I've had this idea for a while now, but I'm not sure that this is the appropriate location for it, if it is not, please correct me.
Here's the plot:
It starts with the protagonist at school, who then sees a boy sitting under a tree during recess, this boy has a note book and is drawing ponies. Then there is some dialogue between the two, during which the protagonist takes the notebook from the boy and rips up all the drawings.
Later, the protagonist goes to bed and has an odd dream, they are in a strange place that they have never seen before. It's a forest that seems pretty normal, then they start to explore. After a short while they stumble upon a pony, (appearance TBD) the pony then explains this:
"Wow, a human! And a real one at that. You're probably wondering where you are aren't you? Well, you're in the dream world. A place created entirely by one boy, in his imagination of course. No one actually has the power to create such a place.
"In this place, you can grow stronger by gaining LOVE. You want some LOVE right? Here, I'll give you some of mine."
You probably get the picture by now, right? This is based off of UNDERTALE, by Toby Fox. This is by no means a copy of UNDERTALE, I have a completely original story and some ideas for a combat system, just not the means to bring this to life. If there is enough interest, I will elaborate more on the entire game and start searching for a coder, a graphical designer, and a musician, to bring it all together, and hopefully actually make this dream of mine a reality.
So, who's with me?