duties?" She giggled as he took her on his back and carried to bed. "Ooooh I like what you're thinking!" They laid down in bed and snuggled. Crystal needed to talk over the meeting to put things in her head. She kissed his chest and listened to his heart. "I know we're supposed to be back on the road but... for some reason, I actually want to be going you know? I put my things in order, got my crystal wedding like I could only dream about... but I want to look into the future, not clutch to my past, you know?" She laughed a bit as she recalled smething - "now that I think of it, I have enough crystals in my posession to make full size statues of us, and tere's enough material left for, I dunno, twenty foal sculptures? Now that your mother tricked me with the golden root, and with our tendency to... get busy... we'll hit twenty before the first century! That's some thought..." She laid for a moment, thinking of how it would be to have so many foals.
  3. Hi! I'd like to enter with my only OC, the one, the only, 100% genuine crystal pony, Crystal Clear! Here's the picture, as requested: If anything seems off with the picture, my OC or my plication, just send me a notice and I'll try to adres any issues you might have.
  4. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear left the tent with a sly grin. Nightmare had a point, after all. Not everypony has an opportunity to have two weddings. Well, three, if they counted the one in the dream. She walked through the camp, getting used to the feel of sand under her hooves. She still didn't like how it gave in under her, and got into her coat with even the slight breeze. The mare went over to the guest tents and asked around for the Guild Master. She found him in his tent - the stallion who taught her the craft was on a walk. The privacy allowed her to lay her case plainly, since the elderly stallion was like a second father to every Guild member. They struck a deal - the Guild would buy her workshop equipment for more than it's worth, and hand the coin to Evening Song. Crystal Clear will be removed from the roster of active memebers, but her honorary title will mean she's allowed to practice the craft, albeit not for proft. She can give her products, but not sell. In return, she had to agree to make sure that, if the two nations start trading, the secret of their craft will not be passed to the nightmare ponies, and the Guild will have a monopoly on trade with crystal products - raw crystals were not considered a part of the agreement. She left the tent with a feeling that she struck a good deal, that would help her fellow guild members in the future. Next on the list was Evening Song. She asked around for her, and managed to find the mare at the beach, wading knees deep in the sea and deep in thought. Unsurprisingly, this discussion was much difficult... Evening song was mad at her. For runing off to Nightmare Season after as much as a bad dream. For leaving her back home, alone with no job and a single coin of hers - everything belonged to Crystal Clear. Last on the list of grudges was, of course, that the red mare hooked up with "some monster" for his silk and cushions. Crystal was pretty sure that Evening Song could be heard back in camp, but decided to weather her verbal assault. Once the other mare was catching her beath, she laid out her scheme to secure the future of her friend. It took some convincing, but at last Evening Song agreed to take the bits off equipment sale, and recieve the house. Crystal asked to keep her framed certificate and the pyrite cube, and Evie agreed - they weren't worth anything anyway. The rest was hers. They sought a pony from the Princess's entourage and asked for writing a legal agreement. Now Crystal Clear was free from the balast of her past, and Evening Song had enough bits for a year of quality life. They parted ways. Crystal Clear felt tired emotionally, but there was one last thing on her list. She found her mother, her idiot brother, and Hearts-Dreams. She invited them to her tent, and since her family was very jumpy around nightmares, the alicorn led them in. Crystal found her father with Nightmare, walking along the beach. he waved to them and trotted to them. "Ah, there you are! I've been looking for you two everywhere. I already found the others, and asked them to meet at our tent. About time we all met properly, right?" She looked at both stallions in turn, smiling. "Well, seems you have already taken care of everything so, why not? What do you think, son?" Fire Ruby seemed out of his element, but kept his cool and seemed to actually accept Nightmare season, despite his outlandish appearance.
  5. @@Nightmare Season Now that she somewhat cooled down, Crystal could finally pay some attention to what was happening around her. The mare decided that their wedding must've cost a small fortune, with all the guests, food... she never saw so much good food at once - a mixture of Crystal Empire and Saddle Arabian treats. Thankfully she did remember hee table duties as dictated by nightmare culture. Still, it didn't feel like a chore and Crystal felt rather happy doing something for the stallion she loved. To surprise of her Northern folk, she didn't touch alcohol, for her offspring's sake. Everypony was so happy that night, even mom seemed to approve her life choice. Although this will have to be confirmed on the next day - mom was a tricky one. She did her best not to notice Snowflake who, apparently, decided that his sister's status made him a noble or some nonsense like that. The gifts were... intriguing. Crystal Clear never thought she would receive so many. Her parents gave the couple a table set for twelve, with plates, glasses, cutlery and all the like. A traditional gift, but normally every item would be adorned with cutie marks of both newly wed ponies. She decided to add Nightmare's mark on her own, since hers was already there. Snowflake gave some sort of suspenders to hold a foal in front of a pony, resting against the parents chest. Some new Equestrian invention, he adopts them without a second glance. The Guild brought her certificate of membership as a honorary member, also extended to her husband, and a supply of rare crystals to work with. Masters of Crystal rarely give each other finished goods, since it would imply that the recipient couldn't make the gift themselves. The Royal Couple gave them a book on parenting, which caused the mare to laugh genuinely at the joke - their baby daughter nearly destroyed the city already. The Crystal Princess knew very well that it's not about making an impression on the recipient, but give something useful, a bit silly maybe, but something the newly wed couple will remember. There were many, many gifts. Some big, some small. Some just symbolic, like a wooden training dagger with an "Never give up your dreams" inscription from Midnight, or a bottle of Sweet Dreams from Evie. Once the presents fever died down, it was time for a dance. Nightmare Season took his wife to the center, and they danced beautifully to the first song. Crystal didn't have the strength for more than a couple slow dances, but still had a great time. Eventually, like most good things, the party wound down and finished well after midnight. The couple retreated to their tent, and Crystal keenly noticed that her dress was tight around the belly. Sure, she ate a whole lot, but she was eating for three and that was her excuse. Nightmare had a last surprise in store for her - even though they already succeed and her window was long closed, they nearly didn't sleep that night. One could argue that they were so enthusiastic that she should conceive another goal just from the power of their love alone. Morning came and went. Nopony had the will to disturb the happy couple, and Crystal woke up just after noon, resting on top of the stallion of her dreams. She soaked up the lovely feeling of being close to him and nuzzled her cheek in that magnificent chest of his. With a purr and a slight stretch, she mused aloud. "Hmmmm... If only we could spend every night like that..." His loving embrace was all she needed in life, but they had things to do today. With great reluctance, the mare climbed down from her husband and git out of bed, then stretched and went to make herself all pretty. She was still crystallised and felt like it would never end. She sure wouldn't mind. Once she vacated the bed, Nightmare Season got up himself and waved a pony in with their selection of attire. Another one brought food for them and Radiance, but Crystal waved at him from behind a screen of wood and silk - "I'll skip breakfast, thank you." Nightmare walked to her and took a look behind the temporary barrier to see if she's okay. Crystal was halfway done with her routine and smiled at him. "Don't worry, I just ate for six last