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Everything posted by LonnaKitty
I feel really dumb and I wanna cry a bit
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Well, I think you're pretty smart. At least, dumb people don't think up worlds as amazing as the one you've shown me.
Crying can be good though, do what you have to and come back when you feel up to it.
So I decided to go back in time and pull some old art I did a long time ago, to compare to what I do now, ya know, see how far I have come and what not, so here we go Oh wow where do I start man? The eye, yeah thats hella messed up. The head, its all wonky and the panda ear doesn't even look like it belongs there. The hair....yeah its weird cause the head shape is weird. The body? Oh gosh lady chests do not do that, why me why!? The neck and shoulders look weird too, my gosh! Ugh 2012 was quite the year...I wanted to get back into art and drawing since I moved away from the parents, and I had only dabbled back in school, I had no idea how to do the thing called art. Well guess its time to skip four years, to today right? Holy cow what a difference! Not only did I go into digital art, but look, an actual decent head shape! Them eyes look pretty gosh darn cool, the neck actually slopes into the shoulders, thats a nice change. The hair looks pretty rad, still a little cattywumpus maybe, but def better. Look at me learning how to shade and junk, along with highlighting. Wow. This is what four years can do, this is what it can do for you, its what it could do for your friend. Never EVER quit drawing okay? Unless you super want to quit. If you dont though, keep going, you never know what your future self is going to accomplish if you keep going, dont let your dreams be dreams and all that
tis no trouble, its was something nice to work on in between commissions
you can save the small picture but you can also have this
like this?
Like this maybe? or like this?
here is the final draft, you can tell me if you want me to change the colors or anything, I got in my cord yesterday and was finally able to art TvT fang added sorry bout that XD
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, She nodded and walked into the pantry. The pantry was fairly large, enough to accommodate all the food needed to feed the mouths inside the keep. Different shelves, of fruits and vegetables were strewn about. If there was a system it was a very hard to tell what it was. Nonetheless Argante looked around, sniffing around from shelf to shelf, letting her body find out what it was craving. The green stallion stood in the doorway watching the two look around for food, "So princess, I heard that, you were goin ta be leavin for a little while, is it true?" he asked, the rest of the room got a little quiet, listening into the conversation. She nodded, grabbing some bread of the shelf, "Yes I am Sage Stone, I will be going to explore our possibilities," she glanced over to him with a worried look, "Are you going to be okay with that?" she asked in turn. "Aye, we will always follow ya lass, we care so much for ya, just want ya to be safe is all. When you return we will make all yer favorites." he gave her a wink. She smiled and giggled, as she grabbed some jam, peanut butter, and a pickle jar. "I will look forward to it, but for now, I look forward to making me a sandwich!" she laughed, easing her way past Midnight and out into the kitchen once more, she laid her contents onto the small island in the middle of the room, making two sandwiches for her to consume. She waited for Midnight though to join her before she began to eat though, not wanting to be rude, as he looked for whatever he wanted to eat. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, She smiled, the thought of food made her stomach rumble very loudly. A blush quickly spread across her face. "Hehe, yeah, food sounds really good right now. Dinner is probably over, but some of the kitchen staff might be able to rustle us up something to eat, and if not, I can, I have been known to...dabble in cooking." she grinned, leading them out into the hallway and down to the kitchens. The halls were quiet, a guard maybe passing by every once in awhile, but it was like the keep itself was asleep. As they moved through the main hall and into the dinning hall, there was a little noise, ponies talking and laughing at each other. It wasnt coming from the hall itself, but from a door that was leaking light out into the emptiness. "Well looks like they are still awake." As Argante pushed open the plain wood door, sounds of laughter and music came through. It sounded more like a tavern than a kitchen. They stood atop the stairs and looked down at the commotion. Several ponies were playing a game of dice, others were prepping tomorrows breakfast, throwing wood into the old fashioned stoves. One pony heard the two come in and smiled wide. "Princess! Come on down 'ere!" he beamed, giving a mighty chuckle. He was much taller than the others, a big bulky green stallion, his mane was long and in a ponytail, but you could hardly tell cause of his massive beard, his tail however was cut short. He welcomed the two into the kitchen, the rest of the staff saying their hellos. "What brings ya 'ere princess?" he asked. "Would it be okay if we could have some food made? We missed dinner." she asked sheepishly, he replied with a loud booming laugh, patting her on her shoulder. "Aye, of course we can make somethin for ya wee princess! For ya friend too, what will ya have? You can go pick from the stock in tha pantry." he chortled, motioning to a small storeroom off in the back. