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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear smiled a bit when Nightmare said the frozen land looked like home to him. The idea was so... outlandish. But then, so was a huge pony with fire for their mane and tail who ate dreams. She took a deep breath, pulled her cap to cover her ears and took a step outside the barrier. It was cold, but not unbearably so. The skies were overcast and it was gently snowing. She took her place beside the stallion and felt the heat on her right contrasting with the cold on her left. Switching sides every now and then could be a good idea. As the nightmare pony fired his barrage if questions, Crystal tried her best to answer. "Well... the weather is unpredictable, and it never stops snowing for some reason. So now it's like, the best we can get in here. It also changes fast, so we can be hit by a blizzard so hard we won't see our nose tips at any moment, really. As for the wildlife... well, every once in a while some adventurer will come here, and few return, so it's anypony's guess what lurks in there. Over the centuries we learned about some if them, like a great polar sabertooth or a yetee monster. Basically, big predators which won't shy away from eating a pony instead of a snow rabbit. Last but not least is the land itself. We are to follow natural crystal pillars that will mark the way towards the brewery that lies in one of the valleys, but there are no roads in here, and few landmarks other than the great Mount Everhoof up north. The snow can cover deep holes between the rocks, there are high ridges and narrow ledges, caves are often populated by animals or monsters... Yeah, paradise incarnate." As they walked, the mare spotted the first pillar in the distance. "See? That's our waypoint. We reach it and should see another, then another et cetera. Now let's get going, the good weather won't last." With that remark she picked up her pace, despite deep snow melting all around them.
  2. @@Orange Sparks Crys wasn't finished with this place just yet. "But can we just take a glance at the treasury? Who knows how long these trails will last and I just want a peek to assess how much we earned. Can we see it, pleeeease?" Okay, the crystal puppy eyes were a bit excessive, but the adventure just wouldn't be complete without a treasure!
  3. @@Nightmare Season Crystal smiled at his remark. "Straight to business huh? Very well, I'll get myself ready then." She walked to her nightstand and deactivated the alarm clock. It was Equestrian in origin, but covered in a layer of crystal to fit in her apartment. Another "little helper" worming it's Equestrian way into her life... The mare yawned as the last memories of her dream still remained in her head, then stretched her back for good measure, receiving a series of satisfying pops as her body got ready to face the day. The usual routine in her bathroom was next on the agenda, followed by the last sandwich and packing the last items and supplies. She raided her wardrobes in search for all the warm clothes she could find, and came up with just the right set for the job: black warm socks, dark brown winter boots, a pair of charcoal pants she used to wear during winter, a long sleeved blood red winter jacket with a fur collar, all crowned with a winter cap that looked more like a textile helmet. Paired with her saddlebags loaded with foodstuffs, a pot to melt water in, a firestarting kit, a compass and a knife, some rope she brought from the workshop and her trusted pickaxe, she was nearly ready. "Hold up, just one last thing. Where did I put it... Ah, there it is! All set, let's go." She almost forgot about her glow-crystal lantern. Once both ponies were outside and Crystal locked her house and checked the announcement about her absence was visible, she shot a glance across the street and saw the tired guards trying to pass for... well, there was nopony else in sight. She waved to them and hollered: "Tell your C.O. we're leaving on a trip, okay? We won't be back for a few days. Seriously guys, get some rest..." With this out of her head, the pair took a route straight north. It took some time to reach the barrier, a few hours at least. Once they stood by the magical wall, Crystal explained. "On the other side lies the Frozen North, where the weather is wild and unpredictable, animals are not friendly, and there are quite a few monsters too in the mix. If you see some shelter - a cave, a niche in the rocks, anything suitable, we hide, get warm and drink some, then move on. There's no telling where the next one will be and we can't remain in the open for too long. Well, I can't. Will it be okay if I walk beside you this time? So I can feel your fire and not get burned, you know. If you have any questions now is the time. Who knows what lies ahead..." The mare waited for Nightmare to ask his questions or state his observations, all the while looking at him with her sapphire eyes.