night." - she ran a hoof on her still very full stomach for emphasis. She looked like it was her second month or so. - "Besides, our babies seem to be reminding me that I should eat carrots, not cake. Feeling a bit nauseous." She gave him a kiss and git back to work. "I'll try to catch the Guild Master and Evie, make a deal to sell my workshop equipment and give her the bits. Also write a paper to give her the house. I'll ask her to send me some if my stuff once I'll grab some adress and tell her to do whatever she wants with the rest. I guess you could ask for a meeting with the Crystal Princess. You don't really need me there. Later we can have a proper introduction with my family. Dad is okay, so don't worry about him. He won't try to kill you for knocking me up before wedding. Mom is a tricky one, buuuut I guess that, even if she doesn't approve of my choice, she'll try to be politely neutral. Now keep an eye on my brother - he may seem nice and charming at first, but he will try to take the pants off you the moment he figures they're worth some coin. Or ask for a loan that he'll never pay up. Consider yourself warned." She came out of her hiding, trying to hide the bump on her otherwise lean statue, but with little success. Crystal chose a breezy silken dress with lots of belly space. It was a mix of scarlet and azure with gold details - just like herself, it seemed. The mare walked to her husband and gave him a kiss. "See ya later, I'll sort out my business and find you around camp.' She went outside.
  6. @@Nightmare Season The mare was surprised, but very pleasantly so. She listened to his vows and happily accepted his kiss. Then it was her turn. Crystal Clear took a deep breath and looked at the spinning Heart, then back at her husband. "May the Crystal Heart be the witness that I, Crystal Clear, take you for my husband, and I swear to stand by you, united in Love till death do us part." She gave him a kiss and added: "And I will give you so many foals that we'll raise a city just for our family to live in." She smiled at the dance lesson idea. "You know? That's actually a good idea! So, stand here and..." - she showed him how to dance at a crystal pony wedding, since she could move freely in the dream. After that, they parted ways till the morning. The Princess of the Sun lifted her charge as morning cane upon the land. Crystal Clear woke up rather early, and could barely contain herself from the moment she opened her eyes. The mare flailed her forelegs before she opened her eyes. Having found nothing but silk and air, she sat up and looked around. She saw Nightmare in the sitting area, thinking. She rubbed her already ruffled mane and gently slid off the bed to approach him. She felt that her body gad more strength today - not nearly as much as before, but it should suffice for walking. "Hey, I woke up and you weren't with me... Now I feel very unsnuggled and you better fix that, hmm?" She threw her forelegs over his neck and took her fix of intimacy. She wasn't done yet when her husband put her on hid lap, so she muzzled her cheeks into his fluffy chest as he hugged her. Must be another pregnancy thing - desire for non stop snuggles. She listened to his monologue as she tried to satisfy her need for closeness. Touching her abdomen, now that she was expecting felt... different. As if it was a private area. But Nightmare was allowed. Encouraged even - Crystal gave him a loving purr and a kiss. "But you told her to work on her honesty, right? Now that we don't need any "loving pushes" from her? I don't want to second guess everything she says just because it can be another scheme..." She clutched tighter to her stallion. "Mothers are like that, you know. Meddling in the affairs of their foals. Give me a slap in the flank when I start playing ours like chess pieces, okay? I want to be a good mother, not a grand strategist." They remained like that for a bit, but time dictated that they should start getting ready, and Crystal reluctantly let go of the stallion of her life. They changed in the carriage into their wedding attire - Crystal Clear in her gown, proudly displaying her talisman. She asked Nightmare to help her tie her mane a certain way - in a rounded bun, tied behind her head. She looked good in it but said it was hard to pull off without help, that's why she normally had a simple 'do. The caravan didn't have a mid-day stop, but rather finished earlier and set up tents on the large beach pursed the village. Crystal stayed in the wagon as they hustled and bustled, feeling as if hee mane would erupt in fire from all the waiting. At some point in Kate afternoon, the door was opened and Midnight poked her head inside. She simply said "It's time." Nightmare Season helped his wife outside - the carriage was parked right behind their tent and the mare couldn't see the ceremony grounds. Wildfire escorted Nightmare to the ceremony and Midnight kept her company till her father showed up. A crystal pony stallion in his fifties came around the corner. He had the same coat as his daughter, but his mane was charcoal, not ice blue. Fire Ruby, for that was her father's name, walked to his eldest child with a genuine smile. He was gentle in spirit. "My my... You look stunning my dear! Ready for the ceremony?" Crystal hopped in place as she saw him, and shined with renewed vigor. "Dad! I'm so happy to see you! Let's go, I can't wait to say my vows!" The mare has been escorted by her father through the nightmare camp. Crystal keenly noticed that, I'm the distance, was a second camp and a large ship. They walked off the beach and re-entered it only once they were very close to the ceremony grounds. It was... perfect. A red carpet pointed the way to a small stage like pedestal, surrounded by sitting cushions full of guests. As dad walked her to the pedestal where her husband and the Crystal Princess herself stood, the mare noticed the Crystal Prince, sitting and weeping. Turns out the rumours were true - he does cry at weddings. She saw Hearts-Dream, sitting with her mom and her brother (who she always hated). Evening Song and a few friends... Even the Guild Master and the master who's apprentice she used to be. Other guests were nightmare ponies and some officials from the Empire. Her father stopped at the foot of the stairs, and Crystal Clear slowly ascended them to meet her husband. She couldn't really describe what she felt. Stage fright, apprehension, gut wrenching anxiety and heart melting joy. Fueled by her current state, the mare took Ages to register there was music playing. All she saw was Nightmare Season before her. And the Princess to her side, too. She smiled at the stallion and politely bowed to the princess. The ceremony started. Crystal Princess Cadance, with her usual ease, gave a short speech of how the two of them found each other in unusual circumstances, fought the elements and the Evil King to save the mare's friend, and now entered a new adventure, together forever. If Crystal Clear could think straight, she would notice the speech rested heavily on the guard reports and what little info Hearts-Dream must've provided. But she didn't care. The important part was about to happen. The princess adressed the couple - "My dear ponies, as the Princess of Love, I don't have to ask. But let's honour the tradition. Do you, Nightmare Season, take this mare as your wife?" He answered without fail. "Do you, Crystal Clear, take this stallion as your husband?" The mare gave the widest grin in her life. "Was there ever any doubt? I mean, I do." The princess smirked at the offshot remark. "Then may the Crystal Heart bear witness to your union. I pronounce you mare and colt! You may kiss your bride." The small gathering of guests cheered, and Nightmare gave his thrice married wife a long, passionate kiss. Even the princess seemed impressed. When he was done, Crystal felt dizzy with all the love coursing through her, but didn't faint. They walked off the pedestal and led their guests to a large tent of unknown origin - apparently Nightmare was instructed to do so. Inside a feast awaited, laid out on genuine crystal tables. The married couple sat at the head of the horseshoe, with the Royal couple at Nightmare's right and the brides family to the left. Other guests were seated according to their status. Hearts-dream sat by Prince Shining Armor. Now the stallion could take a look at his wife's family - Fire Ruby he already saw. Laurel Wreath, her mother, had that ice blue mane, so iconic for her daughter, and golden coat. Just as her husband was nice and gentle, she was casual and laid back. Their younger son, Snowflake stood out, trying to be more royal than the princess. He had a charcoal mane and nearly white coat - just a hint of blue could be noticed. Once the guests took their seats, the feast started.
