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Posts posted by Canteen_the_unstable

  1. @Dynamo Pad

    Canteen looked at Dynamo and chuckled wrapping a hoof around him before chuckling "Yeah when Melio was young he was bit by a timberwolf..The crystal makes him turn into a crystal timberwolf which is awesome." he said as he finally set Melio down as someone was coming towards them with some weird shadows. Looking back at Dynamo he chuckled some "I'm glad I gave you a hell a fight. Next time we wont have to be restrained to a ring. Or you know others." he smiled before looking at the other who went by Mason, he took up his inhaler and began to move over towards him seeing the smarmy smile and weird look "Oh hey I didnt know the food vendors came down here...man that would of made things a lot more simple."

    Yawning some he got right next to Mason just smiling himself "Now make yourself useful and go get me about four hot dogs, some fries....oh make them chili fries with lots of cheese. Some hamburgers, oh and some drinks." closing his eyes some he narrowed them on Mason softly speaking so only he could hear him "If you try something, you wont make it to the finals. Your little shadows wont help with what I can do."

  2. @Literally Snails @dragon4111 @reader8363

    Going over the posts and all that, it has dawned on me. Out of all team lotus only @Dynamo Pad Has either lost a match or had a draw. All the others have won, even in matches where they were very outmatched and was basically declared the winner before the fight. Sorry to say that is a bit of a buzz kill for Dynamo who followed the rules of take a loss or two in the matches so it seems more realistic. Against someone like Viridi, Draco was sorry to say Outmatched, and in another fight Rose was...but still won

  3. @Dynamo Pad       https://mlpforums.com/topic/184212-visit-to-ponyville-sueno-and-dynamo/


    After getting off the train Sueno stood there with some luggage in tow, looking around the station of Ponyville she used her magic to drag her baggage behind her walking out to the town. Walking along she looked at her watch "Hmm he should be here soon, now then I should have on this trip to see a few of the places I wanted to see. Perhaps even talk to that Twilight Sparkle about some magic." she stood there outside the local Boutique and set her luggage down. Pulling out a letter from her sister about how she was gonna be coming through this town, so figured she would show up and see her sister but as well deliver an invite to Dynamo to come visit Canteen and Melios

  4. 6 minutes ago, reader8363 said:

    Rose's ears folded back by the howl as he changed. Then she stood there for a few seconds before walking towards where Melios fell off while using the crystal to steady herself. She looked at the two and asked Topaz, "Do you have to count or is that a win for locus?" 

    Canteen held onto Melios who was shaking and unsure what was going on. Looking up Canteen simply says "He is done...I'll be needing Topaz to return his stuff."

  5. 1 minute ago, reader8363 said:

    Rose looked around and spotted a crystal that was embedded in the ring. She slowly picked it up and checked it's weight. Then she crouched down and got ready, to either roll to the side, or use his momentum against him to either impale or flip him out of the ring

    As he was readying himself he began to move up but suddenly he began to stop as his crystals began to shrink down before falling off him. As he let out a pained howl he fell to the side as his body began to shrink down slowly reverting back to his pony form. Laying there he slowly rose up almost quizzical on what was going on, seeing Rose with a giant crystal and a missing limb he began to scramble away running to the other side of the ring and falling out being caught by Canteen

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