  4. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear listened to her marefriend as she inspected some more gear. There was a lot of good stuff, yes, but she was too attached to her own weapons to make a switch. Mainly because Vice Grip made it all for her according to style and fashion of her long lost homeland... And partially because he was very talented in his craft, so his products were of great quality. Nevertheless Crys decided to send that one armour to him. She had a hunch he would learn something from it, since it was clearly of foreign origin. "Alright, looks like you have a nice pile in here. And I thought the royal court gets the best stuff... We'll have a break for Summer Sun Celebration in a few weeks, so I figured we can send a letter to Opal Hill, let them send somepony trustworthy with a few wagons and extra hands. Once the break starts we'll come here and pick the place clean. Sounds like a plan, Clare?"
  5. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal Clear shifted her attention towards the other mare, since apparently she saw something interesting. the crystal pony observed as Clarissa tried on the leather armour, and had to wipe her eyes from disbelief when it seemed like it adjusted to her frame. Turns out, id did. "Clare, you just hit gold with this one. I mean, you look great in it, qyite frankly, but such enchantment would raise it's value many times over, should you decide to sell it later. Heart, it's probably worth more than my whole getup!" One stand finally caught her attention, somewhat hidden in the corner. "Hmm, that looks interesting." She approached to take a better look - it was plate armor, but not a full suit like theirs. It was apparently meant to be worn with chainmail, or at least a very sturdy gambeson underneath, but on the upside, it would be lighter and allow better mobility... Crystal didn't even bother trying it on, since it was meant for a large stallion, but the constructional principles were intriguing. She tapped her chin and said to herself. "I bet old Master Vice Grip would love to get his hands on it... Clare, I'd like to bring this one to Raven's Nest and show it to my blacksmith, okay? This set is fairly interesting and I bet an artist like him would be inspired, maybe even make me one like it."
  6. @@Orange Sparks, Crys moved towards the armor racks to take a good look at them. She inspected the hauberks, since they could still turn a profit. "Hmmm... The mail is in very good shape, and as far as I can tell, it's of good quality too..." She said to Clare: "I don't know really, but the latter sounds like an option. Raising this keep would take a year at the very least. it would also explain why everything is left undisturbed like this - he could get rid of the occupants and use only what he needed, leaving the rest to gather dust..." The mare walked deeper into the armoury, noticing the Dragon Sword Clarissa tried on just a moment ago. "Maybe we should bring it to the royal vault? it's a piece of this country's history, after all..." Crystal Clear walked aimlessly amidst the weapons and armor, inspecting various items out of curiosity or to asses theit value and usability, but nothing caught her eye just yet.
  7. I want to go home already, but I'm stuck here at work for two more hours...

  8. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear woke up, but she didn't hear the annoying sound of her alarm. Instead, she saw light through closed eyelids and thought she heard hoofsteps near her bed. She didn't really connect the dots just yet. Instead, she stretched in her bed abd wiped her eyes with a hoof, then heard Nightmare's voice just a step away. "So that's why it rained in my dream... morning Nightmare Season." The mare opened her eyes and there he was, standing sheepishly by the stairs. "So, how did you like my dream, huh?" She asked with a smile as the vacated her bed and brushed loose hair from her eyes. "My mother would talk my ear off for meeting my guest with a nasty bed mane..."
  9. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear was on a gentle hill just a few miles outside the city limits, but still within reach of the Heart's magic that held the cold at bay. It was Spring, and everything was fresh and green. The birds were singing in the bushes nearby and the general atmosphere was one of peacefulness and relaxation. She was laying on a blanket, having a picnic on her own and admiring her beautiful city as it gleamed in the distance. She just enjoyed the moment, occasionally taking a bite of salad she brought with herself. The mare remained like that for a ong time, until the sky became darker, and she took it as a cue to get back home. Crystal packed her things and took a course towards her apartment, trying to get there before the rain. She walked at her normal pace, but it seemed that she wasn't getting any closer. So she picked up her tempo, but to no avail. Only once she started trotting at a fast pace did she start getting closer, and the sky became darker, like there was a storm coming. She reached the safety of her home as the first heavy drops of rain started their bombardment on the ground below. She woke up just a couple of minutes before the alarm.
  10. One good thing about the Independence Day tomorrow is that I don't have to go to work... Oh, and the military parade, that too.

    1. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      ooooohhh sounds cool!