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, She nodded slowly, walking over and accepting the hug gratefully. She was then overcome with emotion, thousands of years of pent up emotion came washing out, her body started to shudder and she began crying. Her being was like that of a foal, crying and crying over so many things. Her family, her citizens, driving her brother away. Each moment of crying was for each year of pain she locked away. Crying on his shoulder felt rejuvenating, her body was expelling all the negativity that she felt as she cried. When she pulled away, she sniffled softly, her eyes red from crying, as well as a flushed face. "I-I'm sorry...." she grabbed a small towel and hand it to him, grabbing some tissues for herself, "I didn't mean to u-unload like that." she blew her nose, and wiped her eyes, trying to get herself to look presentable again. She knew she should have felt embarrassed, but she didn't, screw propriety and all that jazz she supposed. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, She only nodded, her body still shaking from her history. "If he is alive, he would be weak, weaker than any normal unicorn. If he lives, maybe...just maybe I can find him..." what she would do if she did find him, she does not know. She shook off the thoughts plaguing her mind, shaking the shadows of the past away. "I felt I needed to tell you this, I don't...particularly know why, but I felt that I had to. Just a feeling," she went and sat back in front of him, "I felt that you would understand, that you would not judge what I had done...I don't know if I will be able to tell other outsiders, to tell of the deed I have done, its a horrible thing, to strip ones magic from them." the pain in her voice was apparent, she sounded like a small filly being punished, instead of a wise alicorn that she should be. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, She could only nod at his assumption. "You could be quite right, I will never know for sure though." She stood up and paced back and forth a bit, trying to ease her nerves. She took several deep breaths hoping the smell of the lavender will calm her down. After a brief moment she continued. "When Solano found out, he was consumed with rage, and something...happened, we still don't know to this day, but he started to destroy buildings, harm our citizens. What you see here today, is only a small fraction that survived. We used to be a bit larger, so many buildings, libraries, stores, we were such a thriving town, he destroyed so much, he killed many as well. Me and my family, we tried very hard to stop him, but he was so strong, the power was overwhelming. My brother then started to cast his curse, a curse of forgetting, a curse of, never existing." her body started to shake as she recalled the moments, fire, screaming, panic, and hurt, so much hurt. "I started my own backlash while my parents worked on a counter. The curse was pretty much complete by the time we were able to catch up to him. My parents lost their lives performing the counter, which while his curse was in effect, everyone within the bubble would live eternally till the curse was broken. Thus time would stand still for us. My own spell was a bit more...darker, in nature." she sighed, here was her most hated memory, one she will never be able to forget. "My spell stole his magic, I stole his magic and placed it in my own body. I thought, if he had no magic, the curse would not work. He had so much though, there was so much dark magic in his body, I couldn't take it all. I ended up fainting, the magic clashing and also amplifying my own was so painful. The last thing I remember was him saying 'Have fun as ruler of a now forgotten kingdom dear sister' and he laughed as he flew away from us, and out of our lives." as she concluded her tale, a few tears escaped her eyes, the painful memories still hurt, and she lived with it everyday. "Its why I wear these," she held up her leg to show the bracelet, "It keeps my magic balanced, and the council, I know they fear me. I know they fear I will do what my brother did, since I now contain his magic." -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Argante turned to the door, she didn't move but used her magic to open the door. "Come in Midnight." her voice was soft. She smiled kindly to him as he entered. The smell of lavender permeated the room, it wasn't strong, but pleasant. She motioned with her hoof to some small seat pillows in front of where she was sitting. She waited for him to sit in front of her on the plush pillows. She didn't speak for a little bit, her mind wandered and she thought of the best way to tell her story. She closed her eyes, then slowly opened them, looking directly at Midnight she began her story. "Well I guess we should pick off where I left off. After the festival, my brother seemed, changed. I was the only one who noticed though, and so I repressed the thoughts, thinking nothing of it and dived right into my training. Because of my magic being multiplied by the Great Tree, I had to be put in the same classes as my brother. Now that I think back, and with what I know, I am very positive he was angry at me." she looked down and sighed, trailing her hoof in a unknown design on the floor. "After a few years my father approached me. He told me that my brother could no longer be the new Shard. That I had to take his place. I did not wish for it though. When I asked why, he told me a shadow had taken a hold of his heart, and he was no longer fit to be the Shard. It seems that after a few years, the change I saw in him during the beginning became apparent to those around him. It felt like a betrayal of trust, and I honored my big brother too much to want to be the new Shard. However my fathers word was law. I was to become the new Shard, and as such, the reigning ruler of our small kingdom." She glanced up to see if he was following her story so far. