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Posts posted by Canteen_the_unstable

  1. Granted but now they ignore the lessons and play Bob Ross videos all day in Korean

    I wish my evil dnd character can manipulate the group and our boss till the time is right and get away with everything

    • Brohoof 1
  2. On 4/19/2019 at 11:07 AM, Dynamo Pad said:


    As Dynamo took the saddlebag off of his back, he was surprised as Melio had ran over to him. He braced for impact as the gaming unicorn was tackled to the ground. He chuckled as he Melio nuzzled him, before Dynamo hugged his friend. "Melio! It's so great to see you, little buddy! It seems like somepony missed me." He chuckled once more, before looking at the note Melio had wrote for him. "You're welcome and you don't need to thank me. I made a promise to both you and your brother that I would visit. You're my friend, Melio. I would never break a promise to a friend." He says, ruffling Melio's mane playfully. He felt the weight being lifted off as Canteen picked up his younger brother.

    Dynamo was about to sit up, but was caught off guard as Canteen jumped on top of him. Dynamo winced from the pain as Canteen had landed on his ribs. As the air escaped from his lungs, Dynamo thought he could see a bright light as his soul was leaving his body. He slowly regained consciousness as he felt Canteen squishing his facial cheeks with his hooves. "Hello to you, as well, Canteen. I would say I should have seen that coming, but this is you we're talking about. One can never guess what's going on through your mind." He tried to say as Canteen was squishing his facial cheeks. He pulled Canteen into a hug and chuckled, while shaking his head for Canteen to let go of his face. "It's still nice to see you and your brother again, Canteen. As soon as I got the invitation, I made sure to get some time off to visit Crimos. I admit that I was a bit busy recovering from the tournament and everything that happened. I'm just glad that my name was cleared from the tournament committee placed on the team. I went to a few video game tournaments, but I don't have to go to any competitions for a while." He says, nodding at the mentioning of settling the score with Canteen on games. "Of course. With all the games this arcade has. I have no doubt we'll find out the winner between us. Although, could you let me stand up, please? I still have to say hi to one other friend." He says, chuckling as he still wanted to give Copper a hug, as well.

    Canteen grumbled having to get up before he did and dragged Dynamo back to his feet, looking around the arcade he smiled "I'm sure you will find out I am not as good at games then I am fighting, or singing, or instruments. Anyways yes go say hello to Copper me and Melio are gonna hit the restroom really fast. Been drinking a lot of water waiting for you guys and I think if I dont go the next time I hug somepony I'll pee." he said running off to the bathroom with Melios close behind

    Copper moved over to Dynamo and rolled his eyes at the antics before embracing Dynamo in a hug "It is good to see you my friend. Sadly I cant stay very long, got a job and I need to see if they still need me or not. Tell those two if they arent back in time for me to leave."

  3. 19 hours ago, reader8363 said:

    Copy 3 was barely lucking to stop right before the claws could make contact. It landed and started using some magic to create a net.

    Copy 2 was cut into three different pieces before dissolving

    Copy 1 took the pain until the beam ended. It lowered the shield to show that it was missing a front leg, a bit of the bottom of the jaw, and a couple of holes throughout his body.  It lowered to the ground but kept a little close to Topaz, so it can guard her if need to.
    Rose heard Melios heading towards her and released the rock right at him, She felt some magic come back to her, but not really a lot. She followed the rock that was hurtling for Melios, while being stealthubf 

    Melios ran towards the rock, not paying attention his front paw went into a crack in the ring sending him stumbling forward. The rock smashing right into him caused him to flop backwards, slowly getting up  he gave out a few whimpers lifting up his paw showing a few of the talons had snapped off. Growling he raised his tail slamming it down repeatedly on the ground sending up a massive dust cloud. Using it as a means to conceal himself the dust began to fill up the ring as the thumping of his tail stopped. Stalking around now as the dust was used as a means to ambush Rose when need be

    He snuck through the dust coming up behind Topaz and the clone, beginning to swipe at both of them with his tail aiming to bash the clone and Topaz out of the ring, not caring that Topaz was not part of the fight...she was prey to him now

    Up in the area where Canteen had landed rubble began to move before Canteen had used his legs to kick off a stone that was on him, standing up he coughed some as he looked around "Hey dont tell me I lost." he said looking around rubbing his head, tilting his head side to side cracking his neck "Man how long was I out."

  4. Stuffed cabbage rolls or turkey and noodles. I cook the turkey breasts with nice seasoning and then pick it to the bones using them to make a homemade broth including the drippings in the broth from the turkey pan. Then toss in the noodles then the meat to warm the meat. Turning it off just as the noodles are al'dente so they finish cooking without becoming mushy. Served with homemade mashed potatoes and a veggie of your choice o3o

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