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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by genessee

  1. @Hazard Time @Randimaxis @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz As if on cue, Lance returned the group, and asked, "Hey, I have a firepit out front made from a bench. Not sure if it'll burn, but I haven't had the chance to light it. Anypony here have a match or lighter?" He looked over at Dip expectantly. It wasn't exactly far-fetched to assume that he had something to light a fire with inside his stash somewhere. This firepit idea was a stroke of genius. I just need sometime to wind down and think about what a hellhole my life has just become. Oh, boy, I can't wait. Emotion.
  2. @Blitz Boom Lance waved and smiled. It was pretty obvious to him that this 'Berry' had drank a bit too much coffee. He didn't drink a lot of coffee, usually because after the rush he basically immediately fell asleep. Better introduce myself, right? "Hi! I'm Lance. You're Berry, right?"
  3. (Nopony in earshot, but just for what to expect) Lance had staggered outside, his headache in full swing, and then collapsed onto a wrecked bench-- it creaked in protest but surprisingly held steady. I can't pass out here, what if somepony besides my companions notices me out here? Like, alone and not conscious. That's like screaming 'Hey! I have loot and I would like it if you stole it! Don't worry, I won't even fight back!' Lance had, during his mental conversation, sunken lower and lower in his seat. There were two things keeping him awake at this point: fear of death and fear of losing the personality he had just created. I mean, sure, only Dip actually believes it, but whatever. I think I'll hang out here and wait for them to come out. Maybe I can set up a fire-- it seems to be getting dark, which is surprising, considering this is basically a never-ending fiery hell. Lance forced himself to his hooves, paused, and turned around, and with a hefty yank a board came off of the bench. Then another, and another. In a few minutes he had a makeshift fire-pit set up, with whatever he could manage to pull off the bench in the middle, surrounded by clumps of dirt and sand. Now I just need to light it with something. But what?..
  4. @Blitz Boom Lance nodded and made his way out of the office. Couriers? What couriers? Well, whatever. I'll probably learn about it soon enough. He waited by what he assumed was the front desk as he fiddled with his name tag.
  5. @Arid_Blitz @Randimaxis @FancyHorse @Hazard Time Lance frowned and glared at Odair. "Pal, in your state you couldn't kick a broad side of a barn, much less my head." He was beginning to have regrets of not just straight up killing the ***hole instead of helping him. Honestly, just putting up with him was enough to pay him back for taking the brunt of a gunshot. Anyways... "Well, now that you're good, you should be able to patch yourself up, right?" Lance threw a bandage at Odair while smiling an evil smile. It was pretty obvious Lance didn't plan on helping to apply it. He put the variety of trinkets and medical items in a pile at his own hooves, and then noted to the rest of the group; "I'm going to go wait outside for you guys. I think I need a breath of fresh air." Fresh was an overstatement, but he briskly turned and made his way for the door. His headache was starting to kick in again, and he didn't want to look needy again in front the his comrades. I like this feeling of bad***edness. I don't want to lose it because of a headache.
  6. @Blitz Boom Lance grinned from ear to ear. "Awesome! Alonsus said he was going to show me around, I'd guess that he'd find something for me to help with. It doesn't seem like that would be an impossible task, seeing as half the town is destroyed."
  7. @Blitz Boom Lance nodded and began to write. He tried to think of anything useful about himself, and wrote it down. Most of it was basic stuff telling about how he had never commit a crime (he never mentioned how he was a victim of a crime) and how he had taken on one-time jobs before this one, mostly being a courier for construction supplies. It took a couple minutes to fill out, plus a couple more for reading the rules page. Multiple times. I can't afford to mess something up. Again, most of it pretty standard things that really didn't have to be there if everypony knew what 'common sense' was. When he finished, he put the pen down and looked up.
  8. @Randimaxis Lance couldn't help smiling. This guy gave off the younger sibling vibe. I mean, sure, he's a zombie or whatever, but he's pretty fun to watch. I don't think he could hurt a fly. Lance helped pick up some of the first aid kits and other things, bandages and whatnot, and stood, waiting for what the creature had to say next. Hey, I forgot to say my name. "My name is Lance. What's yours?" If zombies even have names.
  9. @Randimaxis Lance froze. That didn't sound like any of his companions. He looked towards the voice, and saw-- wait, so zombies are a thing now? Seriously? Luckily, Lance knew a lot about zombies. Unfortunately, his legs decided to shut down before he could book it. So, instead, he smiled weakly. "Uh, b-bandage? That'd be g-great, actually. S-see those ponies over there? Just g-go over and, uh, give them a bandage. Or, uh, a l-l-lot. I don't know how big the b-bullet wound is." His legs then decided to work again, so he sprinted back to the group. @Hazard Time Lance was too shaken to answer Ametrine's snide remark on his shooting. In reality, while hunting, he had been able to hit a moving target. Sometimes. Either way, he could hit a pony-sized target from 50 feet away. Honest. Lance just decided to keep his distance from the creature, even if it was friendly, just to be sure it didn't decide to bite him.
  10. @Blitz Boom Lance nodded. "Yessir, I do believe that's me." Lance shook Straw's hoof as he examined his humongous straw hat. Looked over at the note, and had a puzzled look on his face. "Why should they stop signing their notes?"