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Dusk nodded, leading the taller stallion to the keep on the other side. He didn't speak much, most ponies seemed to pretty much ignore them, even move out of the way. They reached the large opened doors, he turned and smiled to Midnight, bowing, then quickly walking away without so much as a goodbye. Argante meanwhile was pacing in her room. She knew she would have to tell this part of the story to somepony once the spell shattered. She just hoped, prayed even, that he would understand. She sat on some pillows near the open doors of her balcony. She stared at the stars that were now starting to appear in the darkening sky. She wrapped her tail around her hooves and just watched the sky. Downstairs in the main hall, maids and butlers were cleaning and bustling around. No one paid any mind to Midnight when he entered, as everyone was busy with their own chore. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, The stallion stared and started to laugh. Well that wasn't exactly the 'normal' reaction one was expecting. Especially after hearing about one talk about their leaders. Yet there he was laughing away. He gathered himself and wiped a tear away, letting out a soft sigh. He coughed into his hoof as he straightened himself out. "Ahh sorry bout that, wasn't quite expecting such a detailed answer," he let out another short burst of giggles, quickly containing them. "My name is Dusk Cloud, and I guess the only thing I want to know, is if you will protect my princess while she is with you," he looked off towards where Hoofbeat left, his eyes looked thoughtful, calculating, "I won't be able to protect her while she is gone after all, I have to stay here." The small stallion glanced back to Midnight, though he was smaller, his overall presence, his aura if you will, made him seem larger. There was something mysterious about this pony. He only tilted his head to the side, waiting for a response. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, There was an audible 'ooo' in the crowd. Hoofbeat glared across the crowd, the on lookers looked away, pretending nothing was going on, or they were busy with something else. He then whipped his head to Midnight. There was something in his eye, a shadow of some sort, the look he gave Midnight was full of ill-intent. However, he only scoffed, then smirked. "You know nothing, and you will be leaving soon regardless, what we do here, is NOT your concern." he glared, then briskly turned, trotting away. Several ponies that were around looked to each other with concern. This was apparently something they had never witnessed before apparently. They all exchanged worried glances to one another, slowly dispersing away from what had happened. One pony stayed however. A small stallion. He looked at the scene with a thoughtful eye, the purple unicorn approached Midnight carefully. "Care to talk about what happened?" his voice was small, but deep, the look in his eye told that he wouldn't let Midnight go without some explanation. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, "No she was just teasing, saying stuff thats kinda embarrassing." She pouted again as she turned to Midnight a small giggle coming out. "And leaving tomorrow will be good, I think everypony will be fine." She looked out to her citizens, as they talked, planned, gossiped. She then frowned a bit as she looked towards the sun setting. "Midnight, I...I feel that I need to tell you the rest of our history before we leave tomorrow, if you could come to my room, after you get some food, I would like to tell you, but for right now," she took a deep breath, exhaling as she started to walk off. "Right now I will need to gather my thoughts...." she opened her wings and flew off, her mind elsewhere. She landed on her balcony, looking around at her room. The smell of the familiar lavender, the stones, the floor. She had grown so used to this room, and in only a few short days, it now felt, foreign to her. She approached the trunks that were near her door, placing a hoof on them. Soon she will be going to somewhere even more foreign. How will she handle it? She hoped she could handle it well enough. Elsewhere, Hoofbeat approached Midnight, his sour face never changed as he stepped up closely to the other stallion he glared hard at him. "What sort of ideas have you placed in her head?!" he shouted. Several bystanders stopped talking as they looked to the shouting council member. One pony trotted off, hopefully to get another council member to intervene. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Argante walked through the crowd, looking for Midnight. When she found him, she waved, popping out of the large crowd and stopping short of running into him. "That was such a rush!" she exclaimed, small little bubbles of laughter coming out every so often. Her face was flushed from the excitement, she looked bright, like everything was right with the world. She circled around a couple times, trying to get rid of the excess energy. "I feel as light as a feather," she cooed, her body matching her words as her wings lifted her above the ground a couple feat. She giggled at her silliness and landed softly on the ground, "Sorry about my...over eccentric attitude right now, I just feel pretty liberated! I just feel beside myself!" she blushed lightly as her laughter continued. Several ponies saw their giggly princess with the stallion. Some chuckled and left them alone, giving them space. Happy that their princess was happy. Orange Blossom trotted up after a few moments, bowing to Argante and smiled wide. "Princess your stuff is almost done being packed, you will need to visit Raindew tomorrow though for your extra bracelets, as well as other things." "Oh, thank you Orange Blossom, you are amazing!" Argante leaned down to give the mare a quick hug. They held each other for a moment as Blossom whispered something into Argante's ear. Argante pulled back a blush across her face as red as a rose. "O-Orange Blossom please!" she cried. She only laughed at her flushed princess as she walked away, leaving Argante to pout over her. "Gettin me all flustered like that, how mean..." -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, "My boy, I wish to thank you ever so for helping our princess," His voice was shaky, though that was to be expected. "You may not have felt you have done much, but you have done a lot, more than I or the other members of our society could dream of." His smile was warm and gentle. The old stallion sat down, his old bones weary from standing for too long. "She has been pushed around by the council for too long, but since you have came here, she has brightened and has become the bright and strong willed princess I once knew." he gazed in the distance. "Do this old stallion a favor, keep her bright. You remind me a lot of a pony I once knew, long ago, and if you are like him, you will do more good for her than ya think. She has kept herself in solitude for a long time, once she fully opens to you, you will see how bright she can shine." He pushed up, his joints cracking, he chuckled as he walked away to be left alone with the shadows of his memories. Argante kept talking with others on the stage, laughing with them, as they surrounded her, talking all at once, mixtures of good lucks, as well as questions from what she had seen. She kept the part about all the ponies hiding, so she talked about the shops, the colors, meeting Zecora, and all the good things. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Argante nodded, pushing the tears that were about to happen back. She leaned into the comforting touch, welcoming it. She prayed that he was right, her citizens might do better with merging back, more than her at least. She closed her eyes, a soft sigh escaping. She would have to do a lot more hiding, a lot more lies. She hated herself for it a lot, it was probably the source of a lot of her problems, now that she actively thought on it. She stepped back for a moment and smiled at him. "Thank you Midnight, you are very kind," she nuzzled him for a moment, then turned to the wall and opened it up. The earth crumbling under her touch. She walked in and waited for him to follow. Once he was in, the earth rose once more, to fill in the hole. She turned back, leading the way back to the keep. Walking back into the courtyard however they were met with panic filled voices. "Princess!" "My lady!" "Waaaaaa" Argante winced at all the voices at once, pushing her way to the stage as so many ponies talked to her at once, surrounding and cutting her away from Midnigh. Her heart rate raised up, her panic starting to grab hold. A small shock from her bracelets pulled her back though, she shook her head and opened her wings, forcing the crowd around her to step back. Flying up and above everyone, she glided to stand up on the stage. She sighed and closed her eyes, folding her wings back to her side, calming her mind as someone spoke. "Your Highness! Where have you BEEN!" She winced as she saw Hoofbeat glare at her, the other members behind him. She glanced back and forth, between the council and her citizens. She took a large breath. She was prepared for this, not on this kind of scale of course, but prepared nonetheless. "I went out, with Midnight, outside the walls, he went to deliver letters, and as your princess, and a curious mare, I went to go see the town of Ponyville to see what has changed." her voice was firm, her stare was a challenge, she listened to the gossip and wanderings of the others. This was her hoof up, she had the upper hoof here, and she sure wasn't going to let it go. "Much has changed! We will need to prepare, we will need to adapt, all of us will have to plan, study, and work very hard. We need to be as accepting as we once were," she glanced towards her council members, they shifted, knowing it was directed towards them. She glanced around, finding Midnight in the crowd. Though it wasn't too hard to find him. She smiled, she hadn't felt so much courage bubbling in her in a long time. Her smiled grew wider. "Everypony, I am here to also tell you I will be gone for a little while," the whispers grew loud as all the ponies started to panic a bit. Argante frowned, she never really realized how much they relied on her. That would definitely need to end. "Listen to me, we have lost touch with a lot of things, you lean on me too much, you need to rely on