  7. @@Nightmare Season The mare poured slightly at the news there was no oracle amongst them. With some effort, she rolled on her side to have a better look at her husband. "She loves to meddle in our affairs, but I don't see a way she could sneak up on me right now... Don't worry, we'll make good use of the next night. And the next one too, juuuust to be sure. Though I'm afraid I won't be able to, you know, contribute all that much." She was starting to regret her current state, but there was nothing she could do about it. Fortunately, Nightmare Season was doing his best to make her comfortable. Crystal didn't leave the carriage for the mid day break, but Midnight Gleam showed up to check up on her. Seems they were getting along after all. The mare tried to lift her head to greet her. "Heey Midnight! I'm still alive, if that's why you're here. Thanks for telling me about the after effects, saved us some major panic heheh..." The nightmare mare explained to the couple some more about Crystal's current state. She wasn't happy with the news that she may be like that for over 3 days even, but there wasn't much they could do, right? Crystal tried to refuse "her cut" of the wager winnings, but Midnight laid the pouch right in front of her and walked out, taking full advantage of her febble state. The caravan moved along the coast line for five more days. Nightmare and Crystal spent the next two nights "increasing their odds". The mare was unhappy with the fact that all she could do was lay on the bed, but Nightmare was good enough to keep her crystallised every time. If that marathon won't end with a foal, she didn't know what could. On the fifth day, Crystal Clear managed to stand up, and even walk a short distance. Still, her legs shook like jelly, so she would need to keep the amulet for at least one more day. They were lounging in their carriage when suddenly, they heard a strange sound - a horn of sorts. The door opened almost immediately and a nightmare pony announced they were stopped by a lone pony. Crystal had her heart in her throat - what if it was that mare who would challenge her? They were escorted to the head of the caravan by several guards. The mare could barely stand, but tried to keep her back straight when meeting the challenger. A lone figure with their wagon was approaching. Crystal was afraid she would faint from stress, but to her great relief, the pony was Hearts-Dream. She breathed out in great relief. "It's okay everypony. It's my mother in-law. She finally decided to show up for some reason... Don't worry, she won't do anything bad to us." The alicorn approached and greeted the pair. To the mare's surprise, she asked to join the caravan. Crystal Clear was first to reply - "Are you kidding? Of course you can!" The mare couldn't wait anymore and approached her mother in-law. "Since you are here, could you tell us if we succeeded? Am I carrying my husbands foal? Please, I need to know!" The news made her crystallise in an instant, and the mare let out a loud "YESSS!". The follow up news that she's carrying twins made her dizzy from happiness. She needed to sit for a moment from the emotional roller coaster. "Twins, like in the dream!? Oh I can't even put it in words how happy I am!" Her coat was basically glowing from happiness, and needed to be carried back to the carriage - the news made her legs shake too much to walk. The evening stop came and the mare was escorted to her tent. Now she had a new talisman, that announced she was carrying a foal. Something told her that she will shine for a week. Nightmare was with his mother in her tent. Crystal Clear made good use of the fact that she could walk again by thoroughly cleaning herself up, brushing her mane and tail, and dressing up as exquisitely as she possibly could. The mare finally got tired of waiting and decided to go to the alicorn's tent. She met with her family just outside it. Her mother in-law was the first to speak, and gave her a present. Crystal took it in her still weak hooves. "Thanks, what is it?" She looked inside the box and her jaw dropped. If she didn't shine already, she would light up now. "That's... that's..." she looked at the alicorn, speechless. She had to sit down or she would faint from the sheer weight of the news. "My wedding... with the Princess, and my parents, a-and all my friends... t-thank you!" She put away the box and threw her forelegs around the alicorn, tears of joy forming like diamonds in her eyes. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She then threw herself over her husbands neck and kissed him intently. "A wedding, you heard her? Everypony will be there for us! I'm so happy I can barely breathe..." And that's all she remembered. The mare woke up in their bed and looked around weakly. "What the..." Nightmare was sitting by the bed and told her she lost conciousness. She scratched her forehead. "That... makes sense actually. Sorry, must've been all that excitement of today. But twins! Just think about it!" She laid her head on the pillow and breathed out deeply. "I'm so happy I could double as a lighthouse. And we'll have a wedding tomorrow! I don't know how I'll manage to stand on my hooves through the whole ceremony." She laid and stared at the ceiling, beaming with happiness. "I think I'll sleep early. I'm too beat with all the emotions going through my head. Hand me a root will ya?" She looked disgusted as usual after consuming one, then went to sleep. Nightmare had a whole evening to himself, or to catch up with his mother. Eventually, he came to her dream to feed. The mare was standing next to the Crystal Heart, now spinning faster than usual. She was wearing her wedding gown and positively shined in her crystal form. She saw him approaching and pointed a hoof at the artifact. "Normally, crystal ponies hold important ceremonies here, in the Plaza. We take our vows before the Heart, we crystallise our foals before it... and are sent on our last journey too. But, I guess we can make an exception, considering the circumstances. My happiness feeds it with power no matter ehere I am." She smiled pleasantly. "Are you anxious for tomorrow? I'm like, barely standing after a mere thought about it." Crystal Clear stared at the Heart, thinking. Finally she tore her eyes off it and looked back at her husband. "Sorry for that, it's just... I may never see it again, you know. Unless the Crystal Princess invites us on a royal visit maybe. At least I'll be able to finish some of my affairs tomorrow." It's not that she regretted her choices - far from it. But leaving all her life behind her was hard, and she needed time to let it go.
