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Lucky Fire

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Everything posted by Lucky Fire

  1. "'Proper etiquette' my flank... maybe for neurotypical ponies.... but for neurodivergent ponies it's not that easy... I really wish that neurotypical ponies would understand that.... Some do, but most don't and it irks me so much. Azure, you do what you gotta, and if somepony gives you flack, you come to me. I'll set it straight. Just know that with me, you don't need to maintain eye contact. You're perfectly fine being you, because you're the best you that you can be. Also, it's not because I'm an Alicorn Princess that I noticed it, it's because I have psychic powers, but also having a cousin with Autism helps, too." I grin and wink. (OOC: of course i would catch it lol. i have a lifetime of experience being autistic XD XD )
  2. (OOC: i was hoping to give two reactions, like you can do on Discord, but you can't here T_T i had the excited and hugs reactions in mind for your post. but now that we know we're both Autistic, let's keep the OOC comments to a bare minimum XD )
  3. "I definitely am one of them," I said in response to Chatterbox's reply to my saying about meeting Princess Celestia for the first time. I look to see a pony on a cloud approach Chatterbox and back away slightly to give them room to talk. As they talked, I noticed Azure wanting to look away, but trying her hardest not to. I frowned. "Sorry to interrupt, but... It's ok to not always make eye contact. I have an Autistic cousin, and eye contact is super uncomfortable for her. Her name is Spring Flower. We all know that she's paying attention to us if we're talking to her. So if you want to look away, it's perfectly ok." I give her a soft, friendly smile. (OOC: i am autistic, myself, so i know eye contact is super hard for some people, so i get it )
  4. "I'd never met any kind of royalty before arriving here in Ponyville. Meeting Princess Celestia was definitely a shock. Her beauty and grace when she walked up to me. The height difference, too. Having been an Alicorn for 2 years before meeting her, I was still short compared to her. I was definitely blown away."
  5. I can feel the truth radiating from them both. "I'm so sorry. Of course you don't have to talk about it if it still hurts too much. Just know that I understand you and am here for you both if you need me. And I know you're telling the truth, it's ok. Lie detecting is one of my many psychic abilities, so I know with absolute certainty that you're telling the truth." I bowed my head to them.
  6. My hoof was shaken with enthusiasm. I gave a slight chuckle and a friendly smile to Flowie before turning back to Chatterbox. "I'm not really sure I had friends in Hoofington. Though, it citizens were sad to see me go so that I could come here, like my mom and dad wanted to do. That's why we were travelling. We were on our way here from Fillydelphia to move. I was kinda 13 years too late in getting here, but I got here eventually. I guess they were sad because I was a good leader? I dunno... Though my Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and grandparents on both sides of my family were surprised to read about my becoming an Alicorn in the paper. They contacted me through owls and pigeons. I wrote them back and now we still keep in touch. They were surprised, but happy for me and congratulated me. Oh, my social life became so different once I became an Alicorn. I had ponies waiting on me hoof and hoof. I felt so awkward. I still do, obviously." I gave an embarrassed smile after the last sentence. "But when I came here to Ponyville and met the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses of Canterlot and the Crystal Empire, I recounted my story and they were surprised to hear my accomplishments in Hoofington. They were also proud. The other Princesses gladly accepted me as a fellow Princess due to my dedication to my fellow ponies in Hoofington. It was also Princess Celestia who came up with my title: Princess of Prophecy." I smiled proudly.
  7. "Oh, I am proud to be the Princess of Prophecy. I saved my city back when I was 16 when I still lived in Hoofington. I'm originally from Fillydelphia, but in Manehattan an accident happened and made me an orphan when I was 5. Anyway, when I was 16, I was living in Hoofington and I had a premonition that a dangerous group were going to attack, so I defended Hoofington alone, still as a Unicorn before I became an Alicorn. That defense of my city is what made me an Alicorn. I told everypony to go and hide and I put a barrier over all of Hoofington so that the Dark Magic Squad, the ponies I prophesied would come to attack, didn't escape. "I also put barriers over the buildings to keep the other ponies safe. So, when the last member of the DMS, there were 10, got put behind bars I became an Alicorn. I showed true leadership and true dedication to saving my fellow ponies, and the fact I have psychic abilities kinda helped, too. So, all of that made me become an Alicorn. But... I had also gotten seriously hurt. Once I turned into an Alicorn, the Chief of the Police brought me to the hospital because I fainted once I gained my wings. I had to stay in the hospital for a few months as I recovered. So, I like being a Princess. I'm just still not used to it, as I had been a Unicorn for 16 years of my life and only an Alicorn for 7."
  8. "I'm afraid I have many lessons to learn still. I was orphaned at 5 and been on my own since. I missed some important things in my formative years. I still come off as foal-ish in some aspects of my personality."
