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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by LonnaKitty

  1. @@Illiad Easle, "Hehe no you answered plenty!" she was listening with intent while he was talking, eating little bits as he did so. She was so amazed that that kind of unification was possible. She was glad, her father and mother wanted to travel, see if there were other ponies or creatures that would like to be apart of them and they apart of the others. She smiled at nothing in particular happy there was something like that, even if her parents could not see it. "So tell me about zebras, my mother told me a little about them once, but we passed it off as myth since we never saw one before." she was all but bouncing in her seat, her wings were fluttering in anticipation, her curiosity was almost palpable. As she spoke two ponies took the empty dishes away and soon brought out a small strawberry cake for them both. "And if you wanna ask me some questions too feel free."
  2. @@Illiad Easle, Aagante's eyes widened at the mention of new bearers. The look was both a mix of shock and joy and then it fell as she went into deep thought. This would change a lot of things, and some ponies might not be very agreeable to them. She sighed inwardly and shook off the unease. "Midnight, we will be holding another council meeting in the morning, I would like you present. Not only because that you should see our council in work, but so you can recall what has happened. It is pretty large news that the tree produced bearers not just once but twice. So its quite a big deal." her words were mixed with a bit of anxiety at the thought. She knew she was probably going to be met with resistance. She stood firm though, she knew this was the right course of action, she could feel it in her feathers. She decided to take a couple more bites of food as some cider was brought out for them to drink along with some water. She then thought to try to go to more lighthearted topics, get her mind off the upcoming battle she would have with the council. "So what is it like? Where you are from I mean."
  3. Argante tried EXTREMELY hard not to laugh at the scene that just happened. She only nodded and kept walking to a thicket just beyond. "Come on, I am sure there will be plenty of room for you." she smiled as she pushed through the thicket, disappearing behind it. What laid beyond it was an open clearing, houses large and small dotted around, made from stone and thatch, it was like looking back in time. In the middle was a small stage surrounded by carts filled with different fruits and veggies that ponies would come and take from. Some small shops were here and there, a large tavern on one end, and on the very far end stood a large stone keep. The walls were covered in ivy and the large doors remained open for ponies to go to and fro. All the ponies were dark in color ranging from blacks to dark blue. "Welcome to Tree Haven."
  4. Well today has been quite the day. Its been filled with quite a lot of downs. So first down, I was woken up by the roommate cause he gets home in the morning at 6am, he had brought mcdonalds, but when the cat pissed on his costume that he had left in the living room, after me asking about where to put it for a good couple months. Its my fault. Turns out the boy cat has not been using the litter box because the other cat pooed in 'his' litter box. Had to clean whole litter box before I could go back to bed, only to be yelled and bished at during said process. Apparently me doing laundry every other day is not enough, even though I try very hard to get laundry done one day, spend the next day folding and all that the next and repeat. I dont mind but I do mind having the laundry dumped on me when the roommate is about to go to work just so he can find some socks. To not only find said socks but just LEAVE THE LAUNDRY ON ME!!! Doesnt even put it back in the bin!!! I get up put it in the bin to go back to sleep to be woken up but THE BIGGEST SOUND OF THUNDER EVER!!! Along with power shutting off in my house. On top of alllllll that I am sick Today has been soooooooooooooooo good -3- However the light of this all is that I am here rping with good friends and keeping my spirits light by listening to music. Hopefully this dies down and I will feel better both physically and emotionally soon. Thanks for listening Lonna
  5. @@Illiad Easle, "We tend to let others from outside do what is most comfortable. However if you would like to try our ways, you are in for quite a long meal." she chuckled softly, as soon as she was finished two ponies brought up some soup for the two to dine on. It was a rich broccoli soup with carrot peelings in the broth. Argante sipped it lightly, her ear going back as she tried to finish the whole bowl. When she was she looked down at it in defeat and frowned at it. When she realized she was showing her feelings she looked to Midnight and laughed, a bit embarrassed. "I'm uh, I am not fond of broccoli." she spoke in a shy manner, the two council member to the side scoffed a bit, in annoyance, or at their princesses overly friendly manner with the stranger was hard to tell, but either way it was rude. If she noticed she took no note of it as the next course was brought forward. It was a large salad with several types of greens ranging from iceberg lettuce to cucumbers. Argante nibbled on the salad a little bit before speaking once more. "So, question, and I guess I should have asked much sooner, but do you know how the barrier around us shattered?"
  6. Sorry to all my rp partners for being slow on replies, I am a bit sick ^^:;

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LonnaKitty


      I just did actually :D I reply after you after my next nap ^^

    3. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Well, I'll try to post quickly, though when I'm in matchmaking while waiting it makes it a bit difficult to jump over to post.