  8. @@Nightmare Season Shaking legs, heart pounding, waves of heat going through her body... The mare never knew she would feel or act like that on their special evening. As soon as Nightmare Season approached her by the bed, with that smirk of his, something took over her mind. Crystal tackled the stallion on the bed and took initiative. The very thought of what this night will mean to them made her shine, and her husband approved of her glowing form. He was talking how much he loves her, she let her actions speak louder than words. Crystal Clear had no idea how many times they did it, or how long they were at it. When she became aware of the dream, the mare instantly crystallised and, as a gift, changed her current dream to the one where she was with her foals. Crystal waited for him in the tent, dream foals held close. She wanted this night to bring about her first child, and so, so much. The fact that making it happen felt so damn good wasn't bad either... He finally entered the tent, and she gave him her very best smile. "I guess I passed out at some point, right? Sorry for that. At least the rest of the camp can sleep now, I never knew I'd be so... loud. A-anyway, I changed the dream just for us. I love spending time with these two." She glanced at the foals as Nightmare approached. When she looked up again, he was inches away and asked if she's ready to be his. Silly colt, there was only one answer to that! She just nodded and kissed him back. Words are unnecessary when two ponies love each other so much. He touched her forehead with his horn and shared the energy. It was... amazing. Better than the bed part even, and that's hard to beat. Crystal Clear felt as whole waves of joy overtake her, from ears to hooves. Her crystalline coat actually shined like a glow-crystal, and she felt younger and more energetic. When her husband finished his part, he was tired. Well, she did a lot to wear him out already, but sharing energy really beat him. He kissed her and bid his farewell. She stayed in that dream, hoping for a foal like these two. Morning came and found them in the usual embrace. As they both stirred awake, the mare felt she was still shining. The sheer amount if love and happiness they shared at night would keep her like that for some time and she didn't mind the slightest. Nightmare got up to get her amulet and Crystal noticed she could barely lift a hoof. Midnight was right. Nightmare was also right, in a way - something in her body did feel delicate. The stallion came back and held the amulet for her. Crystal smiled at him and said: "Nope, I guess you'd need to put it on me. And carry me around too, cause I can't move really. His reaction was... priceless. Still, she loved him and wanted him to be happy, not rum in tiny circles and freak out. "Calm down okay? It's normal. Midnight told me that, after sharing the energy, a pony feels like they could lift a mountain, but their bodies are do tired they can't lift a hoof. The more times we bond, the less severe the after effect. Now if you could please give me that amulet. And help me around, that would be nice. Got to clean up this and that. She was happy to notice that her husband took his duties very seriously. He basically needed to handle her like a doll, her body was do unresponsive. He dressed her up and gave breakfast, since they skipped a meal already. Finally, he made her a cloud bed and sneaked out towards the carriage. For once, Crystal was too busy being happy to complain about her current state. Keeping it a secret didn't work however, since the pair was busted before they sneaked up through less than half the way. Soon enough they were surrounded by cheering nightmares, some evidently didn't sleep well that night. Everypony came to congratulate the couple on their wedding. Crystal noticed that Midnight was right again - she felt as if she spent her whole life with nightmares. They felt like *her* kin. Speaking of which, the mare was holding a large bag and collecting her wager money. Crystal decided that she would earn quite a lot on this wager. There were no reading lessons that day. Midnight Gleam, as she congratulated them, said the bride needs some space and time to come around after last night. So Crystal opted for her activity of choice - spending time with her beloved husband. She lied on a cushion and he was beside her as her body rested, and her mind was still at full speed with happiness. At some point, the mare asked. "So what now? Do we have an oracle amongst us, or we wait for the normal symptoms? Cause if all our effort didn't work, we could try again tonight you know. " She gave him a wink and a smile.
  9. @@Naiya The Brony, What can I say? She's the type who will yell at you till you go and do stuff, because that's for your own good. (Damn right *redacted*!) Given my tendencies at overthinking things and then not acting anyway, it's rather useful motivation. I think the personality differencies will only act in our favour, all things considered. I've already selected a voice I'd like her to have, but I need to look for some samples and give them a listen or thirty. It's Verse from Tyranny, BTW. You should totally check out that game for her voiceover, and that of Voices of Nerath. I chose an obviously bad plot line just to listen to him talk some more, and then mimicked him for a week (yes, I do mimick a lot.)
