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About MrSp33dy123

  • Birthday 2001-02-07

Contact Methods

  • Skype
  • Fimfiction
  • YouTube

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Personal Motto
    "Newton's third law; the only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere, is to leave something behind."
  • Interests
    Computer programming; All sorts, but mainly low-level (do-it-yourself type) code.

    Writing; I have a bit of trouble with procrastination, but I'm trying...

    Other hobbies include gaming, radio control, and ponies (of course).

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

MrSp33dy123's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Sure, you can defiantly talk to me! The honey pot? Heh, heh. That thing makes me think of something other than what you're thinking As for those pictures, I gotta say, the second one I can really relate to. This fandom, for lack of a better word; is just simply amazing! As for the last picture... Yes, well, friendship is magic, after all. Well, I'm glad you asked. I prefer to do things more... I guess hands-on. For instance, when people design a website, you'll probably find most people using special programs to do that for them. Visual programs that involve dragging stuff and clicking stuff, and all that. For me, on the other hand, I prefer to edit the source code manually. I guess it's in large part, to practice coding. I plan to go down that sort of career path, so you know... get ahead and all that. But my philosophy is this, basically; I'll be the one making the programs that others will use to write code. Basically. Oh crap, I've done an inception again. I guess it can be traced down to the fact that I'm the sort of person to do stuff manually. It's for that reason that I really dislike Apple, and even starting to dislike Windows in recent times. I guess you could say that I'm one of those guys who uses Linux. Heh. Heheh. Anyway, have a nice day
  2. Hello MrSpeedy123, welcomet to the forums!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSp33dy123


      Just fine! Yourself?

    3. MrSp33dy123


      Just fine! Yourself?

    4. Chara


      I am great, Skype isnt working so I guess I have something to do.

  3. Heya MrSp33dy123, and welcome! c: Hope you have a lovely time~ ^-^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2015/8/19/960660/large.gif

    1. MrSp33dy123


      Thanks! It's good to be here :D

  4. How did I become a fan of the show? Well, sit around, children, this should be interesting. >Be me, 14 >Be me, lazing about watching YouTube on my crappy laptop instead of doing homework like I should've been. >Suddenly, a wild YouTube video appears! "Oh no, ponies!" >I visibly recoil back at the thought of watching a video of such objectionable content. Nobody could possibly know the obscene horrors that those colourful equines could contain. >I think quietly for a moment, contemplating if I should watch video or not. "YOLO!!!!" >I click video. >Ponies. ... >Be me, after video ends. "That was the single most glorious video I have seen in my life." And so, here I am, everyone. Ponies. Pony pony ponies pony pony pony. Pony pony pone ponies pony ponies. Since me first joining the fandom, I have developed an appreciation for the arts. Yes, that is correct. Joining the brony fandom has actually given me an appreciation for the arts. I gotta be honest with everyone. I got into this fandom in the beginning... through a certain sub-community within the brony fandom... There is no easy way of putting this; the cloppers. Just laugh at me, why don't you. But anyway, from there I quickly realized that there is some actual potential for writing. So, I started my first fanfic.... It was unbelievably crap. Don't... don't even try to find it. It's not worth the time. Since then... I've gotten better. I haven't written much, though. I hope to fix that very soon. I'm not much of an artist. Never have been, probably never will be. I can't draw for crap; I wasn't born a girl. As for stories... I tend to write really sad ones. Very, sad ones. As for reading... my favorite ones are the sad ones... but I tend to read other genres more. As for this 'other genre' I speak of... if you go to my favorites bookshelf on Fimfiction... yeah. Yeah. Music... ah. No. Will probably never make something musical. Something else I do, is programming. I tend to prefer to do the more-low level type programming. And by that, I don't mean 'easy', I mean programming that is really hardcore. As in, the deep stuff, the programming that is used to program. Like inception. If you even the slightest idea about what I'm talking about, then you deserve a cookie. If you don't, but would like to know... just shoot me a PM. I probably shouldn't drone on forever... I'll end it here. This blog post has been a terrible, unordered mess of thoughts. I apologize. Also, welcome everypony. I have arrived. P.S: I don't go on 4chan... usually... P.P.S: I probably should have proofread this, but oh well. Apologies for any mistakes.
  5. This worlds a treasure; It's been telling us to leave for a while now.

  6. To be honest, I'd prefer if they left the door open for this one. I have some headcanon for Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart... and if I'm honest, I've gotten quite attached to it. Actually, thinking about it... I reckon they could do some amazing stuff with Sunset Shimmers counterpart. It could be a more literal version of what happened in Amending Fences with Twilight and Moondancer. Who knows, perhaps the show already has something planned for Sunset's human counterpart down the line...
  7. Nono, my fault. Anyone else would've done that too.
  8. Actually, I edited my post to mention that a few minutes ago. I have a little bit of a bad habit to really quickly type out a post, post it, and then re-read over it and gradually improve it. It means that people will see a really crappy version in the beginning, so I should probably work on that.
  9. This is actually relatively simple. Lauren Faust was a feminist, and to be honest, not the best writer (but that's an argument for another time). So, when she created G4, she made females the dominant gender, making them far more common, be in the higher class jobs, etc, etc. The show is not sexist. It's never directly said anything about one gender being better than the other. But the show is far more female-orientated, and with female orientation, we will generally see stuff from a more female perspective. While I will admit that having a show where almost all the protagonists are male, and most of the females are looked at in a negative light would bring about quite the shitstorm, this show isn't really doing anything wrong. Also, remember that there are/were plenty of female antagonists. Queen Chrysalis. Nightmare Moon. Starlight Glimmer. Sunset Shimmer. We have mares like Diamond Tiara's mother, etc, etc. Sometimes it's important to decide what is important, and what isn't. What you should laugh at, or get offended by. I don't think, at least not yet, this is something to get worked up over.
  10. Welcome to MLP Forums MrSp33dy123. I hope you have a great time here /)

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