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Apple Bloom

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Everything posted by Apple Bloom

  1. Happy Birthday old friend!

  2. That profile pic. Amazing anime. That is all.

    1. Vicke


      Hey! I remember you! :D


      And i know right T_T
      One of the very best. 

  3. Hello MLP Forums. I am alive once again. :catface:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Welcome back!

    3. SDP40F amtrak

      SDP40F amtrak

      Welcome back 

    4. -Nobody-


      SWEET! That means you'll join us at EQTV again? :D

  4. I've been away from the show and fandom for so long due to work and shifting interests. However, recently, I've been getting bored and decided to get back into it. I picked up where I left off, about half-way through season 5, and this episode... Wow! First of all, I love CMC episodes (despite a general disinterest I've noticed from a lot of people) and I also love episodes with songs, so even without all the character development I still would have loved this episode. To be honest, though, I wasn't sure what to think of it all at first. Silver Spoon turning on her best friend and Diamond Tiara redeeming herself. It didn't seem right. Even though I wanted it to happen, it seemed too sudden. Likewise, when the CMC got their cutie marks, it seemed like the wrong time and their cutie marks didn't make sense to me at first. By the end of the episode, though, it all came together nicely and made sense, for the most part. There were a couple of things I still didn't understand, though. If I remember correctly, their special talents are helping other ponies find their special talents. That can't be all though. For one thing, they're surely not going to do that for the rest of their lives. I mean, it's fine while they're still in school, but when they grow up, they're going to go out and get jobs. That leads me to the other thing I don't quite get. They each have different symbols in their cutie marks which, I assume, represents their secondary or true special talents. Sweetie Belle has a music note and we all know she's good at singing, so she'll probably be a singer, but I don't understand Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's symbols. Apple Bloom's is an apple, but I thought she was good at building or making stuff, so how does an apple represent that? Also, Scootaloo has a lightning bolt. I know she envies Rainbow Dash and wants to fly, which may imply she's going to be a Wonderbolt, but she's not good at it. She's just good at going fast on her scooter. Maybe she'll get better at flying later on. Maybe she'll even get good enough to join the Wonderbolts. That would make for interesting character development and an emotional episode if it ever happens, but it's all still a mystery at this point. Needless to say, I'm excited after watching this episode and can't wait to see what this all means for the future. I had lost interest for a while but after this, I think I'm hooked again.
  5. They do! There is so much stuff, and it's not even all pony related. (as you can see in some of the pictures) They even had a booth set up at BronyCon that was nothing but non-pony comic books. I believe if you had a rich friend that isn't into ponies, you could bring them along and they could still spend all their money.
  6. To add on to my previous comment and to address people who claim they could make more use of the money, consider this. You could put the money to good use, sure, but what happens when it's gone? You're right back where you were. There will always be things you could use $1000 for. We always want what we don't have. It's in our nature. The thing is, you can always save up for whatever you want, but meeting a magical talking pony, that's something money can't buy. If I could have one or the other, it would be a pony because I can always find a way to save up $1000 if I really need it.
  7. Are you kidding me? I probably paid over $1000 to go to BronyCon. I'd pay even more than that to hang out with my favourite pony for an hour. Heck, I'd probably pay $1000 just to meet them if they actually existed.
  8. I was offered the chance to work today, but instead I wasted the entire thing riding around with my grandparents, listening to them argue as they drove around aimlessly looking for a Craigslist ad which they didn't even have the address to. -_(\

    1. Sunshower Raindrops
    2. Apple      Bloom

      Apple Bloom

      Thanks. I needed a hug. It was quite stressful, not to mention a huge waste of time and money.