  11. @@Orange Sparks, "Crys nodded and smiled. "Alright, lead the way, brave leader." The pair followed the trails inside the keep. "I'm no expert in magic, so I take your word for it, Clare. What I do know is weapons and armor, however, so I'm eager to take a look at whatever he has in there. Just... I think that if we find something we like, we shouldn't take it right now. The other cadets will start a treasure hunt and pick this place clean..." She mused over her dilemna as they aproachedd the keep door, and found them slightly ajar. Crystal opened them with minimal effort and, as usual, walked inside firts to make sure it's safe. It was, unless you're allergic to dust. They were on the Hall level, meaning that in front of them was the netrance to the Great Hall, to the left was probably the kitchen. Both trails led to the right however, and they followed them into the staircase where they finally separated - one led up, one down. "The armoury must be downstair, by the guard chambers. Watch your step okay?" The stairs were made of stone, but the layer of dust could be tricky. As expected, they were led one lever lower into the guardhouse, and found simple beds for about twenty ponies, wardrobes and the like. This wasn't the end however, since the path led to another room, blocked by heavy reinforced door. Fortunately, the key was inside the lock and with a simple twist, they were open in no time. The mares saw racks of halberds, axes and bows, mail hauberks and simple helmets, enough for the small garrison and then some. The wood and leather looked rather good, surprisingly enough. Crystal Clear walked to the nearest rack and took one of the axes. "Hmm... the shafts would need to be replaced, just to be sure, but the metal is in pristine condition. No rust, the edge is still keen... I bet the royal armoury would pay nicely for all this, even though they need to refubrish this and that. The metalwork is really good. Take a look deeper in, maybe they kept something special too."
  12. @@Orange Sparks She passed. That was a relief, even if she had no reason to doubt she wouldn't. Tests and exams always made her nervous... Crystal bowed her head in respect towards the mage. "I thank thee for your fair judgement." She then turned towards the one her heart belonged to. "Where do you wish to start?"
  13. @@Orange Sparks So far do good, she thought to herself. It seemed Clare has passed, but as the warlock approached her, she felt uneasy being so close to him and his staff. Still, she lowered her shield and let him do run his test by placing the tip of his staff over her heart, pointing squarely at the coat of arms on her breastplate and the Crystal Heart necklace beneath it. Sheet took a deep breath as she awaited his judgement.
  14. @@Orange Sparks The crystal pony was put of her element, but she knew how to fake confidence. She stood on guard when the figure lowered himself on their level and had a chat with the Princess, but got ready to shove her out of harm's way once the warlock lowered his staff. Realising he's offering a test, not painful death - at least not yet - she answered. "I accept the challenge." She looked at Clarissa and nodded to her, then braced for whatever this pony would throw upon them...
  15. @@Orange Sparks Crystal Clear was... yeah, she was scared. They were caught by the pony who lived here, apparently, and he was obviously versed in the magical arts but the most disturbing was that he said "over a century". Ponies don't live that long! So why she had a feeling he wasn't lying? The figure stood in the window on the third level of the keep. She couldn't tell much more, since he was far away and hidden in shadows. "We are cadets of the nearby Academy, where we learn to protect this land. We got lost and separated from our troop when we stumbled on this place." She asserted loudly and with a raised visor, trying not to show fear. "If our presence is uncalled for and we are not welcome, then we'll take our leave."
  16. @@Nightmare Season Crystal gave the saddlebags to Nightmare, and rolled her eyes when he mentioned repaying for them. "You don't owe me anything, Nightmare. I'm just providing basic equipment and supplies for our journey, and I am the one in debt, if you'd like to consider things that way." She looked for a moment as he packed his things into the new saddlebags, then took out the sandwiches. "Like I said, I bought something to eat, enough for a light supper and some breakfast for us both. If you're interested, I'll lay your share in here." The mare stashed the food in one of the cabinets and left a big sandwich for herself to eat right now. She nodded as the stallion stated his observations. "Yup, I'll set the alarm clock at five and get ready. We could leave around six this way. As for the observation, well, you are right. The house is being watched by the guard, and they're terrible at trying to blend in. My guess is that they want to be sure we left the city." She was completely undisturbed by this fact, however, and just munched on her sandwich. She noticed Nightmare chewing on that awful root and decided to remind him about her offer. "I know you probably don't want to, but... my dreams are up for consumption. Just a reminder, I don't want to be pushy about it." The stallion didn't reply, but she didn't mind. She figured he must've made some kind of commitment to himself about eating dreams, that would explain his reluctance... He did however ask for the estimated distance to the brewery. "It's outside the barrier, which is ten miles from here. Other than that, I don't know really. The pony who told me said the salespony needed one day on average to reach the market, but he had a loaded wagon. I guess it'll take us the same since we don't know the terrain... So that's what I know. Now get some rest, I'll go to bed myself soon enough too." Once she finished speaking, Nightmare laid to rest and she ate the last of her sandwich and went into the bathroom for her evening routine. Some time later, she emerged and climbed to her bed castle and set the alarm clock, then laid to sleep.