  11. @FancyHorse @Hazard Time (The thread lives!) Lance frowned at the unconscious blonde. He was too weak to lift him up to look for an open wound, so he turned to Fallskir. "I can try to salvage this Stable suit and make a makeshift bandage. You and Ametrine--" Lance looked over to Ametrine and motioned for her to come over to him. "--need to look for the source of bleeding on this guy and make sure he doesn't die. Or let him die, I don't really care." Lance turned to walk away, but stopped. He reached into his coat and pulled out his syringe, or 'stimpak', that he had grabbed earlier. "I don't know what this is, but it looks medication-y. See what you can do." He tossed it to Fallskir and walked away towards the clothes store. Maybe I can find a cutting tool there. @Randimaxis As Lance made his way to the store, he whistled audibly, enough for the nearby ghoul to hear him.
  12. @Blitz Boom Lance nodded gingerly. "Lead the way, again." He hoped that this wouldn't take long. He got the same uneasy feeling around Alonsus, and he didn't feel comfortable being alone around him.
  13. Yep, I've often asked that question to myself. However, I've yet to think up a plausible answer besides 'We'll just have to wait until zombies are a thing.'
  14. @Blitz Boom Lance nodded. "Looks great! Lead the way." I hope the boss is just as... uh, nice, as Alonsus. Alonsus gave Lance a feeling that he wasn't egtting the whole picture. He brushed off his gut senses and waited for Alonsus to respond.
  15. @Blitz Boom "Hey, what's shaking?" Lance greeted Alonsus with a smile, and then asked, "So what do you need me to do today, boss?" He wasn't sure if his coworker was actually his boss, but he had seemed like the boss-type, so Lance just assumed he was.
  16. @Blitz Boom Lance stopped. He'd had one of those wait, what's happening again? moments. It only lasted a second. He quickly remembered, and hurried off in the direction of Bot Doggers to see if he could find Alonsus and ask him what Lance needed to do.
  17. @dragon4111 Ouch @Hazard Time , @Randimaxis , @FancyHorse , @Arid_Blitz My fallout buddies get slapped on the snout booped by yours truly
  18. @Randimaxis @Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @FancyHorse Lance got out of the dressing room, clad with his black hoodie and carrying his Stable 184 suit. He was glad that the warbling had stopped, and he (somewhat) walked back to the group. He was about to ask if he looked good or what, but noticed Odair on the floor and said something else; "Did he find more alcohol without me? Oh, man, I'm going to kill him when he wakes up." He looked over again, and upon further examination he noticed fresh blood oozing from the stallion. He suddenly remembered the guy taking a bullet (Literally) for him. "Oh." Well, unlike hacking, I actually know how to bandage things from seeing it in those plays. You have to, like, wrap it around a bunch and then tighten it. That shouldn't be too hard. Anyways, I have my vault jumpsuit to use as a bandage if he took one to the chest. I probably shouldn't be doing this while under the effects of a hangover, but YOLO, right?He then semi-walked over to Odair, crouched down, and asked, "Alright, punk. Show me the bullet wound. The doctor is in."
  19. @Randimaxis @Arid_Blitz Lance was groggily searching the clothes store, ignoring Odair, when he heard what sounded to him like flesh-on-bone. He looked over to the mutilated raider corpses, expecting to see somepony messing with or looting the corpses, and was just moving around intestine. Nope, not a soul. So what's that noise? He glanced around the store, and then peeped his head out of the front and looked around there as well. Still, nothing. Finally, he shrugged. Probably nothing. Anyways, I'm so close to finding comfortable clothes! Lance made his way back to a small pile of assorted hoodies and jackets. He picked up a black cotton hoodie. It's tag read 20% Polyester. Wow! I couldn't have ever hoped to afford this back when money was a thing. Well, I mean, I guess caps are money now. I think. He slung it over his shoulder and went into the store's dressing rooms.
  20. @Randimaxis That's fine, I think that most of the rest of us are going to let on more about the characters history as we go as well.
  21. @Hazard Time Lance glared at Ametrine, but it deteriorated to more of a pained, sad look. He almost felt too much like crap to fire off a sarcastic or straight up stupid remark. Almost. "I believe I've already learned it the hard way, miss." He nodded towards the putrid-smelling security office. Lance then heaved himself off the wall and brushed past Ametrine in the direction of the clothes store. ---------------------- @Randimaxis @FancyHorse @Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz A New Hero/Heroine(?) Rises Something feels... different. Like a new presence. An important presence, at that. You and I will find out what soon enough, right?
  22. @FancyHorse Lance smiled halfheartedly as he struggled to follow Fallskir. Ooh! Water! I guess I was wrong about a lack of water. He greedily took the canteen, and ignored whatever Fallskir told him to do as he took a swig. He instantly regretted his decision as his body tried to process the immense amount of radiation entering his bloodstream. He handed back the canteen and stumbled back to the nearest wall to lean on to avoid collapsing again. So that's why water is so scarce, huh. "You know, uh, alchohol sounds very nice right now." Lance, who was already looking rather ill, now looked even worse.
  23. @FancyHorse "I would if I could, honestly. Already puked it all in that nice puddle over there." Lance motioned towards the toxic puddle from the floor. "Yes. A nice sleep, I guess." A bottle of water would be appreciated right now. He'd learned that drinking water lessened the effects of his hangovers. However, he was unsure that there was any drinking water around, so he'd probably have to tough it out. He vaguely remembered seeing a clothing store nearby. Maybe he could find a hoodie there? It had been so long since he'd been in his cozy black hoodie. Only one way to find out. Step one: Stand up. Lance slowly got up once again, this time using the wall for support. Success! Step two: Move away from the wall. This was going to take a while.
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