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Posts posted by Canteen_the_unstable

  1. 1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    As Dynamo fell towards the ring in his spin dash form, he contemplated on what he could do next in this battle. His mind raced with countless ideas, but he knew it would be in vain. He had about half of his magic left and any other spells might drain what's left of his energy. He knew Canteen could withstand a dragged out fight, so he had to think of a plan. As he spun, he noticed the ring as an idea formed in his mind. "Hey, Canteen! How about we shake things up a bit! FORCE and ZERO G!!" He called out as his magic horn glowed. As the spell enveloped his spin dash form, he got out of his spin and slammed his hooves to the ring.

    The magic soon surged from his hooves and out towards the entire ring around him and Canteen. He hoped that Topaz had exited the ring. Otherwise, he might not be able to guarantee her safety. Cracks began to form as the sound of the ring breaking apart could be heard throughout the stadium. Soon enough, the entire ring had broken apart into different sections. Some parts of the ring had stayed on the ground, while other pieces of the ring had floated into the air. "Now, we have our own little makeshift pinball machine. Let's see if I can't get a new high score." He turned into his spin dash form and began flying towards Canteen once more. If the spell worked, then he the spell would also affect Canteen's gravity to make him float. Meaning the gaming unicorn could attack, while ricocheting off of the floating rocks and keep up the attacks. 

    Hearing the question he began to get up as he slid some his legs crossing a bit "Oh this is kinda fun..I can skate pretty well." hearing the other words he watched as the pieces of the ring began to go up into the air as he looked around at them "Huh..neat." he watched before he was now floating in the air, moving his hooves in the air he chuckled "Hey neat. You know if you left the ice it would of been more fun." he began to lean back in the air relaxing. Looking around some "Dang I should have a nice drink with me and some snacks." closing his eyes he just floated there enjoying it

    Hearing of the pinball machine and new high score he chuckled some "Well dont forget to add in the bits." he opened his eyes just in time to watch Dynamo slam into him again as a ball. Spitting out more blood he looked around some as his eyes were looking at all the pieces of ring in the air. This was gonna be troublesome, his hoof reached into his bag digging out his inhaler he held it up "I guess you are gonna make me use this...ABOUT TIME YOU LAZY PONY." he said jokingly before taking a hit off the inhaler

  2. On 4/13/2019 at 8:24 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

    Dynamo was breathing heavily as he nodded slightly to Arid's remark. "I might need a couple of seconds. I admit my back hurts, but the barrier kept me from taking serious hits." He says, the barrier dissipating around him. At most, he had around a little more than half of his magic left. He knew from the magic to his limbs, the barrier and magic blades that it wasn't much power. He learned that using magic so carelessly would be his undoing. "I guess not being serious is a mistake. Seeing how I want to gauge the power that my opponent possesses. However, it's impossible with you as you are unpredictable at times. So, you'll have to forgive me. I can promise you that I'm not going to hold back this time around. You won't defeat me here." He says, nodding as he turned to Topaz. "I was going to say the same thing, but Canteen made it easier. The ring might be damaged really badly at this rate. Plus, you saw what I was able to do to Patchwork. This fight is going to get turned up to eleven at this rate."

    As Canteen began to circle his opponent, the blue unicorn took steady breaths to get air into his lungs. He knew it wouldn't be that much of a rest, but it gave him time to analyze Canteen's condition. Each time Canteen circled him, Dynamo had taken notice that the earth pony was getting closer and closer to him. At around ten feet, he watched as Canteen charged, before he stood up on his front hooves. At the same time, he began to spin like a top with his hind legs. Dynamo began jumping back repeatedly to avoid the spinning kicks. 'With each spin, he's trying to make send me out of the ring. Either he kicks me out or I'm falling out. I don't think he'll stop his spin as he's set on knocking me out. He's spinning like a top.' He thought, taking notice that the spin wasn't as fast as he anticipated. 'Why is the spin not as difficult to dodge? Wait...it's the damage to his front hooves. He took all that damage from the wind barrier! With all that damage, then it's difficult to keep the spin going.' He thought, his unicorn horn glowing in preparation to use a spell. 'Okay, then. To take out a spinning top, you either need to hit the sides enough, or knock it off balance. Since his arms are damaged, then there's only one thing to do.' With one last back step, he jumped into the air, while looking towarAsds the ring. "Time to put you on ice. FREEZE!" At that moment, Dynamo launched an ice spell towards the ground. As the spell struck the ring, the entire stadium floor had become encased in ice. If the spell worked, then Canteen wouldn't be able to keep his balance. Dynamo turned into his spinning ball form and began to spin dash towards the ring.