  10. @@Nightmare Season, The mare looked with interest as Nightmare explained to her about the inconsistency in her dream. Well, it did make sense, now that he pointed it out. Although intuition told her he would be happier if their firstborn was a nightmare pony, she had no control over it, and decided not to worry about it. They soaked up the family atmosphere till Nightmare decided he needed some sleep himself. Morning found her in the - now usual - tangle of embraces. It was becoming hard to get out of bed, with them snuggling and kissing all the time. Still, they did manage to find their way into the carriage, eventually. Crystal booked a spot when Nightmare Season climbed inside, holding his saddlebags. She scratched her head and asked - "Why you brought these? Anything you want to show me, maybe?" His remark about something delicate made her snort, then cover her snout in embarassment. "Sorry, I just had a pretty clear idea on what would be delicate afterwards. Do go on." She looked inside a small box and saw several crystals - real deal, from the Empire! Crystal Clear knew all of them by name and properties, so she didn't have any second guesses about her pick. She pointed at one of them. "The Dragonbreath - it's bright, red shine makes it rare and valuable, but also unmistakingly beautiful. You got really lucky, it's worth nearly as much as my whole cart. Just... be gentle with it? They're very brittle." Normally, she'd yank it out of his hooves and do the necessary alterations herself, but she decided that the husband was probably required to do it on his own. Midnight Gleam showed up right before departure, and Crystal reluctantly walked away from her stallion and took a spot with better light to learn with the other mare. Somehow she found it hard to focus that day, and drifted into daydreams rather often. After Midnight's patience ran out, she leaned and said into Crystal's ear, taking advantage from Nightmare's lack of attention to them at that time. The crystal mare held her breath in fright - haw she found out?! Crystal stammered: "W-what? That's just..." A hoof silenced her, and Midnight continued. Crystal shook her head. "You got it all wrongm it's just... we were on our own and all of a sudden I'm around a group of nightmares I don't know, taken away from home... Grrrr okay, you got me. We're due to bond in a few days. Happy?" She was annoyed that the act they put on was so obvious to see through, and that she was called out on it just to win some bet. At least the info she shared was of real use. Crystal would probably panic if she found out the hard way. She pouted and huffed in annoyance over being caught, but nodded at Midnight. "Thanks. You just saved me a lot of freaking out with that... But my explanation was also plausible, right?" Midnight shook her head. Crystal Clear was anxiously waiting for the day of their bonding. She knew it would come soon, but she often had some slight delays. Meanwhile, Nightmare seemed to have finished the amulet, although he didn't show it to her. All he said was that he didn't break the crystal. The caravan finally braved through the desert and now travelled through the seaside. The dreaded sand was just down the cliff, and the temperatures increased, causing some discomfort to the mare. She asked for having something to drink inside the wagon at all times, and started choosing breezier dresses. At the fifth day since Midnight Gleam busted them, Crystal was going through her morning routine when she felt it. With just half of her coat combed into shape, she jumped at the stallion who was getting dressed and hung on his neck. "Guess what?! It's finally time!" She nuzzled into his coat. "I feel sorry for Midnight, I don't think I'll be able to focus at all today, but I can't wait!" She let go of him and walked back to finish her business with a spring in her step. The day on the road was just agonizing for the mare. Midnight Gleam just gave up her lecturing after just a few hours and they played games till the mid-day break, when she excused herself. The pair spent the other half of the day laying together and enjoying their presence for the most part. Crystal Clear was out of the carriage the moment the door opened, taking the stallion who wanted to announce their stay by surprise. By now she could reach their tent as surely as boop her nose with eyes open. She reached the tent first and hardly contained her excitement for the big event. But first, the fight practice, then cleanup and a meal... The mare did poorly with her combat training snd Midnight just told her to go back to tent and do what has occupied her mind for the whole day. Crystal was a bit annoyed with how easily the other mare read her but didn't object. After a hasty cleanup, she sttod by the bed and looked at the stallion who was waiting for her by the table with a meal. She smiled shyly and said in a meek voice - something very uncommon for her, by the way - "I uhh... don't want to eat so... maybe you'd..." Finally she snapped at him, "Oh don't just sit there and laugh, come and take me already!" It wasn't the most graceful invitation, but it was her first time, well, first time sober and with a stallion at least, and she was buzzing with excitement, apprehension and hormones.
  11. OOC link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/161787-friendship-strikes-in-the-crystal-empire-soladv-open-drop-indrop-out/ *** New Players - do not post without being approved to join! *** It was a lazy, Saturday morning. Equestria has recently undertaken a change in it's attire, as the land was taken over by shades of white and blue - Winter has arrived. But there was one place, where the snow didn't fall atthis time of year. Standing on a platou, under the shade of Crystal Mountains and at the southern reaches of the Frozen North, was a city where, seemingly in defiance to the calendar, the ponies enjoyed Summer in all it's sunny glory. For such are the ways of the Crystal Empire, where ponies shine like diamonds and seasons pass in opposition to the rest of the world. A land of ancient culture, ancient knowlendge, and unchated territories just a step outside the Barrier. There, outside the city, a lone pony took a moment to rest on a gentle, grassy hill. Her cherry coat was in stark contrast to the ice blue blanket she laid down on, but her mane fit it perfectly. The mare was taking pleasure in observing the panorama of her beloved city, as she was en route somewhere - a set of saddlebags lied next to her. Her name was Crystal Clear, she was a crystal pony and called the strange city home. Crystal's ear perked as she heard a whistle - a train must've arrived at the station nearby. Her spot was located near the road from the station to the city proper, so she had little time to saviour the view in solitude. "Ehh... another wave of 'em..." She shook her head and fished out a sandwich from her saddlebags.
  12. @, The crystal mare cocked her head a bit and hummed for a momen, thinking. She then nodded enthusiatically. "That sounds okay actually! Let's go get some." The inn was quiet, but the mare saw that, for once, it wasn't completely empty. A couple of earth ponies sat by one of the tables, munching on a light meal. Travelling merchants, probably. Or just common folk en route to visit their family. Whoever they were, Crystal offered them a warm smile and nodded in acknowlengement, then walked to the bar to make an order. She just wanted to be on the road already... Rose Petal poked her head from the kitchen to look who came, and aproached the princess, as the latter started talking to her - seems she liked her. The filly nodded as Clare laid things out to her. Only once the pegasus mentioned the elusive unicorn, did Crystal Clear notice her absence. "Hmm, she's a strange one..." She said to herself as she took the plates, and shook her head as she came to the table. "You just have to take her on your lap every time you see her, huh? Meanwhile Loed Wheat was walking all around the village, as his herald scribbled notes on what was needed to bring the settlement back to how it was.