      I'll do what I can though.

    4. LonnaKitty


      take your time ^^ I am a patient girl ya know :D

  7. "Well I always say to myself, ones past does not define ones now." she said softly, her eyes clouded with some far off memory before snapping back to her present. "Well how about instead of being out here in the forest you follow me, we can sit at least on something other than branches." she giggled softly and stood up, turning around heading in the direction of her little hidden town. Looking back to see if he was following her.
  8. @,@@Missklang, Argante only nodded, a small purple mist like substance escaped her being, her body calm, her eyes wandering everywhere as the mist traveled through the hidden little town. As it met with her citizens they looked back to their leader and then ushered inside. Slowly all the remaining ponies that were wondering around had now headed back inside their stone houses.The purple mist faded, the only one left was now the leader of the small town. Argante just stared and calculated, her mind running a mile a minuet, curiosity kept her routed in place though then she turned to the stranger. "I will have to ask you just a couple questions after you are done with what you need done, for a bit of selfish reasons, however that can wait." she looked back up where the black sphere used to be, her feathers started to feel prickly something unsetled her to no end.
  9. @@Illiad Easle, "Quite the complicated answer I might have for you there, but I guess all we be answered." she stood up as well and shook her body, getting the blood flowing back in her body. "Food sounds very good, and I think I will leave the meat alone." she giggled, a bit lighthearted for what had transpired. Though that seemed to be what she liked to be, as lighthearted as possible. It however probably does not work in her favor often. She walked beside him heading to the keep. She remained quiet, deciding to keep her questions in check. Occasionally they were stopped, a pony asking Argante about this and that. She would always smile and give her best solution she could think of, taking her time with each pony and not brushing a single pony off or away. It would take some time, but they eventually made it to the keep at early evening. "Sorry that it took so long, a lot of ponies are very worried what we are going to do now that the curse had been broken, on top of the usual daily problems, it took so long to get here." She spoke softly, her quiet voice reverberating off the stone walls. She lead him to some rather large doors and opened them. The sound of at least fifty ponies came through. There were knights and their squires, maids and butlers scuttling about to deliver food to everyone, even a few members of the council were in there, sitting near the raised dais at the back of the large dining hall. Several guards and knights placed their hooves over their chest and bowed to Argante, going back to eating after doing so. She walked to the raised dais and climbed up and looked back to Midnight. "Come and join me Midnight, since you are a guest you are allowed up here."
  10. @@Illiad Easle, She smiled weakly and looked off to where the council walked off. "The council we have now was appointed long before me becoming leader. They were chosen by the Great Tree for having a strong Harmony. Each member represents an Element of the Tree. When the Great Tree recognizes you, your mark glows, or if you have no mark, like I did when I was chosen, your entire being glows. Thus you gain the council seat, and have authority to help in the decision makings of the royal family." she rubbed her forearm, playing with the bracelet as she continued her words. "And they are of course not my juniors, as I said, they were appointed before I became leader, because they were there during my parents time, they are actually older than me." she looked to him a bit sheepishly. She knew very well what she was saying was practically impossible. Barely anypony that didn't have a form of trick could live as long as an alicorn. "But that is a story for later, that I am sure you are curious about but..." her tummy growled interrupting her words. She went wide eyed and blushed heavily at the loud noise.
  11. She only shook her head in denial. "I am afraid not, even when we were known we didn't have much to do with our neighbors. We stayed to ourselves, protecting the Great Tree and giving it power." She tilted her head to the side for a moment, "My parents might have known but they have long since passed on."
  12. Thank you, a good hour went into the sketch XD
  13. Just trying new perspectives and stuff, idk just muhhh @~@
  14. I have been drawing for the past 5 hours and I only JUST finished the base colors, because I get distracted by youtube vids oTL

    1. HighLunarStudios


      the same with me when I'm pencil drawing

    2. Vulcan


      A 5 hour drawing? Any chance I could see it?

    3. LonnaKitty


      I posted it up under octavias hall which can be found riiiiiight here : https://mlpforums.com/topic/154549-new-argante-pic/#entry4603184


      I spent 5 hours on it because I kept being distracted by videos :D aint youtube great!?