    As he spun on his front hooves he thought about what Dynamo said of trying to basically study his power and not being able to get a good read. Then speaking of finally not holding back he scoffed some "You said that before." he kept missing with his spinning as he grinned, he was gonna force Dynamo's hoof and step up his game. Suddendly Dynamo was gone jumping into the air he slowed himself a bit before hearing Freeze. "You arent a guard..I wont..." he shut up as the ice froze over the arena, slipping with his front hooves he fell back to his back sliding along the ice. Coming to a stop near the center he stared up at the pegasus above him "Oh I see what you did there." keeping an eye on Dynamo he began to tap the ice -Hmm this is going to be a slight issue. I guess he wanted to keep me from moving around as much as I do-

    Seeing Dynamo change into a ball form and fly down towards him he blinked "Oh this is gonna hurt." he said as he used his hooves to try and get up slipping back down. Looking around as he was wondering what to do before he felt a spinning ball of Dynamo slam into him cratering the arena some as he spat out blood. Closing his eyes some as he thought of different things he could do to avoid Dynamo next attack

    • Brohoof 1
  3. On 4/10/2019 at 4:24 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

    Dynamo chuckled slightly as he saw the cut upon Canteen's cheek. "I guess we do match, huh? Also, that's okay. I can get the jacket sewn and fixed up, but I didn't think it would get ruined from the gauntlets." He shrugged as he saw Canteen turning around to face the gaming unicorn. As he turned, Dynamo noticed the sadistic smile upon Canteen's face. A slight chill ran down the blue unicorn's spine. It was the same unnerving feeling he got, while being chased by his opponent yesterday. "Well, it was going to become serious sooner or later. So, I guess the gloves come off for this next fight. No pun intended, of course." He took a deep breath and sighed, getting into a fighting pose and nods. "I can say the same thing about you, Canteen. You said you wanted to see my magical abilities and to have me be serious. So, I'll give it all I've got."

    Dynamo watched closely as Canteen started to take a few steps forward, before breaking out into a sprint. The blue unicorn threw his arms up to guard, before seeing Canteen turn around and sent a powerful kick upwards. As the kick landed, the kick had broke through the guard and connected. As Canteen had kicked his chest, Dynamo gasped as he was sent upwards into the air. As the blue unicorn tried to gather his bearings, his eyes widened as Canteen had jumped above Dynamo. As the earth pony was about to aim a stomping kick towards the ring, Dynamo quickly used an advanced wind spell to create a barrier. As the attack connected, the damage was lessened, but Dynamo still crashed into the ring. The wind barrier, however, managed to lessen the damage slightly, but also damage the opponent, as well. 

    It took a moment for Dynamo to struggle in standing up. The kicks were much more powerful than the previous attacks, but Dynamo didn't expect the power difference to be this wide of a margin. 'I knew he was being serious, but I didn't think his power and speed would be this powerful. It's like he was warming up, before taking the fight to the next level.' He closed his eyes and sighed. Using a small healing spell to make the pain in his back less unbearable. "Okay, then. If he wanted to see what my magic is capable of, then I'm not holding anything back." He muttered to himself as he waited for Canteen in preparation for the next attack.

    Dynamo was speaking about gloves coming off as he spoke softly "When I focus..that's when you know you are in trouble." he said with his sadistic grin. The defense was enough to catch his attention as he moved back from the crater he created using Dynamo Canteen dripped blood as the wind was sharp like a razor. He had cuts going up along his front legs and chest area "Well you still havent gotten serious it seems. That will be a mistake." moving around the ring seemingly circling Dynamo like a predator would wounded prey. "Topaz." he said walking still "Out of the ring.." he said simply before chuckling some "Unless you want to be part of the fun." eyes never leaving Dynamo, he was looking over his defensive stance. "Breathing must be hard after that...Let me know if you need a breather."