  9. I never know what to say to them. I did get pictures with John de Lancie and Andrea Libman though. John looked very tired at the time. He must have gone through a ton of autographs and pictures before I got there. Nothing special happened with either one. I just got an autograph and picture, thanked them, and went on my way.
  10. Alright, I haven't seen another thread for this yet, so forgive me if a similar one already exists. Basically, the title explains it all. If you attended BronyCon or any other pony convention, feel free to show off the swag you bought there. I made this thread with BronyCon 2015 in mind, but I'm not limiting it to that because I feel that it can be used again in the future and for other cons. Also, I know some people were unable to attend this year but they may have attended in the past, so they can still post their merch from previous years if they want. Anyway, here's what I bought at BronyCon this year: (You can click to zoom in, though small details are blurry) Starting at the top left and working downward to the right: Posters from Enterplay (the company that makes trading cards and the MLP CCG) John de Lancie's autograph Nightmare Moon figure (from WeLoveFine.com) Comic books (some con exclusive, though I don't know which, and one limited edition signed) Andrea Libman's autograph BronyCon 2015 trading card Hilton Hotel room key cards MLP CCG cards Rainbow Dash glider (they were given out for free) More trading cards (one from BronyCon 2014) Art print by Skimlines (signed) Buttons/Pins (some Steven Universe ones because I Steven Universe!) Light wand (hand made by Sweet Apple Amperes) Lanyard with badge and pins (blue ribbon is from participating in a Mario Kart 8 tournament, which I won the first round but lost the second) CMC and Pinkie Pie tag thingies Pony Quest NES game (original fan-made game that actually works in a real NES) Mascot pony coloring page (I like to color (don't judge me! ) but unfortunately I didn't get to at the con, so I grabbed a page to bring home) Con book Brony Thank You Fund 2016 calendar (You donate $12, you get a calendar and a pin) Business cards (tried to grab as many as I could. Don't ask why) Official BronyCon 2015 poster (I also have a shirt, but it's currently in the wash) Splatoon poster (Splatoon is awesome and I love the artwork so I had to get it) K-On!/MLP crossover wall scroll (with a slight defect on Rarity's face ) I also wanted to get a plushie, preferably a handmade one, but unfortunately I ran out of funds. I'm happy with what I got though and I can't wait to see what other people got.
  11. My BronyCon album if anyone's interested. https://flic.kr/s/aHskhnNrhN

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yummychickenblue


      Yup. That's definitely Baltimore. What day did you fly in on?

    3. Yozer247


      I like the backpack :P

    4. Apple      Bloom

      Apple Bloom

      @Yummychickenblue, oops! Sorry I'm so late with replying. I flew in on Thursday and I'm leaving on Monday.

  12. I have several pony t-shirts which I wear occasionally. I used to wear them all the time but these days I rarely go anywhere besides work and I can't wear them there because of a dress code. I like to wear them every chance I get, though, because besides showing off my love of MLP, they also help with meeting fellow bronies.
  13. I didn't know it was Yozer's birthday! Happy Birthday, @Yozer247!
  14. I buy them because I enjoy collecting them. It brings me joy to be able to look around my room and see ponies. Also, some of them are rare and could be worth a lot of money someday if I decide to sell them. (such as Diamond Rose and SDCC Derpy)
  15. I'm thinking that's not the same Meghan McCarthy because I found someone with that name on Youtube that does character impressions, so that may be the same one you saw on Vine. As far as I know, the Meghan McCarthy that works on MLP is a writer, not a voice actress.
  16. I've been neglecting my pony toys so I feel bad for them. I should take time to play with them, or at least take them off the shelf and fix their hair, or something. I used to style some of their manes and keep track of all their names and all the different sets I had. I also had them all lined up perfectly on shelves and now some of them aren't even standing up. I still buy them but I've gotten to the point that I don't even put them on display anymore. I'll just take them out of the box and leave them there. I don't know what happened. Maybe I've lost my passion for pony toys but I still love them. I want to get back into taking care of them again.
  17. I'm bored so I'm livestreaming Gamecube games just for the heck of it. There's no commentary so it's probably boring to watch but I thought I'd post it anyway if anyone is interested. http://www.livestream.com/applebloop

  18. OMG! Steven Universe! I knew this show was popular and now I know why. It's awesome!

    1. Jeric


      It's on my list. Still haven't gotten to it. So far I don't know anyone who doesn't like it.

  19. I wonder why it is that I can have all kinds of feelings and emotions inside, but I can't let them out. If only I could cry...

    1. Yummychickenblue
    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      For a while I found them bottled like that too. Couldn't get rid of them and they refused to come out on their own. Happened to me eventually, and I wasn't even trying. I was surprised by it and relieved.

  20. I haven't been buying much lately because I'm saving up for something else, but I did buy this Funko Rainbow Dash keychain today. I wasn't going to but it was just so cute, I had to have it.
  21. I hope everything's alright by then. I've already booked plane and hotel tickets and they're non-refundable, so if they have to change the venue and/or the event dates, I don't know what I'll do.
  22. My cousin just gave me a haircut a few minutes ago. Here's the before and after. (both taken today)
  23. I haven't been buying much pony related merchandise lately but I saw this Rainbow Dash bank at Walmart and it was the only one they had so I just had to get it. They also had Fluttershy but didn't have 10 extra dollars to spare at the time.
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