  15. She looked at him with curiosity and sat in front of him. She just stared at him and tilted her head. "Well I guess lucky for you, I don't really know much of Equestrian history. Being trapped in a bubble prison for three thousand years does that to a mare." She leaned back and shrugged, the side way glance to him and smiled. "I judge ponies by there actions they do in front of me." She completely ignored his comment about her bracelets. It tended to be quite the subject for her and she had to deal with questions from her own citizens for a thousand years about it, so she tended to ignore them.
  16. @@Chrylestia600, okay so here is the sketch If you like it, awesomesauce, I would need if you want a cutie mark or not and I will color it and stuffs If you like someone elses design also cool, this was pretty awesome practice doing different wings and had fun regardless
  17. She blushed and took his hoof with reluctance. She stood up and looked away and then back to him. "My name is Argante, and no I won't fight you. I...I don't like fighting." she replied to him as she trailed a hoof along the forest floor. She felt appalled that she wasn't being princess like at all, not only did she trip in front of him once, but if he was watching her earlier, as she is sure he was, he saw her fall twice. Oh if the council could see her now she is pretty sure one of them would have fainted.
  18. @@Illiad Easle, "Hehe alright then, a quick recharge then." She giggled as she touched her horn to the shoes, quickly inspecting the runes before shooting them with a quick bolt of magic. She nodded at her work and got up on shaky legs to meet the council, to distract them long enough for him to slip them on. She thought about the last bit he said, there was a lot more to this pony and it made her all the more curious. She took some breaths before slowly walking to meet the council head on. "Princess!! Are you hurt!? Are there attackers?? What is going on? Why is there a wall?! What happened to the plan!!!" the flurry of voices overwhelmed her and her head spun a bit and she stumbled sideways for a quick moment, everyone went silent as an old blue unicorn stepped out from behind them all. "Argante, you took off a bracelet didn't you?" he asked, his voice was calm and quiet. She looked away, her ears folding down in shame at her mentor. "Yes. I had to! There were timber wolves on our land, the new protection barrier wont be up for some time...I...I had to do something!" old as she was she looked like she was about to cry, like a filly who was being yelled at. The old stallion shook his head and then faced the council. "She is tired, and she did this to protect us, do not any of you dare try to say she did wrong.." the old pony stared at each member and they all looked away from him in shame. Apparently from this encounter between them all, one could tell that even though she was the face for the people, and did make decisions, they were not all her own. The stallion looked back at Argante and smiled patting her on the shoulder. "Don't cry little one, you did extremely well, this was quick thinking on your part and will keep us safe for a time. And you!! Young stallion over there!!" he looked at Midnight with a large smile on his face. "Thank you for protecting our princess here, she gets into trouble a lot!" he started to laugh and Argante blushed in embarrassment. Behind them however the council looked between each other with worried looks and hushed voices. The old stallion shooed them all away, slowly trailing slowly after them as Argante sighed and looked to the ground. Her thoughts were rampant and she felt like she was going to faint. This was too much for a mare who hadn't had this much excitement in over three thousand years. She plopped onto the ground, very un-princess like.
  19. Okay so I can totally give this the good college try, I will pm you the sketch so you can approve the design I make etc etc so keep an eye out
  20. @@Illiad Easle, Argante laughed softly at the concept of her even moving. She watched him barrel away to look for water. She took the time to look up at the canopy of trees and just think. 'I will need to grab some unicorns to move the trees here to get natural sunlight here, I bet the farmers would really like that.' She rested her head back down and looked in the direction Midnight ran. 'I wonder if he will tell me about him, I want to know his story, he saw a lot of history. I hope he likes his stay here, even with the hiccups.' As the last thought passed her mind she closed her eyes for a moment, just to rest. When she heard him coming back she opened her eyes to a bucket being placed beside her. Water. She eagerly lifted her head, knocking it over, soaking her head and drinking what was left in the bucket as greedily as she could. When she got the amount she needed she sat up a bit, still laying on the ground she smiled. "Thank you, and I am sure the farmer will be okay with us borrowing the bucket." she giggled softly, her voice still a little raspy. Her eyes got a little wide though and her ears twitched back away and she shifted a bit. "The council is on their way here, I am unsure about your situation, and be sure I will be asking later," she smirked a bit, a playful look in her eyes. "but if you wish to keep it secret you should put your enchantments back on."