    Staying about 30 feet away from Dynamo, making a full circle around his opponent before starting again this time getting a bit closer. 20 feet followed by 10 feet. Each complete circle he was closing in on his prey before finally when he completed his last circle at 10 feet he dug his hooves in and charged forward towards Dynamo from the front smirking as his eyes glinted with happiness but as well a sadistic look like the pain was nothing more then part of this game. Getting close he planted his front hooves down as he did a hoof stand up, he began to move his upper legs around so he spun. His hind legs were out as he was spinning at Dynamo like a top

  4. On 4/6/2019 at 9:28 PM, Dynamo Pad said:

    @DwhitetheGamer @reader8363 @dragon4111

    As Dynamo continued to rush forward at his opponent, he was momentarily surprised that Canteen had broken through the boulders with his gauntlets. He cast away his surprise as he knew it was now or never. He swung his magic blades and made a slash at Canteen, before stopping a few feet from the initial clash. As he landed towards the ground, he stayed completely still in place. For a moment, it looked as if neither side was making a move. Suddenly, the magic blades had shattered, a part of his gaming jacket had been torn and a cut had appeared upon his right facial cheek. He turned around in his standing position as he looked to see how things had turned out. He raised an eyebrow as the blue unicorn had actually managed to destroy Canteen's gauntlets. "At least I was able to get rid of your weapons. Then again, I guess you and I had ended this in a draw." He noticed the cut upon his face, while seeing a cut was upon Canteen's left facial cheek. "It looks like you and I made each other match." He chuckled, before frowning as he saw the tear in his jacket.

    "Aw, man. That's not good. That was my favorite jacket. I hope I can get this sewn and/or fixed up." He sighs, unzipping the jacket, before throwing said jacket over to his team. "Hey, you guys? Can you hold onto my jacket?" He asks, turning back to Canteen and returning the smile. "This fight has been pretty good, so far. I'm glad I'm able to be entertaining. Although, I guess the warm up is over now, huh? I guess it's time to kick it up a notch?" He asks, getting into his fighting pose, while waiting to see what Canteen was really capable of. 

    "Hey look matching cuts.." he said pointing at his own cut on his cheek before seeing the jacket tossed from the ring "Sorry, Tried to avoid it but, you moved a few inches the other way and I caught it." as he fully turned around to look at Dynamo he began to get a sadistic smile on his face as he lowered his head "Ooo..sees we are finally moving on from the foal stuff."  the look in his eyes began to change as it went from a fun, lovable goof to that of a sadistic maniac. He began to twist his neck looking at Dynamo sideways as his neck let out a crack "I was hoping I could finally let loose, finally loosened out all my muscles...now remember you asked for this."

    Moving his  front hoof along the ground he just kept looking at Dynamo sideways, moving forward a few steps he took off full speed towards Dynamo. The moment he got close he twisted on his hooves so he was facing away from Dynamo. He leapt up, his hind legs coming in before shooting out like a rocket towards Dynamo's face, hoping to send him flying. If he connected with the hit he would rush towards Dynamo again bring up his front hooves and aim a hard stomp down to send him into the ring

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

    Canteen chuckled at the comment whispered in his ear as he began to move off of Copper "Nah, I'm to adorable to harm." he began to head over to the table and laid back on it "Well that is good that you had a mission here. Just waiting on Dynamo. Please eat."

    Melio let go of Copper holding up a note "What do you think of Crimos?" he said before writing down another "I am excited that you guys came..I was worried that neither of you would." he looked down a bit at that last note

    Sueno continued the short tour as she pointed out different areas "Over there is a park...over here we have some quaint little shops like a bakery, clothing store etc etc. Let me know if you stop at them Copper and Yourself both have a tab set up at all the shops that will be covered by me." Hearing about Arid she rolled her eyes some "Oh dont be sorry, he needed that. Not very often that he gets to fight and not need his amulet...or even fight with somepony he respected."

    As she walked along she used her arrows again "Besides why would anything change? He died...wouldnt be the first time nor will it be the last. And yes you are going to ask about that but, best save it for later. It will be very interesting and explain a lot. When you and Copper visit my shop I'll explain. As well read your future again." she began to point ahead as she continued "There we have the bank, over there is the library." as she finally came to a stop in front of the Arcade "Here we are at the arcade...Please go inside Copper, Canteen and Melio will be waiting...also be nice to the foals and others in there."

