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Status Replies posted by Vlazamal

  1.  Is it morally correct to have TWO best ponies? Applejack is my favorite in the RU dub and Starlight is my favorite in the English dub.

    1. Vlazamal


      Will horse feel special if there is other special pony?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. As soon as I visit youtube for something completely unrelated, I get BLASTED WITH SEASON 8 SPOILERS. WHY?!?! I wanted to be surprised >:(

  3. told i was leaving at 4. 4 comes, it passes, fine, we're always late. then 5 comes. wow, it's getting kinda late. 5:30, i find out we're leaving in an hour.


  4. Good night everypony 

    1. Vlazamal




  5. Back from walking 5 miles. Gonna have to get used to that. My body is too used to doing nothing.

    Here's a picture I took along the way because idk


    1. Vlazamal


      Why does it look so beautiful. I'm jealous.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. good morning my friends going to work bye for now 

  7. Every time a reviewer or anyone really says "I liked it but it's not my favorite episode" or "It's not my favorite episode but" it just makes me lose my interest automatically. Why are you watching something expecting it to be your favorite? Just watch it. Especially if you're a reviewer just because if something's your favorite that doesn't mean it's good/bad. EXPLAIN!!!

    It's also just lazy: "I have all this episodes I love and it didn't compare" like ok but what does that even mean. 

  8. Every time a reviewer or anyone really says "I liked it but it's not my favorite episode" or "It's not my favorite episode but" it just makes me lose my interest automatically. Why are you watching something expecting it to be your favorite? Just watch it. Especially if you're a reviewer just because if something's your favorite that doesn't mean it's good/bad. EXPLAIN!!!

    It's also just lazy: "I have all this episodes I love and it didn't compare" like ok but what does that even mean. 

    1. Vlazamal


      now LittleshyFM - that's a true fan of the show! Even when he somehow makes a pipe bomb to destroy EG dolls..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. I don't like Maud's new BF for some reason. I absolutely love Maud herself...but he...he rubs me the wrong way. 

    1. Vlazamal


      "Well technically..its not stick..."


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I'd forgotten how good apple juice is. And orange juice. Ooh, I haven't had lemonade in a long time. And I haven't had limeade in years!

    1. Vlazamal


      Never had lemonade is 2 years. I'm thirsty now... o_o

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Every time a reviewer or anyone really says "I liked it but it's not my favorite episode" or "It's not my favorite episode but" it just makes me lose my interest automatically. Why are you watching something expecting it to be your favorite? Just watch it. Especially if you're a reviewer just because if something's your favorite that doesn't mean it's good/bad. EXPLAIN!!!

    It's also just lazy: "I have all this episodes I love and it didn't compare" like ok but what does that even mean. 

    1. Vlazamal


      I'm starting to think most MLP reviewers...don't like MLP.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hello everypony. How are yall today? I'm pretty good. Sorry I haven't been on in quite some time. School has been keeping me busy. I got my computer back from the shop on Monday. It seems that they reverted my computer back to Windows 7. Fortunately I have all of my games from Steam still, but I just need to re-install all of them. How have yall been? :muffins:

    1. Vlazamal


      Good. What steam games are you playing?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Wait, is Forgotten Friendship a full EG movie? I haven't been paying attention to this stuff, especially EG. And is it related to the YouTube series at all?

    1. Vlazamal


      ~45 minute short. It's really good, it surprised me how great it was. Better than the movies IMO.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. I loved Forgotten Friendship!!! OMG OMG! Best Equestria Girls film. EVER.

    1. Vlazamal



      Wallflower's song was the best song in My Little Pony. Let's just... FORGET THIS EVER HAPPENED. I don't know why I loved that soo much. It reminds me of Darth Vader's puns to be honest.


  15. You gotta be fucking shitting me. For some reason my hide season 8 spoilers tag on Equestria Daily "expired," I don't know what happened but season 8 spoilers began showing and FUCK! I got spoiled. Luckily I don't know what it means, but shit is it easy to speculate. 

    I'M SO PEEVED!!!

    Just thinking of that scene puts me in a better mood actually. Still upset, but...actually I'm not upset anymore. 

    Fluttershy makes me smile :D

    1. Vlazamal


      I can't deal with spoilers to be honest. I can't even watch trailers for anything.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. I think I laughed at this more than I should have...

    Time to Durr.jpg

    1. Vlazamal


      That expression is offensive and should be censored by Hasbro immediately!

  17. You know when you see a creepy story/general creepy list video on YouTube and it has a "creepy" thumbnail picture you recognize?


    I just saw one with a thumbnail from one of ButchyKid's ghost video parodies (you might not recognize the name, but if you've seen a video of a guy dressed like a ghost falling down the stairs, it's probably his video) and it's very hard to take it seriously. >.> There was also a thumbnail with a Jockey from Left 4 Dead 2...

  18. Does anyone ever say anything positive about the new MLP episodes? It's always just 'meh' at best. Over-analysis totally sucks the fun out of it. Then every in-depth review of each new broadcast of colorful horses always seems to be talking about "I HATED IT WITH THE FIRE OF THE STARS IN THE SKY AND THE BURNING HEAT THEREIN, AND THE CHARACTER PROGRESSION MADE ME WANT TO SKEWER THE EYES I ALREADY RIPPED OUT FROM THE LAST EPISODE!!! GUESS I'LL HAVE TO GO TO MY THROAT NEXT!!!!!!!"

    1. Vlazamal


      Everytime I watch an episode I internally scream YAY!!! 

      I don't do reviews, but if I did, they'd probably sound like an overjoyed eight year old boy ))))

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. come back 

    1. Vlazamal


      I will try. My commitments irl have sucked me into a black hole and I have time for like nothing xD

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Only 3 people out of 12 finished this race in FH3. 2 never finished one lap.

    There's a weird bug at Westpoint Cross Country Circuit where you can hit an invisible wall after a ramp up to the second floor of a building, then continue driving right after that point as normal. Sometimes after this invisible wall, the AI will not continue in the normal path but instead spin around and drive off the edge, landing upside down. So after 5 laps, 3/4 of everyone in the race had flipped onto their roofs, or 9 of 11 AI drivers. And the two AI drivers that did finish the race clearly had flipped over previously but were hit by other cars, being flipped back onto their wheels and allowed to continue. I was very far ahead of them.

    There was another sentence here but that didn't save because my computer froze immediately after typing it.

    This is the second time I've had this happen since I got it. The previous time was last night.

    1. Vlazamal


      Ahh. The greatness of flawed game design xD

  21. Ah yes, I love when we lose electricity for a second. Just enough to inconvenience me by messing up my clock, turning off my Xbox, and turning WiFi off.

    1. Vlazamal


      My city has stupid electrical problems too -_-

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Good mornin everypony. How are yall today? I'm pretty good. I want to start doing movie reviews. The only problem is that I stutter a lot, and even when I read a script I have issues. But I suppose it's worth a try. Maybe if I can think of a way to do it, I might be able to do a spoiler free movie review. I dunno though.

    1. Vlazamal


      The more you attempt it, the less you stutter. Trust me. Follow through with it and you'll get good!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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