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Status Updates posted by genessee

  1. I've got an idea for a story because I saw a video that scared and inspired me to write something based off of it. I have the main villain and main hero, but I need a few secondary characters. Note that 2 of the 3 secondary characters die, so if that isn't your cup of tea don't ask for those parts. (Note that both of the characters that die are mourned and stuff, it's not like 'oh [insert name] died whoop de do', in fact most of the story should be based off those who died)

    Main 'Hero': Lance; Hero is a generous term. In the story, this character is the reasoning behind Gen's killing. He also does a good bit of talking along with The Close Friend. (Lance = My main OC)

    Main Villian/Psychopath: Gen/Him; One of Lance's closest friends before the 'Incidents' occurred. (One of my old OCs, edited to oblivion [He isn't really a psycho but I needed a crazy for this so why not?].)

    The Close Friend: Basically, this character does a lot of the talking along with Lance, and doesn't die throughout the story. Secondary character isn't a good term, as they're basically a primary character.

    The Childhood Friend: Lance and this character were friends in childhood, but slowly drifted apart. Recently the two were catching up again and it looked like this character might become one of Lances close friends. Then they were found dead. (The first one found dead)

    The Former Enemy: Was an all-around bully in school, but they apologized to Lance recently and the two were becoming friends. Then The Childhood Friend was found dead, which this character knew personally, and they became nervous. They hung around Lance, The Close Friend and Gen more often because they were afraid to be alone. Last week, they were also found dead.


    What's the dealio:

    Lance and The Close Friend are speaking with the authorities about the killings of Lance's two friends, The Former Enemy and The Childhood Friend. Lance was recently found unconscious with multiple serious injuries, but still alive, in a dumpster behind an abandoned building. When Lance had healed enough that he could speak full sentences, the first words that came out of his mouth were that he knew who had attacked him, and so did The Close Friend. In order to prove it he said the name of who he though it was (Gen) and told the authorities to ask TCF who they thought it was, and they should be the same answer. It was. Now they're telling what went down that day and the events prior.


    (This should've been put in a topic, but whatever I can just copy+paste if I have to)






    1. genessee


      Oh, and this is a 'Dark' themed story, if you didn't notice already.

  2. R.I.P. Runescape Account; Got hijacked and lost all of my gold.



    1. Raritas


      I feel for you... Did you have an authenticator set?

    2. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Oh no! How awful...

  3. 'Everybody on your friends list is a bot' -AwesomeLaserGuyTreeTrade.tf

  4. Clash Royale is a stupid game with stupid rules and stupid internet connections because I'm bad at it and internet connections suck and I'm really mad right now. :okiedokieloki:

    1. genessee
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I could never understand the appeal of games like that.

  5. Hey, everyone that cares about stuff I post: So my life has been a bit crazy and for the next two days I won't be home, and such won't have access to my computer. Luckily, I have access to my phone, so I can make small posts, but probably won't be able to make roleplay posts because I tend to make those very long. Note the probably, because chances are I'll try anyway if you make a post involving me. kthxbai

    1. FancyHorse


      Oh my dude, you try to have a good time ya hear?

  6. I'll be inactive for a few days again, this time I'll let EVERYONE know, lol.

    1. FancyHorse


      Nuuuuuuuu don't leave us! D:

  7. I'm back! Maybe a bit more than two days, but still, I'm back now!

  8. Love the new site theme! :D

  9. There hasn't been a roleplay post from any of the roleplays I'm in for a while. Let me just see whats up. -spams 'is DM ded lol ecks dee' in all roleplays-

  10. Will be out for a week due to visiting a family member

  11. [Gets 10 kills as a camping engie in a ctf round, doesn't die once.] MVP = genessee

  12. And I'm back from the spiciest taco I've ever eaten. Totally worth it.

  13. Babysitting! Whee!.. help me...

  14. Back to school. Yay?

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      If nothing else, look forward to simple positives. :D

  15. Feeling better. Which is unfortunate, as now I have to finish I hug project due today because I didn't work on it over the weekend.

    1. genessee


      Ooo, pleasant surprise when I logged in. My partner did a good bit of work on friday when I first got sick.

    2. CheeryFox
    3. genessee


      Danke. *Hugs back*

  16. Going to start posting my drawings on here. Legit ones, not generated. <3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. genessee


      99.99%, the other .01% is nachos. :3

    3. Lunar Echo
    4. Durov


      :o You sure? i think it might be magic :3
  17. Goodnight, world. At least, until tomorrow. Then you're stuck with me for another 12 hours. x3

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Nighty-night, sleep well and sweet dreams buddy! *Huggles*

  18. Goooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon.

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Gooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon to you too! Hope you're having a grreeaaat day! :D

    2. genessee
    3. StarNote


      good afternoon to you too

  19. Got a minecraft server. Yaaaaaay!

  20. Have a... uh... Thankful [?] Thanksgiving! I'll be off attempting to draw and failing, don't mind me.

    1. Durov


      thanksgiving :P im looking forward to guy falks :o big fires

  21. I finished one of my best drawings EVER. unfortunately, I did it on paper and am too lazy to convert, at least today. But YAY ME.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Durov


      i dont have a OC *shrugs*

    3. genessee


      You can send me one of those computer generated thingymabobs and I can attempt to replicate it. I won't be able to send it to you, though...

    4. genessee


      Oh, and I'm burned out from drawing another OC in the same manner, so I'm done for today.

  22. I have a half finished drawing in my notebook that I don't know what to add to, but it's too good to get rid of...

  23. I have to go do a thing for the remainder of the day. I'll catch up on posts when I get back.

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