  6. @Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer

    Sueno nodded at Dynamo as he alerted her of his presence. Waving him over she smiled some "Yes...hello Dynamo it has been a bit. Follow me we shall get you to the meeting place, seeing you are here for a bit." she moved a key over to him using her magic "A key to your room at the palace." she smiled some "You made such an impression on individuals you and Copper shall be staying there till you leave. I have some passes for you and other things in this folder for you to look through later." she turned around and began to walk through the streets "As you can see, we are rather nice place, clean and efficient." she began to use her magic to make arrows to point at different places "Keep up now, I have things to attend to after this." she pointed with an arrow at the solar panels "We harness the power of the sun to light a majority of the city. We have a wind farm outside the city which provides for the villagers who live there." she trotted along as she used her arrow to point again "Over there is my little shop. Do stop in with Copper later." she pointed again "Over there is the training grounds for the guards."

    Melio jumped as he wasnt expecting Copper to show up behind him. Turning around he hugged Copper smiling as his tail wagged behind him. As he did that he and Copper would both feel a pounce from Canteen who wanted to join in the hug

    "Hey Copper, we were just talking about you...and how if Dynamo and yourself didnt show up I would show up at your place...with a hatchet and drag you back here." Canteen said as he began to lay across Copper's back "Dang you are pretty strong, holding me up with no issue and Melio. Wait why are you here before Dynamo? Do I need to go get my Hatchet? Oh by the way there is a nice big buffet for us, and hope you dont mind the little ones running around...it wouldnt be fair to let them not join in a nice fun day like this...also all the games have been set to free play so no worries on spending bits."

  7. 21 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    Dynamo couldn't help in chuckling along with Canteen as he kept rolling around the ring. Even though he was fighting for his life, he was actually having fun fighting his friend. Eventually his rolling had come to an end as he bumped against one of the many spikes still on the ground. As Canteen had caught up to him, Dynamo knew that this was the time to counter. "Well, what can I say. I was on a roll with my fighting, so far. I might as well see if I'm good with rock and roll." He almost chuckled at his terrible joke, before crossing his hooves in a cross shape. He swung his arms to the side, while activating his magic blades once more. After a decisive swing, he dug the magic blades into the ground and back flipped to gain some distance and see the results. While Dynamo made a back flip, a part of the ground was brought with the magic blades.

    The gaming unicorn skidded along the ground, before stopped a few feet away. "I mean if we weren't having to beat the stuffing out of each other, then of course I can say that you're my friend. I wouldn't say that you're evil, but more misunderstood. You can't be evil because of how nice of a brother you are to Melio. You really care about him and would do anything to make sure he stays safe." He says, a soft, yet kind smile was present upon his face. "I just hope this friendship can continue after the tournament. Even if our initial meeting was a bit rocky, I can still see a great friendship between you and I." He leaned forward, charging magic into his hind legs in an attempt to charge. He soon swung his blades from one side to the other as the boulders that were stuck on the blade had flown through the air. The smile had slowly faded as he soon dashed off like a rocket towards Canteen. The goal at this point was to destroy those gauntlets. Dynamo made sure to keep a few feet away from the flying debris as both a defense and cover. 

    As he came at Dynamo, he brought the unicorn gauntlet in for a strike before Dynamo's blades made short work of it "Oops." they shattered sending shards of it into the ground, he began to hop back "Yes misunderstood is an understatement, my brother is all I have and no one is to harm him." as he watched the boulder being brought with Dynamo he tilted his head some. Cover? Well that made things a bit harder. The moment it was cut up and flung at him so Dynamo had cover and defense "Well that was fun." the moment Dynamo was charging him super fast surprised him a bit  "Alright lets get to it then." he rushed forward to meet Dynamo in the center of the ring Bringing up his dragon horn gauntlet he used it to slice up the boulders

    Bringing out his gauntlet he made a slash at Dynamo and came to a stop after the attack. Blood coming from his gash on his forehead dripped to the ground before a new wound was seen across the cheek of Canteen. Lowering the gauntlet down the horns dropped to the ground as they had been cut clean in half, reaching over he pulled off the gauntlet and dropped it to the ground turning his head to the side showing off the gash on his cheek as a smile was on his face "This is fun, I knew you would be entertaining just didnt know how entertaining." he began to laugh as he moved a hoof through his mane "Oh wow this has been the greatest day I had in years."