  17. @@Orange Sparks Crystal didn't smell anything Clarissa mentioned, but then, she was the one with a wizard in the court, so it made sense she could learn done way to detect magic... "Aye, let's get a quick run on the other building and get moving. This place... it looks like ponies who lived here went on a trip one day and never returned. Even the beds are made, and wardrobes are full and..." Crys was rudely interrupted by a booming voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once. The mares instinctively made a defensive formation, with shields high and backs to each other. Crystal Clear looked around, frantically, but saw nopony. It had to be the magic Clare mentioned. She said very quietly over the shoulder. "What do we do? Should we make our way towards the gate?"
  18. @@Nightmare Season Crystal Clear walked outside the house and immediately noticed a few ponies on the opposite side of the street who suddenly decided to look busy. Seems like that Sunburst guy was not taking any chances and ordered to keep watch on the nightmare pony... Very well then, until they kept their distance. She also noticed that it was getting late, which was not good - the shop she needed to visit would close soon. The mare started walking quickly towards the centre of her hometown, then turned left a couple blocks later, and nearly ran to the building on the far end of the street. Once she reached the store door and saw it was still open, she took a moment to catch her breath and fix her mane in the storefront reflection, then entered. the store was large and had many items on display. Last few customers were browsing the wares and making purchases. Crystal Clear approached the shopkeeper and stated her business. "Good afternoon sir, I'd like to purchase a set of saddlebags. Standard strap, two pouches, the usual kind, but as big as possible." She smiled pleasantly to the stallion before her, who in turn looked at her quizzically. "Why yes, of course but... it won't fit on you. The biggest one, really?" The mare seemed amused. "Oh no, not for me! It's for a friend, in fact. He's... big." The shopkeeper nodded, but this time without enthusiasm. "Oh, I see... Give me a moment, I'll bring you a couple to choose from." While the stallion made himself scarce, Crystal looked through the window and noticed one of the ponies who were observing her house. "UUghh, just great..." Fortunately, the stallion returned soon after with three sets of saddlebags. "Here's what I can offer you. They're practically the same, really, except for color and finish. But, since you mentioned it's for a friend, then I guess you'll choose either brown or black. The red ones would suit you, if they weren't so big." The mare put a hoof to her chin, pondering which would suit Nightmare best. She inspected the brown ones, and noticed that they have some nice decorative motifs on the leather, but nothing too feminine. The crystal buckles looked sturdy, and she could always replace them with a heavy duty set if needs be. "I'll take these." She said with a smile and readied her purse. She already saw the price tag - reasonable, but still a lot of coin. She left the store with the saddlebags laid across her back and waved to the pony who followed her. No point in trying to maintain the illusion, really. They were so obvious it hurt. Just a quick detour so a sandwich booth on the crossing and she went back home, now with supper. When Crystal reached the house it was already getting dark. She walked inside, closed the door for the night and announced herself as she came up the stairs. "I'm back with your new saddlebags! And I brought supper too!" The mare entered her apartment, ditched the purse in a drawer and presented her trophies. "What do you think? Do they look okay?"
  19. First snow outside. Winter is here.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You are sooo lucky. :o

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      I wouldn't be so sure of it. Everything below 10 Celsius is "freezing cold" for me. So I'm not a big fan of winter.

