Well, that largely depends on who you think God is and what you think about the world as a whole. The Bible shows us that God existed eternally and infinitely before everything else, and that everything else was created by Him. So, that would mean that something as personal as morality is ultimately either an extension of Him or something He created. If it were something He created, that would devalue morality because it would make it something that is finite and something that at one point didn't matter. Remember, "God is Love," and the Father loved the Son before the creation of the world. Morality is entirely based on God's unchanging character, and is thus also unchanging. If it were something that existed apart from God (say, being something that wasn't as a part of His being as his hands and feet are) and at the same time as Him, then that would dethrone God and make something either His equal or contend with Him. God is exclusively "Almighty." This is why, while there are three persons, there is only one God.
"You're the only God whose power none can contend
You're the only God whose name and praise will never end"
If I were to put is simply, to say that morality comes from anywhere other than God is to say that the God who created literally everything and loves His creation ultimately doesn't matter because His feelings would simply be another finite, changing thing that can be rejected. He is our creator; there's nothing more important that Him, and no excuse for rejecting His love.
Sorry if that was a bit of a rant, or if I sounded self-important in any way. (ごめんね! ごめんね!)