    • Brohoof 1
  8. @Dynamo Pad

    As the train was coming into the station, she put her watch away. Looking over her schedule book "Alright seems to be running on time, good. Will pass that along the train is not running into any delays." she made a few marks in her book before seeing the passengers began to depart from the train "Dynamo should be on here. Copper well depends on if he could make it. He could be on a job or something."

    Melio was grabbing a slice of pizza as he waited, he ran over to some of the games checking them over to make sure they were working. Looking over at the foals and other kids bowling in the other side of the arcade. He went up to Canteen with a note "What...What if they dont come?"

    Laying on one of the tables hooves in the air he was waiting on Dynamo and Copper. The train should of been here. Seeing the note he stuck out his tongue "No they will be here, I told them if they didnt come I would come drag them here myself. And we both know I would."

  9. 43 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    "Maybe it's because you don't really know your own strength, Canteen. You have to remember that you're an earth pony, after all. Earth ponies are all about physical strength and that's no joke. I sparred against Copper when I was younger and even last night. His strength is nothing to laugh at. Seeing how you got to see how the fight turned out." He shook his hooves to get back feeling from the barrage of kicks. He was shaky at first, but he managed to stand right back up. "Who says that I'm hurt? I even said that your strength is nothing to underestimate. Plus, I wouldn't use my magic blades when I headbutted you. I may have won the fight, but where's the fun and challenge in that? Besides, you may be my enemy and rival, but you're also my friend. I won't go down that path. I can tell that after our meeting from yesterday that you too, feel the same way."

    Dynamo stayed low to the ground as he was preparing to avoid Canteen's gauntlet strikes. As he dashed forwards, Dynamo had jumped back to avoid any unnecessary damage. Every jab being thrown was another jump back to dodge. 'He's being relentless in his attacks. It's like he's not even tired. I need to do something about those gauntlets and I have to do this now. If he so much as uses that inhaler, then those gauntlets will be a problem for later.' He thought, suddenly slipping on his front hooves and falling to the side. It seemed that his front hooves haven't fully recovered from the kick onslaught from earlier. He saw another punch was upon him, but Dynamo barely managed to roll out of the way. He began to roll along the ring, while avoiding the gauntlet strikes. From the momentum of his spinning, Dynamo was having trouble on where he was rolling towards. However, he saw the spikes that were still a part of the previous fights. He began rolling towards that part of the ring and would be prepared if Canteen kept attacking the gaming unicorn. 

    Smiling at being called a friend before he attacked his eyes lit up "I'm your friend?" he was ecstatic hearing that as he watched Dynamo shake out his hooves "Well I consider you a friend too." chuckling at the fact he wouldnt of used his magic blades on Canteen's head "Well good, I'm pretty sure if you did not much would of came out." starting to jab at Dynamo who kept moving back from him "Hey stand still." he kept missing grumbling "Oh come on." he said getting closer and closer with the strikes before Dynamo was on the ground. "Hey you pulled a me." Looking down at Dynamo he brought up both gauntlets and started to stab down at him. Each time he missed Dynamo his gauntlet sunk into the tiles and ripped out small chunks "UGH Stop rolling." he chuckled out

    Stopping finally a few feet from Dynamo he narrowed his eyes "Darnit if I keep missing I need to step up my game." Looking Dynamo in the eyes as he prepared to attack again "Ok...here we go again. Stand still this time. You were rolling around like a darn wheel."

  10. On 4/3/2019 at 4:22 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

    As the two continued to clash, Dynamo tried to think of a way to gain an advantage. He was slightly surprised that Canteen admitted he wasn't using the inhaler yet, but he felt that was a good thing. He understood the effects of the inhaler. What was didn't know was how much of a chance the gaming unicorn had against Canteen. He didn't have much time to think as Canteen had fallen back to end the clash between their weapons. Dynamo had begun to lose his balance as he starting to fall forward. He saw that Canteen was on his back, while bringing up his hind legs to deliver a barrage of kicks. The gaming unicorn had ceased the magic blade spell, while bringing up his front hooves to defend himself.