  20. @@Orange Sparks, "You know, it IS rather strange, yes... Hard to believe nopony's been poking around, or animals for that matter. There should be rats in here, or at least some traces of them..." The pair searched through the building, mindful of their step on the ancient floors. They sond some valuables, but nothing extroardinary. Once they met again by the door, Crystal had some coin, but not much, a few shiny baubles and a silver chandelier, all stufed into a pot she found upstairs. Seeing Clarissa hadn't had much more luck, she put her fings on the neatby table and sighed, then flickered her tail several times in a futile attempt to get the dust out of it. "Wow, what a haul Clare, we're set for life! If we die tomorrow that is..." She then thought about what Clarissa said, about the war. "Well I din't know, those coins bear the symbols I've never seen, so maybe they are so old indeed... Wait, how do you know it's magic? All I can smell is dust and rotten wood." One last glance on their combined treasures, and she pacjed it all inside the pot. "I guess we leave those things somewhere by the door, maybe in a cabinet, and look in the other building. What do you think?"
  21. @@Orange Sparks, "Hmm, guest house it is. if it really is a guest house... this place looks kind of odd to me. And if they did things here as other ponies do, the guard house is in the Keep, level one. Don't know about the treasury though, many keeps don't have one at all..." Since Clare gave her an odd look, she explained. "I used to visit quite a few in my time, mostly with my dad as he went about his business and visited his vasals and such. Seems like every noble wants a castle in here." Crystal Clear walked towards the "guest house" entranace and tried the door. Locked. "Always the hard way, eh." She grumbled, then rammed the door, shield first, putting her whole weight into it. The door gave in at second attempt, falling off the hinges in fact. Crys slowly walked inside, shield raised and saber ready. It was rather dark inside, since the windows were covered with dust and vegetation. She waited for Clare to come inside as her eyes began adjusting to the dark.
  22. @@Orange Sparks, "Crystal looked at the other mare as she approached. "I can see from your clothes that the dust must've been in pristine condition... You don't think it's haunted, or protected with some kind of magic do you? Cau'se we're a bit short on magically talented unicorns for that kind of stuff." She waited till Clare was ready to go, but had to coment her observation about the potential findings inside. "You really want to ransack this place? Even if we'll find something interesting, how we'll get it back home? The instructors will be mad we went dungeon crawling anyway..." Despite her objections, she went inside the ruin with her best friend and entered a small courtyard. To the right - stables, or whar's left of them. Behind them, wht looked like the staff house and generally a utility building. There was a simple forge by the wall, now rusted beyond belief. On th left was some kind of building, but it looked neater thean the other one - a guest house? In the far right corner stood the tower keep, like many other dotting the landscape in these parts. A long flight of stairs ler up to the entrance on the second level. Last but not least, there was a well in the migddle ofthe courtyard. The mares took in the view, and Crystal asked quietly. "Soo, where to first?"
  23. @@Orange Sparks, "Hmm, sounds like a plan to me! I'll guard your stuff while you're up there." Crystal decided that it actually was a good idea, rather than try to break down the gate with harsh language. She ceased scanning the windows for movement and looked at her companion, raising her visor. "Thanks. I guess I wouldn't even dare joining on my own anyway, and I'd quit ceveral times already if you weren't here. The food is awful, we sleep just a couple hours a day, andmost of the time with our shields for pilows... Not how I imagined it to be, really..." As the pegasus zipped off towards the ruin, the mare shouted to her. "Just be careful up there you hear me!?" It took a couple of minutes before Crys heard a rumble from behing the gate, and a faint sound of curses. It seemed Clare found a way in and was persuading the bar to come off. Soon enough there was a loud thump and the gate opened with even louder protest, revealing the other mare. Cryatal decided to wait where she was till Clarissa gathered her stuff, then they walked inside.
  24. @@Orange Sparks, Crystal chuckled once she heard that line. "Yeah, right, so why they wouldn't let you join without somepony to keep an eye on you, eh? Don't worry, we're in this together." She listened to the ruin's description as they carefully approached it. Clarissa's observations seemed correct - there was a tall keep in the far right corner of the square structure, it had high walls and all the telltale signs of a fortified manor, even a moat, though now it was just a fraction of it's original depth. The front of this ruin looked like servant chambers and the like, three stories high with small windows and roofed with tile, partially collapsed where a large tree fell on it. In the middle of it was a gate, apparently closed, to which led a rotten drawbridge - it seemd to break free from the rusted chains that once kept it upright. Everything was sovered with a layer of moss and vines. The mares stood in front of the bridge, considering their options. "Home sweet home... I say we try to walk to the gate, one at the time, then try to push it open. Maybe it's not barred from the inside. What do you think?"
  25. This day is... not going to be perfect, and neither it's the kind that I had dreamed since I was small.

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