  21. She tilted her head at the tall pony. "Well even so, not many ponies just take a casual meander through this forest." she kept close eye on him, she was normally a very trusting pony, but she just didn't feel quite right. Like something was off. "Well as long as you cause no mischief I can't really do anything, so I will leave you be." she backed away slowly, only to be tripped up by another tree root and falling flat on her back. She groaned in not just pain, but in embarrassment.
  22. She glared a bit at the pony that had startled her and stood as tall as she could muster. She was about the height of Princess Luna. "As true as that may be, it is also close to my border so I was making sure it wasn't anything bad!" a small blush had crossed her features, she was pretty embarrassed at the situation she was placed under. She kept her guard up, she wasn't about to just take anything this pony threw at her.
  23. @@Illiad Easle, When he was shocked at the attempt to touch her, she winced in pain. The shock felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. She hoped he would be able to get it one her, the pain was getting rough. As she watched him take off the cloak and mail she was filled with awe at his body. When he dropped the enchantments and saw his hooves she looked at him with new light. Not in scorn, but with admiration. She smiled at him gratefully, though she was quite curious at his form, she didn't shy away or be repulsed, she looked at him with all the thankfulness she could convey without speaking. She laid there panting, words couldn't form cause her mouth had turned dry from the magical exhaustion. She moved her head around attempting to write out that she would like some water. After she, very badly, spelled out water, she laid there and watched, and looked. Her amethyst eyes never looking away from him. She looked at each scar one by one, her eyes never sticking to one spot. She wondered about the stories he could tell her. Since he had lived so long, she was sure he had many to tell, but it would of course have to wait. She laid in wait, feeling like she was quite close to passing out.
  24. @@Illiad Easle, The pack looked to each other still growling at the pony, however with their leader down they had to regroup, so they turned tail and ran deep into the forest again. Argante let them go, she had other plans. She ran up to Midnight and stared at him in awe though, impressed at his strength. "That was truly amazing! You are quite strong!" she was as excited as a filly but then, she became very serious. She walked to the edge, right where the old barrier used to be. She looked at it sadly, who knew that their prison protected them so much. She took a large breath and concentrated very hard. A small shimmer rippled through the air, the magical trace of the old barrier, she traced it all around, figuring the dimensions of the old barrier circle. "Got it. Midnight, I know I am asking a lot today, especially for a guest but I must have you do one more thing for me." she then held up her forearm showing the bracelet to him. "I am going to take this off, when I finish with what I need to do, you will have to snap it back in place, cause I wont be able to..." she trailed off and bit her lower lip. She knew the risks that she was placing herself under, however with the bracelets on she only had mild amount of magic, and what she would do would require a bit more. She smiled, and snapped the bracelet off, it fell to the ground with a thud. Argante winced as sparks flew around her body, she trembled a bit and took another deep breath to steady herself. She knelt down and touched her horn to the ground. The once blue sparks turned green, traveling around her body and to her horn. The slow color change was brilliant, as her white mane and tail turned green, the ground began to shake, the earth started to rise. The color change continued to her cutie mark, the white crystal changing to the same forest green hue as the rest. She was making a small wall to protect her citizens. The wall stretched outward, covering the circumference of the old barrier. Her body started to shake once more, the magical strain on her body was apparent. She fought though, with all her might. She traced in her minds eye, leaving a small gap for ponies to go to and fro, that is when she collapsed. Her breathing was labored and the sparks continued to cover her body, she was practically leaking magic. Her normal body colors returned as she laid on the ground.
  25. She looked a little bit longer than she should, her curiosity piqued. She shook her head though. There was a time and a place, and right now was neither. She smiled as she met his eyes. "Thank you so much!" She went and led him to where the young colt said he saw the wolves. They headed out of the main courtyard and over a bit away to the farmland that grew the fruit. Argante begain scouting, her ears ever moving to listen for anything. Looking for any trace that they could be found. Then she heard it. The small snapping of twig. She ducked behind a cart, hoping Midnight followed her along. She looked around and saw the pack. It was small, thank the sun, but still they shouldn't be this close regardless. She made a small mental note that the barrier needed to be worked on at the farms first. She counted the pack. One...two...three...five all together. Small numbers and good odds. She thanked the blessings that she had for such luck. As long as they don't reform. She thought to herself unsure if they should attack now or wait to see if they left. She wasn't very good at battle, only having been in a couple scrapes herself.
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