    He winced as he felt Canteen had delivered the kicks to his front hooves. There was much more power to the onslaught, while he felt himself being pushed back. As the kicking barrage had ceased, he saw Canteen had sat up to deliver a headbutt. Dynamo narrowed his eyes as he returned the headbutt with his own headbutt. As the attacks collided, it looked as if it was a draw. However, Dynamo had leaned back and sat down. He gritted his teeth as he massaged his forehead, while still recovering from the attacks. "Okay. That really hurt. It's like I ran into a brick wall." He says, checking to make sure that the horn on his forehead wasn't damaged. He could even feel his front hooves were a little numb from the attacks. 'I know he said he was going to kick it up a notch, but even still. I didn't think his attacks would have that much power behind it.' He grinned slightly as he knew this fight was only getting started.

    Laying back down he began to chuckle "Oh wow that was fun...you know a lot of people say my head is as hard as a brick...or was that I was thick as a brick." starting to roll onto his stomach he got up the gash on his head from earlier now really opened up from the massive headbutts they did to each other. Looking at Dynamo he shrugged some "Oh come on this is just getting more interesting you cant be hurt yet." he grinned holding up his unicorn horn gauntlet "You know your magical blade is unique but, you should of used it when you headbutted me." he tilted his head some smirking "You would of probably won if you did."

    He began to move back a few steps looking at Dynamo "Ok I am giving you a few feet...if you arent ready when I get there...it is your own fault." he said before rushing forward towards Dynamo, bringing his unicorn gauntlet back and throwing it like a jab at Dynamo's face

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @Dynamo Pad @DwhitetheGamer


    Canteen and Melio were inside an arcade, setting things up as they were expecting guests. Little foals and other children were running around helping as Canteen and Melio invited them as well so it wasnt empty and gave them some fun. As Melio was setting up some of the tables he had them set out, food on one table, a card table for any card games. Consoles on another as well controllers in case they wanted to do an older game that the arcade didnt have

    Canteen had been setting up streamers and munching on a hot dog, looking around at the place "Ah looks good, now just need those two. If they come man if they dont come I'm going to their places and dragging them here. I Mean really I offered for them to come visit during a tournament of death and mayhem not weird at all."

    Standing at the gates of Crimos was Sueno, the assistant for Arid. She took out a pocket watch and nodded "They should be here soon, good after the little tour just drop them off. At least it will keep Canteen from aggravating Defiant." she looked over a few notes as well "Approved hotel stay if they wish as well a pass to visit the castle if they wish."

  12. On 3/31/2019 at 3:51 AM, Dynamo Pad said:

    Dynamo waited patiently as Canteen had begun to make his way back towards the ring. He could have used a couple of spells, but he had a feeling that Canteen could have dodged them all. That, and he didn't want to waste energy. He was going to be in for a drawn out fight, so he had to be careful. "You never know what might happen in this fight. I might just surprise you, in my opinion." He says as his opponent had finally jumped back into the ring. At the mention of visiting Crimos, he raised an eyebrow at the offer, before shrugging. "I'll have to consider that, but that sounds interesting. I've heard a bit about the place from our chat from yesterday. It also depends on what Copper thinks, but still." He narrowed his eyes as Canteen had rushed forward.

    "You've got it. I won't hold back and I'll make sure to give it all I've got!" He kept a close eye on Canteen, who turned to Dynamo's left, while readying a punch to the left cheek. The gaming unicorn leaned back to do a cartwheel, but threw one of the magic blades into the ground as a sort of foothold. His left back hoof kicked the bottom of the gauntlet to send said kick into the air. He regained the magic blade from the ground to intercept any incoming attack. He swung both magic blades in a spin motion to the left. If the attack landed, he would either block another hit, or he would cause the attacks to tie and clash.

    "Crimos isnt bad, Shining just follows the princesses because he hasnt a mind of his own." he chuckled before feeling the first gauntlet pushed aside with a kick, seeing the cartwheel he grinned some as he felt a clash of his horn gauntlet and the other's magic blade. "Hmm...well this seems a bit of a predicament. Seeing you are trying I suppose I'll ramp up what I can do, still havent needed the inhaler." after saying that he pushed with his gauntlet against the blade "Here goes." after he did the push against the blade he dropped to the ground on his back, bringing up his hind legs he pushed them up. If he did it right the pushing then sudden stop might make Dynamo fall forward where his hooves were resting

    If Dynamo fell on them he would just chuckle before doing a barrage of kicks with his hind hooves. There was more power behind them this time, if the barrage even happened he would do a sit up and bring his head in for a headbutt against Dynamo's nose "Hey at least if you come visit we wont be trying to kill each other...and I can show you the card and game shop."

