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Everything posted by Miss

  1. I would definitely say Applejack would have bigger leg muscles but maybe arm muscles would be Rainbow Dash she's a black belt and beat Applejack in arm wrestling (but you know could mean her triceps are just bigger) But overall Applejack would have bigger muscles. However, if Rainbow dash's wing muscles somehow converted to her muscles as a human then Rainbow Dash would definitely be way stronger and have bigger muscles (wings ups, carrying giant statues (best night ever), etc. Also if the military training in the woNDERBOLTS is anything like actual military then you know Dash is going to be stronger. Farm work is tough but I hardly see any swole/buff farm workers.
  2. Feeling really good today! After tomorrow (because I have an exam) I'll be able to get back to do important things :D

  3. Well I don't exaggerate like you just did XD but I do use slang pretty often. However, I don't use it to make myself "cooler" like the way your query, which I'm sure was in jest, says so ahaha -homeboy -homie -dawg (also use online) -Gee -mollywhop (idk how people spell this word) -crib -ain't (also use online) -Aye -Yo -bounce -drop -dip I use alot of other words that are considered slang but are really just shortened down versions of words Ex: ight I do exaggerate sometimes to express a point in a humorous manner to those around me, especially when the slang word I use doesn't exactly match the situation. Ex: Friend: "Hey Misscellanio I just bought us some chips" Me: "It's lit!!!" But honestly where I'm from (Chicago) everyone says most of the words I say whether you're from southwest side like I am (SOUTHWEST REPRESENT!) or from the Northside.
  4. I am really enjoying New York so far! Went to Times Square, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 museum, and The Empire State Building. Going to the Statue of Liberty in a bit and Rockefeller Center later :D

    1. leonbrony17


      Man i wish i could join you. Then i would get an american patriotic heart attack.

    2. Flutterstep


      That's awesome! It was just a year ago when I went myself :) Rockefeller looks great around this time.

    3. Miss


      That's what's been happening to me X

      @flutterstep oh that's awesome! I can't wait to see it

  5. Seeing old shows make "race humor" is a little unsettliing XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miss


      I was actually talking about way older like black and white shows XD from like 1960's I'm sure

    3. Flutterstep


      Tom and Jerry had episodes as late as 1940 :P

    4. Miss


      Oh really I didn't know that XD

      I always see it on 90s kids memes and other crap like that so I always thought it came out during the 90s.

      Nevermind ahaha don't remember much from it either

  6. Leaving for New York at 4am CST tomorrow! Anypony have any suggestions of what to see or visit while I am there? Besides the obvious things: Statue of Liberty, Rarity For You, Hinny of the Hills, etc.

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      The inside of a plane bound for the UK.

  7. It seems a little far fetched that it wouldn't be exclusive to them so yea. I'm sticking with that. You could stick with what you got. Maybe in a future episode it'll say their cousins or something. Never expected Pinkie or Applejack to be "related" and then look what happened XD
  8. be roommates with a nonviolent but outspoken racist or someone who was once arrested for stealing?
  9. Yea but that is telling me they are related so no.
  10. CAN'T GET RNOUGH OF THE SEASON FINALE! And because Netflix is getting part of season 6 in December I can rewatch all of season 6 in high quality in January!

  11. I said "kind of like family" Cheese has a cheese sense. Maud has a Maud sense. Pinkie Pie said it runs in the family. Yea that's a no go for me.
  12. Yea they use to me when I also was a shipper. Right now the only shippings that peeve are ones that make no sense or could never happen like with characters who have never met or only talked like once or something. Also Big Mac and marble Pie because they're like family so kinda gross. Also Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich because they are also like family so yea gross.
  13. Writing an essay on the Oscars separation of gender. Every single article that is for stopping the separation literally starts with the lack of colored actors/actresses and it's annoying. WATCH THE GODDAMN MOVIES FIRST! I need some good articles!

  14. Yup! Surprisingly I don't play often, but when I do I play for a long! kINDA like drinking alcohol XD
  15. Def. on the left side. I would call myself democratic, but in my opinion people shouldn't be forced to do certain things, even if they are helpful, they should want to, almost as an obligation to the people living in their country. We should be trying to help anyone and everyone when we are able. For example, yes taxes should be raised higher on the rich, but if people were just more generous in general then we wouldn't have to do that and help could be more direct instead of just a sum put together and spread around. But 100% pro LGBTQIA, 100% pro-choice, 100% separation of church and state, etc.
  16. Bryan Cranston should have won best actor and Rooney Mara should have won best actress. XD Random upsetness ahaha

  17. Anyone who plays Civilization V want to add me on steam so we could play one day :D I have Brave New World (if that affects anything)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMagmaCube13
    3. Miss


      Nah. I don't really play games.

      The only reason I got it was for the pony mods, but ended up loving the game in general :D

      Kinda the only reason why I would play a game if there's ponies involved XD

    4. Miss


      @Magma Aye!!!!

  18. Damn I have to bring my computer somewhere to fix its charger port. This sucks ass

  19. Looking back at this fanfic I was working on, I realize it was a good thing to hold off working on it because alot of my viewpoints about the characters have changed ahahahaha got a lotta of changing to do XD

  20. The fact that nopony noticed Vapor Trail assisting Sky Stinger is very annoying XD Like come on! Also he has go tell the Gunniess Book of Equestrian Records that his record was fake.

  21. The high school reunion in 7 and a half years is going to be awkward when most people see I deleted them off of Facebook XD

  22. Twilight's mane is fabulous!!

  23. I want another pony plushie. I own two right now but if I had three I would be satisfied for now that is.

    1. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      I need just one. I haven't got any ;-;

  24. I did it the last two years but didn't do it this year. Just kinda saw no point cuz my beard and mustache don't grow to any extraordinary lengths so it's like whatever.
  25. I guess it's up to me to make karaoke versions of Legend of Everfree vids that are only instrumentals. I GOT THIS!

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