yourselves as well as me, and the council. They will be in charge of what they know, please, while I am gone, go to them with your problems if you can not solve it yourselves," the talking quieted once more. Argante removed her cloak, the fabric falling and wrapping around her hooves, she spread her wings wide, pulling herself to her full height. "I promise you, as your princess, as your leader, and as your friend, I will come back, with new ideas, with new possibilities, with hope!" There was silence, she quickly grew embarrassed and tucked her wings back at her side, her ears flopping down. A cheer started though, and soon quickly grew into a roar of applause. The council looked around astonished. The hope upon everyone's faces was apparent, there hadn't been such hope in so long, it was breath taking. Argante could only smile, the tears that were once sad, now spilled over in happiness. Towards the back, the elderly pony, Raindew, made his way to Midnight, motioning for the stallion to follow him away from the crowd, the ponies surrounding them, unconsciously moving out of the way as he made his way through the crowd. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Argante nodded. She had always seen all the eyes outside of the barrier. They always made her uneasy, she never wanted to see the creatures those eyes belonged to. She stepped out with Midnight, saying her goodbyes to Zecora, and following the stallion through the woods. She kept glancing around, nerves and paranoia starting to get to her. She unconsciously trekked closer to Midnight than she intended, all of a sudden feeling like a small filly again. She bumped softly into Midnight, snapping her out of her small little stupor. "A-ah sorry!" she stammered, stepping quickly to the side to be a bit further from him. She chastised herself in her mind, 'Snap out of it silly mare! You are strong, you are not a filly no more!' she bit her lower lip, her ears down, lost in her thoughts as they got closer to the town and its new earthen wall. She looked at the far away wall, almost home, almost there. "Midnight," she started to speak, her eyes looking at the ground, her voice was quiet, "Do you...do you think that we will be, accepted?" Her fears were weighing heavily on her shoulders. She felt out here she should speak about it for a moment before she had to put the front that she knew what she was doing back on. Out here she could be honest, in there, she had to shroud herself. (so I spent almost a day on this because I couldn't think of the word paranoia, guh!) -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, "Oh my gosh your right!!! I am super rude!" Argante grew flustered, her cloak moved showing one wing and her mark to the Zebra. "I shall formally introduce myself since we are out of so many eyes," she bowed as she normally did, hoof over chest, "I am Princess Argante, my kingdom has been hidden a long time, and I would like to ask you, if you would maybe teach my potions master sometime in the future, if you could teach him what you could that would be wonderful, and we would wish to possibly purchase or trade with you as well. I am sorry to have kept it secret." she bowed her head in apology, moving her cloak to settle back over her frame. She hoped she came off a sincere. She wasn't really used to this sort of thing after all. She then thought of her subjects, she knew she wasn't gone for too long but she knew her ponies. There are probably several that are running around searching. She sighed inwardly at the trouble she was most likely in. She looked up at Midnight and smiled. "My subjects are probably pretty worried, I just hope the council won't be too mad at me." she giggled. Though she knew they would be mad, the bit of mischief had made her feel light again, her mood had been very low these few thousand years. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Argante nodded, her stomach growling as the smell of food wafted to her. She grabbed her stomach, giggling in embarrassment. As she watched the zebra prep the food, she decided to lose herself in her thoughts. Would ponies shun her own citizens cause of how they looked? Her and her ponies had lost a lot of their color since they could not get natural sunlight. Would they be treated the same as this poor zebra? Or like Midnight? Her ears flopped down as the thoughts traveled through her mind. Maybe it was better if the spell had not broken. She bit her lower lip, a small pain traveling through her body. No, she shouldn't think like that. She had to have hope, hope they could come back to the world. She looked to Midnight, a small smile across her features. He was going to help that, she could feel it. She had to have faith. She continued her thoughts, listening to the conversation. -
private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with LonnaKitty
LonnaKitty replied to Illiad Easle's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Illiad Easle, Argante stared in awe at the different multicolored masks that covered the tree. Looking at each one individually, she noted the carvings, the coloring, everything, about each one. Her eyes were filled with wonder as she looked at them. She noticed her companions already went inside and quickly followed. The magical feeling from the tree was very comforting, making her a bit more braver than usual. She sat down in a place she felt was out of the way enough, then started to fulfill her curiosity, "So Zecora, why don't you live in Ponyville?"