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 18 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    As the attack connected, Dynamo noticed Canteen getting flown back into the crowd. The gaming unicorn flipped as he landed back onto the stadium ring. He stood up and watched as he saw the dust and debris getting blown away by the wind. "That's the thing I was trying to tell you. Never underestimate me. You might be surprise on what I can be capable of." He says, not trying to sound overconfident. He knew his opponents underestimated him because of his talk of video games. However, he knew he would have to show Canteen that he was more than just a gamer in this match.

    He smiled sheepishly and chuckled slightly at Canteen's outburst. "Oh, I know you didn't chicken out. I said it's a game of chicken. Let's see who ducks first. I'm sorry to say, but I think you might have ducked first on that. Which, of course, had allowed me to send you outside of the ring." He says, taking notice that he had dealt some damage to the dark gray earth pony. "Plus, I never cheat. I never cheated in a video game and I won't start now. I always want a fair and that sounds fair. I'll take you up on a rematch and see which of our weapons are stronger. My magic swords or your gauntlets." He says, leaning back as he readied for another onslaught of strikes from his opponent.

    Listening to Dynamo he chuckled some "Fine you won that one." he began to get up from the rubble, brushing some off "You want to go again? Fine but I am pretty sure this wont end the way you think it will." as the count began, he moved over walking down to the wall, getting on it he jumped off back to the ring "I'm back Topaz no worries." looking at Dynamo he slowly began to walk forward "Hey I was thinking, maybe after the tournament you can come visit Crimos? At least then it wont be filled with us beating each other up.Bring Copper too and I'll show you around with Melio's" as he said that he rushed forward towards Dynamo "BUT LET'S GET BACK TO BEATING EACH OTHER UP NOW!"

    As he rushed towards Dynamo he jumped to the left, as soon as his hooves touched the ground he launched at Dynamo from the left bringing up the dragon horn gauntlet. "Show me what you are made of...I dont want to leave this fight without knowing if you gave it your all." he swung his gauntlet down at Dynamo's Left Cheek trying to get him. Whether he hit or not, he readied his other gauntlet and brought it upwards towards Dynamo's chin

  14. @Dynamo Pad @Literally Snails

    As the attack clashed with Dynamo he looked into the eyes of Dynamo "Hey what's this? A fire in your eyes. Nice..see what you got.." He began to smirk before being told they were gonna play a game...A game of chicken? Really well this will be fun. Looking down at the ground he grinned "Oooo I hope one of us makes up our mind soon the ground is getting closer." he looked up as he felt a blast of energy. It was almost like a beam blasting him back towards the crowd, slamming into the stands a cloud of dirt and dust covered the area as a crash was heard. A few members of the crowd flew though the air as the impact sent them into the air.

    Laying there in rubble canteen was thinking ~That actually hurt, I guess he is getting serious.~ as he felt a trickle of blood run down from his forehead down his nose he began to chuckle some to himself ~On second hoof I think I should still toy with him till he finally goes all out. I may miss out on something.~ the dust was still around him as he coughed from inhaling some of it "I didnt chicken out...you cheated I demand a rematch." he chuckled through the dust and smoke

  15. @Dynamo Pad

    A surprised look was on his face after landing his gauntlets, surprised Dynamo didnt use his magic to block or counter. Maybe Dynamo was trying to learn my pattern? Well guess he will have some free time after the match.

    Watching Dynamo in the air he watched him go up, putting a hoof up to block the sun's rays "Wow I didnt think he would go that high. Well guess I should meet him halfway. Maybe he wasnt what I thought." he shrugged some before leaning down he jumped up towards the now Falling Dynamo. The gauntlets dripped with blood as he went higher into the air he chuckled "GUESS I MISJUDGED YOU SEEMS I OVERESTIMATED YOU." he said as he got closer to Dynamo he began to think -His magic should of been a nice contrast to mine, guess I was wrong. Sorta disappointed.- Finally getting up to Dynamo he began to grin "Dynamo maybe you should of been...PART OF THE CROWD INSTEAD OF A FIGHTER." he said...he wanted to get Dynamo the kick in the rear with words to make him realize this wasnt a game. He spun some to aim a hard kick towards Dynamo's side. If he connected the kick, it had enough power to send Dynamo into the stands. Only if it connected