  9. "I-It's ok. Um... You-you can stand. I'm not that amazing... I just try to be friendly, despite still being a little shy."
  10. "I'm sure I would agree that she is once I get to know her better. Um, I have, actually. I've been to a few Princess summits, so I've been to Canterlot quite a few times. Nice to meet you, too." I give a slight smile.
  11. I feel very awkward as everyone seems to know at least one pony here, except for a couple. My gaze keeps flickering to the mare called 'Flowie'. She also reminds me of Pinkie a little. I work up the courage to go over to her. "Good morning. My name's Princess Lucky Fire. I overheard your nickname as 'Flowie'. Uh, nice to meet you," I introduce myself shyly and hold out a hoof.
  12. "I was wondering how that candy apple got there," I giggled.
  13. I watch Shiny Silvermoon, thinking that she reminds me of Pinkie Pie. I smile a very tiny smile and look back ahead. 'Mom, Dad, I hope you're proud of me and the pony I've become,' I thought to myself, bowing my head somberly. I take yet another deep breath and become serious, looking back ahead of me.
  14. I take another deep breath and begin to stretch again, hoping to be limber enough to run without straining a muscle. I look ahead of me at the race course, determined to make Ponyville proud.
  15. I nod in agreement. "Exactly, though I will use my danger sensing ability just in case a landslide were to happen. I don't want anypony getting hurt."
  16. I chuckle lightly. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I do have wings. I usually catch myself by fluttering them. And hey, who knows, maybe Princess Luna will come to watch the Running of the Leaves. I did tell her I was gonna sign up this year. She may come to see me if she isn't too tired from ruling over the night. But if not, then I will definitely see her in my dreams at some point. I could tell her about you and that you'd like to meet her. She visits me sometimes so we can talk without either of us having to travel. I love Princess Luna, too, but I think I'm more attached to Princess Celestia. I dunno what it is, but I just find myself drawn to her more. Though, out of the Elements of Harmony, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are the ones I find myself liking more. I love to spend time with them." I shake my head fast. "Ugh, sorry.... I'm rambling...." I look down, embarrassed.
  17. I'm trying to wrap my head around that. Princess Luna has nothing to do with that? I look down, trying to make sense of that. Hmm, well, Princess Luna did survive a thousand years in the moon after being banished there by Princess Celestia, so... maybe the moon can do things on its own. I look back to Shiny Silvermoon and nod. "Ya know, I know Princess Luna. I know all the royalty from around the world. I've been to a few Princess summits in my 7 years here in Ponyville. I could put in a good word for you."
  18. "Good morning, Shiny Silvermoon." I take her hoof and shake it. "It's nice to meet you, too. So... you must be in Princess Luna's favor, if the moon gave you powers."
  19. Despite having been here for 7 years, crowds still make me slightly nervous. I take a slow, deep breath. I am taller than probably all of them, as I am the height of Princess Celestia. I just look onward as friends greet friends. I don't really have anypony I know here, and I just officially met Dynamo and I also just met Slipstream. So I only really have acquaintances here, not really friends. I guess I still have my shyness. If it weren't for Pinkie having had me meet some of the other ponies around Ponyville, I might only just know the Elements of Harmony and the other royalty throughout the world, as I do go to the Princess summits.
  20. "Ah, I see. Then yeah, I'd be very surprised if your fire was any other color than its usual orange if you were able to learn elemental magic. Your special talent does sound pretty cool, though." I smile a friendly smile at him. "Well, I should head to the starting line. See you after the race, Dynamo!" I trot over to the starting line and stretch, getting ready to race once the event starts.
  21. "Nice to meet you, Slipstream. Maybe we should go to the starting line? Dynamo seems to be busy signing ponies in. I can talk to him after the race."
  22. My face is utter awe as I watch him zoom around. "Wooooow," I whisper in amazement. "Oh, wait! We never introduced ourselves, have we? My name is Princess Lucky Fire." I hold out my hoof, smiling a friendly smile.
  23. I tilt my head. "You're half dragon? Also, you have super speed? Wow! That's so cool!" I make the face and bounce a little like a filly.
  24. "I see. My coat color is the hottest fire color and my fire color itself is the second hottest fire." I start to get excited as I explain more. "So, my fire magic also makes me immune to fire effects and lava and stuff. I also can eat spicy stuff and the like because of my fire magic. Now, as to my fire healing me, me inhaling it, breathing it, and swallowing it, I cannot do that. I just use my horn for any fire thing I need to conjure up. But the fact I have this magic does help me in other areas." I grin big, as I have found another fire magic user who is kinda like me in the way of being immune to the effects of fire.
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