  13. @@Nightmare Season, A tackle hug. Unexpected? Yes. Unepleasant? Hay no! The mare giggled as her stallion knocked her off the cushion and started kissing like it was the most important thing to do. Apparently it was a "yes". She joined the chorus with kisses on her own. Even the phoenix seemed to approve, squawking and nodding. As the kissing onslaught died down a bit - and she could think somewhat straight again - Crystal Clear grinned at him and replied. "I'm glad you like my plan. I'll tell you when the time comes, but for now, let's get you something to eat, huh?" She had a dreamy expression as they got up and walked to bed. Her firstborn foal, how would they turn out? So many thoughts... But she found her peace in her husband's embrace - Crystal wished she could stay with him like that. For now, she fell asleep, snuggling to the stallion who loved her, and that was enough. She became aware of the dream. A cursory glance confirmed that it was, again, the same dream. But this time, she didn't want to leave the tent. Crystal Clear looked down and smiled at her dream foals - they were laying in bed, maybe after feeding? They seemed little enough for that. The tent flaps opened and Nightmare Season walked in. She looked at him and smiled broadly. "Funny how I was scared beyond belief just two nights ago, and now I would take them to the waking world." She motined him to come closer, and patted the bed for him to lie beside her. They exchanged nuzles and looked down at their dream foals. "I wonder what would be better for our firstborn. To be a nightmare halfblood, or a crystal pony. If the latter, I hope for a filly, because of reasons." She listened to his take on the subject and looked as he took his dream son in his hooves. It was just a dream, but Crystal saw he acted like a father. It made her happy and even more certain of her choice. She thought about something and decided to ask - "So... do nightmare ponies have some method to make sure the, umm, love... worked? Crystal ponies just cross their hooves and wait till the next window should be, and if it doesn't come, it's a clear sign. Or a mare has symptoms earlier, like moods and morning nausea..." That part didn't sound too good, but, a small inconvenience on the road to happiness. They lied together with their dream foals, soaking in the family atmosphere.. After some happy silence, Crystal said seemingly to herself. "I wonder what future will bring to our foals..."
  14. So it seems I'm about to see an apartment for rent next Wednesday. All in all, I hope it will be fine. About time I move out...



      i know what you mean ! D : i want to move out but dont have the money or a good job for it lol.

  15. Hey, I've decided that maybe I'd give you all an update on how we're doing. Unfortunately, Crystal isn't talking yet, at least, not reliably so. Sometimes she provided a short answer, but I really need to focus on her to hear a faint mindvoice that feels different. However, due to the obvious fact that I'm roleplaying with a character that's very simillar to her (and that's putting it lightly), we had some deviation from that blueprint. I already mentioned that she gave herself a pair of wings, right? Now she got fed up with the simillarities (and I do mean, fed up. She doesn't mind the anthro RP's but when the characters are canon ponies... There would be a lot of beeps in her lines) and changed her mane to jet black, and switched the manestyle. She also got herself earrings on the left ear, resulting in a very "Rock" vibe. Personality wise, she's been also busy. Since I gave her some basic outlines and allowed to decide on the rest, she didn't waste time. Honestly? I'd never expect her to turn out the way she did, but I'm not complaining. Far from it. She has a strong personality, choleric and slightly introverted. Now she's pretty snappy and knows precisely what she wants, causing her to get pissed on me for taking too much energy on roleplays rather than her development, for example. She took up some of my traits that suited the badflank rocker theme, but other than that, we're very different, like a blue Oni, red Oni from TV Tropes. At the very least, our music taste is the same, so we have fun listening to the same tunes - guitar-tastic rock. So, yeah, we're an odd pairing alright. Now I just need to make some more effort to give her attention she so wants, but I'm a bit spent as of late.
  16. @@Nightmare Season, The mare refocused on her stallion as he laid out the answers to her questions. She liked it how he laid out things for her in that calm, sample manner. Crystal couldn't help but cover her snout as she blushed at the mention of doing that, but waved a hoof at him to keep talking. As he said she wasn't expected to do it tonight, she nodded, still slightly embarassed. "I'll uhh, think about it and give you an answer, alright?" The crystal mare walked over to her husband as he haved at her to come and sit with him. She didn't have to be told twice, and as soon as she sat next to Nightmare, Crystal wrapped her forelegs around him in a snuggle. She felt so safe, tangled with him like that. Still, some thoughts refused to go away.... Her ears perked up at the prospect of having a proper wedding ceremony. Crystal Clear looked up at him, now smiling. "Mom would love it, and so do I... So why we're travelling by land if you have ships? It's faster by sea." The answer was rather obvious. "Oh, right. That actually makes some sense." She brushed a hoof through his fire mane. She was still not entirely sure if she wanted to dodge that arrow, but... A thought came to her mind. Something that would make her feel like she earned her place beside him. Crystal Clear looked up at her husband, once he was done talking. "I have an idea. I'll tell you in our tent though, I need to think about it." She nuzzled her stallion and sighed gently. There was a way. The day was ending when the caravan finally stopped for the night. The mare noticed they were still at the desert, although it looked more like a place hit by a catastrophic draught. Beneath her hooves was cracked, dry dirt, not the hated sand. Since they took their sweet time to come out of the wagon, their tent was already set up. The pair went inside, and Crystal Clear disrobed from her beautiful dress and told Radiance to have her fill off the food that was left in a bowl, next to an elegant, wooden perch decodated with gold. The bird seemed satisfied with her new living conditions, although the mare noticed she had a commanding view on the entire tent. Bed included. Head still full of thoughts, Crystal Clear trotted off for her dagger training - Midnight Gleam caught them on the way in and told where to find her. Truth be told, mule level stubborness allowed the crystal mare to fare better, often forgoing proper fencing in favour of direct assault, but the beating she took only confirmed her fear that, if she'd accept the duel, she'd most probably lose. Back in their tent, Crystal washed herself up, although there was less water than previously. Obviously it was harder to get in a pinch, and in large quantities in this scorched land. Only once she was clean and dressed in her sleepwear - somehow she instantly picked the habit of keeping herself clothed nearly at all times - the couple sat down to eat. Well, Crystal was eating at least. Her embarassment was rather evident, but the mare was determined to speak despite it. "So... about the, umm, giving the long life. I thought that maybe we could... hold it off for a few days? My window of opportunity is near and I thought we could hold off till then, if that's okay?" She made an awkward smile as she pointed a hoof at her abdomen, to make sure he understood. That was her plan - to give im a foal as he gave her long life. That would make it feel right. She looked at the stallion up and down. She just pretty much said she wanted to chicken out of the duel, so she was anxious to see his reaction, hoping that her scheme would make up for the lack of bravery.
