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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Miss

  1. trying to stop myself from shipping Rarity and Rainbow Dash uhhh!

    1. Johnny1226


      Why not ship them?

    2. Miss


      I already have 3 contestants in my mind for who should be shipped with her (Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spitfire) and even contemplating the idea of an older scootaloo with rainbow. So you know, I don't want to see any shipping coming true in the shoes but I still ship either way.

  2. Finally got to see Mockingjay Part 2. They took out a few key things that would have made the ending less cheesy but overall great movie. Both Mockingjays were great. Glad they split it into two movies to really capture the book better unlike the first two movies. First two movies sucked.

  3. Scratch21's EP never gets old.

  4. Watching MLP and drinking Modelo :D perfection

    1. Monsoon


      Sounds nice

    2. Johnny1226


      Sounds like my mornings except I drink coffee and eat pop tarts while watching Mlp it is perfection indeed

  5. Slice of Life is still so hilarious!

  6. Stll not content with this whole Troubleshoes cutie mark business.

  7. Rainbow crying about Tank leaving was completely ruined by Pinkie and Rarity crying because Fluttershy was crying but I guess for the children you can't make something to heart wrenching. They had to dial it down for Moondancer too.In panel they said it was too emotional and had to be turnt down. Crazy.

  8. Time to watch five more episodes of MLP. Today's episodes will be episodes 4-8 of season 5. My favorite episode is in this series of episodes. Can you guess it?

  9. My sister's Quince yesterday was awesome! And the after party!

    1. J.T.


      Whats a Quince? :3

    2. Miss


      a quinceanera is a celebration of a girl turning 15 which is her turning into a woman. It's of latino/catholic origin if I'm correct.

      But basically it's a big birthday party for when a girl turns 15


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      I dont listen to the radio

    3. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      I listen to rock and punk; not pop

    4. Miss


      Yea I listen to metal rock and punk too. More music then just pop comes on the radio -_-

      But if you check her out on YouTube you'd probably recognize her. Her most famous songs.

  11. So many spoilers on Equestria Daily for new season 6 episodes and Legend of Everfree movie. Don't mind if I don't really seem active. Trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible.

  12. Sucks that Legend of Everfree won't be in theater D:

  13. Let the Rainbow Remind You MOfos!

    1. Whirlwind


      I like that song

    2. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      I don't remember the last part being in the song. xD

    3. Miss


      That's cuz in the actual song it's not shortened.

  14. "You'll Play Your Part" is such an epic song! I love it so much!

  15. I need to buy myself some water shoes so I could run in the rain and not cut up my toes like I just did ahaha XD

  16. OMG YASS THAT BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 LOVE IT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. joe mama

      joe mama

      I've never seen EG, they really freak me out. :|

    3. Miss


      She looks so adorable in the banner!

    4. joe mama

      joe mama

      And freaky! *hides*

  17. New episode of mlp returns same day as My Litlle Pony Friendship Day! Pretty cool wonder if it was intentional

  18. Trade Ya! Is such a cute heartwarming episode.

    1. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      I know it transitioned from pair of ponies to pair to pair, but I still think of that as a Rainbow and Fluttershy episode. I liked their moments best.

    2. Miss


      Yea same. It focused more on them and was more instrumental to the episodes moral.

  19. Omg I saw ur profile pic and I was like wtf is that

    1. Miss


      but then I clicked on it and I was like ah ok that's rated G

    2. Flutter's lover <3

      Flutter's lover <3

      Heh, yea..I get that a lot...lol

  20. Leap of Faith is a pretty great episode with a great moral. But overall it's enteratining ability to me is a bit low so 7/10

    1. Johnny1226


      How far are you through the series so far?

    2. Miss


      Well I already finished everything I'm just watching it all through a 3rd (practically 4th) time before season 6 starts up again. But just finished Leap of Faith which is episode 20 of season 4

    3. Johnny1226


      I continue to watch the whole series each episode randomly depending on my tastes that day almost every day I've watched them all far more than once and will continue to do so

  21. Applejack and Big Mac splashing each other is so cute!

  22. Yesterday was kind of a fail with my friends. Still got to see Secret Life of Pets and it was awesome!

  23. I don't know about any of you but I really really like "Somepony to Watch Over Me" I think it's great

  24. About to watch one of my lesser fav episodes. Not easy being breezies. But still good of course. Best part was Fluttershy's growth

  25. "I can't help it. When I don't in a picture I look sad." - XD omg Scootaloo is awesome

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