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  16. @Dynamo Pad

    After the first kick made him stumble, Canteen watched Dynamo do a cartwheel leading to a combo of more kicks to his sternum. With each kick Canteen took caused him to go back before finally being sent out of the ring. Landing on his back outside the ring he slid to a stop in front of Copper. Looking up at Copper he just smirked some "Hey Copper, want to hit the buffet later?" starting to get up he brushed himself off some "Well best get back to the ring." he ran to the ring jumping up into it again "Hey Dynamo.." he said landing on his hooves. Without missing a beat though he began to run towards Dynamo. "Hey by the way, just asked Copper to join for the buffet later." as he got close he dropped down into a slide. Aiming to slide under Dynamo's legs and if he did would kick up with legs trying to send Dynamo into the air. If he managed that he would Jump to his hooves then launched up at Dynamo like a missile "HEY Sorry but...THIS IS GOING TO HURT." he brought both of his gauntlets up and aimed to slam them into Dynamo's midsection

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  17. @Dynamo Pad

    Hearing the other didnt respond he yelled out towards Dynamo "I SAID DONT YOU HATE IT WHEN YOU CANT REMEMBER SOMETHING? I THINK THE CROWD IS DROWNING ME OUT COME BACK OVER HERE." he said as he started to trot towards the edge of the ring. Hearing something he looked at Dynamo coming fast with hooves extended out to him. "Oh Hey glad you are coming here I was bout to go out there and help you back into the ring." he stood up on his hind legs "Hey I usually do the pounce facing them...havent pounced anyone before?" he said before the hoof to his chest went back a step, "You know something like that."

  18. "Oh hey, it worked...anyways." he said keeping the tight grip with his hind legs "So I heard you like Pony Kombat, here is my Impression of Mare Blade." he said before using his upper strength, rolling forward like he was finishing a cartwheel release Dynamo to try and send Dynamo flying through the air towards the outside of the ring "Oh Hey Dynamo, Might be a bad time but, Do you and Copper want to go to the buffet again?" He said as if all went according to plan he can safely land back on his hooves As he thought more -Maybe he should bring his deck..Melio was still wanting to tag against them.- as well -Come to think of it, Wonder if they have new trays out tonight...I want tacos again.- before he started to close his eyes some saying aloud "Damn did I leave the stove on? Not back at Crimos, I dont even own one there. Inside the hotel." looking at Dynamo now with a smile "Dont you just hate it when you cant remember something?"

  19. @Dynamo Pad

    After honking Dynamo's nose he began to tilt his head as Dynamo looked a bit uneasy "Aww dont worry I am sure you will will give me a proper thrashing." as the jabs began to come in he began to dodge around them. As they kept coming Cantee finally got a jab into his face followed by another. Stumbling back starting to fall backwards. As he did he put both his front hooves down twisting his lower body around he aimed to latch his hindlegs onto an extended Hoof of Dynamo's. If he succeeded he would push off the ground to roll forward and aim to launch Dynamo across the ring with a throw

    A few things were going through his mind -If Dynamo was to use magic it would put up a challenge to him. Would need to keep him unable to cast.- as well -Wonder what I'll eat tonight? Buffet was good I can go there, invite Copper and Dynamo...maybe if Defiant is still out I can set him up on a chair and feed him. Melio will for sure come.-

  20. isnt snow dead o3o @Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad

    Looking at Dynamo he smiled at him waving "Dynamo good you made it. I was worried you might of ran off. Anyways I would of made you a set of these but, you have magic." he said pointing at the horn on Dynamo's head "So I thought to myself I need an equalizer and horns are magical so horn gauntlets." he began to chuckle before seeing Dynamo get into a fighting stance, hearing how the fight was now started. He just sat there messing with his gauntlets "Well?" he slowly stood up to his hooves he tilted his head some "Dont tell me I have to start this...Fine." he began to trot over towards Canteen without a care in the world "Here I come."

    As he got in front of Dynamo he reached out a hoof  "Yes let us have a fun fight, no holding grudges when you lose though." his hoof stopped by Dynamo's nose and gave it a honk "Ok I threw the first hit show me what you got."

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