  17. @@Nightmare Season, The mare giggled as the stallion showed some initiative. The part about the "gift of long life" picked her curiosity, but the unmistakeable sounds of breaking camp from outside meant they really needed to get out of bed. By now, Crystal Clear got used to their morning routine - washing up,a bite to eat, choosing outfits... She raised an eyebrow when the stallion presented her with a dress of his choice, but it was hard to disagree with his choice. "Hmm, sometimes I think there's a loom in one of those wagons. That colour is just perfect!" The forst half of today's trip went surprisingly fast for the mare - seems like Midnight Gleam's lessons really captured her her attention. An occasional play with her Phoenix didn't hurt either. At some point, during a break in lectures when the bird decided she wants some loving attention, Crystal looked at her and said out of nowhere - "I think I'll call you Radiance. What do you think?" The bird seemed to agree with this choice. After the mid-day stop, Midnight Gleam decided that she had some other business to attend and left Crystal the scrolls, so she could practice on her own if she wanted to. The mare got back into the carriage and took a seat. She smiled at the stallion, "Finally alone eh? Well, almost." The Phoenix looked away as if taking the cue. "So I was curious about something - the uhh, gift of long life as you named it. Do you have an equivalent of a wedding, like we do back North? Or it's a private thing?" She looked a bit dreamy as she said to herself. "Ehh, I'd love to have a wedding... with the dress and all..." Crystal shook herself awake. "Sorry, just my filly dreams poking from a thick layer of adult disillusionment. Have you had an opportunity to talk with Midnight about my combat prowess? Or lack thereof?" - She gave a sheepish grin at the mention of her martial shortcomings. "I really don't want to loose that challenge, you know. Somehow it feels just as important as my Master Trial in the Guild, all those years ago..." She seemed thoughtful for a moment. Technically, there was another way, but giving life to her firstborn just to avoid a challenge... It felt wrong, and she knew it would haunt her that she didn't fight for him, like he did for her.
  18. @@Nightmare Season, She stirred from her slumber and felt the, already familliar, cuddle grip of her stallion. Funny how she already considered him "her stallion", but it just felt right. A kiss broke the thread between her and the fading memory of her dream. A shame really, it was a nice dream. When he asked her a question, she needed a moment to even process what he asked about, so she just nuzzled his chest as her brain warmed up. A squawk caught her by surprise. She opened one eye and looked around, still not entirely woken up. "What the..." Her query was answered as soon as the phoenix apeared in their bed. Seeing the bird perched on Nightmare's horn made her snicker. "Come on, it IS pretty funny. Now if you excuse for a moment." Crystal Clear wriggled free from the mebrace and sat up in bed, then unrolled the letter. It was tied with a red ribbon, as opposed to a seal like hers. Evening song must've answered in a hurry. The mare put a hoof in the air to shush the stallion, and continued reading. As she did, her expression darkened. She finally put the letter at her lap and sighed, then looked at Nightmare Season. "Seems her kill list has another name on it - me. She took the news personally, as if I preferred to travel all over the world with you than help her stand back on her own hooves. It irked her from the very start - how she was living in my house and off my pay, with nothing of hers. I admit, I'd be mad in her stead too. I guess I'll have to go back anyway - give her the house, take my stuff, bring closure to my life up North... I don't even want to think how hard it will all be, but... since I'm staying, I have to." She looked at the stallion and gave him a sad smile. "Do you think it would be okay if I make that trip, once we sort out your coronation as the Sultan?" The phoenix decided that her current perch wasn't very comfy and flied to a nearby cushion and started preening her wing. That attracted Crystal's attention. She tapped her chin as she sat on the bed. "Hmm... a name you say? So she's more like a pet that delivers messages? I once thought about a cat, but I'll need some serious help with learning how to care for a Phoenix..." She shook her head. She was complaining about boredom, and now there was so much to do. The mare stood up and left the bed, laid the letter on a low table and gave the stallion a funny look. "C'mon, we need to be back on the road. And about your previous question..." - She let the suspense for a moment - "Bah, I can't put it in words." Crystal trotted back to bed and hung on his neck, peppering his snout with kisses.
  19. @@Nightmare Season "Oh do you?" She replied in a challenging tone, but was surprised by bring pinned down. Now, it didn't scare her or anything, just surprise. She trusted Nightmare Season, after all the things they did together. At first, his tone and choice of words amused her, and the mare couldn't help but smile at his shenanigans, but dutifully listened. Once he was finished, and just sat as if awaiting whether she'll get her axe and chop his head off with his eyes closed, Crystal knew he was honest with that confession. In fact, she was taken aback but in a good way. She began: "I uhh... thank you. For telling me. Although it seems you reeeeeeally want that kick for some reason, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. You won't get yelled at either." She saw him ease up just a teensy bit. The mare gathered her thoughts and continued. Was it just her, or did he turn up the heat? "Anyway... I wish you told me earlier but, I see your reasons. Guess I'd do the same in your place... But I'm glad you told me, eventually." She placed a hoof on hus chest, third to feel that heart if his. "That was the best damn confession I've ever heard, you know? Books included. If not for you know who, I wouldn't realise how you feel. I'm really dense sometimes, and I guess you didn't want to make me uncomfortable. But I'm glad I found out. You're a great friend, Nightmare. You really are. I'm pretty confident you'll be a great husband too..." Crystal Clear patted his chest. "Are you waiting for written permission? Come on down, it's chilly with the covers off. Geez, what kind of husband leaves his mare cold at night..." That finally got him moving, although he still needed some reassurance, it seemed. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and gave him a kiss. "That's enough of an answer for you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "I never had much luck in love, you know. Well, until tonight that is." They cuddled for some time, until Crystal felt sleepy from his warmth. "*yawn* That's my cue. Ask Mignight if she thinks I have like, any chance at all in a duel. I'll try and learn as much as I can. Switching weapons won't make it any different, I guess... Goodnight Nightmare, I'm glad you finally fessed up." The crystal mare wrapped herself tighter around him, and went still. Soon she was asleep.
  20. @@Orange Sparks The Sargeant nodded and went to spread the word. Crystal Clear noticed a pegasus messenger flying towards the battleships soon after. The carriage behind the mares stopped and Lord Wheat climbed out of it. He took in the view and said to himself. "Lot of work in here..." He then nodded at his herald and they went to the side, talking about something. The pegasi infantry boarded the sloop under their own wing power, since their supplies were transfered yesterday. A boat awaited for the newly appointed knight to take him on board the vessel. The guards that came in the sloop were popping up here and there, standing watch or getting to know the area. They were ordered to station in the Cove for the time being. The three mares observed as the troops reorganised, and Crystal gave her fiance a reassuring hug as they did so. "It's not your fault. They would try to get you no matter where we stayed. You really can't blame yourself for things you couldn't possibly predict, you hear me? We need you focused on the task at hand. " Sir Dustyhooves went out of the inn and took course on the docks, nearly running in his armour. Seems he really wanted to start the rescue mission as soon as possible. Crystal waved at him: "Good luck on your search!" She added quietly: "We'll all sure need it..." The knight waved back and reached the boat. A couple minutes later, it was all over as the sloop set sail and slowly navigated the waters away from the shore. An echoing, bass note rolled over the water. Then another two. The fleet was also departing. The crystal mare took off her helmet and shook her head to fix her name a bit. "Seems like things are moving forward. The knight cohort should be back soon, anypony up for a bite to eat? A cup of something? We should head out as soon as our escort arrives."
  21. I never thought that roleplaying, of all things, would make me feel so emotionally spent. Guess you learn something new every day.



      I kinda want to role play but have no idea what to think of lol xD all i can think of is a normal day in ponyville xD

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      There is no such thing as "normal" day in Ponyville.



      Not in my vision lol xD

  22. @@Nightmare Season, The crystal mare began regretting her sudden inquiry as soon as she finished speaking. What if he thought she was simply after the luxuries? Or cooked up this dream to lure him into loving her? All manner of bad things could happen. She noticed that Nightmare stood up, and walked towards her. She jumped a bit as he sat next to her and wrapped in a nuzzle. His gentle touch and calming words made her settle her wracked nerves to an acceptable level. The inquiry about her other fates gave her something to do, and she nodded that she will tell. "So... She said I have a couple ways to walk out of this alive, aside from staying with you, that is. There are to be two milestones for that. First, halfway through this journey, she said a nightmare mare from your past will challenge me to be your main wife. If I refuse the challenge, I will be free to go back. If I accept it, no matter the outcome, I can be, um, released, once we reach our destination. That's what she said." The mare nodded as if reassuring herself she got it all right, and finally mustered the courage to look at the stallion beside her. She listened to him explaining, and chipped in at the foalmaking part - "Your mother mentioned you'd have one foal with her. If I go home without a fight," She gave him a curious look when he said he won't try and concieve a foal with her to dodge the challenge. It just came as weird to her, since it was pretty obvious they weren't going that alley anyway. She remained silent however, since the matter of the challenge itself was way more important to her. It did sound serious, especially since it was a trial by combat, and single nightmares fight every evening. Time to really step up those dagger lessons... The mare picked two things - that Nightmare Season still thought about escaping from Saddle Arabia, and that he didn't want any more wives aside from her. That meant something, right? The crystal mare sighed a bit as her companion got up. It was nice, sitting like that side by side. She looked up at him, feeling he will soon bid her farewell. As the stallion finished his monologue and was about to leave, she smiled and said: "Thank you Nightmare, for being with me through this." As he disappeared in a puff of smoke, she glanced at the tent. Which path to choose? Are these paths even real? A sudden thought blossomed in her mind "catch him after he leaves your dream". Whatever it meant, it would help her decide. Crystal Clear closed her eyes and thought hard about waking up. Darkness. And feel of silk all over her body. The mare reckoned she wasn't sleeping anymore, but before she even thought about moving, she felt warmth on her cheek, and heard a voice talking into her ear. The kiss just sealed the deal. She opened one eye and made sure it was, indeed, Nightmare Season. Her insticts proved right. That caused her to smile widely, but also had unexpected results - the mare wasn't sure what happenned really, just that the bed shook, she was in the air for a moment, and landed on something warm. She raised her muzzle away from a silken wall it hit and brushed away a curtain of hair off her eyes. Now she knew she landed on top of Nightmare Season, who was looking up at her with that hilarious sheepish smile. Crystal laid her head on his chest and breathed out. "Yeah, I did." Something inside her nightmare pony pillow was banging like a marching drum, and she made herself comfortable on top of him. "So what are we going to do about it now, husband? Hearts-Dream gave me the idea to wake up right after you go, by the way. If my mom was so good at relationship advice..." She looked around and decided that it would be prudent to climb off the stallion, since he landed rather awkwardly. "Hmm, better let you go before you get a sleepy leg." She slid off and tried to make up the bed back into shape. He helped and they lied back at their sides. She thought for a bit and rolled onto his half to snuggle. "Payback." - She said with a sly smile as he looked at her. The mare made herself comfortable and closed her eyes as she savioured the feeling of closeness. "I'll need some time to make up my mind, and let my heart say it's part, but you're a good stallion, you know? Even heat and sand seem minor issues in a company like yours..." She felt sleepy, but tried to stay awake for him. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?" She asked with a smirk and cuddled some more.
  23. @@Orange Sparks, The noble thought for a moment, then nodded. "It's not much, I know, but there's a place where they tend to camp, near the edge of the forest. I could send somepony to show you the way. I'm not really fit for long walks..." As the princess turned back to the village, holding hands with the other armoured mare and the second princess in tow, Golden Wheat shook his head in dissaproval and walked back into his carriage, so he may be taken inside the Cove. His entourage was murmuring something in hushed voices. As soon as the mares, and the noble's carriage, entered Flounder Cove, they were greeted by the Sargeant, who seemed to be observing their talks. He approached the princess and bowed slightly, then walked beside her. "If I may, your highness, the sloop is ready to set sail, and we are anxsious to be in pursuit. The fleet also requested orders, and mentioned something about low water level. My best gues is that they don't won't to sit on their hands when tle low tide comes and closes them off on the shallow waters. Do you have any orders to pass for us?"
  24. @@Orange Sparks, The mention of elven ponies seemed to make more of an impression on him than the reminder of his duties. The stallion nodded solemny andlooked at his cane. "Yeah, don't come even remotely close to their Forest. I wanted to trade with them, years ago. They offered arrows for payment..." He looked back at the mares. "If you really want to venture into the Forest, good luck. You'll need it. There are no roads there, and nopony from outside had any luck with tracking their settlements. the only way seems to run at the patrol and get lucky enough to avoid being stuffed with arrows long enough to state your business. I sure hope you know what you're getting into..." Crystal Clear nodded at the warning. "I see... Maybe we could come back into the village then? Those ships won't sail wothout orders, after all."
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